I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Dumbledore’s Commission

But...it was the Level 8 Shen Feng Wuying, which was unexpected by Lewis.

He only knew that he was very talented in black magic, but he didn't expect that he was so ridiculously strong, and he couldn't help but have a cruel idea in his heart.

Do you want to... learn the Unforgivable Curse?

This idea was quickly dismissed.

As soon as the two people who finished practicing the spells stepped out of the door of the Room of Requirement, they saw Dumbledore standing at the door with his sleeves rolled up, as if waiting for them.

"Professor." The two people greeted each other in unison.

"It's great to be young." Dumbledore sighed with a leisurely look: "But it seems a little too early to be involved in love at your age."

Catherine's face suddenly turned red and her eyes wandered to one side. Lewis didn't think it was anything. He asked directly: "So... Professor, you are still not sleeping at this time. If you are not awakened by suffocation, then... you must be suffocated."

Good guy, what about this?

Dumbledore choked, coughed twice, and then said, "There are not many hard-working young people like you two. It would be great if all my classmates were like you two."

"Looking at you, you probably didn't just come here to express your feelings for the two of us. You must have something going on." Louis tried to cut Lao Deng in the middle.

Dumbledore reached into Louis' pocket and took out a piece of Lemon Olaf, slowly peeled off the sugar coating and put the candy into his mouth. Feeling the sweet lemon aroma, he couldn't help but squint his eyes. After a while, he slowly said: "There is something that I need you to help me, an incompetent principal, like me, Louis."


"That's right. I've always wanted to make students enthusiastic about their studies, but the effect is not very obvious. So I would like to ask you, who studied in the Muggle world, if you have any good ideas?" Dumbledore blinked: "I understand the importance of a proper balance of work and rest when studying, but our classmates seem to be too relaxed."

"You told me earlier, I thought it was something." Lewis smiled: "I have many ways here."

I have done a lot of rolls in my last life, so it is obvious that I have become a good doctor after a long time.

"Then it's settled." Dumbledore had a playful smile on his face again.

"I hope you won't regret it." Louis said quietly.

Dumbledore raised his head to think about it, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps: "Well, it seems that Mr. Filch is here. I think you two may have a little trouble. Good night~"

After saying that, Dumbledore ran away in a very unloyal manner.

Lewis patted the still blushing senior on the shoulder and reminded: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, Filch is coming up..."

Louis decided to give the unloyal old Deng a big shot.

Harry was indeed very honest and obedient. He remembered Louis' instructions and had been preparing for the Potions class last night. During breakfast, Louis also randomly checked his homework preview status, and the results were really good.

Draco didn't know what happened today, his little face was twisted, and he didn't know who he was awkward with.

After dinner, it was time for Potions class, which was a full hour long class. Everyone sat in the gloomy classroom for a long time before Snape arrived late.

He walked with wind, and his black cloak was lifted up by his walking movements, like a black bat staggering on the ground. Standing next to the podium, he glanced around the classroom twice, picked up the roster, and started calling the names.

When Harry was called, he stopped.

He whispered in a slow tone: "Oh, yes - Harry Potter, this is our new... famous character."

Harry looked at Snape calmly, thinking about what Louis had told him.

"Professor Snape hates people looking around. You'd better open your eyes wide and look at him seriously."

His eyes were as dark and cold and empty as his hair, Harry thought.

"This course does not require you to wave your magic wand foolishly. You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion preparation." His voice was not loud, as if he pronounced it with a nasal tone, and he spoke at a fast pace. Still slowly: "I don't expect you to really understand the beauty of the slowly simmering cauldron with white smoke and bursts of fragrance. You don't really understand the excitement of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels. , that kind of magical power that blurs the will...I can teach you how to improve your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death-"

At this point, his tone changed: "But there must be one thing, that is, you are not the kind of idiots I often encounter."

After finishing the classic opening remarks, the whole class fell into silence. Louis glanced at Harry to the left. Seeing that Harry was secretly looking at him, he gave him a cheering look without any trace.

