I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Sirius’s Sunset Red

Dragon sausage was a good idea, but Chromie hated it.

It would be nice to give you some dragon frog meat. Do you want dragon meat? Really... I don’t agree!

"Since you can carry food for future generations, can you play with some electronic equipment? It's so boring." Louis asked tentatively.

As a result, Cromi shook his head and said: "I can only get you some things that are not very high-tech. As for electronic equipment, it consumes too much of me. A smartphone is about to drain all my strength. If you ask me to take anything else, I don’t even dare to think about it..."

"Okay." Louis spread his hands and said it didn't matter.

In addition, Cromie said that he will stay here permanently in the next few months. After watching the Quidditch World Cup, he has other things to be busy with.

After taking a nap, everyone started heading to the Quidditch World Cup match site.

According to Mr. Weasley, the original plan was to go to the top of Stoat Mountain to find the Portkey and use the Portkey's teleportation to go to the competition site. However, Louis suggested that everyone go there together in a carriage, which was spacious enough anyway, so after a vote, the decision was made to seventeen to seventeen. With the absolute advantage of one, everyone went in the carriage together.

Before leaving, Mr. Weasley used Harry's owl Hedwig to write a letter to Mr. Diggory telling them that there was no need to wait for them, and let the father and son go there by themselves through the portkey.

Needless to say, when Louis summoned the elemental carriage, it caused a crowd of exclamations.

"I'm going to bloody hell, this is so handsome." Ron murmured, staring straight at the carriage.

It's not his fault, even his brother Percy, who has always been steady, now looks like he's failing.

When they walked into the interior of the car, they were amazed by the spacious and luxurious decoration. Harry went up and touched it left and right, and it was obvious that he couldn't put it down.

"If you like it, I'll ask Chris to get you a Quel'Thalas-style bed sheet and quilt cover later." Louis said with a smile.

When Hermione heard this, she immediately turned her eyes to Lewis.

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share." Lewis waved his hand: "Anyway, there are plenty of such things, and I don't care."

"That's it." Hermione nodded heavily, obviously liking this style of decoration.

The time on the carriage was very fast, and the cold wind from high places could not be felt in the carriage. Everyone gathered in groups of two or three, some were playing poker, and some were playing wizard legends. Sirius sat on Louis' Drink boring tea across the street.

I guess I'm thinking of another girl.

"What are you thinking about?" Louis kicked his legs and asked curiously.

Sirius put down the tea cup and sighed: "I made a pen pal a while ago, but he doesn't reply to my letters recently. I'm a little irritable."

"What pen pal?" Louis asked curiously: "Male or female? Tall or short, fat or thin?"

"Female." Sirius looked at Solanlian and Ye Ziyan who was whispering with her. Seeing that the two did not notice him, he whispered: "I was matched when I was playing Wizard Legend a few days ago. We chatted for a long time after the match. I only know that she is Italian and she is watching the Quidditch World Cup in the UK now..."

"Italian?" Louis became interested, "Did she say what her name was?"

"It seems to be called Claudia." Sirius thought about it for a moment: "Ah, I remembered it. She said her daughter was studying at Hogwarts."

Louis almost sprayed the juice in his mouth on his face. After swallowing it, Louis asked: "Her daughter goes to Hogwarts? How old is she this year?"

"One year older than me." Sirius chuckled, "I don't think he can fall in love so quickly..."

"Love is like a piece of poop." Louis said pertinently: "You don't know when it will come, and you don't know when it will be gone..."

"I don't want to know how he got it, I just want to know how he didn't get it..." Sirius looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Not yet, don't be nervous." Louis comforted him and said, "I really only know one female classmate from Italy. She seems to be about the right age. I'll ask Catherine to ask."

"Really?" Sirius' eyes ignited with hope.

"Of course." Louis nodded and said, "But the question is, does she have a husband? Just like this... well, don't fight with her husband anymore..."

"It's okay, I asked." Sirius coughed: "She doesn't have a husband, she has been divorced for several years..."

Mr. Weasley suddenly interrupted: "It seems it's coming, please prepare!"

Louis looked out the window and saw that the carriage was flying at low altitude through an uninhabited swamp - there was a thick fog above, and nothing could be seen clearly. After flying for a little more than a minute, the carriage stopped.

After getting off the car, there was a gate in front of him. After everyone got off the car, Louis put away the carriage. When you walk into this door, you will see a small stone house. Behind the stone house are hundreds of strange tents. They followed the gentle slope of a large field that stretched to a dark forest on the horizon. Under the leadership of Mr. Weasley, everyone walked towards the door of the stone house.

There was a man standing at the door, looking at the tents. Louis could tell at a glance that he was the only Muggle in such a large area. The man heard the footsteps and turned to look at them.

"Good afternoon!" said Mr. Weasley cheerfully.

"Good afternoon!" said the Muggle.

"Are you Mr. Roberts?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Ah, exactly." Mr. Roberts said. "Who are you?"

"Weasley - two tents, as well as the tent reserved by Black and the two tents reserved by Warley, which were reserved two days ago and one day ago respectively, are there any?"

"Yes." Mr. Roberts said, looking at the form posted on the door: "You have a place by the woods there. How long will you live there?"

"Four nights," said Mr. Weasley.

"Well, can you pay it now?" Mr. Roberts said.

"Ah, okay, no problem." Mr. Weasley said, "Please wait a moment, I'll go out and get the money."

He exited the tent and looked behind him: "Louis, Louis?"

"Hey, here it is." Louis squeezed over. There were too many people in the Weasley family, so he had to squeeze in to get over.

