I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 249 Triwizard Tournament

Ron is a far-sighted person, and he will not give up an entire forest for a small tree.

Of course, to him now, the baguette handed to him by Louis was just a small tree, and the upcoming college dinner was an entire lush forest.

He decided to stay hungry for a while longer.

As a result, the baguette was carefully collected by Vitaly.

"You are not allowed to treat food like this!" Vitaly snorted.

As a culinary powerhouse, Vitaly has always had a relatively pious attitude towards her country’s representative food.

Finally, the sorting ceremony ended with the cry that Kevin Whitby was sorted into Hufflepuff. Professor McGonagall picked up the Sorting Hat and the stool and carried them away.

"It's about to begin!" Ron cheered up, holding a knife in his left hand and a fork in his right hand, looking at the plate in front of him eagerly.

But it was obvious that Dumbledore would not order the meal so easily - leaving aside the new school year and new teachers, it would take some time to introduce the origins of the guests.

He stood up, looked at all his classmates with a smile, and opened his arms in a welcoming gesture.

"I know you are all in a hurry, but I still want you to stop being anxious first." Dumbledore said with a smile: "There are still a lot of things to say before dinner begins - of course, I don't think it will take long. That’s it.”

"First of all, let's talk about ourselves - I regret to announce that Professor R.J. Lupine has resigned from the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts due to some personal reasons." As he said that, Deng Bullido turned to look at Emma who was holding her chin and playing with her hair boredly on the staff seat, and introduced loudly: "But fortunately, there is a more outstanding candidate, and that is our outstanding graduate of Hogwarts. , Lady Emma Mountbatten!”

Emma heard Dumbledore calling her, she stood up, smiled very elegantly and respectfully, and nodded to her classmates.

Seeing that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was such a beautiful woman, the students were stunned for a moment and cheered in unison. After all, no one would dislike their teacher being a beautiful woman.

Especially Slytherin, the cheers were even louder - they heard that the new teacher's surname was Mountbatten. As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. In order to please Louis, the students kept shouting with all their strength.

"Louis, our new teacher's surname is also Mountbatten. Who is she..." Pansy asked hesitantly.

"My mother." Louis did not shy away and admitted the fact honestly.

Pansy was in awe. To be able to cultivate such an outstanding and excellent wizard as Louis, her mother must also be a great wizard.

But...well, speaking of it, Emma actually didn't add anything to Louis' excellence, but then again, giving birth to Louis itself was the best training for him.

Even after Emma sat down, the auditorium still echoed with endless applause. It was not until Dumbledore pressed his hands that the applause subsided. He added: "In addition, Hogwarts will renovate and expand the library. The director of the new library is Miss Patchouli Noreki!"

Patchouli stood up from the faculty seat weakly and bowed. After seeing that the director of the new library was also a beautiful girl, the cheers became even more enthusiastic.

"As I just said," Dumbledore stopped the noise of the students and continued: "In the next few months, we will be very honored to host a very exciting event, which has already It has not been held for a century. I am here to tell you with great pleasure that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year."

"As you can see, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's classmates have arrived at Hogwarts. Of course, regarding the specific matters of the Triwizard Tournament, we will wait until after dinner to explain in detail. I think everyone Now I can’t wait to prepare for the meal, so... the banquet begins!"

Finally, Professor Dumbledore's words came. As his rich voice fell, the students watched as the empty plates in front of them were filled with rich food in an instant.

Magic changes lives, says Dumbutustra.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's classmates seemed to have seen this kind of thing for the first time. They stared at the food in front of them with dull expressions.

What's going on? Can anyone explain why the students at Hogwarts have such magical meals?

It was a new version of the ship that they had never experienced before.

The dishes are rich enough. Different from previous years, in order to welcome the guests, Dumbledore specially ordered the kitchen to prepare a lot of Eastern European-style food. As for Beauxbatons' French food, he did not specially ask the kitchen to prepare it. After all, it is what he usually eats. Many of them are French food.

"It should be said that I don't like fish soup." Louis looked at the French fish soup in front of him and didn't want to drink a bite at all. He didn't like fish very much and was very sensitive to the fishy smell, and today Dumbledore In order to take care of the Beauxbatons, three kinds of seafood soup are prepared.

He wanted to call Asluo, but when he turned around, he found that Asluo was fawning over his mother. The gratitude in his expression made Louis feel goosebumps all over his body.

Forget it, forget it, the worst thing is not to drink the soup, Louis comforted himself.

Of course Catherine knew that Louis didn't like fish soup. After she whispered a few words in Christasa's ear, the house elf placed a portion of potato soup in front of Louis.

Only then did Louis show a happy expression. He patted Catherine's thigh and reached out to pick up a cut baguette from the table. The baked and heated baguette could not be used as a weapon as usual. Instead, it was softer. He used the baguette to spread the potato soup and ate it. One bite was full of satisfaction.

The main reason was that he was starving. He had only eaten one meal since morning. In fact, he was hungrier than Ron, but he just didn't say it out loud.

The founder of Hogwarts was very far-sighted and the welcome banquet for freshmen was undoubtedly a perfect event. Students who had been on the train for most of the day had little appetite on the train and might not be able to eat anything until they got off the train. After that, we had to walk on the icy road for half a day, and we had to wait when we got to the auditorium. It was a very strange thing not to be hungry.

But this time the new force in the meal was obviously Durmstrang's classmates. The girls were okay and could still maintain their elegant eating manners, but the boys were not so... well, they controlled themselves. Krum was worthy of being Ron. He is an idol who is even better than Ron in cooking. He recreated the famous scene of the violent fight between chicken legs in a classic.

