I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 269 Egg-grabbing landing battle

Cedric truly lived up to his reputation as the last hope of the whole Hufflepuff village. The moment he appeared on the stage, the whole audience stood up and cheered for him.

In the contestants' tent, Fleur was like a relay, and after Cedric went out, she started walking around the tent, trying to calm down. Suddenly there was a scream from the crowd, and Fleur shuddered and almost sat down on the ground.

"Oh, it's too dangerous, it's too dangerous. His move is really suspenseful!" Mr. Bagman's commentary voice came, "I think the Hufflepuff qualities in him are fully present at this moment. Shining, indomitable, tenacious, he was a true Hufflepuff - and lo and behold, he tried another way, but failed."

Outside the field, Cedric was in an anxious situation with the Swedish Brachysaurus - in fact, whether the fire dragon was ferocious or not, for a sixth grade student, the difference is not too big - even the most incompetent Welsh Green Dragon. It's not something they can handle.

What does it feel like? It's like a seven-year-old child facing a Bengal tiger and a Siberian tiger. Although the Bengal tiger is the smallest of the tigers, it is still deadly to a child and cannot be defeated, so it is It's no different than facing a Siberian tiger.

After several attempts failed, Cedric saw the rock that Catherine had just pulled. He had an idea and a plan came to his mind. He waved his wand and turned it into a Newfoundland hound.

The rock-turned-Newfoundland hound immediately noticed the hovering Swedish Brachysaurus. It barked at the dragon, and under Cedric's command, began to run around the dragon.

Cedric's guess was correct. The Swedish Brachysaurus really gave up on him and turned his attention to the hunting dog.

Perhaps the little hound's constant barking irritated the Swedish Brachysaurus. It flapped its wings and flew towards the hound. Cedric seized this opportunity and quickly crawled towards the Brachysaurus' lair on his hands and knees.

But the Swedish Brachynosaurus seemed to be mentally ill. It suddenly changed its mind halfway through the flight. He made a sharp turn in the air and turned to attack Cedric. Unfortunately, Cedric moved quickly. He had already reached into the nest and obtained the golden egg.

The Swedish Brachysaurus was incompetent and furious. It opened its mouth and sprayed flames at Cedric. Cedric rolled around like a lazy ass and avoided the flames.

"Beautiful, Contestant Diggory successfully dodged the flame attack of the Swedish Brachysaurus..." Mr. Bagman said mid-sentence, "Ah, he dodged it, but he didn't completely dodge it. We can notice that, The flames of the Swedish Brachysaurus caught Diggory's handsome little face. Well, I hope this won't have any impact on his handsome face. The young man doesn't have a girlfriend yet..."

"The following is the scoring process, the scoring begins!"

Dumbledore gave it eight points. The reason for deducting points was that he was injured and the time was a bit long. Mr. Lovegood gave Cedric a thumbs up and gave him ten points for his wit. Of course, it may be that he had a better relationship with Cedric's father, Amos, so he favored such a person. very.

Mrs. Maxim also gave a high score of nine, and Mr. Bagman also gave a high score of ten. It seems that Mr. Amos Diggory is quite popular.

Finally, there was Karkaroff, who gave five points with a confused look on his face, causing an uproar. Of course, his reason was the same as Dumbledore's, because Cedric was injured.

"Well done, Cedric." Louis gave a thumbs up to Cedric who came up. The big boy smiled excitedly and handed the golden egg to the Hufflepuff classmates and his father next to him. Amos hugged each other.

"Boy, I knew you could do it! I knew you could do it..." Mr. Diggory kept saying, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

Cedric was the pride of his life.

"Butterboy..." Draco muttered in a very slight voice. I don't know why, but many male classmates don't like Cedric a little bit.

Maybe it's because this kid has no flaws, not even in character - the main reason is that he is so handsome.

"The final score of the Digory player is - forty-two points! The next player is - Ms. Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons. The fire dragon she will face is - the Welsh Green Dragon!"

