I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Tian Wenjing, what's your name

"It seems like this guy is quite tricky." Louis chuckled and said, "This should be the last hidden thorn in Slytherin, right?"

"Well." Catherine held his arm: "Try not to conflict with him. You are not his opponent."

"Then I'm just going to watch this prickly guy stir up trouble here and ruin the plans of the principal and the dean?" Louis asked with raised eyebrows.

Catherine wanted to say something, but Louis patted her and told her to see what was going on first.

There were two rows of people standing on the left and right in the corridor outside the college. Their faces were not very good, and they were all discussing in low voices about Slytherin's new house rules.

"Patrick, Cesar, we are all from pure-blood families, don't let us lose our status!" A senior who looked like he was in the seventh grade was arguing.

"Yes, be energetic, be energetic!" A senior sister next to the senior was also cheering for the two of them.

Patrick nodded, with an extremely arrogant expression, shook the black robe he was wearing, and walked towards the Slytherin lounge with steps that he didn't recognize.

"Okay...good job, let's see what they do!" The seniors and senior sisters discussed one after another, stretching their necks and looking into the lounge.

Patrick walked to the sixth grade study hall and looked at a thin man. Louis recognized him as Caius Brown, the sixth-grade class president that Samir and Marcus had agreed upon.

"Caius! I'm a Falk Squid!" Patrick said a classic British curse: "You are a mixed-race prefect who was dismissed from your post. Why are you pretending to be a bully here?"

Cesar next to him suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the good brother beside him in disbelief.

Aren’t you also of mixed race? How come you forgot about this after being adopted into the Black family?

"Ha, aren't you going to enforce some bullshit rules? Come on, I'm standing right here. If you have the guts, just enforce it!"

Patrick looked like a complete gangster, standing there especially like a gangster classmate from Louis' previous school.

Or the pro max version of the bastard.

"The college has its own rules. This new college rule was not made by me, but was just drawn up by Professor Snape today." Caius explained in a calm voice, unhurriedly.

"Don't fucking pressure me with Professor Snape." Patrick sneered: "I just don't want to go to this damn self-study. What can you do to me? Just with the magic spell of your three-legged cat?"

"Who in Slytherin can do anything to me?" Patrick looked extremely arrogant.

He did have the capital to be arrogant, and Louis' discerning eye also hit him at the right time.

*Patrick Black (golden dragon symbol)

grade? ? ? wizard

Talents: Charms (10), Potions (7), Transfiguration (8), Dark Arts (10), Defense Against the Dark Arts (9), Flying (8), Herbology (4), Divination (9)

Learned the spells: Armor Protection (Level 8), Expelliarmus (Level 6),? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

"There is no need for you to get angry with me about this matter." Caius's expression was still gentle: "I also follow the rules, why should Mr. Black embarrass me?"

"I'm annoyed the most by you lackeys of professors." Patrick snorted coldly and took out his wand: "Reducto! (Shattered to pieces)!"

Caius was shocked. He never thought that Patrick would dare to do something in the lounge. He quickly dodged the spell, drew out his wand, and prepared with all his might to deal with Patrick's attack.

His desk was blown to pieces, showing the power of the spell.

Patrick released the curse arrogantly and wantonly, driving Caius away. The tables and chairs shattered by the curse even injured several junior wizards.

He did it on purpose, obviously he didn't want to hit Caius.

"That's enough." Caius finally stopped: "Come on me if you can. What's the point of hurting lower-grade classmates?"

"Oh?" Patrick deliberately misplaced a spell and knocked a second-year classmate away. The poor guy passed out without even letting out a scream.

Another magic spell flew towards the classmate next to Louis. In his frightened eyes, Louis' wand waved lightly: "Protego! (Armor protection)"

"Oh, look, there's no one blocking the way?" Patrick smiled harshly: "Armor protection? Or a first-year bastard? It seems that Slytherin has another talent this year."

"Louis...!" Draco shouted softly. He wanted to remind Louis not to get into trouble. The madman of the Black family had inherited the excellent character of his Aunt Bella.

Lewis chuckled gracefully: "If you stop now honestly, I will treat it as if nothing has happened."

"Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this?" Patrick laughed angrily. He looked at Louis up and down, trying to see through him, and then he saw Catherine.

"No wonder... tsk tsk, it turns out that he fell in love with the girl from the Warley family." Patrick looked at Catherine up and down with a very wild look: "I remember when I went to Durmstrang, the girl from the Warley family was still a stranger. The little bean sprouts have finally grown up..."

Louis stretched out his hand to stop Catherine who wanted to speak. He narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "I think I need to warn you that if you don't apologize to Catherine, it will be ugly between the two of us."

"Ouch." Patrick looked back at Cesar, who was also smiling sullenly, and then looked at Louis, as if looking at a newborn calf provoking a tiger: "Then according to your wishes, something will happen between us. What’s ugly?”

"I hope you will try to walk around me in the future, otherwise your legs will be broken too many times, and Madam Pomfrey will be in trouble." Louis raised his hand and pointed at Patrick, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, little bastard, this is the first time in my life that someone has threatened me." Patrick sneered: "Take out your magic...ah!!!"

Screams rang out, and everyone was shocked.

No one saw what happened. Only Catherine knew what spell Louis had unleashed.

Her beautiful eyes widened as she looked at Louis' hand pointing at Patrick in disbelief.

She never dared to imagine that the Half-Blood Prince notes that he had just given to him last night, not to mention that Louis had learned the Shen Feng Wu Ying, could actually cast spells silently and without a wand? ? ?

For the first time in fifteen years, she began to have doubts about her talent.

The tendons in Patrick's hands and feet were severed in an instant. He could no longer stand and fell weakly to the ground, with red blood flowing gurglingly. He didn't care about the severe pain coming from his hands, feet and neck, and shouted in horror: "Damn, damn little beast! What did you do to me?"

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