"I knew Krum would definitely fall in love with me, you see." Ron said to Harry with a beaming look. Harry glanced at him and nodded.

After the main course was eaten, Dumbledore waved again, and the sumptuous main course was removed from the table and replaced with a dazzling array of desserts.

At the end of the banquet, the desserts were swept away. After everyone had eaten and drank, Dumbledore stood up again. He stretched out his hand and pressed it down. The buzzing sound of whispering in the hall suddenly disappeared, and only one could be heard. There was the sound of the storm outside.

"Okay," Dumbledore looked at everyone with a smile, "Now that we have eaten and drank enough, I must ask for your attention again and I have a few announcements to make."

"Mr. Filch, the gatekeeper, would like me to tell you that this year, several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are screaming yo-yos, toothed flying saucers and combo boomerangs. The total list is four hundred and thirty-seven. Item, you can see it in Filch’s office, anyone who is interested can check it out.”

Having said this, Dumbledore glanced meaningfully at the Weasley twins, who also faced him and made a helpless gesture of spreading their hands.

They both always felt that Filch was targeting them both, but there was no proof.

"As before, I would like to remind everyone, especially the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, that the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue is not accessible to students, and in Hogsmeade Village, all students below the third grade are not allowed to enter. All classmates are prohibited from visiting - in addition, the Quidditch House Cup will no longer be held this year, and will be replaced by an ancient and large-scale event, which is what I called the Triwizard Tournament before dinner."

As soon as he finished speaking, a deafening thunder sounded outside, and then, a silvery white lightning flashed in the simulated sky above the auditorium.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium was slammed open, and a man stood at the door. He was leaning on a long cane and wrapped in a black traveling cloak.

Another flash of lightning flashed above the auditorium, illuminating the visitor's face.

It's too ugly. This is everyone's first impression. The second impression is that it's too evil. It looks more vicious than the Death Eaters. Of course, Louis also noticed the appearance of the visitor. How should I put it...a bit like the butcher in the turret? That's probably what it feels like.

Ah...fresh meat!

One of his eyes is normal, and the other eye is wearing an eyepatch like Captain Cyclops. The difference is that he is not wearing an eyepatch, but a magic prosthetic eye, and the blue prosthetic eye keeps rotating. , like ADHD, staring at the crowd in the auditorium.

It's Mad-Eye Moody. After all, the image is too obvious. If Louis admits it correctly - he just doesn't know whether it is Moody himself or whether he has been disguised by Barty Crouch Jr.

Moody walked up to Dumbledore. He stretched out a hand as scarred as his face and shook it with Dumbledore. After communicating in a low voice, he sat next to him at Dumbledore's signal.

Moody was not polite, sat down, pulled the plate of sausages in front of Dumbledore, then took out a shiny knife from his arms, forked the sausages and started to eat. At the same time, he His prosthetic eyes were not idle either, moving around wildly, as if he was looking at the faculty and staff beside him, as well as the guests from the other two schools.

"Please allow me to introduce this time-tested warrior," Dumbledore broke the silence happily: "Alastor Moody, he is an Auror, he has been fighting dark wizards all his life, of course , you can also see the mottled battle scars on his body..."

Good guy, Moody (star) is battle-scarred, right?

"I am pleased to inform you that in the new year, Mr. Moody will be responsible for the security of our Triwizard Tournament."

As he spoke, Dumbledore took the lead in clapping his hands, and Hagrid also responded to his action - but it was only these two people. The applause was solitary and sounded extremely embarrassing. Everyone else was shocked by Moody's strange appearance. They were all stunned, staring at him intently.

Louis clapped along with Dumbledore very cooperatively. After seeing Louis' actions, the entire Slytherin House students began to applaud. This also inspired several other houses, and the auditorium suddenly became lively again.

Moody looked at everyone in surprise. He didn't seem to expect to be so welcomed at Hogwarts - with his prison-like appearance, it would be good if he didn't scare the children to cry. When will he be welcomed? Have people ever been so welcoming?

He put his hand into his traveling cloak, took out a curved wine bottle, took a long sip, and then let out a wine burp with a blushing face.

"Maybe some of you don't know what the Triwizard Tournament is, so please allow me to introduce it to you." Dumbledore said with a smile, "The Triwizard Tournament was founded about seven hundred years ago. , is a friendly competition between the three largest magic schools in Europe. These three schools are Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Each school selects a warrior, and then three Warriors compete in three magical events - the Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns hosting it."

"Everyone agreed that this was an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to establish friendship. However, later, too many people died, and the Triwizard Tournament was interrupted."

"Over the centuries, people have tried several times to revive the Triwizard Tournament, but none of them has been successful." Dumbledore continued, "However, our Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports at the Ministry of Magic believe that another attempt The time has come, and we have done a lot of work this summer to ensure that the lives of each of our warriors are not in danger."

Hearing this, Louis curled his lips and secretly complained in his heart: "Can you please explain why Cedric suddenly died?"

"Today, the principals of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have led their carefully selected competitors to Hogwarts. The ceremony to select the warriors will be held the day after the Halloween party. An impartial referee will It will be decided which students will finally qualify to compete for the Triwizard Cup, win honor for his school, and he himself will also receive a bonus of 50,000 Galleons!"

At this point, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime looked at Dumbledore in unison, both wondering why Dumbledore, who had always been stingy, suddenly became so generous.

The old students at Hogwarts were okay. They had long been numbed by Louis' sugar-coated bullets. However, the freshmen and classmates from the other two schools were not so calm. They were breathing rapidly and their ears were full of those 50,000 yuan. Garen, even Viktor Krum is the same.

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