After Mr. Bagman finished speaking, Fleur also came out of the tent and made a shining appearance.

As a girl with Veela blood, she has astonishing beauty, and she aroused a burst of enthusiastic cheers as soon as she came up - and a few boos, mostly from girls.

After Fleur came on the stage, she politely bowed to everyone as a lady. Then she took out her wand and looked at the green dragon who was obviously trying to catch a fish. She was still struggling with what plan was better.

One person and one dragon looked at each other like this, until the Welsh Green Dragon finally got impatient. It looked up to the sky and made a roaring gesture, but it did not make any sound. Its wings also made that kind of fluttering movement. Fleur As if facing a formidable enemy, he quickly assumed a fighting stance and kept scanning the corners of his eyes to see where he could hide.

But she was obviously distracted. The green dragon had no intention of attacking at all. It actually opened its mouth wide and yawned again, lying on the nest, but its yellow eyes were still staring at Fleur.

Good guy, you were stretching just now, right? You must be stretching, right?

Fleur was speechless for a while. She looked at the Welsh green dragon who was dozing off and fishing. She was not careless, but cast a magic spell. After the Welsh Green Dragon fell under this curse, he even closed his eyes. Soon, the sound of loud snoring could be heard on the field.

Mr. Bagman saw that Fleur was using a hypnotic spell. In order not to disturb the green dragon's peaceful sleep, he chose to remain silent.

Fleur climbed up the nest smoothly. She picked up the golden egg and raised it excitedly.

But there is a saying that people should not get too carried away - it's not that the green dragon woke up at such a dangerous moment, and he didn't know what was wrong with this dragon. He snored and passed through his nose. A stream of blue-white flames spurted out, directly setting Furong's skirt on fire.

Fortunately, the angle wasn't quite right, and it only burned the hem of Furong's skirt, otherwise she would have suffered a lot these past few days.

Fleur was calm in the face of danger. She took her wand and recited the Water Like a Spring spell to extinguish the fire on her skirt.

When Fleur also walked onto the stand and came to Madam Maxime's side, Mr. Bagman finally began to speak: "Well done, Miss Delacour from Beauxbatons, she used the hypnotic spell skillfully. , and got rid of the dragon without any effort. The only drawback was that the dragon might have slept too hard, and actually burned Miss Delacour's skirt while snoring... Fortunately, Miss Delacour's reaction was It’s faster, otherwise everything will be gone…”

"Okay, now comes the scoring session!"

Mrs. Maxim blatantly protected the calf and took the lead and scored ten points. Dumbledore gave a high score of nine points, the same as Mr. Lovegood; the good old Mr. Bagman gave a score of eight points. As a passionate Quidditch player, he did not like this very much. A decent style; Karkaroff was as shameless as ever, reluctantly giving him a six.

"Miss Delacour's final score is - forty-two points! Now let's invite our next contestant - also a contestant from Beauxbatons - Miss Marilyn Chabanol! She will face The fire dragon is—Australian Opaleye!”

Cheers rang out and Marilyn came out. She shook her flaxen hair and saluted everyone gracefully.

Then, she looked up at the fire dragon. It has to be said that the Australian opal eye is the most beautiful among the fire dragons. Its pearly scales show a rainbow color, which is very beautiful. The white eyes without pupils are not scary, they are sparkling and colorful.

According to the principles of zoology, good-looking people generally have good tempers, and Australian Oval Eyes obviously fall into this category. Of course, Marilyn also knew the characteristics of Australian oval eyes. After Madam Maxime revealed that she would face a fire dragon in the competition, she spent a lot of time in the Hogwarts library to supplement her knowledge. This time, she was really prepared. Come.

Now that she knew the strategy, Marilyn stopped acting in order to get a high score. She waved her hand, and several sheep came out from behind the rockery - they were transformed by the magic of transformation. Of course, Protein Eyes couldn't know about it.

She drove the sheep forward, politely motioned for the oval to come down and enjoy it, and pointed to the golden egg in the Australian oval's nest, meaning, can I trade the sheep for an egg with you?

