I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 229 Elizabeth’s Ambition

In fact, to a certain extent, the mascot of Bulgaria is somewhat suspected of being a sidekick. Louis despises this kind of Israeli behavior.

Right, even if you do this kind of thing alone, right? It has to be done in public, which is indecent. Look at the man named Potter, his legs are straddling the railing; and his good brother Ron , posing on the edge of the railing in the classic pose of a Filipino diver. Birds of a feather flock together.

In two years, they should be invited to play Titanic and say those classic words on the deck.

"You jump, I jump!"

However, it needs to be clarified that the phrase Czechoslovakia did not appear in the original movie, it was just a spoof.

Besides, there is no longer Czechoslovakia in this era, it has been split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

These two children were the only ones in the box who looked obsessed. Draco sat aside and watched quietly, but the direction he was looking at was not in the stadium, but at Harry who was standing on the railing.

What should I do if I want to laugh at this scarred head? Waiting online.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Hermione shouted loudly. She felt that if she didn't warn him loudly, he and Ron would be embarrassed by jumping.

The music also stopped abruptly. Harry blinked blankly and realized that he was in a very embarrassing posture. Looking to the side, Ron's posture was even more embarrassing.

As the music stopped, the stadium was instantly filled with angry roars, and people were unwilling to let the Veela leave - it seemed that everyone was an orthodox old pervert.

In fact, Harry had the same idea as them. He regretted it very much now. Why did he wear the shamrock coat of arms that represented Ireland? Even if it is for Miss Veela, we must support Bulgaria.

Ireland (crossed out) is a favorite of Bulgaria!

Ron actually did so, tearing the clover off his hat with a dull look in his eyes. Mr. Weasley leaned forward with a smile and took the hat from Ron's hand.

"You'll need him later when the Irish team's performance is over," Mr. Weasley said meaningfully.

Ron snorted and was still staring at the Veela who were exiting the field. At this time, they were already lined up on one side of the field.

He couldn't help but make a comparison in his mind. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that Hermione was like an underdeveloped bean sprout, with a flat surface, which was even more open than the grass of this stadium...

Hermione looked at her useless boyfriend, and walked over with Ginny full of anger. The two of them dragged their boyfriends back in neat movements. The two of them did not dare to refute, and the other was afraid of Hermione's disgrace. Fist, the other was afraid that Ginny would be shattered to pieces.

Louis made a loud smacking sound. He looked at the two bronchitis with schadenfreude and laughed unscrupulously.

"Now." Ludo Bagman's bell-like effect has not ended yet, and it still explodes like rolling thunder in the stadium: "Please raise your wand into the air to welcome the mascot of the Irish national team!"

Then, with a whooshing sound, a huge green and gold thing flew into the stadium, blocking the boos that the people were about to make in protest. It was dragging a long tail like a big comet. After flying around the stadium, it suddenly split open like Czechoslovakia and split into two smaller comets, which rushed towards the goal posts on one side.

Suddenly a rainbow bridge appeared across the entire stadium, connecting the two big shining balls. The crowd burst into a burst of exclamation. Louis felt that the Bulgarian mascot in front of him was like watching a fireworks display from later generations.

At this time, the rainbow gradually disappeared, and the big shining balls connected and blended with each other to form a huge and shining clover, which rose into the sky and began to hover above the stands.

Something crackled down from the clover, like golden raindrops.

Absolutely, he was a money-spreading boy. Gold coins kept falling from the huge clover. Louis' eyesight was very good. He saw clearly that the clover was actually made up of countless little people wearing red vests and beards. Each one The little figures all carry a small golden or green lamp.

"It's an Irish leprechaun!" As soon as Mr. Weasley finished speaking, he was hit in the head by a gold coin.

While cheering, people scrambled to their seats to grab gold coins. This was an opportunity to get back their ticket money, and no one wanted to miss it.

What? You mean Veela? Will the Veela give us gold galleons?

The giant clover gradually disappeared, and the leprechauns slowly fell to the opposite side of the Veelas in the arena, sitting down with their legs crossed, preparing to watch the game.

Ludo Bagman was loudly introducing the players of both sides at this time. Every time he read a name, a player flew into the stadium from the entrance and circled around the field. Fans of his national team also Cheering wildly.

"It's a Firebolt! Oh my God! They are all riding Firebolts!" Harry shouted in surprise. In fact, he also received a Firebolt from Sirius at Christmas, but this did not prevent him from saying surprise.

After all, the national team is the national team, and it has a lot of money, he sighed again and again.

Mr. Bagman shouted again: "Now, I will introduce to you today's referee, the well-supported President of the International Quidditch Federation, Hassan Mustafa, who flew all the way from Egypt. !”

Louis looked down. It was a thin and capable wizard, wearing a pure gold robe that conformed to the stereotype of the Middle East. Especially the Mediterranean Sea above my head, which shines brightly under the light, making it difficult not to be noticed.

Just like Mrs. Hooch, he holds a wooden box under one arm, which contains the quaffle and other equipment used in this competition. He has a silver whistle hanging around his neck. He definitely looks like a professional. people.

He placed the wooden box on the ground, opened it with one kick, and four balls suddenly jumped into the air: the bright red Quaffle, the two black Bludgers, and the very small Golden Snitch.

Following Mustafa's whistle, players from both sides immediately activated their brooms and began to accelerate.

"Let's go! They're going!" Elizabeth screamed beside Louis, which made Louis' ears itch.

This little girl was a little unexpectedly excited, not at all like her usual... No, she was usually the kind of epileptic beauty.

Still as a virgin, as active as an epileptic, this is the lovely little Miss Elizabeth Gloucester.

