I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Now that you have discovered it, I will not act in this drama!

Different from what many people imagine, vampires in this world are not divided by titles. They are simply like a big family. The patriarch is called dad, father.

In fact, this is the case in most vampire families. One vampire continues to develop, and after many years, it develops from an ordinary vampire into a huge family.

It means a little bit of farming, but it's actually pretty much the same.

As for the origin of vampires, there are different opinions. The most widely known theory is probably Cainism.

According to legend, after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they came to the wilderness and gave birth to two children. The eldest of them was Cain, the third human being who lived with his younger brother Abel.

When making an offering to Jehovah on a certain day, Cain could only offer some vegetables from his own garden because he had been working as a farmer all year round. Abel was a shepherd, so what he offered to Jehovah was the firstborn of his flock. Sheep and their fat.

Since Cain’s offering was plain compared to Abel’s, Jehovah was not very pleased.

When Cain saw that the Lord was unhappy, he also became angry. The Lord saw that he was angry and gave him a condescending scolding. Cain was resentful, and he could not defeat the Lord, so he gave away his brother Abel.

In order to punish him for what he had done, Jehovah banished him and gave him the mark "Whoever kills Cain will be repaid sevenfold." Cain and Jehovah also disliked each other and did not stop doing anything. Cain moved his family to the land of Nod east of Eden.

Of course, in some legends, Cain is the ancestor of vampires.

Here I have to mention the issue of Jehovah. Some people say, "From a biblical point of view, Cain's character is evil. God's disapproval of Cain's offering does not imply that "God prefers Abel." On the contrary, it reflects the righteousness of the sacrifice." In fact, it is just fart. Let's not discuss the good and evil of Cain. Let's just talk about the tribute. To put it bluntly, Cain and Abel both sacrificed things produced by their own families. How can they come from this? Who is noble or not?

The translation of "vampire" is somewhat problematic. If I must say it, vampires have some qualities that are neither human nor ghost.

Limb regeneration and stabbing to survive are just the basic operations of vampires. According to legend, they are particularly afraid of garlic and silver utensils. If a mortal wants to kill a ghoul, a silver knife can be used.

But wizards obviously don't need to. Under Avada Kedavra, all living beings are equal, no matter what kind of vampire or ghost you are.

The two people who walked to the vampire father's room looked at me and I looked at you. They didn't know how to bring this up.

Finally, it was the captain who found the courage to knock on the door.

"Come in." The maid's voice came from inside, and the two pushed the door open. The vampire father Charlotte was sitting on a tall chair studded with red gems, enjoying a massage from the maid.

As the leader of this tribe, Charlotte still has some cards. The whole room is spacious and dark, and the candles on the bat holders on both sides are dancing and burning, adding a bit of eerieness to the atmosphere; Captain Kariu Si first spoke: "Dad, the people who went to look for food are back."

"Yes." Charlotte nodded and looked under the dim light. He was not old, but still very young. Unlike Captain Karius, who was masculine and did not conform to the stereotype of a vampire, Charlotte's appearance was seductive. Strange and evil, when he saw Griezmann standing obediently on the side, he showed an evil smile.

"I've heard everything about you." Charlotte sat up straight and waved her hand for the maid to leave. He looked at the two of them and snorted: "Since you have committed a crime, you must pay the price. Before you set off, I repeatedly warned not to harm any life, but to take a little blood that will not affect the survival of any livestock. What about you?" His dark eyes glanced at the two of them: "You have made such a big mistake by hiding it from me. He even provoked wizards from the magical world... Idiots... Really idiots!"

"The wizard was provoked by the Blood Eye family, dad." Karius defended, "We have always followed your teachings and will not cause trouble in any wizard's world."

"Idiot! What's the difference between the wizards provoked by the Blood Eyes and those provoked by us?" Charlotte grabbed the cup on the table and threw it at Karius - but it missed, and he narrowed his eyes. He snorted: "Karius, you might as well use your brain and think about it carefully. Now that the wizard's Auror appears in front of you, you can tell him that you are sorry, sir, but we are not responsible for what happened in the Horned Eagle Village." Yes, some vampire from the Blood Eye Family did it, do you think they will believe what you say!"

"In the eyes of outsiders, all vampires are the same kind!" Charlotte said viciously. After a while, he sighed: "Forget it, get ready to move."

"Move?" Karius opened his eyes wide: "Dad, I don't understand. Why do you want to move? This... this castle is your hard work, why do you give up so easily?"

"It's just a piece of castle." Charlotte sighed: "Compared to being taken away by wizards using magic spells, abandoning a piece of castle is not an unacceptable thing - don't care about these jars, throw them away and get some new ones. That’s it.”

What he said is somewhat influenced by Ding Wei.

After saying that, Charlotte also smiled: "Don't think about revenge. You were at fault for what happened at Sterling Farm. And the most stupid thing is that if you want to commit a crime, you have to choose a place not far from Sterling Farm." Where, I really don’t know whether I should say you are brave, stupid, or stupidly brave. In short, they have paid the price, so they should pay more attention in the next life."

"Next life?" Griezmann suddenly asked, it was Louis' instruction: "Why do you say next life? Dad, when a person dies, doesn't he just die? If he enters heaven to enjoy happiness or hell to suffer, how can there be such a thing as next life?"

"Heaven and hell are for humans." Charlotte, the father, sighed, stood up and walked slowly to the two of them, stretched out her pale hand to touch their faces, and said with a bitter smile: " How can monsters like us expect heaven and hell? After we die, we will enter a world called "Purgatory", which does not belong to heaven, hell, or any place on earth. It is a paradise for monsters. Can you imagine All dark creatures, werewolves, and vampires who come here will go to that place after death...and there are not only dark creatures there, but also the most dangerous things since the creation of the world..."

