I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 224 Old Naughty Bagman

"Why can't you see anything?" Hermione put down the telescope from her eyes and turned to look at Louis in confusion, "What's going on?"

At this time, the twins also came over, and also tacitly applied the leg-locking spell and the tongue-locking spell on Ron. George put his arm on Fred's shoulders and showed a wicked smile: "What's going on? Woolen cloth?"

Fred had the same smile on his face: "Yeah, how could it be?"

Knowing the bad character of these twins, Hermione didn't think much about it. She just glanced at them and put the telescope in front of her eyes.

After all, this telescope was brought over by Lewis, so it shouldn’t have much to do with the twins.

Ron and Harry on the side stretched out their hands and slapped them on their faces.

Seeing that she still couldn't see anything, Hermione twisted the telescope with her hand.

Too late, but not too long ago, the telescope in her hand suddenly emitted thick black smoke, and at the same time, Hermione's screams also rang out.

Not far behind, Emma heard Hermione's scream. After seeing the black smoke over there, she stretched out her hand and cast a wind spell to disperse the black smoke that enveloped Hermione.

Hermione emerged from the black smoke, coughing, still holding the telescope in her hand, her eyes turned black and blue.

"I squeezed and it - it gave me a squeeze!" she gasped. Sure enough, they saw two long springs sticking out of the top of the telescope, with a small fist on each.

"Louis! Louis! Si!" Hermione yelled, and Louis quickly ran to Harry's side.

It was so cruel. This roar was like the roar of a lioness on the African savanna. It would be a waste not to go to the charterer to practice the lion's roar.

By the way, he raised his hand to dispel the spell on Harry and Ron.

"Actually, you don't need to silence me, Louis." Harry covered his mouth and whispered: "Since you have found out, someone has to get punched, why can't it be Hermione? I am explain."

After saying that, Harry chuckled.

"Hermione has really done a lot of good things in her past life to have a good sister like you." Louis patted Harry on the shoulder and said something ironic.

Harry didn't answer, turned around and ran away, but before he could get a few steps away, he was bound by Hermione's spell and fell to the ground. Louis immediately hid behind Catherine, stuck his head out and shouted loudly: "Hermione! You have to believe me, this matter has nothing to do with me. The main thing is that Harry came to me with a telescope. I really don't know this." There’s a fist in the telescope!”

"But you know there's a trap in this telescope! Louis! It's a shame that I trust you so much!" Hermione had a pair of panda eyes, bulging like a pufferfish, and looked extremely cute.

Lewis couldn't hold it back and laughed: "You are right, but Miss Panda, I still suggest you go to Aunt Moli and get some ointment. Oh my god... hahahahaha..."

Hermione didn't understand what Louis said. Seeing her confusion, Catherine couldn't help laughing and took out a mirror from her pocket and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione opened the mirror, but she never expected that a faint black mist would pop out of the mirror and adhere to her face, making her face completely black.

"Hahahaha..." Catherine hugged Louis and kept laughing. Watching Hermione open her mouth and reveal her teeth, which looked extremely white against the dark face, they both laughed even more happily.

"You...you..." Hermione threw away the mirror. After the black fog dissipated, she saw herself in the mirror. She pointed at the gloating man and woman with trembling hands, and cried out in anger. , squatting on the ground is as aggrieved as it is.

At this time, other people also gathered around, wanting to see what happened.

Hermione raised her head twitchingly, revealing a dark face comparable to Zhang Fei's.

It was good this time. Except for Aunt Moli, no one else could hold back. Even Aunt Moli herself made a "special" noise, but she quickly held it back, went back to the car, took out the magic potion, and gave it to He Min drank it down and then used another shot on her face to clean it up.

"It's much better now. My little Hermione is the prettiest, regardless of these bad guys." Aunt Molly patted Hermione and comforted her, while glaring at Louis and Catherine fiercely.

The picnic went very successfully, and even Hermione quickly put the prank behind her and started playing wildly with Ginny, chasing and playing around on the grass like wild dogs that had escaped the reins. It doesn't look like it has just been broken.

Louis felt okay about this meal. Needless to say, Aunt Molly's sandwich was indeed delicious. It was not like the bad thing he ate in the car in the first grade and was sat on by Ron. Like Evil Image's sandwich, it was actually a lot better than that time.

After all, it's not...well...

When we returned to the camp, we happened to see a man circling in front of their house. Mr. Weasley was very happy. He immediately got out of the car, waved and shouted: "Hey, Ludo, I'm here..."

Following the direction where Mr. Weasley greeted, everyone saw a very eye-catching man. Even Snape, who was wearing black robes and in bat form, could not compare to him.

Ludo Bagman wore a long Quidditch robe with wide yellow and black stripes and a huge wasp printed boldly on the chest - this dress was actually worn by Dumbledore More appropriate, after all, Professor Dumbledore's nickname came from Old Bee.

It seems that his body has gained some weight. It is said that he used to be physically strong, but now he is obviously starting to decline in middle age. A long robe stretched tightly over his big belly. Everyone was sure that Mr. Bagman's belly must not have been so fat when he represented Britain in the Quidditch competition.

Good guy, it looks like she has been pregnant for several months, and her belly is obviously filled with oil and water.

Bagman has a flat nose, but his round blue eyes, short blond hair, and rosy complexion make him look like an oversized boy.

"Hey!" Mr. Bagman shouted happily. He was bouncing as he walked, as if there were springs under his feet. It was obvious that he was in a state of extreme excitement. Judging from his movements, this was indeed the case.

Maybe people get younger as they live longer. Dumbledore usually has a lot of childishness. Ludo Bagman actually has some signs of this. It seems that when he gets old, he will definitely be a very cute old naughty boy.

