I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 274 Harry’s request for help

Snape's punches were quite powerful, at least Harry and Ron had nothing to say at this moment.

Even if he had something to say, he couldn't say it. Who knew what Snape would do to these two people when he got angry.

Recently, due to the Triwizard Tournament being held at Hogwarts, his daughter, Mr. Lovegood, found an excuse to stay at school to accompany her daughter. Now he is sitting next to Akko, supervising her self-study. .

It should be said that Mr. Lovegood is not the kind of person who dotes on children. At least in terms of grasping the general direction, Lovegood has no intention of letting go.

Then you can see Mr. Lovegood sitting there licking ice cream leisurely, and Akko's face is full of joy, and he is writing homework vigorously beside his father.

Judging from her strength, it almost cut the paper, emmmmm, I can't say.

Days passed, and Christmas was getting closer. Finally, amidst the suffering of the students, the final Transfiguration course exam came to an end.

The so-called involution is like this. After hearing that Professor Snape was still conducting the Transfiguration course examination, Professor McGonagall, who has always been strict, also followed up on Snape's actions. Then, Dean Sprout and Flir Not to be outdone, Dean Wei announced that there would be exams on Herbology and Charms at the end of the semester.

This is very painful for the students, and they have to stop studying while sighing. The only good thing is that Emma, ​​the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, doesn't plan to leave any papers or take any exams.

In this way, Emma became more popular among her classmates.

But Emma said that the Defense Against the Dark Arts on the test paper is all theory, and the real Defense Against the Dark Arts must be tested in practice - fortunately, she announced that the overall test will be conducted at the end of the next semester.

While breathing a sigh of relief, the students liked this young, beautiful and gentle Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher even more.

After a fresh snowfall, the snow-covered scenery transformed the entire Hogwarts into a fairytale campus. The teachers and students of Hogwarts are not idle either. Before the holiday arrives, they decide to show this thousand-year-old castle its best appearance.

The school began to be decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and some students even brought many unique and beautiful gadgets from home. I have to say that even Dumbledore has never seen such beautiful decorations on campus. The marble handrails are covered with icicles that will never melt, and some are even carved into various shapes by skillful hands. Various shapes of magical animals, perhaps this is the suggestion of Dumbledore's old friend - yes, today we will welcome an old Hufflepuff senior, Mr. Newt Scamander.

Only Newt can have such enthusiasm for magical animals.

In addition to coming to the Christmas dinner, he came specifically to see Louis - mainly to thank him for designing the image of Scamander and to recommend more magical animals to him.

Twelve magic Christmas trees were also placed in the auditorium, which were decorated with various weird gadgets by the students, making them look very festive. Louis likes those little golden owls the most. They are all enchanted and look just like alive ones. They even chirp. They are also very dear. As long as you reach out and touch them, they will chirp. The cry is very gratifying.

And the armors in the castle were not idle either, they were all pulled out and temporarily used as strong men. I don’t know who cast the magic on them. As long as someone passes by the armor, they will start singing Christmas carols, and they can feed some songs like AI. For example, the armor next to Louis’ office was replaced by Chris. Thassa fed him a high elf dirge, and those who didn't know thought that someone had opened Sylvanas's pendant box.

The main reason is that this song is too scary. It is an elegy, and it sounds like "I will reward you with a hundred and twenty coins." The atmosphere is particularly heightened, especially when you pass by a ghost.

As long as Nick isn't holding his head, it's really not that scary.

Other armors are not so smart. Most can only sing half of the lyrics, and some even sing the line "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells" without knowing what's next.

"These armors are really stupid." Draco commented on these armors: "Even Gryffindor's little troll Neville is much smarter than it!"

As a result, this sentence was overheard by Harry who was passing by, and the two had a fight. The result of the competition was that Harry's front teeth looked like a rabbit, while Draco grew a fox tail.

