Louis remembered Barty Crouch Jr.'s Alsace behavior clearly.

This boy can be regarded as the second filial son of Hogwarts. As for why he is not the first...then the first filial son must be Voldemort.

With Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord and Barty Crouch Jr.'s immediate boss, being the most beautiful, Barty Crouch Jr. could only come in second place.

But having said that, it is no wonder that Voldemort can be admired by Barty Crouch Jr. After all, Voldemort is a father-killing figure in the League of Enemies of Fathers. It is seriously suspected that Barty Jr. and his father are not dealing with each other because they are a parody of Voldemort. .

To rebel against my magnificent father... is not...

The traditional culture of the British belongs to it, and its roots have been found.

With Dumbledore leading the way, Louis and Dumbledore teleported to the school gate almost instantly. The Moody transformed by Little Barty was talking eagerly with Old Barty. After listening carefully, it should be Little Barty is tricking his dad into going out for a while.

After all, there are too many people here to use Avada.

Old Barty was listening to the fake Moody's trick, and unexpectedly saw Dumbledore walking towards them. Then he immediately dropped the fake Moody and walked towards Dumbledore.

Little Barty, who was pretending to be Moody, noticed his father's movements and looked in the direction he was walking, with a look of horror on his face.

He wanted to run, but Dumbledore knocked him to the ground with a curse.

This time it was Old Barty's turn to be surprised. He frowned and looked back at the fake Moody, and asked in confusion: "What, Albus, do you have a grudge against Alastor?"

"Oh, that's not the case." Dumbledore waved the magic spell and cast a disembodiment spell - he used magic to attract the attention of the students before taking action, and no one noticed the situation here.

Under the influence of the transformation spell, the fake Moody's body gradually disappeared.

"Okay, let's go back to the principal's office first." Dumbledore stopped Old Barty's desire to tell, and used a magic spell to bring the invisible fake Moody back to the principal's office.

Old Barty didn't even sit down when he came to the principal's office. When the door closed, he immediately said loudly: "My son, Barty Crouch Jr., he ran away..."

"Speak slowly, the sky will not fall." Dumbledore threw a calming spell.

Then, Barty's body gradually appeared - the effect of the polyjuice potion had expired, and Barty's body had now returned to its original appearance.

Old Barty looked at his good son who was unconscious on the ground in shock, then at Dumbledore, and asked in surprise: "He...he turned into Alastor? Oh, that makes everything clear, I I thought you had some conflict with him."

As he spoke, Old Barty shook his head vigorously, as if his head was not clear: "I told you why I felt so awkward just now. There was always a sense of disobedience. It turns out that Alastor is fake."

"Sorry, this may be the aftereffect of the Soul-Imperius Curse." He added, "Things are a bit complicated. Let me sort them out and tell you."

Louis looked at poor old Batty. If he hadn't discovered it in time this time, old Batty would have ended badly - he would have been killed by his son with a curse, turned into a piece of bone, and buried in the sea. In front of the grid's hut.

Hagrid: Why are all the things being thrown into my house?

"It's okay, Barty." Dumbledore handed Old Barty a glass of ice-cold lemonade at the right time. Old Barty took the lemonade, took a few swigs, and then touched it with his hand. My forehead seemed to be iced with lemonade.

After a long while, Old Barty said slowly: "It's a bit too cold, Albus."

"You were too anxious to drink." Dumbledore said calmly: "Don't be anxious, we have plenty of time - you are safe in Hogwarts."

This flag is not very popular, principal.

Old Barty calmed down for a while and then said quietly: "Shortly after the Quidditch World Cup, Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort suddenly appeared in my home. At that time, we were the only two people left in our home.

Voldemort said that he needed a loyal follower to help him regain power, so he chose my son. Voldemort easily rescued my son from my imprisonment. After that, they also cast a spell on me. The Imperius Curse forces me to continue working at the Ministry of Magic as usual, in order to hide from others..."