Australian Protein Eyes shook his head, no matter how much he liked to eat sheep, he couldn't exchange his own eggs for it, right?

Marilyn was very courageous. She put her wand back in her pocket, raised her hands to show that she had no ill intentions, and led the sheep towards the Australian Oval Eye step by step.

"As expected of being from France, look at this hand gesture, it's authentic." Louis smacked his lips and commented to Catherine.

Of course, Marilyn didn't know what Louis said, and even if she did, she probably wouldn't care. After all, she was born in the old Paris, and this hand-raising skill can be regarded as an ancestral skill. After all, her grandfather went to the U.S. with the Generalissimo. Hopeful.

Australia stared at the little person in front of her, and did not move until she crawled to her nest.

Marilyn became more courageous, passed the sheep up, and pointed to the golden egg.

Opaleye also discovered the difference between the golden egg and the egg he laid - Australian Opaleye's egg is off-white, so it is always mistaken for a fossil by Muggles. With a high IQ, it immediately understood that the golden egg was not its own. Under the temptation of the delicious sheep, it nodded, stretched out its nose and nudged the golden egg, and pushed it out of the nest.

It means you can take it away.

Marilyn immediately picked up the golden egg and left the Australian Oval Eye's nest with a few bounds.

She did not rush to the top, but added a loudspeaker magic to herself, and loudly asked the staff to send some sheep over, and she would pay for it.

The staff complied with her request, and Marilyn breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the genuine sheep delivered to the Australian Oval Eye.

"It seems that our Miss Chabanor is very trustworthy. If she wants to exchange a sheep for a golden egg, she must give it to the real sheep with Australian oval eyes, not a fake sheep with fish eyes conjured up by transfiguration." Bagman The gentleman said with emotion, "There are not many people who value credibility like Miss Chabanol, especially for a fire dragon. I think we should all learn from her."

After Mr. Bagman finished speaking, warm applause and cheers erupted from the stands, all applauding Marilyn.

"Okay, now is our scoring session." Mr. Bagman said with a smile.

This time Mrs. Maxim still gave a high score of 10, and Dumbledore and Ludo Bagman also gave a high score of 10. Lovegood gave it nine points, and Karkaroff struggled for a long time before he finally gave it six points.

I, Karkaroff, have been acting all my life, so why should I explain to others what I belong to.

"Miss Chabanor's final score is - forty-five points! Let us congratulate her!" Mr. Bagman shouted excitedly, with a few words of slander against Karkaroff in his mind, but in the end he did not say it. come out.

Marilyn walked to the stands and waved excitedly to the cheering crowd.

Fleur also walked over and hugged her warmly, and then the two sat behind Madame Maxime and talked cordially.

"Now, let's invite our next contestant, the warrior from Durmstrang - Mr. Viktor Krum! The fire dragon he will face is - Siris Fireball!"

Victor's figure appeared in the audience, his face was no longer as green as before, and he had adjusted his mentality after experiencing countless big scenes. He waved to everyone calmly, and the audience responded with enthusiastic cheers. This is how popular the star seeker is.

The Seris Fireball Dragon, also known as the Dragon Lion, has bright red smooth scales, a lion's nose on its face, and a circle of golden tassel-like spikes around the nose. Its eyes are protruding, making it look ferocious and funny. This fire dragon can spit out mushroom-shaped fireballs from its nostrils when it is angry, so it was named the fireball dragon.

Viktor stood there, looking at the Seris Fireball Dragon from a distance, thinking in his mind how to deal with it.

"I think he will definitely fly." Ron said decisively next to Louis, "Who is he? He is the famous Viktor Krum! The best seeker in the world! He will definitely He'll use his signature 'Wronsky Feint' to touch the golden egg!"

"But I didn't see his broom, Ron." Hermione didn't like that her boyfriend admired Viktor so much, "I think he will use other methods. Our competition rules also prohibit bringing anything other than a wand. The entry of other things..."

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