"It's up to you!" Hermione screamed and yelled, "You're the little beaver!"

"You are so fragile. Look at you. When something happens, you just squat in the bathroom and cry." Catherine wrinkled her delicate nose: "I'm starting to believe what you said, you are not a little beaver."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Are you a skunk? Damn it..." Catherine put on a look of realization, and then said with disgust: "Can you stay in an environment with this kind of smell?"

Hermione's defenses were broken.

"Ah————!!!" Hermione screamed: "I'm not a skunk——!!! You disgusting woman!!!"

"I don't have time to play such boring debate tricks with you." Catherine's eyes flashed with disdain: "Whether you are a beaver or a skunk, you should understand that sulking alone here cannot solve the problem. It will only make people look down on you even more."

Hermione wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a muffled sound of "boom, boom, boom".

She wiped the corners of her eyes, stood up from the toilet, and asked, "Wo...Ms. Woley, did you hear anything?"

Catherine nodded and turned to look in the direction of the sound. A dark shadow was stretched by the light and was approaching the bathroom door.

So, who is at fault for making the bathroom door so big?

This was a thought shared by Catherine and Hermione.

A tall giant monster stood at the door, holding a big wooden stick in his hand and staring at the door in front of him with eyes full of wisdom.

The sour smell of smelly socks that hadn't been washed in months wafted over at the right time. Hermione couldn't hold it back and vomited all over the floor.

She swore that she would rather smell the garlic in Professor Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom than suffer this inhuman torture.

"It's... it's a troll!" Hermione's face looked very ugly, and she didn't know whether it was due to vomiting, smoke, or being frightened.

The troll's eyes followed her voice, and she felt anxious and said hurriedly: "It's broken! It found us!"

"Oh my god..." Hermione's throat was a little dry, and she felt as if all the strength in her body had been drained away. She could only maintain her standing position by leaning on the door of the compartment: "I'm reading in a book. I have been there, and the troll is very resistant to magic...At our age, it is difficult for any magic spell to cause effective damage to it..."

"Stand behind me!" Catherine didn't look back. She pulled out her wand and stared closely at the troll in front of her.

"No, I can't leave you alone-"

"Stand behind me!" Catherine grabbed Hermione's wrist and threw her not far behind her: "You will only be in the way when you are next to me!"

While he was talking, the roaring sound sounded again, and another giant monster came over.

"I think... we are going to die." Hermione's words seemed to come from the deepest part of her throat, and she had a sense of seeing through the world.

"I guess it won't be today." Catherine waved her wand, and green flames rushed out, swallowing up the first troll in Hermione's miraculous eyes.

Full level of fierce fire, so terrifying.

At that moment, there was an inexplicable element in Hermione's eyes that she didn't even understand.

"Stupefy! (passed out)"

The tip of Catherine's wand shot a light blue spell, hitting the second troll in the head. The giant monster staggered, walking on cotton pads as if drunk, and finally fell to the ground.

"Hermione! Hermione!" Harry and Ron's voices also sounded over there, and at the same time, two little heads popped out from the other side of the door.

Seeing Catherine, the two of them were suffocated, and their happy faces instantly fell down.

"Wo...Ms. Woley..." the two of them greeted each other stammeringly.

"A red-haired squirrel, and a four-eyed frog?" Catherine looked at the cowering two people with cold eyes. After a while, she put the wand back into the pocket of her robe: "I think if you guys came later, maybe you would be able to see each other. People can also get a jar of beaver pate.”

"Harry, Ron..." Hermione was surprised to see the two friends. She ran over and hugged Harry. When it was Ron's turn, she thought about it and gave Ron a hug: " I never thought you two would come to me...oh my God."

The feud between children faded as quickly as it came, and Hermione had already put behind her the incident of Ron speaking ill of her this afternoon.

"Hey, I thought you were going to say something." Ron smiled and scratched the back of his head: "This is what friends are, isn't it?"

Harry also had a silly smile on his face, and Catherine looked at the embryonic trio with disgust, and said with disgust: "So... Miss Beaver and her squirrel boyfriend - oh, and the good frog sisters, If nothing else happens, I think I'm going to leave here."

As soon as these words came out, the three people's faces turned red, especially Ron, who seemed to have steam rising from his head. He looked at Harry, then peeked at Hermione, and when he saw Hermione looking at him with a blushing face, he quickly turned away again.

Potter stood there grinning like a fool, looking no smarter than the troll.

A rush of footsteps came, awakening the trio and interrupting Catherine's attempt to walk out. The first person to appear in front of everyone was Professor McGonagall. She looked at the unconscious troll on the ground, covered her chest with one hand, and gasped for air.

"Who can tell me what happened here?" Her stern eyes passed over several people, making the three little ones feel a little uncomfortable.

Catherine didn't care, it wasn't her fault anyway.

Snape came in just in time, limping. He first glanced at Harry with concern, then quickly looked away and put on a serious face. Professor Quirrell followed him and only glanced at the troll. First there was a flash of astonishment in his eyes, and then he let out a weak sob. He sat on a toilet and clutched the collar on his chest tightly.

"It's my fault, Professor." Hermione stood up first: "I thought I could deal with trolls. You know, I read about them in books..."

"It was Miss Worley. She saved me and knocked out the giant monster with a magic spell." She did not say there were two. After all, black magic like Li Huo... said it would not have a good impact.

She didn't want to cause trouble for Harry and Ron, nor did she want to cause trouble for Catherine, who had saved her.

"Harry and Ron were just worried about my situation, so they came to rescue me," Hermione added.

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and Ron with stern eyes. The two silly boys nodded quickly, fearing that they would be scolded by Professor McGonagall for being too slow. It seemed that these two people were not very smart.

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