"Help me take a look, and Harry." Mr. Weasley took out a roll of Muggle money from his pocket: "This one - um, this one is ten dollars?" He struggled one by one. Separate and try to read the denomination on the note.

"By the way, okay, I can see the numbers on it clearly, damn..." It's not that Mr. Weasley can't see the numbers clearly, but he doesn't know where the numbers are printed on the banknotes.

In fact, he was looking at the back... If he were looking at the front, he would not have this weird question.

"You're looking at it wrong, Uncle Arthur." Louis reminded: "If you look at the other side, there will be a very conspicuous number in the upper right corner of my aunt's head."

In the 1991 version of the pound, Aunt Louise's head or bust was always shown on the front.

"Oh, it was my mistake... Well, this five-dollar note, eh, who is the man on the back?" Mr. Weasley discovered the new point like a curious baby discovering a new world: "He looks pretty handsome. Yes, is he a relative of yours?"

"No, this is the Duke of Wellington." Louis explained patiently: "He decisively defeated the French Emperor Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo more than a hundred years ago. Well, on the left is a scene drawing of the Battle of the Iberian Peninsula. .”

"The history of Muggles is really interesting, isn't it?" Mr. Weasley suddenly became a little excited: "If you have a chance, you should tell me about the history of Muggles. It's really interesting. There are so many banknotes in these banknotes." Knowledge, aha..."

"Who's on the back of this ten pound coin?" he asked again.

"It's Ms. Florence Nightingale, Uncle Arthur." Louis pointed to the banknotes and explained: "Ms. Nightingale was a great person. She created modern nursing and was also the founder of nurse education. One of the most talented people in the world, the academic foundation she laid has saved countless lives..."

"Oh, it turns out that Muggles also have such a glorious history and such outstanding talents..." Mr. Weasley shook his head, probably sighing, as if he was sighing that the wizarding world did not fully understand the Muggle world?

When Mr. Weasley returned with a few correct bills, Mr. Roberts approached him and asked curiously: "Are you a foreigner?"

"Foreigner?" Mr. Weasley repeated in confusion.

"You're not the only one who can't figure out the money," said Mr. Roberts, looking carefully at Mr. Weasley. "Just ten minutes ago, two people wanted to pay me gold coins the size of bottle caps. .”

"Really?" Mr. Weasley said, looking a little uneasy.

Mr. Roberts fumbled for change in a tin can.

“There have never been so many people,” he said suddenly, looking out over the mist-shrouded campsite again. “Hundreds of people have reserved tents, and people keep coming.

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Weasley asked, reaching for the change, but Mr. Roberts didn't give it to him.

"Yeah," said Mr. Roberts thoughtfully, "there's people from everywhere. Countless foreigners. Not just foreigners, but a lot of weirdos, you know? One guy even wore Walking around in a pleated skirt and a South American cape..."

"Can't you?" Mr. Weasley asked eagerly.

"It was like... I don't know... it was like a trick," Mr. Roberts said. "They seemed to know each other. It was like a big party."

At this moment, a wizard in bloomers suddenly fell from the sky and landed at the door of Mr. Roberts' stone house. "Forgotten!" he snapped, pointing his wand at Mr. Roberts.

Immediately, Mr. Roberts' eyes became distracted, his brows relaxed, and his face showed a dazed and indifferent expression. Louis could see outside the house that this was exactly what happened when a person's memory was altered.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable. Wizards treated Muggles like small animals - but it was only uncomfortable. After all, he was also a wizard now, and no one would treat him like this for the time being, except Voldemort.

"I'll give you a plan of the camp," Mr. Roberts said calmly to Mr. Weasley, "and some change for you."

"Thank you very much," said Mr. Weasley.

The wizard in bloomers accompanied them towards the gate of the camp. He looked very tired, his chin was unshaven and livid, and there were purple shadows under his eyes, as if he hadn't had a good rest for several days.

When Mr. Roberts couldn't hear them, the wizard complained quietly to Mr. Weasley for a long time about how Ludo Bagman was doing nothing.

"Oh my God, Ludo Bagman is just doing a disservice, walking around talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his lungs and not caring about Muggles hearing about the wizarding world, damn it... God, I wish this was over soon, see you later, Arthur."

After saying that, he disappeared.

"Does that mean Mr. Bagman doesn't seem to care much?" Louis asked curiously: "Logically speaking, professional Quidditch terms like Quaffle and Bludger are forbidden to be discussed in front of Muggles. Yes, why would he, as the director of the Department of Magical Sports, blatantly violate such a ban?"

"He has always been like this when he is full." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, leading everyone through the gate and into the camp: "Ludo has always been more of a horseman, but you can't find anyone else." A more passionate person has come to lead the Sports Department. After all, Louis, you know that sports is a passionate sport, and you can't expect a bunch of old men to sit there like zombies and lead the development of sports. , in which case we might as well dig out a few mummies from the Egyptian pyramids and sit on them."

"What you said makes sense, but if it were me, I would arrange for a deputy of the same level to Mr. Bagman to wipe his ass." Louis spread his hands: "Try to ensure that he is stopped before the incident happens, or immediately Put out the problems he caused and don't wait until the situation escalates, otherwise it will be too late one day."

"You're right, you're right Louis." Mr. Weasley nodded and agreed with Louis' point of view: "But you also know who is in power in the Ministry of Magic now." At this point, he lowered his head, He said in Louis' ear: "The current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, cares more about the position under his own ass than doing anything practical. As soon as there is a rumor that something is wrong, he will run away..."

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