I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 259 Catherine’s Loss

Louis is a little bastard and he knows it.

It's okay to be stubborn and always smile playfully, but if he does it again next time, Catherine will be so angry that she just doesn't change.

After dinner, Louis had nothing to do, and even followed the trio to see Hagrid.

His Blast-Ended Skrewts are indeed growing very impressively, and they will burn your hands without mercy.

Speaking of which, this thing is quite big now, almost as big as a calf.

Perhaps only Hagrid can raise this thing to grow so wildly.

It would be a pity not to raise pigs, raising cows would be fine too - but then again, Hagrid is not short of Galleons, and based on his talent for raising magical animals, Snape has to ask him for anything.

He is the only one who can wholesale the Acromantula venom, and there is no one else.

Outside Hagrid's cabin, he also saw Mrs. Maxim. The way Hagrid looked at Mrs. Maxim was just like Harry looked at Qiu Zhang and Ron looked at Fleur. It was as if there was some magnet attracting the pair. The black beetle-like eyes were full of admiration.

Spring is here, and Hagrid's cabin is filled with the smell of hormones...

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

Louis' good sister also planned to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, but the strict age limit deterred her.

Elizabeth clenched her fist angrily and said that she must participate in this competition when she is in seventh grade!

Yes, five years later she would be in her seventh year and still be in time for the next Triwizard Tournament - if it could still be held as scheduled.

Louis caught the trio of Hagrid and Ron playing cards in the hut for a day, the kind of cards that were stuck on. By the time they came out of Hagrid's hut, it was already dark.

It was a bit of a mistake, Louis muttered to himself, tightening his robe tightly. The autumn wind was still a bit chilly after all, and it was a bit chilly to the bones.

"Cold?" Catherine said, snapping her fingers gently, and a small blue flame rose at her fingertips, instantly dispelling the chill on Louis' body.

One of Li Huo's applications should be considered a new function developed under Louis' guidance - heating.

As the name suggests, it can dispel the coldness around you.

Louis has always been puzzled as to why Catherine can still snap her fingers while wearing gloves. He has tried many times wearing Catherine's gloves. The gloves are very slippery and cannot form any friction at all, let alone make any sound.

It was dinner time now. After dinner, the candidates for the warriors would be announced. A group of people came to sit in the auditorium illuminated by candlelight. The place was bustling with people, and it was already full of people, all coming to dine or watch the excitement.

The Goblet of Fire had been moved, and it was now on top of Dumbledore's desk over the staff table. Fred and George had returned to their original positions, looking cheerful, obviously accepting the fact that they had failed.

Geminis have always been very open-minded. If they can go, they will go. If they cannot go, they will be pulled down.

"Oh, I really hope it's Angelina." Fred said in a casual tone, and then felt a little cold on his back. Looking back, he saw Catherine sitting next to Louis. She was raising her eyebrows and writing on the card. Order food.

"Me too!" Hermione had almost held her breath at this time, "Oh, don't worry, we will know soon."

"You can do it too, dear Miss Worley." Fred changed his words very quickly, and being quick to admit mistakes is one of the few advantages of Gemini.

Catherine waved her hands noncommittally and said nothing.

After Fred said this, Hermione also noticed Catherine. She tried to explain with some embarrassment: "Well, Catherine, I also hope that you will be chosen."

"I would be very happy if you could say that behind my back, Miss Beaver." Catherine put the card on the table and tapped it twice, and the card disappeared with a swish.

Hermione immediately shut up and turned around to order for herself, trying to turn herself into a little transparent so that Catherine could forget about herself.

The words "Miss Beaver" reminded her of the fear of being dominated by Catherine's golden clock for a long time.

Ever since Louis established her status as a professor, Catherine has no longer been as aloof and unapproachable to her classmates. Hermione has also forgotten in the past two years what a terrible woman Catherine was in the first place.

How did you say that? It was the Harmonious Society that saved you... If it weren't for Louis, the grass on Miss Beaver's grave would be five feet high.

The whole dinner seemed extremely long, and everyone seemed to be careless about the dishes in front of them, even though the banquet was more sumptuous than before. People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on every face. Everyone seemed restless. From time to time they stood up and looked in the direction of Dumbledore to see if he had finished eating so that he could announce the Triwizard Tournament. candidate.

Finally, amidst much anticipation, the dinner party came to an end. After the students had finished eating and there was nothing to attract their attention, the noisy buzz resumed, even louder than before.

Dumbledore stood up, and the students who noticed his movements stopped whispering uniformly, as if they had made an appointment, and the whole auditorium became silent for a moment.

Karkaroff and Madame Maxime on either side of Dumbledore looked as nervous and expectant as everyone else. Ludo Bagman was smiling and winking at the students from various schools, while Mr. Lovegood had a calm expression and stared at his daughter Akko with a look of doting. , seems to be a complete daughter slave.

"Okay, I know you all can't wait, now twenty-four hours have passed and our Goblet of Fire decision is about to be made," said Dumbledore, "I reckon it will take another minute - listen "When the Warriors' names are announced, I want them to go to the top of the auditorium, walk along the staff table, and go into the next room."

He pointed to the door behind the staff desk, "They'll get some initial instruction there."

After saying that, Principal Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it widely. As he moved, all the candles except those in the jack-o-lantern were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness. The Goblet of Fire now emits a dazzling and brilliant light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames are dancing, as eye-catching as Mio Akiyama's.