Bagman’s commentary voice was very loud, but in Louis’ opinion, the level was not even one ten thousandth of that of Ron and Lee Jordan – perhaps, if this game was left to them to commentate, it might not be as good at all. In the same way, maybe Lewis will be more interested in this game.

He touched Krisstrasa's belly with his toes, gesturing for her to tap her legs.

Christasa obediently made fists with both hands, lightly punched Louis' legs, and began to beat his legs.

The players below are flying very fast. Louis does not need to use that kind of holographic telescope. In fact, he has the wind spirit moon shadow... No, it is a system-specific contact lens, which is more convenient to use. Each member of their family has one, except Emma.

It's not that Louis doesn't give it to her, it's just that she doesn't like watching Quidditch. In comparison, she would rather play tricks with Snape and Sirius.

And Snape and Sirius... In fact, Sirius likes to watch Quidditch, but in this case, he is more willing to do tricks; not to mention Snape, he is disgusted with Quidditch. To the extreme, he would have preferred to stay at home (hanging from the ceiling) and sleep if Louis hadn't written to him.

"Hey, Eiffel Tower!" Emma flipped the flower rope with her little hands to look like an iron tower.

"Awesome!" Sirius applauded desperately. Snape didn't want to agree with him at first, but then he thought that this was his senior sister who loved and cared for him, so he stretched out his hand and started to applaud reluctantly.

Just when Emma turned over the Eiffel Tower, the first goal was scored on the field.

Ireland launched a general attack on Bulgaria with an eagle-headed offensive formation, flexibly dodging the Bludgers from the Bulgarian batters and throwing the Quaffle into the Bulgarian team's gate.

"Harry! If you don't watch at normal speed, you will miss the wonderful scene!" Hermione reminded loudly.

Elizabeth stretched out her fists and waved. There was no home team for this game, so she was happy whoever scored the goal, Ireland or Bulgaria.

Louis didn't care, but in theory, he preferred Bulgaria to win. After all, Ireland almost blew up his grandfather. Thanks to his mother's timely arrival, a historical tragedy was avoided.

Just when Louis was stunned, Ireland scored two more goals, as fast as Mbappe equalized Argentina - but it was obvious that they were in the lead.

"It's started, it's started!" Elizabeth shouted loudly: "Louis, oh my God, stop looking at your dragon maid's ball and look at the chasers on the court!"

Louis was actually in a daze, he just randomly picked a place to stare blankly. Hearing Elizabeth's shout, she turned her gaze to the field, looking for the two seekers - well, he soon saw Viktor Krum, the seeker of the Bulgarian team, and Viktor Krum, the seeker of the Irish team. Seeker Aidan Linzey, both of them descending quickly among the Chasers - so fast that they almost screamed like dive-bombing Stukas.

"Listen to me, Liz." Louis said to Elizabeth, who was staring at the two top seekers intently. "Your Firebolt should be equipped with a special air whistle, just like a Stuka, when it dives to look for Give them a little Slytherin shock during the ball..."

"Good advice, my cousin." Elizabeth commented pertinently without even looking at him: "I think you are getting more and more tortured, but this is a good suggestion. It's up to you to find this little accessory."

"No problem, my dear cousin." Louis replied with a smile.

He turned his attention back to the field. The two men were about to hit the ground, but at the last moment, Viktor Krum suddenly raised his broom head and rose again when he was close to the ground. He flew away in a blink of an eye, but the honest man Aidan Linqi, because he couldn't avoid it, threw a vicious dog on the ground with a bang and snatched the food.

There were laments from the Irish audience.

"This fool." Elizabeth complained happily: "Krum was obviously faking, how could he be deceived by him? Oh, really, how can anyone represent the national team? I want to During the World Cup, I, England, can no longer do this - I want to be the seeker of the England national team!"

"I hope you can lead the troubled England team to win the championship." Louis sighed: "This troubled country needs another star embroidered on the chest emblem."

On the field, Mr. Bagman shouted that the game was suspended, and trained doctors rushed into the field carrying bottles and cans to check Aidan Linzi's injury.

"I hope he's okay, poor fool." Elizabeth smacked her lips loudly.

"He's fine, he just used too much force." Charlie replied, comforting his good sister Ginny, "He just used too much force. The protection measures of the venue are very complete, and generally there will be no brain-breaking. In the case of a break, even Hogwarts is relatively well-protected, and it was like this during the years I went to school, if it is still well repaired now."

"A very smart choice, this Bulgarian." Elizabeth obviously didn't remember Krum's name. "Wronsky's fake move is very classic. The Bulgarian didn't see any trace of the Golden Snitch at all. He just deliberately deceived Ireland. People take the bait, and it’s obvious that the big Irish fool did.”

Elizabeth's sharp tongue is in vain if she doesn't commentate. Maybe she can be a guest commentator during the Quidditch match at Hogwarts.

Lin Qi, who was surrounded by doctors in the field, was gulping down the potion and slowly regaining his strength. Klum was hovering above him, a pair of black eyes seeming to be searching for traces of the Golden Snitch.

Soon, Linzi returned to the game, and the Irish supporters also gave him timely cheers of encouragement. After more than ten minutes of intense and exciting competition, Ireland now leads 130:10.

Okay, now that the game has reached this stage, things have changed a bit. It's a bit like Portugal vs. Netherlands in 2006. Instead of playing Quidditch, the two sides started to play martial arts.

In fact, the body is still easy to use. When the Irish team player was charging with the ball, she was intercepted by the Bulgarian goalkeeper and hit her, knocking her off the broomstick.

"Didi——" Mustafa's whistle sounded, and he stretched out his hand to signal a foul, and the Irish team took a free throw.

In fact, it is not just the players of the Bulgarian team who do not follow martial ethics. Even their mascots are not willing to be lonely and start dancing outside the court. The poor referee has been charmed by the Veela before he can designate the penalty spot. .

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