I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 247 Visitors from Beauxbatons

"I have a question, why do you want to run away when you see me." Louis looked at Peeves with a half-smile, "Or do you have any prejudice against me?"

Peeves was so uncomfortable being stared at by Louis that he could no longer wear his colorful hat. He smiled dryly and explained: "How could it be possible, Your Highness... There is no sun in the sky. Your Highness, you are the only sun in my heart."

"Flattery is good, but I have clear rewards and punishments." Louis stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, but there was no strange light. Peeves seemed to be frozen, hanging motionless in the air, and the body composed of the spirit body also became A dull gray.

"This... this is..." Hermione was stunned: "I seem to have seen this state somewhere... Wait... Oh, yes! It's Nick who was almost headless in the second grade! Yes, it's Sir Nicholas, This is what he looked like when he was petrified by the basilisk, God Louis..."

As she said that, Hermione looked at Louis with disbelief: "Will ghosts be petrified too, or have you mastered the basilisk's skills?"

"It's just an application not worth mentioning." Louis looked at Peeves floating in the sky: "Don't worry, this spell will only last for one day. Of course, it is also effective on ghosts. When the new grade takes the Defense Against the Dark Arts course , I will teach you this spell."

"Really? That's great!" Ron said with excitement: "Oh my God, we have long wanted to deal with Peeves, who often pranks us. Now it's better. I can't beat Fred and George. , I still can’t beat you?”

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth and stared at Peeves in the sky.

Good guy, Gemini brother has become a foreigner, right?

At this time, Nearly Headless Nick...I mean Sir Nicholas also flew in. He was wearing the usual tight-fitting jacket today, but he was wearing a particularly large collar - I guess it might add more A little festive, and secondly to ensure that his head doesn't shake too much.

He took off his head very politely and gave everyone a gentleman's salute like he was holding a top hat: "Hello, Professor McGonagall, and a few classmates."

As he spoke, the head he held in his arms saw Peeves in the sky.

"Oh, isn't this Peeves? When did he do this?" he gloated and mocked.

Peeves still looked petrified, unable to make any rebuttal.

"I remembered a bad experience I had." Sir Nicholas clicked his tongue, his voice was loud, and he was also gloating. "When I came out of Madam Pomfrey's place, I thought about why the one who was petrified was not Peeves, who runs around like a groundhog every day - look, now I have my wish, thank you, thank you for fulfilling my wish."

"My pleasure." Louis also bowed slightly politely and smiled upright.

"Okay, you guys." Professor McGonagall looked around everyone, looked at Hermione who was like a drowned rat, took out her wand and cast a drying spell on her: "Hurry back to the auditorium, there is something very important today. thing."

"Really?" The three little ones immediately became interested: "What is so important that you come to the door of the auditorium?"

"Don't ask questions you shouldn't!" Professor McGonagall glared at them sternly.

These three things are the most trouble-making... Professor McGonagall is really tired right now, very, very tired. Can you use these three things to trade Slytherin for Louis? Catherine is fine, Professor McGonagall is not picky at all. In this kind of three-for-one deal, she can just lose a small amount.

——You may make a profit, but I will never lose.

Lewis did not follow them and returned to his seat to sit on his own. After talking to everyone, they all said that they had practiced that piece of music seriously at home.

"I mean, Louis." Draco hesitated beside him: "Why did you choose such a weird song? I don't understand..."

"Don't understand? That's right." Louis chuckled: "This is a piece of music. This piece of music is perfect for listening to when walking on the streets of Paris, especially on the Champs Elysées."

"Really? What is it?" Vitaly, who was sitting opposite Louis, came up curiously. She was the only Slytherin who had not received the message. Even Veronica of Ravenclaw had received it. Yes, she was looking at Vitaly and grinning through her teeth.

"Well... you can practice the walking style of the Muggle army later. Maybe you can use it when walking on the Champs Elysées." Louis said with a hiccup, reaching out and touching him with compassion and love. She had short black hair. Veronica, who was sitting on the Ravenclaw seat behind Vitali, cooed and laughed.

"Why are you laughing!" Vitaly turned back and glared at her: "Miss Pineapple Pizza!"

According to Veronica's usual temperament, she would definitely have a fight with Vitali, but today, instead of being angry, Veronica was smiling even happier. She could imagine what the scene would be like in a while.

Now Vitaly is a bit incapable of fixing things. What's going on? Did the old enemy change his temper today?

After chatting for a while, the students came to the auditorium one after another, and it was almost full. This year's auditorium is still as splendid as usual, and it has been extra decorated for the new semester's banquet. Hundreds of rabbits are floating in the air above the table, making the gold plates and goblets shine. .

Behind Louis was Gryffindor House, and directly behind him were Harry and the others. Louis was holding a notebook to write down the key points of this semester, when he heard a breathless voice behind him, huffing and puffing, as if just now It's like sprinting 100 meters.

It was Colin Creevey, Louis turned around and saw him, Harry's little fanboy who worked part-time as a bastard.

"Hello, Colin." Harry greeted carefully, fearing that something was wrong with Colin and he would pounce on him and give him a bite.

Although this kind of thing has never happened, Harry dared to swear to Merlin that he could see the enthusiasm in Colin's eyes - I heard that Ginny once organized a Potter fan club with him...

It's terrible, family.

"Hey, Harry, guess what?" Colin said in an old London handlebar accent: "Harry, my brother is also enrolled in school! My brother-Dennis Creevey, he also admires you very much. After hearing what I told him about your deeds—"

Good guy, this is a reverse sentence, are you from the east of the Pennines or from old London?

"Ah, that's... great," Harry said as he read.

"He is so excited!" Colin jumped a little: "I really hope he is sorted into our Gryffindor. What about you, Harry? You hope so too, right? Just pray for him, Harry, okay? ?”

