I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Skeleton King Fudge

To sum up, Louis' mentality is boring, I want to see the blood flowing like a river.

Life is already very tiring, why not have some fun?

Snape tugged at the corner of his mouth with great disdain, grabbed Barty Crouch Jr., and then rolled up his left sleeve.

Fudge's pupils shrank and he backed away in horror.

"Did you see it?" Snape said hoarsely: "Did you see it? The Dark Mark... Ha, I think you should also know what the Dark Mark is and what it represents. It is no longer like it was an hour ago. It was so obvious, it was even burnt black..."

"But you can still see. Every Death Eater has Voldemort's mark on them. It's a way for Death Eaters to identify each other, and it's also Voldemort's secret code to summon them back to him. When he touches a certain When he is marked by a Dead Apostle, we must immediately apparate and appear next to him."

"Over the past year, this mark has become more and more obvious... Karkaroff's is the same. Why do you think Karkaroff ran away tonight? As a former Death Eater, he felt the mark burning. We all know He's back. Karkaroff fears Voldemort will take revenge on him. He's betrayed many of his fellow Death Eaters and certainly no one would welcome him back among them."

Snape stared at Fudge coldly with a falcon-like gaze, as if he wanted to carve out a piece of flesh from his body. But in fact, he lied. Karkaroff's Dark Mark had been cleared by Louis long ago. Karkaroff returned early just because he was going to Europe to help Louis with his layout.

But in Snape's view, this is undoubtedly something that can be exploited. If the method is right, it may make Fudge accept this bitter fact.

But he obviously overestimated Fudge's integrity. Politicians look at things from a different perspective than ordinary people. They are more for support and the seat under their butts, rather than for others.

Fudge stepped back from Snape again. He kept shaking his head, seemingly not hearing what Snape said. His eyes widened, obviously frightened by the ugly mark on Snape's arm, then he looked up at Dumbledore and whispered: "I don't know what kind of game you and your people are playing, Dumbledore. But I've heard enough... I don't want to say anything more. I'll contact you tomorrow, Dumbledore. I hope you can calm down and we can have a good discussion about how this school is run. I have to go back to the Ministry of Magic. "

Fudge was completely unaware that the person who needed to calm down was actually himself. Politicians always feel good about themselves - but then again, people who care about face cannot be politicians.

As soon as he reached the door, he stopped again, as if he remembered something, turned around quickly, strode across the room, and stopped beside Harry's bed.

"The bonus you won," he said briefly, with a look of reluctance - it seemed that giving this money to the little liar he believed to be a Parseltongue was something he couldn't accept, while taking some money from his pocket. He took out a large bag of gold coins and threw them on Harry's bedside table, "One thousand gold galleons. There should have been an award ceremony, but under the current circumstances-"

He glanced at the people around him, put the bowler hat on his head, and looked at Snape again: "Well, Professor Snape, if you don't mind?"

Fudge said this while looking at Barty Crouch Jr. held in Snape's hand.

Snape didn't have any objections. After all, Barty Crouch Jr. would eventually return to Azkaban - and even be tried. He clapped his hands, and two people walked in from outside the house, followed by The hooded dementors carried Barty Crouch Jr. out of the room. When they were at the door, Fudge turned his head, took a deep look at Dumbledore, and closed the door heavily behind him.

The door made a loud bang, and you could tell that he was unhappy. As soon as he left, Dumbledore turned to look at the group of people around Harry's bed.

"There is some work to be done," Dumbledore looked at Aunt Molly with some sadness, "Molly...if I'm not mistaken, I can count on you and Arthur, right?"

What Fudge did and said just now, although Dumbledore had expected it, still felt very regretful.

"Of course, no problem." Aunt Molly replied. Her face was pale and her lips were bloodless, but her expression was very determined: "We know what kind of person Fudge is. It is precisely because Arthur likes Muggles that he hinders His development in the Ministry of Magic over the years. Fudge believes that Arthur lacks the dignity that a wizard should have."

"Well, I need to send a letter to Arthur," Dumbledore folded his hands on his lap. "We must notify all those who can understand the situation under our persuasion, Arthur immediately." Ser has access to people in the Ministry who are not as short-sighted as Connelly."

"I'm going to find dad," Bill said, standing up in a hurry, "I'm going now."

"Great," said Dumbledore, "tell him what has happened over the past two days. Say that I will be in touch with him directly soon. But he must proceed with caution - if Fudge thinks I am meddling with the Ministry of Magic , that will cause a series of unnecessary reactions from him."

"No problem, leave it to me." Bill said confidently. He reached out and patted Harry's shoulder, kissed his mother's cheek again, then put on his cloak and strode out of the room.

"Minerva," Dumbledore said, turning to Professor McGonagall, "I would like to see Hagrid in my office. And—Madame Maxime—if she would like to come too."

Professor McGonagall nodded and left without saying a word.

"And you two." Dumbledore turned his attention to Sirius and Snape: "I hope that in the next time, you two can put aside the past and work together to fight against Voldemort and defend Hogwarts. The great cause... I know it is not difficult. I trust Sirius, and I trust you equally, Severus. I trust both of you. What you need most now is to trust each other!"

Everyone feels that Dumbledore is really crazy - the relationship between Sirius and Snape is like lice on a bald man's head - it is obvious that getting them to work together is as difficult as making the sun rise from the west. come out.

Sirius and Snape looked at each other, staring fiercely at each other, with obvious looks of disgust on their faces.

"In the short term," Dumbledore said, with a hint of impatience in his tone, "as long as you are not openly hostile to each other, I will be satisfied. You might as well shake hands... now that you are on the same side, time is tight, we The few who know the truth must unite or there is no hope for us all."