"What is it?" Griezmann asked stupidly.

"Leviathan." Charlotte spread her hands, "According to legend, Leviathan is a tentative creature created by Jehovah after the angels. It is just too twisted and gathered into a collection of all darkness..."

"Can God also create dark creatures?" Karius was stunned for a moment.

"Why can't God create dark creatures?" Charlotte smiled: "He has created many things, and the earth is also a testing ground - oh, the so-called creation does not mean that he created the earth, but Another world.”

"What about the Earth?" Griezmann asked, and Louis' curiosity became a little more intense.

"Earth?" Charlotte looked at the door behind them and said with a smile: "Earth is the intersection of all worlds, so here you can see the people of Zeus, the humans created by Jehovah, and the warriors of Odin , the person Nuwa made from clay..."

"You have a lot of questions today." At this point, Charlotte put her hand on Griezmann's shoulder and said with a wicked smile: "Should I call you Griezmann, or should I call you Where is the unknown wizard?"

Karius reacted quickly and immediately took a hostile attitude towards Griezmann. He pulled out the gun from his pocket and put it on his head. Charlotte's father waved his hand and reached out to block Karius' movement.

This method is useless against a wizard, he knows it all too well.

No one knows wizards (left and right) better than Charlotte.

Louis was shocked. He quickly controlled Griezmann and said with a forced smile: "Why can't I understand what you are talking about, dad?"

"I am very sensitive to souls. If you want to continue to pretend to be confused, it doesn't matter." Charlotte clearly meant that everyone is a thousand-year-old fox and you are playing with me. He coughed and continued. : "I can feel other people's manipulations of their souls, and you controlled his soul through the Imperius Curse, didn't you?"

"Now that you have discovered it, I will not act in this scene!" Griezmann said with a smile: "I am a wizard in the wizarding world. You guessed it right."

"Since you're here, why don't you meet me?" Charlotte asked calmly.

"That's a good idea. Ask the guard to open the door." Louis said through Griezmann. Then he shook off his invisibility cloak and was about to walk out, but Harry grabbed his arm.

Louis looked back, and Harry shook his head violently and said, "No, Louis, you can't put yourself in danger..."

"It's okay, don't worry." Louis said with a smile, and then he snapped his fingers, and the magic sword girl Lemonia appeared beside him.

The classic succubus shape, as well as two small tiger teeth that resemble vampires. As soon as the Demon Sword Girl appeared, she stuck to Lewis's body, hitting someone with the ball and making Louis scream for a foul.

"You are finally willing to let me out, my dear master." Lemonia's smooth face rubbed against Louis' face, like a kitten that had been separated for many days. If it weren't for the negative influence of Harry and Ron watching from the side, she would have imitated the koala.

"Be obedient and come with me as a guest." Louis stretched out his hand to grab the horns on Lemonia's head and rubbed them with his thumbs. Not to mention, the feeling was not bad, so he rubbed them twice more.

He looked back at Harry and Ron, thought for a moment, and said, "You two can come with me, or you can choose to go back. After all, you are not safe here."

Harry and Ron looked at each other and said in unison: "We'll go with you!"

Look, this is the standard Gryffindor. You will feel in danger when letting others go, but you won't think about it at all when it's your turn to go.

Gryffindor! Courage is supreme! Our dean! Can turn into a cat!

Louis was followed by the Magic Sword Girl, and Harry and Ron walked step by step behind them, heading straight towards the open door of the Red Devil's Mansion... No, I mean the Scarlet Devil's Mansion.

There was no obstruction along the way, after all, Charlotte said hello in advance - he has absolute authority in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Pushing the door open, he came to Charlotte's room, only to find that Karius had left, Griezmann was standing aside, and next to Charlotte stood a young man who looked similar to him. Of course, according to the fact that vampires do not show their age, this young man may be one or two hundred years old.

When Charlotte saw Louis, she walked up with a smile and extended her right hand: "Hello, respected Mr. Wizard, I am the owner and patriarch of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Charlotte Scarlet."

When Louis heard this familiar last name, he subconsciously asked: "Scarlet? What is the relationship between Remilia Scarlet and you?"

He regretted it as soon as he asked it. That was a fictional vampire in the East. How could it be related to the real world?

But he never expected that Charlotte would ask in surprise: "You actually know her? That's my great-aunt..."

Louis slapped himself in the face, what a million people...

"I'm not very familiar with him. I've heard others mention it." Louis had no choice but to change the topic: "I think Mr. Scarlet wants to see me, not just because he wants to talk about an old friend from a long time ago. There must be something going on."

"Okay." Mr. Charlotte looked at the person behind Louis, apparently waiting for Louis to introduce him.

Louis saw what he meant, passed Lemonia, turned his head and introduced: "Two brothers, Harry and Ron."

Charlotte nodded and patted the young man next to her on the shoulder: "Let me introduce, this is my brother, Ted."

"Hello." Louis reached out and shook his hand: "Louis Mountbatten."

After they sat down at separate tables under Charlotte's greeting, Charlotte clapped her hands, and the maids filed in and served them the freshest seasonal fruits.

Ron picked up a bunch of grapes and said in surprise like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden: "I really didn't expect that vampires can actually eat fruits..."

"You should not be prejudiced against vampires, Mr. Weasley." Charlotte sat at the main seat and said with a smile: "Even humans cannot live by eating meat all the time. In that case, the nutrition will be unbalanced and incomplete."

Ron nodded as if he understood, grinned and said, "I understand that sucking blood is a staple food, and you also need to eat some fruits and vegetables to stay healthy, right?"

"The diets of vampires and humans are actually similar." Charlotte took the trouble to explain: "We just have one more habit of blood than humans, and there is no difference in other aspects."

"Oh..." Ron understood this time.

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