I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 276 Catherine: I have long disliked it...

Harry performed extremely well in fulfilling his promise. His sudden change in his optimistic and positive attitude towards learning not only made Ron and Hermione stunned, but even the professors were a little confused. react to.

Especially Professor Snape.

"What the hell are you playing, Pott!" Snape sat behind his desk and looked at Harry coldly, a little uncomfortable with this Harry who was suddenly interested in studying.

It’s hard to get used to it, but the previous owner of these green eyes really loved learning...

Thinking of this, Snape's cold expression actually relaxed a little.

If you were interested in Potions, then Snape really wouldn't mind teaching him all he had - but his attitude would certainly not make it so easy for Harry.

"You're a bit of a pervert, brother." Ron said to Harry who was practicing spells in the dormitory.

"I want to beat you." Harry said back.

Ron shrugged in annoyance. He looked at Harry who was practicing hard for a while. Feeling a little bored, he took out a stack of explosive cards from the drawer and began to build a castle.

This is a very interesting card. If it fails, it will blow up the person's face and make him black. It can be regarded as a stressful way to play.

Ron was obviously enjoying it, and it didn't matter that his good brother was immersed in studying.

The homework during the holidays can be considered heavy. Because Professor Snape opened the book first without respecting martial ethics, other teachers followed suit, so the students were unlucky and had to face endless homework during the holidays.

Influenced by Hogwarts, Beauxbatons' principal, Madame Maxime, also begged teachers of various subjects to assign some winter vacation homework to Beauxbatons students, and to correct them after the start of school - of course, this is not free. Mrs. Maxim offered to provide necessary materials for the academic research of Hogwarts teachers.

Of course, professors are not that kind of people, but Madam Maxime gave her a lot. In other words, you don’t want us to teach you students—you have to pay more.

Karkaroff also wanted to join in the fun after learning about it, but this old guy obviously had a hard-earned temper and just wanted to use the professors' labor for free, so he was naturally rejected.

The homework is so heavy, but to be honest, no one has any intention to do homework now. Everyone is now focused on the upcoming dance.

You can go home during the Christmas vacation, but this year's Christmas vacation is different from previous years. Due to the existence of the Triwizard Tournament and the dance, there are very few students who advocate going home, and the castle is as lively as when there is no vacation.

Holidays are a time for everyone to relax and have fun, and no one wants to take care of things during the holidays, so the castle is much noisier than usual, and the noise is very festive.

Some professors have strong opinions on this, such as Professor Snape, who does not want to be named. The result of this is that as long as there are students approaching within a radius of more than ten meters with his office as the center, no matter how cheerful they were before, they will put away their interest and be a good student.

The reason for this is that Seamus and Justin, who had last fought at Professor Snape's door, were still dealing with slugs in Snape's office.

Having learned from the past, latecomers will certainly not be caught in pain.

Having said that, those who are still caught by Snape deserve it. Normal people know that they should stay away...

We can only blame Seamus and Justin for their short memory. Whoever let them run to Snape's office with nothing to do, they deserved to be punished.

No one sympathized with either of them, or even wanted to punish them.

For this reason, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were each deducted ten points for disturbing the professor while preparing potions during the holidays.

The Weasley twins are also very happy recently. The canary biscuits they developed are selling very well. Just two days before the holiday, there were always people poofing and being covered with feathers. However, everyone quickly learned their lesson and became very wary of the food handed to them, lest there be any big surprises hidden inside.

"Timeo danaos et dona ferentes." Louis, who was sitting in the auditorium eating, said to Ron, who was covered in feathers.

"Quack?" The uneducated Ron quacked like a duck, obviously not understanding what Lewis meant.

"Louis tells you, be careful of sugar-coated bullets." Hermione said helplessly from the side, "You are really the kind of person who has no memory. Have you been tricked by the two of them so many times since you were a child? I really can't believe you. You can fall down on the same two people countless times, really..."

Hermione looked helpless. She was a little desperate at how stupid her boyfriend was.

"I didn't expect that either..." Ron scratched his head hard.

"Okay, this is also Ron's advantage. You have to be more open-minded, Hermione." Louis said with a smile, "Retaining unconditional trust in friends and family, this is our Ron..."

"Oh Louis..." Ron immediately became happy, and with his movements, his feathers trembled with joy.

It has to be said that Louis is indeed very accomplished at praising people, and Ron suddenly forgot about the unpleasantness of being plotted by Fred and George.

"You've suffered a lot." Louis looked at Hermione with some pity. "You know, raising children is a very difficult thing, especially when children are..." At this point, Louis raised his fingers and tapped. His temples, "You know."

"Alas." Hermione sighed, glanced helplessly at Ron, who was still intoxicated, and took out a pile of papers from her bag, "Look, Louis, this is a document about the House Elves Liberation Front. …”

"This name actually doesn't sound good, Hermione." Louis suggested, "Actually, it's mainly because it's a bit unlucky. Look at how much the Palestine Liberation Front has been cannibalized by Tel Aviv."

"Uh, okay." Hermione accepted the proposal, "What would be a better name to change it to?"

"You need to take control of this yourself, as long as you don't change it too outrageously." Louis chuckled, "Just don't make it look like the XX organization."

"Oh..." Hermione looked at the plan in her hand thoughtfully.

Louis shook his head gently. This little girl is really awesome. Maybe if there is a chance in the future, he can introduce Ms. Jaina Proudmoore to her.

At this age, Jaina was equally innocent, with the same Virgin Heart, but Hermione was better than her in that at least she was not a slut, nor did she have a filial boyfriend.