Everyone was watching and waiting with rapt attention, and a few people who couldn't wait kept looking at their watches.

"Soon." Lee Jordan whispered. He was not far away from Louis, and Louis could clearly hear his whisper.

The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks scattered in and out. Immediately afterwards, a tongue of fire leaped high into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it - everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it far away so that he could read the words clearly in the light of the flames, and at the same time, the flames returned to blue-white.

"The champion of Durmstrang," he said in a sonorous tone, "is Viktor Krum!"

"-Not surprising at all!" Ron shouted. As a loyal fan of Viktor, he did not begrudge his enthusiasm at all.

Immediately afterwards, applause and cheers swept the entire auditorium. After all, he was a big star on the Quidditch field, and Viktor's reputation was very high among his classmates at Hogwarts.

Viktor stood up. His prisoner's hairstyle did not hide his popular nature. He strode towards Dumbledore. After walking in front of him, he shook hands with the three principals in turn, while Karkaroff He obviously valued this student very much. He talked excitedly for a long time before letting Viktor follow the staff's desk and enter the next room through the door indicated by Dumbledore.

"Great! Viktor!" Karkaroff shouted loudly, fearing that the entire auditorium could not hear him, "I knew you were destined to be a warrior, come on!"

The applause and cheers continued until the flame color of the Goblet of Fire changed from blue to red again.

Suddenly, tongues of fire spit out the letter, spitting out a piece of burnt parchment.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons -" Dumbledore said in a long voice: "It's Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur stood up from Catherine's side gracefully, swaying her silver hair, and walked between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables lightly and vigorously.

"Look, they are all disappointed." Hermione said in a somewhat complicated tone amidst the commotion. In fact, she used the word "disappointed" incorrectly. The two girls who were not selected were already in tears. , one of them even fainted from crying.

"How pitiful." Harry commented in a low voice. He hated to see his beautiful little sister cry.

Louis could feel that his hand hurt a little. It was Catherine holding him. Judging from the strength, it could be felt that Catherine's mood was not very calm at this time.

After Fleur also entered the next room, the auditorium became quiet again. This time, the excited idiots surging in the silence could feel it - the first two were the warriors of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, so Obviously, the third one must be the Hogwarts Warrior.

At this time, the Goblet of Fire turned red again, and the flames almost touched the ceiling. Dumbledore quickly took off the fluttering parchment from his forehead.

"The Champions of Hogwarts—" Dumbledore shouted, causing Louis' hand to hurt even more.

He turned his head and saw that Catherine was staring at Dumbledore, her eyes full of expectation and desire.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Cedric Diggory!"

"Oops!" Ron yelled, looking behind him subconsciously.

Catherine was still looking at Dumbledore blankly, without making any movement, and even the strength of squeezing Louis' hand disappeared. After a moment, she turned her head and looked at the table calmly, but Louis could clearly feel her girlfriend's sadness and sadness at this time.

He didn't say anything, but reached out and stroked Catherine's back.

But except for Slytherin, all the students in the auditorium were jumping up and down, screaming, cheering, and stamping their feet. Louis sighed and waved to the Slytherin classmates. Only then started cheering for Cedric.

There still needs to be the structure it should have. Hogwarts cannot engage in quarrels and fights, and peace must be the most important thing.

Cedric stood up, and the sunny boy walked forward with a smile on his face. He shook hands with the three principals and then walked towards the room behind the staff desk.

After all, this was the home ground of Hogwarts, and the cheers for Cedric took a long time to die down.

"Little Moon..." Louis whispered Catherine's nickname and gently stroked her head with his hand.

Catherine smiled softly, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Why, do you think I am disappointed?"

"Ah, that's not the case." Louis touched her soft and smooth hair and said softly: "I'm in a bad mood now. Do you think this Goblet of Fire should be smashed?"

Catherine was stunned for a moment, smiled brightly, put her arms around Louis' arm, and whispered in his ear: "Let's let this cup go. After all, he is hundreds of years old."

"It should be replaced just because it is hundreds of years old!" Louis said viciously: "I think it is too old to recognize people. It doesn't even choose my little moon, so why choose Diggory, the little butter boy..."

"Okay, they are all classmates at Hogwarts. Doesn't it matter who you choose?" Catherine rubbed her cheek against Louis's and said with a smile, "It's just a competition, don't take it so seriously..."

That’s what he said, but Lewis could still hear the deep reluctance in his words.

Also, it was really hard for Catherine, who always had her eyes high above her head, to accept this kind of blow. It was unexpected that she could be so open-minded.

Louis glanced up at Dumbledore and found that Dumbledore was also looking at him. The moment the two made eye contact, Louis found that Dumbledore blinked at him quickly.

Then Dumbledore stood up and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Great." Dumbledore exclaimed happily, "Well, now that our three warriors have been selected, I know that I can completely trust you all, including Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's classmates. , you will definitely support your warriors with all your strength. By cheering for the warriors, you will also make a great contribution to this event. I think a successful Triwizard Tournament cannot be held without All your support!”

At this point, Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking, and everyone saw what attracted his attention.

The flame in the goblet turned red again——!

The flames burst out, and a long tongue of flame suddenly jumped into the air, and another piece of parchment was held up on it.

Dumbledore subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed the piece of parchment. He looked at the paper in his hand seriously. There was a long silence. The students in the auditorium were frightened by his serious expression. They were all very upset. Dare to breathe, staring at Dumbledore intently.

Then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read the name on the note aloud.

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