I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 310 The Third Project

Spring turned to summer, and the days passed quickly. After constant visits and discussions from the magic circles from various countries, old Europe had been integrated by Louis.

At least in terms of interests, everyone still has the same pursuit.

It’s not that there are no visitors from Yingjiang’s magic world, but Louis said that they can come. Master, I’m very happy, but Master, I don’t like their attitude.

That kind of arrogant attitude to the core is really...

It is indeed a country without history, and it has no heritage engraved in its bones.

What kind of water and soil raises what kind of people, the kind of things raised in a place of exile... Forget it, let's not mention it.

Louis has already begun to intensively plan how to dismantle Eagle Sauce, so why not start from their magical world.

The final exam went on as scheduled, but as participating warriors, Catherine, Harry, and Cedric did not need to take the final exam. Of course Louis doesn't need it either, he has Professor Dumbledore's special approval.

Harry has also been in trouble recently. The scar on his forehead is getting more and more painful. He originally thought that after learning Occlumency, it would alleviate a lot, but it only relieved him for more than half a year.

"I think Voldemort may have become stronger." Louis told Catherine in private. He also cared about Harry, but there was no good way to help him.

Senior experts at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries said Potter's brain may have been affected by You-Know-Who's magic, and he insisted the scar still hurt, which undoubtedly indicated he was mentally disturbed.

"He may be faking it," a magic injury expert from Yingjiang said without mercy: "This child who has attracted much attention since childhood may want to attract more attention, so he pretends to be in great pain. Looks like..."

But the Daily Prophet didn't think so. They criticized the expert's shameless behavior, and intentionally or unintentionally extended it to the entire magic world of Eagle Sauce.

Speaking of which, this is no longer a personal grudge, Lewis also wants to take this opportunity to attack the magic world of Eagle Sauce.

In addition, he also began to order vampire groups to march to the United States to hunt wizards, specifically selecting members of the Magic Congress.

Immediately afterwards, news came out from nowhere that the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, had been carefully covering up some disturbing situations for Harry, such as that Potter was a Parseltongue.

"Two years ago, many students were attacked. Most people believed that Porter was the instigator behind the scenes, because everyone saw him letting a snake bite a boy in the duel club out of anger." An unnamed person told " A reporter from the New York Elf newspaper said: "But these were covered up by the headmaster Albus Dumbledore and his loyal lackey Louis Mountbatten. In addition, Potter also made friends with werewolves and giants. We think he thought Power can do anything..."

With these words, he is almost regarded as the next successor of Voldemort.

Parseltongue has always been regarded as a dark magic. In fact, the most famous Parseltongue in contemporary times is Voldemort himself. A member of the Defense League against the Dark Arts who did not want to be named said that he believes that anyone who can speak Parseltongue "All wizards deserve to be investigated", and he is personally very suspicious of people who can talk to snakes because he believes that snakes often appear in the most vicious black magic and are historically associated with bad people. Similarly, with werewolves People who associate with evil creatures such as giants must be violent.

Albus Dumbledore should consider whether it is appropriate to allow such a boy to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Some people are worried that Potter will use dark magic because of his desire to win, and some people continue to pay attention to whether Albus Dumbledore has The idea of ​​making the entire magical world his own, perhaps introducing Potter to the stage was just the beginning of his experiment.

In addition, the newspaper also mentioned that the third competition event will be held tonight.

"Playing the piano randomly, isn't this nonsense?" Professor McGonagall was furious when she saw the nonsense report in the "New York Elf" newspaper. This newspaper was not only slandering Dumbledore, but also slandering Harry, an innocent child. water.

Judging from the posture, it is to criticize and criticize Harry, and then extend it to Dumbledore.

"This is an obvious sign that they are putting pressure on us, and this is also one of the ways." Louis didn't feel any pressure. He just said "Dumbledore's loyal lackey", and he couldn't lose any meat. .