"Arthur, old man, oh, my dear old man, it's been a long time no see." He came to the fire and panted, "What a wonderful weather, isn't it? The weather is wonderful! Such weather, Where to find it! There must be no clouds at night... The whole preparation is in perfect order... I have nothing to do!"

Mr. Bagman is truly a man who works in the Ministry of Magic. His way of greeting people is to make a fuss about the weather. It is a pity not to stay in London.

Behind him, a group of haggard-looking Ministry of Magic officials hurried past. There were signs in the distance that someone was playing with magic fire. Purple sparks shot up more than twenty feet high. This was very unscientific. The Ministry of Magic officials They were obviously tired of this. They had to serve this group of master wizards and be careful not to be discovered by Muggles. This kind of work was not paid extra, which was the most worrying thing.

Percy stepped forward hastily and held out his hand. Obviously, although he was dissatisfied with the way Ludo Bagman ran his department, it did not stop him from wanting to make a good impression on others.

"Ah, that's right," Mr. Weasley said with a smile. Even though he was not satisfied with Percy's little bureaucracy, he still patted his son Percy on the shoulder and introduced to Mr. Bagman: "This is me. Son Percy. Just started working at the Ministry of Magic... This is Fred - no, look at my memory, this is George, I'm sorry, that's Fred, this is Bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughter Ginny , these are Ron's friends Harry and Hermione."

With that, he began to introduce Louis to Ludo Bagman again: "This is Sirius Black. You should have seen his wanted poster, but the Sirius on the wanted poster is not as handsome as he is now."

Sirius smiled and greeted Mr. Bagman. Mr. Bagman subconsciously put his hand in his arms, as if to take out his wand, but soon realized that Sirius was no longer a wanted criminal, so he smiled awkwardly. , reached out and held Sirius's hand.

"This is Harry's classmate, Louis, and his girlfriend Catherine." Mr. Weasley pointed to Krisstrasa again: "This is his maid Krisstrasa, and that is his other one." Girlfriend Liv, and his mother Emma, ​​and Catherine’s mother Solanlian.”

Mr. Weasley really won't stop until he introduces this group of people.

When he heard that Louis had two girlfriends who knew each other's identities and appeared here at the same time, Mr. Bagman leaned back in awe.

This child... This child really has an unlimited future... Mr. Bagman's respect arose spontaneously. He really admired Louis from the bottom of his heart.

"You can achieve great things." Mr. Bagman held Louis' hand and said very firmly.

"You don't need to tell me, I'm sure of it." Louis said with the same certainty. He still had this confidence.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," Mr. Weasley continued, "This is Ludo Bagman. You know who he is. We owe it to him to get such a good ticket." "

Bagman smiled broadly and waved his hand, as if to say it was nothing.

"Want to place a bet on the game, Arthur?" he asked eagerly, jingling the pockets of his yellow and black robes. It seemed that there were a lot of gold coins in them. "I have persuaded Roddy Pontene and I bet he said Bulgaria would score the first goal - I gave him huge odds considering Ireland's number 3 striker is the best I've seen in years - little Agatha Timms put half her shares in Eel Farm on a bet that the race would last a week."

"Oh...Okay, okay then." Mr. Weasley said, "Let me think about it...I'll bet Ireland to win for a Galleons, okay?"

"A galleung?" Mr. Bagman's face suddenly fell. He seemed to have not expected that his old friend would be so stingy. He seemed a little disappointed, but he quickly regained his interest, "Very good. Great. Anyone else want to bet?

"They're too young to gamble," said Mr. Weasley. "Molly wouldn't want to..."

Before they finished speaking, they saw Fred and George quickly taking out a lot of coins from their pockets.

"We're going for one hundred and thirty-seven galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Nats," said Fred, and he and George quickly took out all the money they had left, "and bet on Ireland--" But Viktor Krum will catch the Snitch."

"Hey, you two good boys have quite a lot of private money hidden away." Mr. Bagman was surprised by the twins' lavish spending - he somewhat doubted whether the two children in front of him were Mr. Weasley's biological children. Why is the father so stingy, but the child is so generous?

George said showily: "You may not know, Mr. Bagman." As he said, he took out a fake wand from his pocket: "We have been selling this kind of magic wand in school. , very popular among classmates.”

He was right. They had never exchanged the credits given to them by Louis for gold coins. Instead, they used some magic tricks they made to sell them among their classmates. Obviously, they did not exchange them for gold coins. Long, but other students have changed, and they have accumulated a lot of wealth through doing business.

According to irresponsible speculation by people familiar with the matter, the Weasley twins earned at least more than three thousand galleons from their classmates.

Percy couldn't stand it any longer. He lowered his voice and said in a slightly reprimanding tone: "Do you want to show Mr. Bagman your unworthy crap?"

But Mr. Bagman didn't seem to think that the fake wand was a crappy thing. He took the wand from Fred's hand, and the wand squawked and turned into a yellow rubber duck - the European one. A little yellow duck that is often placed in the bathtub when taking a bath.

Mr. Bagman laughed out loud, his childlike face full of childish excitement.

"That's great. I haven't seen something so realistic and interesting in many years. I decided to pay five gold galleons to buy it!" Mr. Bagman suggested with a smile.

"Just one gold galleon, Mr. Bagman." Fred said to Mr. Bagman based on the principle of honesty and trustworthiness: "This is the price we sell to our classmates."

But Mr. Bagman didn't want to take advantage of the two children. He took out five gold galleons from his pocket and put it in Fred's hand: "No, I think it is worth the price, children, I hope You can open a magic trick shop that's even better than Zuko's Joke Shop."

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