I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 292 The end of the second round

Hermione's anger finally subsided under the comfort of the Gryffindor girls. Of course, the most important thing was Draco's words, which calmed her anger instantly.

"You're not even angry about the fact that Potter's most important treasure is Weasley, why would you still care about that half-Veela kissing Weasley?" Draco's expression was at its peak, if he wasn't so afraid Seeing that the impact was not good, Hermione directly punched Euler seriously.

If a girl behaves so violently in public, Yang Yin will laugh.

"It was the Harmonious Society that saved you." Hermione looked at Draco angrily, but got a grimace with her eyes wide apart.

By the lake, Dumbledore was squatting there and talking closely with the leader, who looked like a particularly fierce and rough female mermaid.

Dumbledore made that high-pitched, piercing sound that mermaids make on the water, and apparently he also spoke merfolk—according to legend, he could speak draconic, that's what it says on the chocolate frog, after all.

After he finished talking to the murloc leader, he stood up straight and turned to the other judges and said: "Let's have a meeting first and then give scores.

Catherine, who was next to the guest of honor, was taking snacks from the plate handed over by Sakuya, which she had just baked. She brought one to Louis and pushed him twice before he came back to his senses.

"What are you thinking about?" Catherine was very curious. Why did this kid suddenly stare at Dumbledore and the mermaid in a daze?

Could it be that the fish-men are good-looking? Catherine confirmed again without belief, no problem, it does not look very environmentally friendly...

"Oh." Louis smiled, "I thought the mermaid's language was the murloc language I know, like "wr gr ml wgrrlwmag gg mwmw"..."

Catherine burst out laughing. The pronunciation that Louis just made was so funny: "What did you just say...um, blah blah blah, what do you mean? It sounds quite interesting. Is this really fishman language?"

"Yes, it means "Let's give birth to a thousand babies together."" Louis said carelessly, not paying attention to the other meaning of this sentence.

Maybe he did it on purpose.

Catherine's face turned red immediately. This damn little deer, there are so many people here, why did he just say that directly? Why should two people talk in private when no one is around?

"You are going to die, who will give you a thousand babies!" Catherine whispered with a blushing face, and kicked Louis' calf with her little feet.

"Ah? Can't a thousand?" Louis didn't turn around at first, but his brain was good and he understood what Catherine was talking about immediately, so he said with a smile: "A thousand is a bit too much, then One hundred? One hundred head offices, right?"

"Go away! Do you think I'm a sturgeon?" Catherine was even more embarrassed.

"Then ten, no more!" Louis made a sign of ten with both hands.

Catherine was immediately lost in thought.

It's a very classic soap opera from the 1970s and 1980s. They live in the Warley family's house, but the house number is "Mountbatten House".

"Tiantian! I'm home!" The adult Louis pushed open the door and shouted loudly.

"Oh, Darling..." Catherine walked out of the kitchen, raised her head and shouted: "Children, look who is back?"

Immediately afterwards, ten children jumped down from upstairs. The clothes they wore all had the words "Mountbatten Family" embroidered on them...

Thinking of this, Catherine's head started to boil rapidly, her face was red and she was buried in Louis' arms, and her little deer was stunned for a while.

What's wrong with this sister?

While the two were chatting, several referees also gathered together. Madam Pomfrey rescued Ron from the twins' clutching grasp, led him to Harry and the others, gave him a blanket and some refreshing potions, and then went to fetch Fleur and her sister.

There were scars all over Fleur's face and arms, and her robe was torn, but she didn't mind the scars on her body at all, and instead asked Madam Pomfrey to take care of her sister Gabrielle first.

It's obvious that she loves her sister very much.

But at this moment, Ludo Bagman blessed himself with a magic amplification spell, and the magically amplified sound suddenly sounded in the ears of the warriors, startling them, and also making the audience in the stands shocked. It suddenly became quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Merkus, the leader of the mermaids, told us exactly what happened under the lake. We decided to rate the warriors as follows based on a full score of fifty points:

"Although Fleur Delacour demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble Charm, she was attacked by Grindylow as she approached her target and failed to rescue the hostages.