"Potter!" Snape suddenly called his name, and Louis looked at him, which frightened Harry: "What will I get if I add narcissus root powder to wormwood infusion?"

"A powerful sleeping pill, Professor, a dose of the Water of Life and Death."

Snape twisted his lips and walked to Harry's side, staring into his eyes without blinking. A smile appeared on his face, but he quickly took it back - because he saw Harry's face. , his expression immediately turned into disgust.

You have such a good pair of eyes, why do you have a face?

Harry didn't see Snape's microexpression, he just stared into his dark and deep eyes.

"So, Potter...if I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you look for it?"

"In the stomach of a cow, Professor." Harry answered quickly. These were all the key points that Louis drew for him. It was a piece of cake.

Secretly grateful to Louis, he thought about how to treat his good friend to eat two chocolate frogs or something.

"Well, well... Potter, tell me what is the difference between Aconitum scapularis and Aconitum wolfsbane?"

Snape raised his eyebrows lightly, but no one could read anything from his expressionless face.

"Aconitum lupus and Aconitum navicularis are the same plant, also collectively known as Aconitum, professor."

Harry's self-confidence has also improved. Louis tested him on these questions today. He had a relaxed and confident smile on his face, and his emerald green eyes blinked at Snape.

Snape was stunned. He remembered the same pair of eyes. The owner of those eyes was also so relaxed and confident in Potions class, and always looked at him with a smile.

That was his lost youth.

"It seems... sometimes fame is not without reason." Snape gave an ugly smile: "Five points for Gryffindor."

At this moment, the little lions of Gryffindor cheered as if their nest was exploding, and Harry's smile when he looked at Snape also became sincere. On the other hand, the Slytherins all looked in disbelief. Draco even whispered to Louis about whether Professor Snape today was someone else pretending to be him.

"Quiet!" Snape said expressionlessly, "For disturbing the order of the class, five points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"

Harry's smile was instantly choked back.

"It seems not." Draco's eyebrows rose again, he was happy to see Gryffindor's misfortune.

After all, the Snake Court and the Lion Court are naturally incompatible, and Louis is an alternative among the alternative.

After interrogating Potter, Snape told him twice how to brew scabies potion, then divided the students into pairs and let them do the experiment. Unfortunately, Harry's team is next to Neville and Seamus - these two people are inseparable, one is a ruthless person who can make the cauldron leak, and the other is a demolition genius.

But Harry didn't know, he just smiled heartlessly. In fact, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't dislike them based on his kind personality.

Louis and Crabbe were assigned together. Seeing that he was too clumsy to make a potion, Louis decided to let him do some menial work, such as grinding fang powder.

Snape dragged his long robes around, spitting venom. With the Half-Blood Prince's notes in hand, Louis was not afraid at all, and prepared a perfect pot of scabies potion with ease.

Looking at the blue potion in Louis' pot, Snape nodded with satisfaction: "Very good potion, Slytherin - five points added."

Before he finished speaking, Potter shouted loudly: "Neville! No! Don't add porcupine quills!"

The entire classroom looked at Harry, who quickly snatched the porcupine quill from Neville's hand with a look of relief on his face: "Neville, be sure to remove the pot from the fire before adding the porcupine quill." Move away, otherwise, the potion will corrode the pot!"

Louis had already carefully previewed the process of making scabies potion with him during dinner this morning.

"Potter is right." Snape's sinister voice sounded behind Neville: "Classmate Longbottom, it seems that you should put a little more stuff into your brain that is comparable to a troll, even a little bit. …”

"As for you, Miss... (English custom is Miss comes first, surname or given name comes last)...Mr. Potter." Snape looked at Harry, a trace of longing flashed in his eyes: "Be able to remind classmates in time, Averted the possibility of him ending up in the hospital wing - three extra points for Gryffindor."

Harry's mother's surname was Evans before she married James.

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