"Hey, isn't this little bird Ronnie?" The voices of the twins sounded simultaneously, and then Fred and George hugged Ron one by one. "Your colors are really bright now, little Ronnie." Baby."

Ron turned back and rolled his eyes at them both, but said nothing.

After being bored in front of Ron, the Gemini turned their attention to Hermione.

"Oh, Hermione, would you like a French fries?" Fred conjured up a French fries from nowhere and handed it to Hermione like a cigarette.

"Thank you, no." Hermione showed an expression of indifference. She had warned herself from the first day she met the Geminis, never to accept anything from George and Fred, even a stick. fries.

Besides, she's not a seagull, so how could she be fooled by using French fries?

"Give me one." Louis stretched out his hand and said to Gemini, "I'll give it to someone else when I get back to see if she will be fooled."

"She?" the twins asked in unison, with a look of extreme interest on their faces: "Are you going to give Miss Worley this fries? Don't tell me that I didn't warn you. After eating it, you will look like Our dear little Ronnie is the same..."

"I'm not stupid..." Louis rolled his eyes at the two of them: "If you give Catherine this food, I'm afraid it's not Ramesses II who hanged himself - because he thought his life would be long..."

George and Fred looked at each other, and then handed him the fries with confidence: "Since it's not for Miss Worley, I'm relieved - I'm really afraid that she will be angry and trace the source to us... …”

"Look at how cowardly you two are..." Louis complained, "What if Catherine comes to settle a score with you? With me here, does she dare to say no?"

The twins gave a thumbs up in unison.

Louis turned his fingers and stuffed the fries. When he looked outside the auditorium, it was snowing heavily outside again. Since Hogwarts is located in the Scottish Highlands and belongs to a high latitude area, it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had set over the mountains, and the sky was already completely dark.

"It's snowing again," Hermione muttered, looking out the window.

The house elves were already busy, preparing hot stews and various exquisite desserts for the three school students. When it was approaching four o'clock, Harry arrived late.

"Sorry, I've been in the Room of Requirement." Although Harry couldn't hide his tiredness, he was very happy.

"Did Lila teach you magic?" Louis asked abruptly.

"Yeah." Harry chuckled, "I learned a few useful tricks, and I have to say, she's really awesome."

"Who is Lila?" Ron and Hermione looked interested. They had always been very concerned about their good friends.

Harry suddenly blushed and looked at the wand in his hand without saying anything.

"She is his dance partner." Louis winked at Harry and said to Hermione and Ron: "You will know when the dance comes. Lila is a very good girl."

"What about Ginny?" Ron, a good brother, has not forgotten his sister.

"We are not suitable for each other." Harry sniffed and said, "Ginny is too young and doesn't have that...well, that feeling for me."

Louis coughed and translated for the two of them: "Let me translate for you, Harry likes older people..."

Harry blushed even more.

"The food at Hogwarts is too greasy..." Fleur behind Hermione frowned, grabbing her belly with both hands and said, "Oh my God, I still miss the food at Beauxbatons... "

"If she could consider the fact that her clothes have slimmed down, then this sentence will be more convincing." Hermione whispered to everyone, causing a burst of laughter.

Louis was sitting in the Slytherin seat, next to Catherine who was eating elegantly. He nudged Catherine with his elbow, and when he saw her looking at him, he said with a smile: "I got the latest good stuff from George and Fred. , do you want to try it?"

"What is it?" Catherine asked, raising her eyebrows with interest.

"It's the canary biscuits, they were disguised as French fries." Louis looked around uneasily, and when he saw that the person he wanted to see was not here, he said very evilly: "Are you interested in getting one? Give Sister Li An a taste?"

Catherine's eyes widened immediately, and she said almost without hesitation: "Of course, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'll find an opportunity to treat her to French fries." Louis hiccupped and smiled, "This Christmas, we have to go home to see her. Of course... there will be a dance on Christmas day, so that's for sure No, but we can wait until two days after Christmas, cook a delicious meal for her when we get home, and treat it as caring for the empty nester..."

"You dare to say that she is an old man, be careful she will punish you if she finds out..." Catherine smiled softly, as if she felt that this was not bad, so she secretly said: "You are right, she is an old man, and she is still an old man. She always likes to pretend to be young, huh... I have long disliked her!"

Louis gave a thumbs up and praised: "Yes, this is my little moon. I admire you for having the courage to declare war on the evil forces!"

"You mean my mother is an evil force?" Catherine pursed her lips and chuckled: "It's not a mistake to describe it like this. Anyway... I have decided to shock her with a little magic trick!"

I learned this sentence pattern from Louis. For a while, he always liked to say it to give people a little Slytherin shock.

Facts have proved that those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are dark. After spending time with Louis for a long time, Catherine is starting to look more and more like Louis.

Solanlian has been very leisurely recently. Christmas is coming, and she also has a rare holiday... It's not actually rare, mainly because she is too lazy to do the work at the Ministry of Magic, and just wants to cheer for her daughter wholeheartedly.

But Catherine didn't seem to buy it. She had a lot of objections to her mother... mainly because Solanlian always liked to tease her when she had nothing to do.

Yukiko Kudo belongs to the magical world.

"Don't worry, little moon." Louis rubbed her cheek affectionately: "Our days are still long, and there will always be a chance to make you stand up. Don't worry, I will always stand with you."

At the same time, he thought silently in his heart that if it were in front of Solanlian, he would definitely support Solanlian.

Baseline flexibility has always been one of his strengths (maybe?).

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