In fact, I really don't blame Chromie for this. After all, the time on Chromie's side does not flow with that here.

But Louis was obviously overthinking it - it wasn't that Chromie didn't come in time because the time didn't flow, it was just that she didn't want to follow him at all.

Chromie, who returned to the Caverns of Time, looked relaxed and was even in the mood to joke with Anachronos.

"Aren't you afraid that Louis will deal with you?" Anaclos' dragon face was full of melancholy, but he knew that the alien human boy named Louis was most likely the man chosen by the Creator.

"Don't worry, I just said that time doesn't flow. The bronze dragon has lost control of time." Chromie crossed his legs and stretched out his hands and said nonchalantly: "I believe Louis will understand me. He is a good and obedient boy... …”

"Really?" Anachronos didn't believe Chromie's words. How could he not be clear about her unreliability? The two dragons had known each other for tens of thousands of years.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Chromie patted his chest and sounded very confident.

Seeing what Chromie said, Anaclos couldn't say anything else. He just left it to him. Anyway, when the incident happened, he would not be the unlucky one.

Over at the hotel, Lewis waited for more than two hours and couldn't stand it anymore.

I had a sandwich for lunch, and it was almost seven o'clock, and there was still no sign of Chromie.

"Chromie is hopeless, little moon." Louis sighed and looked at Catherine, "How about the two of us go out to eat some food first, and staying here all the time is not an option."

"Well, it's up to you." Of course Catherine would not object to Louis' suggestion. In fact, she was also a little hungry.

Since both of them were wearing school robes, they attracted the attention of passers-by when they walked out of the house. The humans in Azeroth, especially the wizards in Dalaran, mainly wear robes, and what the civilians wear is not much different from the civilians in the Middle Ages. Suddenly seeing the two Louises dressed like this, how could they not Being caught in the eye.

The two walked to the front desk. The hotel owner didn't know that the two of them had been upstairs for a while, but he was a little surprised when the two came out.

"Hello, I am Amys Esogele, the owner of the Magic Hotel." The female owner greeted. She was wearing a quicksand robe, with a large area of ​​bronze skin exposed. Louis was not embarrassed to look at it anyway.

"Hello, boss." Louis nodded slightly politely, "I need a room, and I will stay there for about half a month."

Ms. Esogele did not answer Louis, but asked suspiciously: "You two don't look like locals from Dalaran, why did you come out of our hotel?"

"That's it," Lewis scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "The two of us didn't learn the teleportation method very well. There was a problem when positioning it, so we teleported to your hotel and gave you I'm sorry for causing trouble."

"Oh..." Ms. Esogele put away a small crystal without leaving a trace, and put on a smile again. The boy and girl in front of her didn't look very old, and they didn't have any special magic fluctuations. They should There will be no problem. Thinking of this, she smiled and said: "There are still many rooms. The first room on the right side can be provided to the two of you..."

After saying that, she said in a low voice: "It's a double bed room..."

He also winked at Louis, making him a little bit dumbfounded.

"You guessed it right, we are indeed boyfriend and girlfriend." Louis said in a dumbfounded voice. He really didn't expect that the landlady of Dalaran actually had a hobby of matchmaking. "That's it. Please give me the key... Plus, we need some dinner.”

"The room fee is fifteen gold coins for half a month," the proprietress Ms. Esogele said, "and here is the menu. Take a look to see if there is anything you are interested in."

Louis took the menu and handed it to Catherine.

"Let's see... is there anything you want to eat?" he asked with a smile.

Catherine took a look at the menu and found that it said Common Language... Fortunately, she and Chromie had systematically learned the language of Azeroth before. She and Louis had already mastered Salas and Common Language proficiently. English, so don’t delay looking at the menu.

"I'll have grilled salmon and garlic butter bread." Catherine didn't order much food.

Louis looked at the menu for a while, pointed to the menu and ordered: "Hmm...I want a juicy bear burger, four skewers of bear meat, and a night scale fish soup."

"Seventy-eight silver coins for grilled salmon, one silver coin for garlic butter bread, one gold coin for juicy bear meat burger, two gold coins for four skewers of bear meat, and one gold coin for night scale fish soup." The proprietress quickly calculated on the paper. , raised his head after a while and gave the answer: "A total of nineteen gold coins and seventy-nine copper coins."

He took out a handful of gold galleons from his arms and handed it to the proprietress.

"Just consider the rest as a tip." Louis didn't know if Dalaran had any rules about tipping, but he said it smoothly and couldn't change it for a while.

The landlady took the gold galleons, looked at it carefully, then looked at Louis suspiciously, and pointed the gold coin at the dancing candle on the side. After looking at it for a while, I found that the gold galleons were pure gold and there was nothing wrong with it - even the weight was about the same as the current gold coins, so I didn't say anything. After accepting the gold coins, I smiled and let the two of them sit aside.

After a while, the food ordered was brought out. The bear meat burger is very big. Louis estimated that this one should be seven-tenths is the size of two Golden Arches burgers...but that's right, after all, the price is here, and a gold coin is not a small amount. In Azeroth, it is enough to feed a farmer for half a year.

These days, two copper coins can buy a bag of flour, so you can imagine how luxurious this meal is - this is one of the reasons why the boss lady smiles sincerely.

Except for the little princess of Kul Tiras and the high elf resentment that always surrounds her, few people order food at the magic hotel so boldly.

The two sat in a corner and ate quietly. To be fair, Azeroth's cooking skills are indeed much better than Dai Ying's - this is quite a lot, probably because there is a gap in France.

Halfway through the meal, two people walked in from outside the door.

Louis recognized these two people almost at a glance.