This method is so familiar. It was obviously taught by a master.

Lewis wasn't worried about how much impact this method of pressure would have. Anyway, it wouldn't be him who would be hurt in two days.

It is said that cats have nine lives, but I don’t know how many lives these rotten garlics from the Magical Congress of Eagle Sauce can have.

"Then what should we do?" Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Dumbledore and wanted him to come up with a specific plan to deal with it.

Dumbledore shrugged and winked playfully: "I don't think it matters. I'm older and my face has become much thicker. I can let them talk a few words without losing a piece of meat."

"It can't be true, it can't be true." Louis said with a smile: "Anyway, Harry doesn't know any black magic. As far as I know, that kid is a born master of disarming spells. I have no doubt about his disarming ability." The power of the curse is comparable to that of being shattered into pieces - even Avada Kedavra."

He was right, after all, he was a man who could fight waves with Expelliarmus and Avada Kedavra.

"Minerva, perhaps what you should be most concerned about right now is Harry's mental state." Dumbledore said with a smile: "I suggest you inform him that today is the day when the third project is held, so don't do it because The little things in the newspapers make the big things forget.”

"You two...sigh..." Professor McGonagall's cat sighed, saying she had nothing to say to the two cheeky foxes, one big and one small. She glared at Louis, turned and left the principal's office.

After Professor McGonagall left, Dumbledore raised his eyes to look at Louis and said solemnly: "I know it's annoying to hear the cries of flies, but you also have to be careful about your tactics."

"People are bullying me at the doorstep, how do you want me to pay attention?" Louis was amused. "Am I still going to kneel down and beg for their forgiveness, my dear professor?"

"Oh, you misunderstood me." Dumbledore smiled and poured a glass of lemonade for Louis: "I just want to advise you not to burn the fire on Europe's head."

"Looking at what you said, I'm not Voldemort who can't distinguish between myself and my enemy." Louis glanced at Dumbledore sadly, thinking what did you old man think of me...

Have you never practiced good deeds in your life, but only love killing people and setting fires?

That's not what I, Louis, did!

Alas, the tide came on the Thames, and today I know who I am!

As a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry did not have to take the final exam. He sat at the end of every exam, flipping through books and learning new spells, and supplementing the knowledge of spells - how to deal with various spells.

Now he is sitting in the auditorium eating.

"The History of Magic exam will start in ten minutes, Harry." Ron whispered, "You are a warrior, you don't need to take the exam, but I will be miserable..."

Hermione glanced at him and snorted: "Hmph, if you can study harder... But History of Magic is not an important course, so it doesn't matter what your score is."

Harry raised his head and was about to say something when he saw Professor McGonagall walking towards them along the Gryffindor table.

"Potter, the warriors will gather in the conference room next to the auditorium after breakfast." Professor McGonagall said.

"But the game only starts at night!" Harry was a little nervous and spilled the scrambled eggs on himself in a hurry. He thought he had remembered the time wrongly.

"I know, Potter." Professor McGonagall's expression was gentle, "The relatives of the warriors have been invited to watch the finals. You can meet them."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall walked away, and Harry stared at her back in a daze.

"Well, she doesn't think the Dursleys are coming, does she?" he asked Ron blankly.

"Honestly, I don't know," Ron said honestly, "Harry, I have to go quickly, I'm going to be late for the exam...see you later!"

After Ron finished speaking, he grabbed a pen and paper and rushed out of the auditorium.

After Harry finished breakfast in the gradually deserted Great Hall, he saw Fleur Delacour stand up from the Ravenclaw table and walk into the conference room with Cedric. After a while Krum also lazily went away.

Harry sat still, he really didn't want to go. He had no relatives—no relatives who were willing to risk their lives by coming to see him. But just as he stood up, planning to go to the library to study some spells, the door to the conference room opened and Cedric poked his head out. "Harry, come on, they're waiting for you!"