"What is their plan?" Dumbledore asked.

Old Batty shook his head and said he didn't know anything about it: "I don't know either. They never talk about this in front of me."

Dumbledore nodded, lowered his head and wrote a paragraph, handed the paper to Fawkes, and told him to call Snape.

A moment later, Snape walked into the principal's office at a brisk pace, carrying a bottle of liquid.

All he could think about was hey, here comes the life.

Those who needed Veritaserum often caught die-hard Death Eaters, and Snape didn't mind feeding them a little potion to make them happy.

The first thing he saw was Barty Jr. wearing Mad-Eye Moody's outfit. On the ground beside him, the crazy eye was still moving like a cramp on the ground.

"Barty Crouch Jr.," Dumbledore introduced to Snape, "You should be familiar with him, Severus."

"Of course I know him." Snape smiled a little creepily, "Voldemort's most loyal lackey, ha...how ironic."

As he said that, he glanced meaningfully at Old Barty, and his strange anger was directed at the old man.

Not long after, little Barty Crouch woke up faintly. He looked at the familiar Headmaster's Office of Hogwarts, then at Dumbledore, and then at his father. He licked his tongue and smiled sadly. With.

Snape was a man of few words, so he walked up to him, opened his mouth, and forcefully poured a few drops of Veritaserum into it.

Little Barty still wants to be non-violent and non-cooperative, but who is Snape? He is a man who has been with both black and white devils. If he wants to open the mouth of a die-hard, it is not easy to do it with a handful of hands. ? The force of the hand was so strong that it almost dislocated Barty's chin.

After a while, Dumbledore asked: "Name?"

"Barty Crouch Jr." Barty Jr. replied truthfully and reluctantly.

"How did you deal with Moody?" Dumbledore asked quickly.

Little Barty hesitated and resisted for a while, and then said honestly: "Wormtail, that Peter Pettigrew, and I broke into Mad-Eye Moody's house and ambush him in his house while he was away. Prepared for a sneak attack and kidnapped him."

"Why do you do this?" Dumbledore looked at him with bright eyes.

"Voldemort heard that Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were preparing to host the Triwizard Tournament this year, so he asked me to use Polyjuice Potion to look like Mad-Eye Moody - he knew Moody is the person you trust most, so you will definitely let him participate in the Triwizard Tournament, so I kept Moody with me in a magic box and used his hair to make some polyjuice potion."

Veritaserum is still cruel, little Barty is like pouring beans into a bamboo tube when he reveals the truth.

In fact, it is not surprising that Barty Jr. directly calls Voldemort by his code name. It is known that Barty Jr. is one of the few wizards currently known to be called "Voldemort" instead of "Dark Lord" or other names. In the original work, He named Voldemort directly to Harry after the third mission, and is the only Death Eater known to do so.

There is a theory that Barty Jr. regards Voldemort as a kind of father figure. He worships Voldemort fanatically and is willing to sacrifice and do everything for the Dark Lord. At the same time, he also knew that Voldemort was a half-blood, but he didn't care. This was somewhat inconsistent with the supremacy of pure blood that the Death Eaters believed in.

"Then where did your potion come from?" Snape asked suddenly.

Little Barty looked at Snape with a silly look: "Of course I got it from your potions office, you idiot."

Look, look, he is indeed a Death Eater, look at the word used, "take"...

Why don't you say this is plagiarism?

A dark cloud appeared on Snape's face. Louis noticed his strange expression and asked in a low voice: "Professor, are you suspicious of Harry?"

Hearing these words, Snape turned back slowly, glared at Louis maliciously, and then turned his head away.

His meaning is very obvious, if you can't speak, don't say it!

"Then what's your purpose of lurking in Hogwarts!" Dumbledore had to add who ordered you and what your motives were, and it would be right.

"Voldemort asked me to take action and try my best to throw the name of the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, into the Goblet of Fire - he knew that the Boy Who Lived was not old enough and would not pass the Goblet of Fire. There was an age limit, so he let me do it." Barty Jr. told the truth very smoothly.