"I think you're the most excited one..." Ron whispered to the side, his voice was too low and Colin's attention was focused on Harry, so he didn't notice this sentence.

Hermione chuckled and nudged Ron gently with her elbow. The two looked at each other and laughed together again.

"Okay, no problem -" Harry said perfunctorily. Seeing that Colin still wanted to talk, he immediately turned to Ron and Hermione and said: "Brothers are usually in the same college, aren't they? You see, The Weasleys are all from Gryffindor..."

After saying this, Colin's eyes lit up.

"Not necessarily." Hermione immediately poured a basin of cold water on her: "Look at your godfather Sirius, if I remember correctly, their family is all Slytherin, but he is a Gryffindor—— If you don’t look far, just look at our class. Parvati Patil’s twin sister is in Ravenclaw. They are exactly the same, but they are placed in different houses. This is enough to disprove your hypothesis. .”

Colin walked away dejectedly and sat in an empty seat beside him. The classmates beside him comforted and encouraged him in a low voice.

The interlude here ended, and Louis turned his attention to the faculty seat. Sitting in the middle was the old man Dumbledore. He was dressed in sunset red today, and his flowing silver-white hair and beard shone in the candlelight. The shiny, luxurious dark green robes are embroidered with many stars and moons. It seems that since Grindelwald escaped from the seal, Dumbledore's clothes have gotten better and better.

Louis noticed that his mother was sitting next to Dumbledore, with Snape and Sirius sitting next to him. He didn't know what everyone except Snape was sitting there for. Looking up again, the ceiling of the auditorium was still enchanted. It was stormy and stormy like outside, with black and purple clouds rolling on it. Along with the thunder outside, a silvery white lightning flashed from the clouds. Pass.

With the sound of lightning, the door of the auditorium opened with a bang. Unlike what was expected, the people who entered the auditorium were not—it should be said that it was not just freshmen, but two other groups of people who looked unfamiliar.

Lewis was not surprised. Dumbledore had already communicated with him and mentioned that people from both schools would come over as soon as the term started.

Leading the way was a very tall woman. Louis glanced at her and was sure that Hagrid's spring was coming - this woman was really tall, tall in every sense of the word. Even Hagrid was tall. Not as tall as her.

Different from such a wide body proportion, she actually looks very beautiful, and her temperament is also graceful and luxurious. Her luxurious outfit all shows her status as a lady - especially the huge ones shining on her neck and fingers. Expensive opal.

Principal Dumbledore walked down from the guest chair and came to the woman. The woman's face relaxed, an elegant smile broke out, and she stretched out a hand and walked towards Dumbledore. Louis noticed that Dumbledore did not need to bend down at all when he kissed the hand.

It's not that Dumbledore was short, it was just that this woman was too tall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, dear Madam Maxime." Dumbledore let go of Madam Maxime's hand.

"Mr. Dumbledore," Mrs. Maxime said in a rich, deep voice, "I hope everything is well with you."

Not surprisingly, it didn’t surprise Louis at all that such a tall woman was a bass.

"My pupil," Madame Maxime said, waving one hand behind her.

Almost twenty female students, about seventeen or eighteen years old, stood neatly behind Mrs. Maxim - I don't know if this is a girls' school, at least all the people here are girls. child.

They looked very cold, and each of them was trembling slightly, but for the sake of the school's honor, they still showed an indifferent expression.

How did you say that? Desperate to save face and suffer the consequences, that's pretty much what it feels like.

It's not surprising that they are cold, their clothes look very thin, and no one is wearing a cloak - after all, the temperature in France is different from the Scottish Highlands, the temperature is not that cold. In addition, it is a rainy day now, and these girls are probably freezing.

Louis noticed that the most beautiful girl at the front stood there with her white neck raised, as arrogant as a white swan. In the entire Beauxbatons school delegation, she was the only one who was not shivering from the cold.

I guess it’s Furong? Lewis murmured in his heart and didn't pay too much attention.

It should be said that the Beauxbatons students who came to Hogwarts were all very good-looking. The male students at Hogwarts couldn't help but feel pity in their hearts when they looked at the beautiful girls who were shivering from the cold.

Some people wanted to take off their cloaks and send them over, but they were afraid of offending the beauty, so they felt a little uncomfortable being stuck.

"It's too cold here, dear Dumbledore." Madam Maxime sneezed hugely. She quickly straightened up her appearance and said to Dumbledore: "As you can see, I didn't expect Hogwart to be here." It’s so cold in Cixi, so everyone is wearing less clothes, why don’t we find a place to warm up first?”

"Of course, ma'am." Dumbledore said, and with a wave of his hand, a rectangular table appeared on the other side of Gryffindor, right next to where the warm air was blowing. At Mrs. Maxim's signal, the beautiful girl in the lead took her classmates to their seats.

"And—my horse?" Madame Maxime asked hesitantly.

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be happy to take care of them, ma'am." Dumbledore looked back at Hagrid, who was smiling innocently, but found that Emma had taken advantage of Hagrid's silly smile to tug on his beard, and he immediately He turned around and said, "Don't worry, he is a very professional person."

"My steeds need - well, someone with great strength to take care of them." Madam Maxime said hesitantly, seeming to doubt the teacher's ability to protect magical animals at Hogwarts. Did not say."

Everyone had already seen the horses in front of the carriage through the open door of the auditorium - they were simply taller than expected. Even the tallest shire horses among Muggles were dwarfed by them.

"Don't worry, Hagrid is definitely an excellent candidate." Dumbledore assured with a smile.

"Very good." Madame Maxime nodded and bowed slightly: "Can you tell that Hagrid that my horse only drinks single malt whiskey -"

"I'll take care of it," Dumbledore said, bowing slightly in return.

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