Now their reputations became even more famous. Fox and Bunny's reputations became famous at Hogwarts. When Madam Pomfrey was hospitalized, several Beauxbatons girls even came to visit. the two of them.

"So, do you have a dance partner?" Draco asked Harry in a leisurely tone, lying on the hospital bed with his legs crossed, enjoying the grapes Pansy peeled for him.

Harry folded his hands on his chest angrily and turned away from him.

"If you can't find anyone again, I think you must be the most embarrassing kid in Hogwarts." Draco continued to add fuel to the fire, irritating Harry.

Harry didn't speak, looking at the hospital bed in front of him in a trance, thinking about whether to listen to the bastard's chanting or not.

If Pansy wasn't here, he would definitely take out his wand and conjure a fox tail for Draco.

"I heard that Moaning Myrtle always hides in the girls' bathroom on the third floor." Draco continued to flirt with Harry, "I think if no one invites you, you can try to invite him. Moaning Myrtle, in this case, can also create a relatively sensational effect... Think about it, the next day, the headline of the "Daily Prophet" will be about the Hogwarts warrior dating a female ghost. Oh my god…what kind of Lockhart plot is this?”

"Langlock! (Langlock)"

Harry finally couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't need to bear it anymore. He took out his wand and fired a Seal and Throat Curse.

"Protego! (Armor Protection)"

Pansy's movements are also very fast. Everyone has been specially trained by Louis' mirror world, and they are all equally skilled in their moves.

"I think you want to make your teeth longer." Draco snorted, "Forget it, for Louis' sake, I won't argue with you."

At this time, Ron also walked in with Hermione, followed by a group of Gryffindor classmates. Seeing the not very friendly atmosphere in the ward, Ron walked over and asked loudly: "What, this fox bullied you?" ?”

"No, we were chatting just now." Harry coughed, "We talked about some sensitive topics, but he didn't let me talk."

"Oh." Ron still looked at Draco with some suspicion, but since Harry said so, he had no reason to raise an issue, so the matter just passed.

Harry was relatively happy tonight, but by the next day, his expression was obviously depressed.

He knocked on Lewis's office door and walked in with a depressed expression.

Louis asked Sakuya to make him a cup of hot tea and asked him to sit down and talk slowly.

Remilia also came up like a little adult, looking at Harry cutely with her big eyes, one hand on her hips and the other patting her non-existent chest, and said generously: "Encountered Are you in trouble, little Harry, don't worry, if you have anything to tell Miss Remilia..."

The result was that she received a blow from Lewis's hand and pathetically went to the corner to defend herself with her head in her hands.

"It seems that you have been rejected." Louis smacked his lips, "The sorrow and misery on your face can be condensed into substance, and a layer of pain mask has been peeled off."

"I suddenly don't like Cedric again." Harry said aggrievedly.

"But after all, he was the one who came first." Louis said helplessly, "You also know, first come first served. I was originally the prefect of Hufflepuff. Besides, I knew him a long time ago. At that time You only know how to have fun with the Golden Snitch..."

Harry raised his head and glanced at Louis with resentment. What does it mean to just have fun watching the Golden Snitch...

But he knew there was nothing wrong with what Lewis said, and he was indeed like that at the time.

"It's so embarrassing." Harry said uncomfortably, holding hot tea in his hand. "I feel really embarrassed. It feels like my internal organs have been squeezed out of my body. It's so uncomfortable. It's really uncomfortable... …”

"How about..." Louis rubbed his chin, "I'll introduce you to someone? What kind of girl do you want to attend the prom with you?"

"Beautiful!" Harry replied decisively without thinking.

Then he felt a little embarrassed and said nothing after two muffled words.

"It's so superficial." Lewis laughed, "But I am the same, I am also very superficial, I only like beautiful people..."

With that, he called out Chromie from inside the house.

"What's wrong?" Chromie poked her head out. She was playing Warcraft on the computer.