Louis felt that Dumbledore was like the kindergarten teacher in the kindergarten in his previous life, asking two quarreling children to shake hands and make peace - these two people especially have this sense of déjà vu now.

Sirius and Snape came forward very slowly and shook hands, but they still glared fiercely at each other, as if they wished the other bad luck - but of course they soon let go of their hands.

"That's more like it." Dumbledore said, "I hope that the two of you can unite with each other and deal with the outside world as one, instead of spending unnecessary energy on internal fighting. Hogwarts should still value peace. Don't Fighting in the nest..."

"I have no objection." Sirius stared at Snape with disgust on his face.

Snape snorted, and the lips under his aquiline nose curled up in a disdainful arc: "I have no objection..."

The voice was greasy, as always.

Lewis really couldn’t bear to look at her, what should I say? Two men in a drama... No, two old men in a drama? vomit……

"Now you both have a mission. Although we had expected Fudge's attitude, it has changed the entire situation." Dumbledore stood in front of them, his old hand pressed on Sirius's shoulder, and he spoke earnestly Said: "Sirius, I need you to set off immediately. You go and inform Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher - and you, temporarily hide with Lupin, I I’ll contact you there.”

Sirius nodded seriously. As a dog boy, he has always been obedient, especially to the principal.

"Severus," Dumbledore said, turning to Snape, "you know what I'm going to tell you to do...if that's okay with you...if you're ready."

The Riddler is the most annoying thing. Louis complained in his mind, why are these two people still talking encrypted here? Is there something shameful?

"No problem," Snape said. His face looked paler than usual, and his cold black eyes shone strangely like \u0026amp;lt;)))\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;lt;\u0026amp;lt;.

"Then, I wish you good luck." Dumbledore said with a complicated expression, with a hint of worry on his face as he watched Snape follow Sirius without saying a word.

A few more minutes passed before Dumbledore spoke.

"I must go downstairs," he said at last. "I must see Mr. and Mrs. Diggory. Harry drank the rest of the potion. I will come back to see you all later."

After saying that, Dumbledore left the room without looking back or taking a cloud with him. Harry fell weakly on the pillow and let out a groan in his throat.

Even if he lay down all night, it was hard to hide his tiredness, especially when Fudge was here just now giving instructions and scolding Fang Qiu. He looked like he was about to have a quarrel with Dumbledore. Harry really felt very tired. .

Fortunately, all the warriors had been discharged from the hospital long ago, leaving only Harry and the seriously injured Marilyn lying in this room. Otherwise, Fudge would have been extremely ugly today.

Just when she was about to speak, Catherine pushed the door open and came in.

"Little Moon," Louis said lazily, lying on the other bed, "I really hope you can come earlier, so that you can have a good show..."

"What's the show?" Catherine asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's about Fudge." Louis changed into a comfortable position and yawned. "Dumbledore and Fudge just had a heated argument. It seems that it will be a matter of time before the two of them break up... I think We should have made plans earlier, Fudge is just a withered bone in the grave, and will be killed by Voldemort sooner or later."

Good guy, are you also the Skeleton King?

I just don’t know if there will be a Nether Fire critical strike and Jueming Rebirth... Oh no, this is the Nether Soul Brother.

"I know this, Xiaolu." Catherine came over and sat on Louis' waist, touched his head with her delicate hands, pondered for a moment, and said: "Mom has quit her job at the Ministry of Magic. She thinks that Fudge and those people Too stubborn to deserve a job at the Ministry of Magic, she accepted Professor Dumbledore's invitation and returned to something..."

Having said this, Catherine put her fingers against her red lips and thought for a moment, but still couldn't remember what the organization was called.

"It's the Order of the Phoenix." Aunt Molly's eyes were gentle, and she helped Catherine tell the name of the mysterious organization: "This is the organization that Professor Dumbledore formed to fight against Voldemort. Speaking of which, Principal Dumbledore is a great person. He has no family distinctions or blood differences. Whether he is a Muggle, a squib, a bartender, or a thief, he can unite them together to fight against Voldemort's evil rule..."

"Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he was able to defeat Voldemort." Hermione nodded in agreement, with a look of reverence in her eyes: "After I graduate, I must join the Order of the Phoenix and become a non-discriminatory person like Dumbledore. and the great wizard of prejudice..."

"Then you're overthinking, Hermione." Although Harry was a little sleepy, his mind was still clear - thanks to Lirasstrasza's use of the Red Dragon's Breath to condition his body. He grinned and said with a smile: "It's useless to look at his personality. A noble personality cannot defeat Voldemort. The reason why Dumbledore was able to defeat Voldemort is simply because his magical attainments are much higher than Voldemort's."

Hermione didn't say anything, and she knew that Harry was right. She just glared at Harry and immediately changed the subject: "I think you must drink the rest of the potion, Harry." She reached for the potion bottle and the bottle. He poured a full cup for Harry: "Come on, Harry, be obedient and have a solid sleep. Rest is the most important thing for you right now..."

No matter how you look at it, you feel like "Da Lang, it's time to take medicine".

"I suspect that what you took was poison, Hermione," Harry said honestly: "After all, what I just said offended you, so you didn't add any ingredients to it, right?"

"It's Veritaserum, I added Veritaserum." Hermione said very seriously, put the goblet on the table, and rolled her eyes at Harry: "Whether you like to drink it or not, your body is your own. Yes, don’t come to me when you don’t have enough rest and feel uncomfortable!”

"Okay, I'll drink it." Harry shrugged, took the goblet and drank the potion in it in one gulp.

The second before he lost consciousness, he seemed to hear Hermione and Ron's weird laughter.

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