After the decision of the jury, we decided to give Miss Fleur Delacour twenty-five points, thank you all! "

There was a round of applause from the stands.

"I should get zero points." Fleur shook her graceful head, her voice becoming very hoarse due to anxiety.

"Cedric Diggory also used the Bubble Charm and was the second to return with the hostages, but he exceeded the allotted time of one hour by one minute."

When Mr. Bagman said this, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers and screams from the Hufflepuff camp. The sound was deafening. Zhang Qiu looked at Cedric with an extremely revealing look. It seemed that he wanted to use that weak look right now. Cedric dealt with Cedric's bookishness ruthlessly.

"So we give Cedric Diggory forty-five points, thank you all."

When the applause ended, Mr. Bagman announced loudly again: "Contestant Viktor Krum used the transformation spell. Although Mr. Krum's transformation spell is not ideal, it is still effective. He is the third Returned with hostages, so after discussion and decision, we will award Mr. Viktor Krum forty points."

Karkaroff slapped his hands particularly vigorously, looking triumphant, not showing any signs of the embarrassment he had just been dealt with by Catherine.

After waiting for a while, Mr. Bagman once again announced the results of the next contestant: "Miss Marilyn Chabanol, she used a skilled head-bubbly spell to rescue her hostages, and was the fourth to return successfully. contestant, so we decided to award Miss Marilyn Chabanauer – thirty-nine points!”

Madame Maxime smiled and nodded, and applauded enthusiastically to show her encouragement to Marilyn. To be fair, Marilyn's performance was very good, and she was very satisfied.

"The fifth place is Mr. Vasily Petrenko from Durmstrang. He also used the transformation spell and turned into a perfect dolphin, just a little slower in time, so we discussed It is decided to award Mr. Vasily Petrenko thirty-eight points!" Mr. Bagman loudly announced the fifth place result.

Apart from his classmates at Hogwarts, only Vasily's girlfriend Yelena applauded him sincerely, but that was enough. Vasily was so happy that he rushed over and hugged his girlfriend.

"Mr. Harry Potter used gillyweed and achieved amazing results." Bagman continued, with an exaggerated look on his face, "He was the last contestant to return and far exceeded the time limit. The allotted time of one hour... However, the mermaid female leader told us that Mr. Porter was the second to find the hostages. He failed to return in time because he wanted to ensure that all the hostages returned to land safely, not just his own. hostage."

"Hey..." Ron sighed regretfully. Harry could have achieved better results than Cedric, just because he showed kindness that he shouldn't have. Now it's better, he is ranked last...

Harry didn't care. He smiled heartlessly. He was happy that he could save Gabrielle. This was more important than anything else.

"Most of the referees," said this, Bagman glanced at Karkarov with great dissatisfaction, almost making it clear that this "small number of referees" were Karkarov himself.

"I think this fully reflects the noble moral character. However... after everyone unanimously discussed and carefully decided, Mr. Potter's score is forty-five!"

Harry's heart pounded violently. This was the first time he had ever matched Cedric - in any way.

"I really have you! Harry!" Ron laughed loudly: "You are our moral role model! Look! Gryffindor is like this! Helpful! Burn yourself to help others!"

Ron spoke very well, not only did he praise Harry, but he also praised himself and everyone in Gryffindor.

Because Harry saved Gabrielle, Fleur was also clapping vigorously and cheering for him.

When the cheers gradually subsided, Mr. Bagman said: "Okay, okay, we still have a first-place contestant-Miss Catherine Worley. She ranked first among all contestants in ten minutes." No. 1, and rescued her hostages in an irreproachable and unquestionable way. She was just like the Muggle empress with the same name more than three hundred years ago, who ordered the world not to disobey! So after Everyone discussed and unanimously decided to award Miss Catherine Worley - fifty points!"

