I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 238: Cutting out the Heart and Bones

Looking at the ferocious-looking fire snake, Louis knew that Catherine was probably attacked.

But it's not Catherine who needs to worry, but the cloaked monsters.

Why do we say "several" instead of just one? This has to do with the piles of ashes in front of the fire snake.

Mr. Ramsey, who was in the house, looked at the roaring fire snake in the air like a pilgrim. At this moment, he even forgot that he was still in danger.

The fire snake composed of fierce fire was so cool, and there was faint thunder swimming in it, which looked a little more solemn. Mr. Ramsay held his collar tightly and pressed it with his other hand. In the chest, breathing heavily.

Without him, this scene was too intimidating to a Muggle who had never seen magic before, and it reminded him of the scene when the Hood was hit by an ammunition depot.

Catherine is a very obedient woman. Ever since Louis told her that the green fire was not good-looking, she intentionally changed the color of the fire. The current fire is just like Grindelwald's gas stove, with blue tiles. It's blue and very cool.

And she also integrated the lightning magic she learned into the strong fire. It should be said that she is the new master of strong fire after Grindelwald.

For Louise's sake, Grindelwald taught her his famous stunt - fierce fire body protection. In short, dealing with these cloaked monsters can be regarded as anti-aircraft cannons to fight mosquitoes - it is a bit of dimensionality reduction. .

Harry and Ron used levitating spells to control the two captured cloaked monsters. They came here leisurely, and then slapped the two cloaked monsters to the ground unceremoniously.

After confirming that the three of them were bound, Louis walked up to the three cloaked monsters and lifted their cloaks with a magic spell.

Different from what was expected, the faces of the three guys were all the same as human beings. If we had to say what was different, it might be said that their faces were too pale and they did not look like normal humans. .

Moreover, their looks were too feminine. One of them, a younger cloaked monster who looked about the same age as Harry, shrank in fear, with snot and tears streaming down his face. He was obviously frightened by Catherine.

"Tell me, what are you guys?" Lewis frowned and asked in a bad tone.

The three cloaked monsters huddled together, shivering like a nest of frightened rabbits.

In fact, they look similar to some kind of rabbit, too feminine.

Seeing that they were silent, Louis flicked his wand, summoned a huge blue lightsaber, turned it downwards, and inserted it into the ground.

The three cloaked monsters shook again.

"You, you say it first." Louis' lightsaber pointed at the cloaked monster on the far left.

The cloaked monster trembled, but said nothing in a trembling voice.

Lewis frowned and looked at the three of them impatiently. After a while, he turned back and said calmly: "Cut him. You, Harry, drag him out."

"Okay." Harry followed suit and summoned a lightsaber with a flick of his wand. With Ron's cooperation, he used a floating spell to move the shivering cloaked monster aside. Harry raised the sword. Falling down, he cut off the fragile neck of the unfortunate ghost cleanly.

The trio that has been baptized by the Dark Souls world is much crisper and neater than the trio in the original world line. There is not so much laughter and laughter, and they will never let go of what should be cut.

The cloaked monster's head fell off, but no blood spurted out of its cavity. The head rolled on the ground several times, and the mouth was still opening and closing. Harry walked over and split the head that was still gritting his teeth into two pieces with another knife. Only then did the body bleed and wet the body. soil of.

Cutting off the head and not dying was enough to prove that these things were evil creatures. Harry didn't feel any guilt at all, but had a full sense of accomplishment.

"And you, do you want to tell me?" Lewis pointed his wand at the cloaked monster on the other side.

The cloaked monster looked very strong. Although his body was trembling and limp, he looked like he would rather die than surrender, just like the American prisoner of war captured by the German devils.

Not wanting to talk nonsense, Louis waved his hand and motioned for Harry to drag him out. With his hand raised and the knife dropped, the "unyielding" cloaked monster was split into two pieces.

"What about you?" Lewis looked at the young cloaked monster in the middle again.

The cloaked boy swallowed and stammered tremblingly: "I, I, I... we are vampires..."

"Vampire?" Louis frowned and asked, "Don't vampires suck human blood? When did they switch to sucking livestock?"

"We...well, our dad thinks that sucking human blood is too troublesome and addictive. If we just suck livestock, it won't cause a large-scale search or attract much attention... "The vampire boy swallowed again, and said with a tearful expression: "Please, sir, I have never sucked human blood..."

"You mean no?" Lewis smiled. He pushed the boy's shoulder with his long-handled wand and asked with a smile: "Tell me, did you cause the incident at Sterling Farm?"

"Yes..." the young man replied listlessly, "We didn't want to be enemies with Mr. Sterling. We just planned to suck some livestock, but he found out. He shouted at us with a gun and asked us Shooting, as a last resort, we had to knock him unconscious..."

"But Mr. and Mrs. Sterling are both dead." Lewis narrowed his eyes and asked in a bad tone.

The young man trembled and said with a cry: "I'm sorry, sir, we really don't want to hurt him..."

"Whether you want it or not doesn't count." Louis said with a sneer. He looked up at Catherine and then at the cowshed not far away: "Buying for zero dollars on someone else's farm, first of all, it's your fault; After being discovered, instead of running away, you still fight back, which is shameless..."

"He shot first..." the boy defended.

"Oh, you're still pretending to be a victim." Louis' smile was very disdainful. He grinned and showed a sinister smile: "I'll give you one last chance. You have to tell me the truth."

"I...I am indeed telling the truth..." The young man was still quibbling.

Hermione couldn't stand it anymore, and for a moment her heart began to soften. She walked up to Louis, tugged on his sleeve, and whispered: "Louis... what he said may be true..."

"How do you know?" Louis looked back at Hermione playfully, wondering why this woman started to suffer from Mary's disease at this time.