The long-eared man in front of him was wearing a gorgeous golden and red robe that was extremely sexy. There were three green mana orbs flying behind his head. He looked very cool - these three mana orbs proved that this guy was absolutely powerful. It was the high elf prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider.

The woman behind him...she looks very young, about fourteen or fifteen years old. She has long golden hair that is not inferior to Catherine's, but she is dressed cooler. She is dressed in a classic blue cloak, with a lot of inexplicable elements on her body, and her slender waist is exposed.

Needless to say, Louis also recognized that this was Miss Jaina Proudmoore, the proud disciple of Archmage Antonidas and the princess of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras.

I have to admit that Jaina, who has not yet turned black... is not correct. Jaina, who is still in her teenage years, is indeed very beautiful, especially with a good figure. She can take on Kael'thas, Arthas and Kalec. It's not a strange thing that these three Goss are so attracted to each other. After all, Jaina's beauty is on display here.

Now, she looked a little impatient, as if she was a little resentful of Kael'thas's entanglement behind her.

Louis just glanced at them and didn't say much. He glanced at them more because they were both well-known figures in Azeroth, but in fact, there was no need to have anything to do with them. After all, between the two of them, one will be a prince whose country has been ruined and his family has been ruined in the future, and the other... the other is the first filial daughter in Azeroth.

Speaking of which, Alsace and I are really a perfect match. One is the first filial son, and the other is the first filial daughter... Well, it seems that Lu Bu and Lu Bu should be able to talk in common and discuss how to kill their father...

"What's wrong?" Catherine noticed Louis's movements and couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Do they have anything to do with the goal of our trip?"

"Not much," Louis smacked his lips, "To be honest, they are not very familiar with Cleostraz. If I remember correctly, the one who is familiar with Cleostraz should be Ronin. .”

"That's the companion we went to Grim Batol on this trip," Louis continued, facing Catherine's probing eyes: "Speaking of Ronin... Haha, it can be regarded as a major scourge of Dalaran. He recklessly used a magic during a mission a while ago, which directly led to the death of several companions, and now he is not having an easy life."

At this time, Jaina and Kael'thas were also sitting at the table next to them. Kael'thas's long ears were very sensitive and heard his teasing words about Ronin.

Seeing Kael'thas's ears move, Jaina asked in a low voice, "What's wrong, teacher?"

Yes, Jaina calls Kael'thas "teacher" - after all, Kael'thas is now a respected member of the Kirin Tor Council. He is considered equal to Antonidas, so calling him "teacher" is nothing. question.

Of course Jaina knew what Kael'thas meant, and calling him "teacher" also had the connotation of alienation.

Kael'thas whispered what he just heard to Jaina. Jaina looked a little bad, turned her head to Louis, and questioned: "How can you slander Senior Brother Luo Ning like this!"

"Why did I slander you?" Louis' second-year-old monk couldn't figure it out. He just told the story exactly as it was, and didn't even add any exaggeration. He looked at the angry bastard...I mean Gianna. , said in confusion: "I just stated the matter once..."

Jaina had not heard about the recent events. She had just returned from Kul Tiras. She was about to speak when Kael'thas stopped her.

"Jaina, what he said is indeed true." Kael'thas sighed: "Ronin did get into big trouble, and more than once...I heard that Archmage Krasus wanted him to perform a I really don’t know what he thinks about this task, and I don’t understand why no one on the Kirin Tor Council objects to this matter. Aren’t they afraid that Ronin will mess up such a big thing?”

"What happened?" Jaina's curiosity was attracted by Kael'thas's words, and even Senior Brother Luo Ning's bad words were ignored.

Gossip is engraved in human nature, and even a little princess like Jaina is not exempt from it.

Kael'thas glanced at Louis and Catherine, and thought to himself that there was no problem in talking about it. After all, Louis' temperament didn't make him feel like a villain at all. Coupled with the urgent attitude of his sweetheart, he said: "Arch Mage Krasus suggested that Ronin go to Grim Batol to carry out a top-secret mission. I heard that it was related to the fallen Black Dragon King Deathwing. of……"

"Oh my God, how could the Kirin Tor Council agree to such a dangerous mission!" Jaina was a little anxious. Ronin was her dearest senior brother, and he gave her a lot when she first came to Dalaran. s help……

Lewis smiled on the side and said: "I have heard that the Kirin Tor Council's view is that 'the best case scenario is that Deathwing swallows Ronin and chokes to death. In this way, we will eliminate two scourges at once. '..."

Kael'thas's eyes widened, and then he turned his handsome face away, his shoulders shaking as if he was snickering. Jaina laughed exaggeratedly, and then felt that this was very inappropriate. After all, the protagonist of the joke was her senior brother, but she couldn't help it, so she could only cover her face with both hands, holding back her laughter. Very hard.

Catherine stepped on Louis without leaving a trace. When Louis looked at her, he got a charming roll of his eyes.

As expected of a prince, Kael'thas quickly calmed down and looked at Louis. Only then did he notice the clothes on Louis and Catherine that were completely different from those in Azeroth.

As a high elf, especially the prince of a high elf, Kael'thas has an extraordinary pursuit of beauty. This robe and uniform looked very strange at first, but after taking a second look, it felt very...well, in line with the aesthetics of high elves.

"Hello, I am Kael'thas Sunstrider." Kael'thas did not have the arrogance of the high elves, but stretched out his hand to Louis very politely.

I have to say that Kaizi's first impression on Louis was very good.

"Louis Mountbatten," Louis responded with a smile, "this is my girlfriend Catherine Worley."

After speaking, he looked at Gianna and asked, knowingly: "What about this beautiful lady? Is she your girlfriend?"

Since Keersas made a good first impression on him, Lewis wouldn't mind giving an assist. To be honest, Jaina might as well be with Kaizi. In this case, she might be able to save two countries...

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