I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Solanlian’s Sleeping Coffee

Under Solanlian's twinkling eyes, Lewis stopped drinking coffee and cast a discerning eye at the coffee.

Hot coffee (added version): Solanlian's hand-ground coffee tastes excellent, but her special potion is added to it, which may cause you to fall asleep a few hours after consumption.

Right, this is the real Solanlian.

Seeing Louis put down the coffee cup in his hand, Catherine felt nervous and quickly put it down as well.

At the same time, ripples flashed in front of Louis, and the next moment, Solanlian was tied up by the golden rope turned into Louis' spell.

Louis walked up to Solan Lian, sighed at the magic binding skills, and raised her chin with the wand: "I expected you to have this trick, Sister Li'an."

"Hmph." Solanlian put on an unyielding look, like a French guerrilla captured by the German army.

"Little Moon." Louis turned his head and waved in greeting.

Catherine understood, picked up the coffee on the table, walked over and handed it to Solanlian.

"I hope you can cooperate, Mom."

Solanlian snorted and closed her eyes without looking at the two people in front of her. She looked extremely arrogant.

Louis waved his wand and pried open Solanlian's mouth, and then Catherine poured two cups of coffee into Solanlian's mouth.

"She's very cooperative, hum." Lewis pinched her face, and then he saw her losing consciousness under the influence of coffee.

"Let her rest in the house, really." Louis shook his head and sighed, this woman is really... tsk tsk.

Because of this incident, Solanlian was angry for several days, and she did not calm down until Louis and the others set off to Sirius's home at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

It was early in the morning when we went there, and only Sirius was up, kicking the house elf with his feet.

The elf was almost naked except for a dirty rag around his waist. His skin seems to be several times more than what his body actually needs. His head is bald, but a lot of white hair has grown out of his two big bat-like ears. His eyes are bloodshot and gray, and his fleshy nose is very... Big, almost like a pig's snout.

In addition to being unsightly, this guy's mouth really needs a beating.

"The young master is a nasty, ungrateful, filthy man who broke his mother's heart -" Kreacher muttered while holding his head after being beaten, which made Sirius wish he could cast a spell to shut him up forever.

When Hermione arrived, the house elf Kreacher scolded everyone including his master Sirius. The words were rich and the tricks were so complicated that Snape might not be able to match him.

But Hermione, an elf protector, was not angry. Instead, she looked at him with pity. This lit up a hornet's nest, and Kreacher's curse words became even more difficult.

"Okay, Sirius, don't hit him, he's already pitiful enough." Hermione begged for Kreacher pitifully.

Kreacher immediately retorted: "I don't need the pity of a smelly little mudblood like you."

This sentence choked Hermione so much that Louis laughed happily.

Evil people need to be punished by evil people. This is an eternal truth.

But having said that, Kreacher's attitude towards Louis was very good. If not respectful, it could at least be said to be on tenterhooks. Louis immediately realized that it was 10,000% because his mother had done something to Kreacher back then. The education of love.

When this conjecture was confirmed from Kreacher's mouth, Louis smiled even more.

Seeing everyone coming, Sirius dropped Kreacher, glared at him fiercely, then turned around and went to Harry's room to wake him up.

Louis followed and walked into Harry's room and saw Harry lying upright on the bed.

"The sun is shining on your butt, Harry." Louis greeted with a smile.

Sirius looked at Louis, then at Harry, and said with a smile: "I have always believed that good friends should call each other nicknames, so as to appear close. For example, James liked to call me Padfoot, and I preferred to call him Padfoot. He pointed a fork..."

"Then what do you call him?" Lewis was never very good at giving people nicknames.

Sirius thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a suitable nickname for Harry.

Louis turned around and shouted: "Cathy, if you could give Harry a nickname, what do you think would suit him?"

Catherine almost didn't even think about it before she immediately answered: "Scarhead."

"Look, my wife is good at picking nicknames, isn't she?" Louis showed off to Sirius.

Sirius laughed coldly: "She is indeed quite strong. She must have inherited it from Solanlian - she gave me the nickname 'Big Black' back then. Unfortunately, I could never beat her, otherwise I would have hung her up." .”

Louis endured it again and again, and forced himself to tell Sirius that this nickname was actually his mother's impulse.

Harry was still lying on the bed, staring straight at the ceiling as if he had a nightmare. He had just woken up from a very vivid dream. It was not until Louis called him Scarhead that he came out of the nightmare. Recover.

Harry pressed his hands tightly to his face. Under his fingers, the lightning-shaped scar burned with pain, as if someone had pressed a white-hot wire against his skin.

"What's wrong with you? Harry?" Sirius' expression was concerned.

Harry did not speak, but sat up, covering the scar with one hand, and using the other hand to fumble for his glasses on the bedside table. He put on his glasses and the scene in front of him finally became clear.

"Sirius, Louis." Harry greeted. He pressed the scar, but it still hurt badly.

"Does the scar hurt?" Sirius asked with concern.

Harry nodded.

Lewis frowned and said: "It seems that your boy's Occlumency is really not practiced well...Did you dream about Voldemort?"

Sirius looked a little embarrassed when Louis said this.

In fact, this was also his fault. Harry always said he didn't want to practice, but he didn't force it.

"Yeah." Harry nodded, sitting by the window and trying his best to recall the scene in his dream. Everything was so lifelike... There were two people he knew, and one he didn't know... But he was very sure that there was definitely Voldemort among them, otherwise his head wouldn't be in pain like this.

"Just...when I was dreaming." Harry began to tell about his strange dream: "It was a dark room...There was a snake lying on the carpet in front of the fireplace, and there was a little man kneeling on the ground. He seemed to be Peter...no, he is Peter Wormtail, and there is a cold, sharp voice ordering Peter, that is Voldemort's voice."