"What is the purpose of his order?" Dumbledore asked leisurely.

"Voldemort knows an ancient magic that can bring people back to life, as long as they have human souls." Little Barty's words made Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Snape all change their expressions.

Not surprisingly, Dumbledore wanted to resurrect Ariana, Grindelwald thought so too, and Snape - if you think about it with your heels, who else would he want to resurrect besides Lily?

"How does it work?" Snape subconsciously rushed over, grabbed Barty's collar with his hands, and asked eagerly.

But little Barty remained silent. He really didn't know what the spell was about.

"Okay, don't make it difficult for him, he doesn't know." Dumbledore sighed, wondering if he had to capture Tom alive, give him some Veritaserum and then kill him?

Louis listened for a long time, and when he saw the three people's disappointed looks, he said with a smile: "I have no intention of donating my father's bones so that your son can be reborn..."

The three of them instantly raised their heads and looked at Lewis.

"The flesh of your servant, a voluntary donation, may bring about the rebirth of your master..."

“The blood of your enemies, forced to donate, can resurrect your enemies…”

After Louis finished speaking, he smiled and said: "I figured it out. The location of the resurrection ceremony must be the cemetery where Voldemort's father is buried. The servant's meat... I think Wormtail was voluntarily donated. As for the enemy - That's why we're targeting Harry."

"As we all know, Voldemort's two biggest enemies are Principal Dumbledore and Harry. I think if he could defeat Principal Dumbledore and shed some blood, he wouldn't kidnap Harry secretly like this. ..." Louis spread his hands and said something to Voldemort.

"Is this spell effective?" Snape asked subconsciously. He was also planning... to use his father's bones to dig up Lily's ancestral grave; to use the servant's flesh... It would be okay if he just aggrieved himself and became Lily's servant. , the blood of the enemy - hell, let him go with the blood of Voldemort!

At this point, Snape's expression changed from thoughtful to vicious.

I just don’t know if Voldemort’s blood counts as the blood of a fourth-level enemy (bushi...

"Don't watch ads." Louis waved his hand and the old god said calmly.

"What are you looking at?" Snape asked eagerly.

"Let's see the curative effect!" Lewis laughed, lowered his head and kicked little Barty: "Tell me, what did you want to do when you went out just now?"

"Of course I tricked old Barty out and then killed him!" Little Barty stared at his father with sinister eyes, not caring at all about his remarks about killing his father just now.

When old Batty heard this, his throat choked up, and he kicked his good son in the face. He pointed at him tremblingly and cursed bitterly: "Idiot! Idiot! Why did I give birth to such a person like you... …”

"Beast." Louis said for Old Barty, "It's better to have a piece of Yorkshire pudding than to have you, the gatekeeper..."

Little Barty was a little stunned by the kick. He spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at his good father with an evil smile: "What about you? My good father, have you ever paid attention to me and my mother in these years? ? You only think about your promotion and wealth, and you don’t care about us, mother and son. Have you really fulfilled your responsibilities as a father? "

Old Batty was choked.

"If you show a little love to me, will I become a Death Eater?" Little Barty roared hysterically. Logically speaking, he would keep such words in his heart and would not say it at all. Yes, but now under the influence of Veritaserum, he said it without any scruples.

Old Barty was yelled into silence.

"Okay, I sympathize with your situation, but you are still breaking the law now." Louis kicked Barty Jr. on the shoulder, "But we don't want to hand you over to the Dementors now -"

At this point, little Barty's eyes lit up.

If possible, no one wants to face Dementors, not even Death Eaters. No matter how die-hard they are, they are soft and vulnerable when facing Dementors.

Little Barty doesn't want to try that kind of direct attack on the soul again.

"Of course, it's not out of pity for you, but you still have some use." Lewis said, looking at Dumbledore sitting behind the desk.

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