This time, the cheers and cheers were even louder, especially in the Slytherin seat, which was like a pot of boiling green potion.

Professor Snape's face also showed an unprecedented smile of joy, but this smile disappeared the moment he saw Harry.

This kid looks more and more like James the longer he looks...

Snape really didn't want to give this face any good looks, but every time he saw those green eyes, his heart softened.

Really, how come there is a face with such a pair of eyes? He has always been puzzled.

"The third, third event, which is the last event, will be held on the evening of June 24th." Mr. Bagman finally announced: "The warriors will know the specific content of the competition one month in advance. Okay, now, I announce that the second project is officially over, and the score list will be displayed in the auditorium of Hogwarts later. Thank you all for your support of the warriors. Goodbye!"

It's over... Everyone thought, Madam Pomfrey began to escort the warriors and hostages to the castle to change into clean clothes.

"There's no need for the two of us." Catherine politely declined Madam Pomfrey's proposal. She just wanted to have a good sleep now.

She caught Louis who was about to leave and mysteriously announced that he would be grounded for a day.

After not seeing each other for a long time, we have to make up for it, Catherine thought happily.

Louis didn't reject Catherine very much, and followed her back to the office obediently.

The next day, he decided to take a good vacation. There was nothing to learn anyway, so he might as well explore the mirror world.

Catherine wanted to go with him, but Louis refused. After all, there would be real life-threatening danger when opening the map for the first time. It was better to go alone for this kind of thing.

The moment he entered, the task prompted by the system also popped up.

*Top of ancient dragon

Mission description: The top of the ancient dragon, the place of exile for the eldest son of the sun, has been eroded by the years and the disappearance of fire. Even as a descendant of a god, his sanity will inevitably be eroded.

Mission goal: Defeat the ancient flying dragon, the unknown king

Mission reward: Rune: Lo; Scroll: Eye of Skadi; ​​Super powerful Ruyi robe (four holes)*2; "Mage's Fist" white lace gloves*1; "Thunder God's power" giant battle belt *1.

Looking at these rewards, Lewis felt a little itchy and helpless.

The French Fist is actually exclusive to women, so it seems that it can only be used by Catherine.

But it doesn’t matter, the money won’t go to outsiders.

On the contrary, it was the Thor's belt that aroused his interest. He didn't know what attributes this belt, known as the father of the electric ghost, would have here.

He closed the task panel and his eyes lit up.

Magnificent and majestic are not enough to describe the one ten thousandth of the top of the ancient dragon. Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains, it is quite meaningful to see all the mountains.

"Can you stand alone on the top of the mountain and let the wind and frost attack, until the sea turns into mulberry fields and the mountain sinks to the bottom of the sea..."

A system voice came out of his heart.

"You're cheating, buddy." Louis couldn't help but interrupt the system's inflammation: "This is Dark Souls, not World of Warcraft..."

The system is silent.

Immediately afterwards, Lewis felt a murderous aura.

A guy wearing tattered cloth was approaching him, holding a knife and a worn-out shield in his hand. When he got close to about seven or eight meters, the guy suddenly stretched his neck and bit Lewis!

Louis, who had beaten the top of the ancient dragon, certainly knew the characteristics of this guy. He secretly cursed "evil beast" and cut it in half with a divine blade.

There are a lot of good things at the top of the ancient dragon. Needless to say, basic things like wedge-shaped stones. Louis even touched two thunder gems.

Thunder Gem

Can be embedded; can be used as reinforcement to provide lightning attribute attack power or defense power.

All lightning damage +4%

generally. Louis smacked his lips, put it into his bag, raised his head and cast a magic spell to knock the snake man carrying the big ax off the cliff, and then stepped into the ancient city gate in front of him.

He was not walking fast, and there were surprisingly no monsters on the left and right. There was a light group on the altar near the cliff in front.

Lewis walked over and squeezed the light ball with his hands. It felt like he was squeezing a cotton ball.

It feels pretty good in hand.

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