Harry stood up with confusion on his face, something was wrong, how could it be possible? Impossible, absolutely impossible! It's impossible for the Dursleys to come.

He walked across the hall and opened the door into the conference room, where Cedric and his parents stood by the door. Viktor Krum was speaking rapid Bulgarian to his dark-haired parents in a corner of the room. It looked like he was definitely his father's child. After all, their aquiline noses were carved from the same mold.

On the other side, Fleur was chattering in French to her mother, and Fleur's little sister Gabrielle was holding her mother's hand. She waved to Harry, who waved back and grinned.

Vasily was also speaking Russian rapidly to his arrogant father, and Marilyn Chabanor was also chatting happily with her parents.

Then he saw Aunt Molly and Bill standing in front of the fireplace, looking at him with smiles.

"You didn't expect that!" Aunt Molly said enthusiastically, "We want to come see you play, Harry!"

Harry stepped forward with a smile on his face, and Aunt Molly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, how are you?" Bill smiled and shook hands with Harry. "Charlie wanted to come too, but he couldn't leave. He said that the battle between you and the Norwegian Spinosaurus was so exciting, it was unbelievable. When he gets home during the summer vacation, I'll have a good chat with you when I get there, he's the one who loves Quidditch the most."

Harry noticed Fleur Delacour eyeing Bill with interest over his mother's shoulder, and could see that she was not at all averse to long hair and fanged earrings.

"That's so kind of you," Harry said softly to Mrs. Weasley, "I was still thinking about it, Dursley..."

"Hmm." Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips. She had always avoided criticizing the Dursleys in front of Harry, but her eyes would sparkle every time she heard their names.

"It's good to be back," Bill said, looking around the conference room. "I haven't seen this place for five years. Is the portrait of the Mad Knight still there? Sir Cadogan?"

"Oh, it's still there," said Harry. "I met Lord Cadogan last year."

"Where's the Fat Lady?" Bill asked.

"I don't know." Harry replied in confusion.

At this time, Louis also walked in. He looked around and couldn't find Catherine or Solanlian. He walked over to Harry, scratched his head and said hello: "Hello, Aunt Molly, are you still there?" There’s Bill.”

"Oh, Louis." Aunt Molly hugged Louis happily, then squeezed his cheek after letting go, "Long time no see, I always feel like you have grown taller again."

"I have more nutrition recently, so I grow faster..." Louis scratched his head and smiled: "Where are Catherine and Solanlian? Why can't I find them?"

Aunt Moli pointed to the hut over there and said, "Solanlian is inside. Catherine hasn't come here yet. Do you want to go and take a look first?"

"Eh? Where's Catherine?" Louis asked in confusion. He thought about it carefully again. It seemed that Catherine didn't get up when he got up in the morning.

With that said, he walked towards the hut over there.

Pushing the door open, Solanlian was sitting inside in a daze.

"Leanne." Louis greeted, "Why are you here so early? What has Catherine been doing?"

"I don't know where that heartless daughter has gone." Solanlian sighed with peace of mind, and stretched out her hand to wave Louis over.

Louis walked over and sat next to her, put his arm around her shoulders naturally, and coaxed: "Don't worry, Leanne, Catherine must be delayed by something. How about I go find her now?"

"No, just wait here." Solanlian tilted her head, looked at Lewis, and stretched out her hand to pick at his Adam's apple, "It's you, little guy, who has caused a lot of trouble recently."

"Hey, I'm not doing this for the magical world." Louis said with a smile, "Serving the people is my consistent purpose."

Solanlian snorted, raised her eyebrows slightly, leaned her head on her arm, glanced at Louis up and down, stretched out her little hand and gave him a prick: "You know how to talk big, don't let Emma and I worry about you every day."

"Okay sister Li'an." Louis smiled funnyly, stood up and saluted Solan Li'an.

Solanlian covered her mouth and smiled softly. Just when she was about to say something else, the door opened and Catherine walked in.

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