"I...I don't think people lie when they are extremely scared..." Hermione whispered, but her tone sounded a little weak.

"You know, Hermione." Louis reached out and touched her plush head, and said softly: "Today I want to teach you a lesson... let you know what it means to have a sinister heart, and I want you to understand that dark creatures will always Can’t believe it.”

Hermione was stunned for a moment, looked at the pale and weak boy, and then at Louis. It was human nature to sympathize with the weak, especially for a virgin like Hermione...

The young man seemed to see that Hermione was pleading for him. He crawled towards Hermione, begging for mercy with snot and tears streaming down his face: "Beautiful and shining lady, please, please save me... …”

"Well, it seems that you can't shed tears until you see the coffin." Louis stood up, wiped his hands, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you don't know the level of human technology. No gunshot residue was found and there were no shell casings at the scene.”

Hermione was horrified. She looked at the boy with wide eyes and took two steps back in disbelief. The sympathy and intolerance in her eyes disappeared and were replaced by extreme disgust.

The vampire boy took advantage of her kindness. Hermione clenched her fists with her hands and strode back to Ron and Harry.

Ron put his hand on Hermione's shoulder, squeezed it gently, kissed her on the head, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay Hermione, it's not your fault for being kind, but bad people are always good at taking advantage of it." The kindness of others.”

"Ron..." Hermione sighed, feeling filled with self-blame.

She is now falling into self-doubt, whether her kindness is wrong or whether she is too bad of a good person. As long as you pretend to be pitiful, you will subconsciously believe it.

Hermione lowered her head, biting her lip and thinking about life.

Lewis seemed to have lost his patience. He took out a small bottle of liquid from his pocket and said in a low tone: "Oh, I don't want us to have this trouble. This bottle contains truth serum... You should You know, the magical potion from the wizarding world, just drink a small drop, pop..."

Louis stretched out his hands and made an exploding gesture: "You will pour beans out of a bamboo tube and tell everything you know. No matter what color your underwear is today, you will tell me everything you know." I will confess without reservation..."

The young man opened his eyes wide and looked at the bottle in Lewis's hand in disbelief. After a long time, he slumped down and collapsed into a ball as if resigned to his fate.

He knew what his fate would be, and now his mind was filled with despair.

"But some procedures still have to be carried out." Louis smiled bloodthirstyly: "You know, I hate people who lie to me the most...Crucio! (Heart-breaking)"

Scarlet lightning shot out from the tips of Louis' fingers and hit the boy. Then, like a prawn, the boy kept arching and straightening his body, and his facial muscles were distorted to the extreme. It was obvious that He was in great pain.

"Ah - ah -" he screamed crazily: "Kill me...kill me!"

Ignoring the boy who was still screaming, the long-lost system prompt sounded in Louis' ears.

*Congratulations on learning the magic spell: Heart Crusher

Due to your Dark Arts talent, the enchantment is upgraded to level 10

Cruciate Bone Extraction: Current Level 10 (MAX)

Mana required: 0 per second

Casting distance: 60 yards

Casting time: 0.01 seconds

Duration: any

Skill introduction: One of the three unforgivable curses, it tortures the target with great malice. After being hit by the Cruciatus Curse successfully cast, you will feel piercing pain all over your body. The heart-piercing pain will make the caster miserable. If you keep casting it, Curse, the person hit will go crazy with pain, and if continued use will cause death due to spasm.

Hermione couldn't stand listening anymore, so she raised her hand and slapped the boy in a chokehold.

It's an enhanced version. The guy's mouth has disappeared and he can only mutter um um um.

"You have to pay a price for doing bad things, and you, my little gentleman, are you prepared to pay for bad things?" Louis put his hands in his pockets and looked at the young vampire in front of him who was still twisting and struggling.

The vampire boy was still struggling painfully. Louis shook his head and said pitifully: "This time I will teach you a lesson. Forget about lying to me. You actually lied to a kind-hearted witch like Hermione. Doesn't your conscience hurt? "

Speaking of which, there are really not many good girls like Hermione, and Louis really feels a little bit sorry for her.

The veins on the little vampire boy's neck popped out, and big beads of sweat were flowing on his face and neck. Almost ten minutes passed, and Louis stopped casting spells.

"Here, give him the Veritaserum." Louis threw the Veritaserum to Ron.

Ron stepped forward and gave the boy a mouthful of veritaserum, which was so exhausted that he was delirious.

"Go on, tell me everything you know." Louis smiled, but in the eyes of the vampire boy, he was nothing less than the most terrifying demon in the world.

After the medicine took effect, Ron let him go, and Louis asked with a smile: "Name?"

"Griezmann." The young vampire Griezmann said with a numb expression.

Louis asked again: "Tell me, why do you suck the blood of farm animals?"

"Our father said that sucking human blood is too troublesome, and the addictiveness of human blood is too high. If we only suck livestock, it will not arouse human alertness, and we will not conduct large-scale searches. It won’t attract too much attention..." Griezmann said honestly.

"It seems that what you said is true or false." Louis smiled and said, "Why did you attack Mr. Sterling?"

"Because he discovered our identity." Griezmann replied quickly.

"Why?" Louis frowned and asked, "I don't want to hear this answer. I want to know why - is it possible that he knows you?"

Griezmann's face twisted, but he still said honestly: "Mr. Sterling once donated a lot of money and clothes to our orphanage, and we also visited his farm as guests... But what he didn't know was, Our orphanage was transformed into a vampire in the past few years, and their homes have been losing livestock, which is what we did..."

Having said this, the intolerance and guilt on Griezmann's face flashed away, and soon turned into a state of numbness again.

"Beast!" Hermione yelled. If Ron hadn't stopped him, she might have given Griezmann a heartbreaking shot.

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