At this point, Harry grabbed his collar and felt as if a lump of ice had slipped into his stomach on a hot day.

He closed his eyes tightly and recalled again, trying to recall what Voldemort looked like, but he couldn't.

"I only know that as soon as Voldemort's chair turned around, when I saw what it was, I felt a huge fear and woke up suddenly, as if something invisible was pressing on me, making me unable to I can't move, I can't make a sound, I can only stare at the ceiling with my eyes open..."

"Don't think about it if you can't remember it, Harry." Sirius said with concern: "Wormtail, you must be dreaming, Wormtail, that traitor is still in Azkaban."

"Don't talk too harshly, Sirius." Louis took out the latest "Daily Prophet" from his pocket - this is the morning newspaper that he grabbed after leaving Solanlian's house this morning: "Let's take a look."

Sirius took the newspaper and the first thing he saw was the huge front page.

"Peter Pettigrew Successfully Escapes from Prison"

For a moment he wanted to tear the newspaper to pieces.

"These losers!" he cursed viciously.

"That's not what you said when you escaped from prison." Louis said something sarcastic from the side.

"Look at what I'm doing, can it be called a prison break?" Sirius defended: "That's walking, it's leaving..."

"If you say it again, we'll laugh." After Louis said this, he looked at Harry and laughed together, warning the cheerful air in the bedroom.

"Okay, don't think so much. Voldemort is not a serious problem. Even if you think about it, it won't help. You can't expect the Ministry of Magic to destroy him, right?" Louis spread his hands: "Wait until the Ministry of Magic gathers the Aurors, They’ve already run away.”

"You're right." Harry nodded and walked out of the bedroom.

After staying in the bedroom for a while, Kreacher had already prepared today's breakfast. Of course, Hermione was not a part of it. With Louis' persuasion, Kreacher reluctantly prepared a breakfast for Hermione.

Louis exchanged his own breakfast with Hermione's, and watched as Kreacher quickly took away the plate in front of Louis, and gave him another one a moment later.

"You've lost all my heart." Solanlian commented.

"It should be said that I know Kreacher very well." Louis shook his head at Kreacher and received a forced smile from Kreacher.

Kreacher's craftsmanship is not bad, slightly inferior to the house elves at Hogwarts, but this advantage is only a little bit. As Hermione ate, she felt so moved that, at least in her opinion, her relationship with Kreacher had broken through.

"Dirty little Mudblood, stay away from me." Kreacher's Snape behavior continued.

Harry couldn't see it and said: "Kreacher, don't talk about my friend like that."

But Hermione did not appreciate it, but said without raising her head: "Harry, this is his freedom, my God... This is the beginning of the house elves' resistance to wizard rule. We should support..."

Catherine slapped her knife and fork on the table, walked over to Hermione, and carried her out.

This kind of character is really not very likable - she is not even a Virgin, she is forcing everyone to accept her point of view, and she has some hints of an extreme animal rights organization.

Catherine was also very simple. She threw a lot of works by her mentors at her and said viciously: "Read them all. I will check them randomly after a month. If you don't understand these works, I think you don't want to try to reverse gold." What a bell it feels like!”

The translation is Bai Zuo Shui Wei Er, read what you should read.

As lunch approached, the Weasley family arrived belatedly. Seeing Hermione sitting at the desk studying a magnificent masterpiece, Ron "ps" at Harry and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Are you sick again?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. She was trying to sell her house-elf protection theory to us, but Miss Worley ordered her to read what she should have read..." Harry said in a low voice, "Don't go to Miss Worley. Please beg for mercy, otherwise I won’t be able to eat as much juice as you want…”

"Do you think I look like Shabby?" Ron asked.

"I don't think you look like that." Harry smacked his lips: "I think you just..."

Ron flew up and kicked Harry on the butt, laughing and scolding: "Get out of here."

The Weasley family was still chatting eagerly with Sirius and Solanlian, and when Ye Ziyan walked in from the door, the atmosphere became even more lively.

The topic of chat was nothing but children, and regarding education, Sirius was extremely proud of Harry's achievements in school, and was especially full of praise for Harry's talent in Quidditch.

"So Sirius, when do you plan to have a child of your own?" Aunt Molly suddenly asked.

"Me? Ah, I'm not in a hurry." Sirius said with some embarrassment. He had always been surrounded by hot girls, but he had never thought about getting married and having children.

Solanlian put her little face on her face and said with a smile: "You are indeed a grown-up, Sirius. You should find a suitable girl to spend the rest of your life with."

"I'd better forget it." Sirius waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about this, why don't you tell us what we are going to do in two days..."

"It seems that you still can't forget Emma." Aunt Molly said with some regret: "Oh, you are always so infatuated, Sirius..."

As a result, Sirius looked embarrassed after hearing this. Zi Yan covered his mouth and smiled, took out his wand, and formed a scene in front of everyone.

On the screen, Sirius was chatting up a Muggle girl, and then had dinner together. After dinner, the two got into a hotel.

"Is this your infatuation?" Ye Ziyan asked jokingly.

Louis interjected: "People have to move forward. This person has passed away. All we can do is to live well with this thought, right, Sirius?"

Sirius immediately answered: "Yes, yes, that's right, Louis. That's actually what I think. After all, you have to look forward."

Ye Ziyan put away the magic spell, put the wand back in his pocket, and snorted at Louis.

He wanted to step on him, but Lewis nimbly dodged it.

"I think you have the potential to be a scumbag. I've seen through you, Louis." Ye Ziyan looked like a scheming frog touching your belly, indicating that he had seen through Luo Jinbian's fake moves just like Piqué. Louis’ inner potential.

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