I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 25 The so-called genius

"Okay, Your Highness." The two agreed without hesitation.

Louis tapped his fingers on the armrest next to the sofa: "Draw up a list first and hand it to me tonight at the latest."


In the dormitory, Draco was lying on the bed kicking his legs and playing. When he saw Louis walking in, he quickly got down to say hello. Louis didn't answer, just stared at him and sneered silently.

Yesterday's account needs to be settled.

"What's wrong? Louis?" Draco felt a little uneasy, and the roommate in front of him was smiling too weirdly.

"You did a great job yesterday."

Louis imitated Snape's slow tone. Don't tell me, the effect was really good. Draco's little face suddenly turned bitter.

"Huh?" Draco was shocked.jpg.

"Yesterday in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class... you were very active." Louis chuckled and pulled out the wand under Draco's horrified gaze: "Let me think about it, the front teeth are like a stick, the fire is burning, and the grin is loud. , which one do you want better?"

"If it's possible..." Draco swallowed hard: "I don't want to choose either one."

"Then you have to give me a reasonable reason." Louis sat opposite Draco, playing with his wand leisurely.

Draco swallowed his saliva like a Jerry mouse and asked fearfully: "Then...then you can do anything you want me to do, but don't cast a curse on me, please..."

Draco is so cowardly.

"Really anything is okay?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

"Anything is fine!" Draco said with a heroic look on his face.

"Okay." Louis patted Draco's thigh: "We have to draw up some new regulations in the academy. From now on... the first year of Slytherin will be under your control."

"Me?" Draco was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically said: "Ah...what else should I think? It turns out this is what happened. Louis, don't worry."

"This thing seems easy, but don't mess it up." Louis stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't let me down... let's go and eat."

"Okay." Draco agreed happily.

Today was still a day of self-discipline for Louis. After knocking on the dinner plate, the house elves served a special nutritious meal. This was a treatment exclusive to Master Mountbatten. This is how Aslo explained to Professor McGonagall.

Very confident.

There was no Harry and Ron in the Great Hall today, and I don't know where the two brothers went to hang out. They must be celebrating the extra points in Potions class today.

Louis only saw the fluffy-haired Hermione eating toast in small bites. She really looked like a little beaver.

Whether it’s time to say it or not, although Catherine’s mouth is a bit venomous, her description of things is really to the point...

"Good afternoon, Louis." Miss Beaver sat next to Louis with a dinner plate. A trace of disgust flashed across Draco's face, but he dared not speak in anger.

After all, this is Louis' friend. He can hate Hermione, but he has to give Louis face.

"Good afternoon, Hermione." Louis greeted kindly and gently, folding the napkin diagonally and placing it on his lap.

After finishing his appearance gracefully and calmly, he saw Hermione's tangled little face and couldn't help but smile and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just..." Hermione's face turned red and her hands were shaking wildly: "I was just wondering what to ask you..."

In order to make Hermione less nervous, Louis smiled gently: "Can I help you, ma'am?"

"I just... just want to ask you how you can practice magic to such a high level." Hermione's little face turned red.

"Me?" Louis thought about it and replied: "It's just a little talent and perseverance - have you ever seen Hogwarts at three in the morning? Hermione?"

In fact, Louis' talent in the system panel was not given by the system, but he was born with it.

Hermione froze and shook her head.

"What people call genius is actually just 1% of talent, but they can't see the 99% of sweat behind genius." Louis paused, swallowed the food in his mouth, and continued. : "Sometimes talent doesn't really matter. As long as you want to be a wizard, even if it's the lameest and stupidest wizard, just being a wizard is enough."

"Many people have talent but don't work hard. But some people have mediocre talent but work very hard. In the ancient East, there is a saying that the stupid bird flies first... You only saw my level of magic, but you didn't see it. I’ve seen the sweat I used on my spells.”

"Working hard will not betray yourself. Although it may not be able to achieve your goals, at least the fact that you have worked hard will not make you regretful." Louis' chicken soup for the soul is easily accessible, and he indeed thinks so. . , whether in the previous life or in this life.

"I understand." Hermione's eyes ignited with fighting spirit. She clenched her fists tightly and said firmly: "Thank you, Louis, I understand what I should do."

Then she left the auditorium happily.

"I don't understand, Louis." After Hermione left, Draco finally couldn't hold it in any longer: "Louis, why do you talk to this mud--I mean Muggleborn... why do you talk so much to her."

Louis did not rush to answer his question, but picked up the napkin, dabbed it at the corner of his lips, and said calmly: "Draco, what do you think - the word 'Mudblood' is like?"

"Of course it's dirty, vile..." Draco said subconsciously.

"Then what do you think a pure-blood family like yours should look like?"

"Of course he is noble...a natural nobleman."

"Look, Draco." Louis replied with a chuckle: "As a noble pureblood, but you use such dirty words on your lips... Do you know, Draco, the nobility you abide by? , are being shamed by your words and deeds.”

Draco opened his mouth to say something, but found that what Louis said made him unable to refute.

"But... do you think Muggle-born wizards should have the same status as us?" Draco asked cautiously, he was really afraid of getting a positive answer from Louis.

"Draco, you have to understand something." Louis put down the napkin in his hand and said patiently: "Each of us is equal in terms of personality... Don't rush to refute, even if you are a pure-blood family. , not necessarily all elegant, just like your aunt Bellatrix, do you really think she is a normal person?"

Draco recalled the crazy aunt in the photos at home and shook his head with a shudder.

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