When talking about Warcraft, we have to mention Louis’s tricks in the Muggle world. He sent people to acquire Condor Corporation and Blizzard at the same time, and “got” them to the UK...

Otherwise, you will have to ask them to collect some copyright fees in the future.

In short, after a series of bugs through the Bronze Dragon card, "Warcraft: The Frozen Throne" was released in October - the hardware has kept up, and now the Bronze Company under the Mountbatten family produces computers whose performance has been No less than an ordinary computer from around 2005.

So playing Warcraft is not a problem now. The story text is still written by the bronze dragon Chromie himself. Regarding what Arthas said to Jaina at the door of Stratholme, Chromie went back to eavesdrop on the whispers.

Of course, these are all things for later. The top priority is to quickly find a friend for Harry.

"My brother needs a dance partner. Do you have any good candidates?" Louis asked straight to the point.

Chromie looked Harry up and down, frowned and asked, "This brother of yours looks pretty good, and he doesn't seem to have any flaws - why can't he find a girlfriend?"

"It's not that he can't be found." Louis spread his hands, "Actually, it's just a step too late and someone else has taken the lead. Otherwise, with his little appearance, he would definitely be fine."

"Then let me think about it for you...what does he like?" Chromie asked.

"It looks good." Louis replied, "Is this a valid reason?"

"Indeed." Chromie nodded, happy, "I know quite a few red dragons and green dragons who are interested in a boy as old as Harry... but I'm afraid Harry might not be able to stand it..."

"Red dragon and green dragon?" Harry grasped the words keenly and immediately shook his head and said: "No, no, dragon... uh, I can't stand it..."

He thought it was a dragon like the Hungarian Horntail.

"I said dragon, not fire dragon." Chromie immediately corrected Harry, "Actually, I am also a dragon. Look at Krisstrasa over there, she is a red dragon. "

"Huh? Krisstrasa... is actually a dragon..." Harry seemed to feel that his three views had been refreshed. He immediately said: "I take back what I just said. If everyone is like Krisstrasa... If it’s the same beautiful red dragon, of course I’ll have no problem with it.”

"Okay, I'll contact you right away." Cromie slapped his head and disappeared into Louis' office.

The bronze dragon's movements were very fast. Chromie returned to Louis' office almost instantly. She took out a bunch of photos from her pocket and handed them to Harry.

"Here, take a look, they are all beauties from the Aspect Dragon Clan..." Chromie said, seeing Harry staring at a dark-haired beauty, and she immediately pulled the photo back, " No, I don’t recommend you choose Onyxia...well, you can’t control her."

"Listen to me Harry, you really can't control this woman." Louis nodded solemnly, "She is the Black Dragon Princess, and she is even more scheming than Delilah. I suggest that you don't become the strongman Samson. Better……"

Of course Harry understood this allusion. He stopped thinking about the Black Dragon Princess and chose other photos instead.

To be honest, the humanoid creatures transformed by the Aspect Dragons are all equally beautiful. Harry almost instantly forgot about the women in Hogwarts. Who is Zhang Qiu? Stop it, I’m so unfamiliar...

He was a bit picky.

At the end, Harry finally selected a particularly mature-looking red-haired lady from the three photos and handed it to Chromie.

Chromie took the photo and made two loud tsk sounds. He looked up at Harry and said in a teasing tone: "Tsk tsk, you kid... you have good taste. Lirastrasza is a member of the Red Dragon Legion." One of the most beautiful red dragons in the world, and she doesn’t have a mate yet…”

"Wait a minute!" Louis discovered the blind spot in her words, "You mean, are there any singles here?"

"Ah, that's not the case." Chromie shook his head in denial, "Do you think I look like that kind of person? Besides, Harry is your brother, and I can't cheat him at all, don't you think?"

"That's true." Louis agreed with Chromie's statement and turned to look at Harry, "Are you sure? You just like Lilastrasza?"

Harry nodded hastily.

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