I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 47 Dancer in Lenglie Valley

In his previous life, as the leader of the black soul group, Louis often tricked newcomers, such as recommending newcomers to kill the old lady first after entering the high wall.

Watching the newlyweds wailing helplessly in front of the dancers, taking screenshots and dissing him like crazy in the group to harm the newbies, Louis always had a nasty and cheerful smile.

After all, watching people suffer is part of the joy.

"You will be punished!!!" Newcomers always say this, but Louis has never believed in fate. Who believes in retribution these days?

But now, looking at the dancer in front of him who was struggling out, Louis' eyes were filled with tears.

Perhaps, this is retribution.

He swallowed hard, this matter must not go well today.

In his sight, the dancer struggled hard in the black mist, broke free of the inexplicable restraints, and then landed gracefully and lightly on the ground.

Like the knights sent out by Pope Sullivan to fight, the body of the dancer is almost animalistic. Her body proportions were very out of proportion, her slender body was stooped, and her arms and legs were too long. The visor she wore on her head completely covered her appearance, which should be considered a good thing. Her appearance must have been severely damaged after being transformed into a beast, so this could be regarded as retaining the last trace of dignity.

The dancer holds a flaming curved sword in her left hand, probably as long as her arm. The sunlight pouring down from the dome shines on her sword, and the cold light shines on it, making people feel chilly involuntarily.

A piece of advice unique to the Ashes appeared in his mind for no reason.

There is a tunnel in the front, so it's time for the tongue.

Louis shook his head to get rid of this inappropriate and sentimental advice from his mind, and stared at the dancer closely to prevent her from suddenly attacking.

The dancer's steps are light and elegant. She does not have a particularly high desire to attack like others. After she emerged from the black mist on the dome, she kept pacing around the church, seeming to enjoy the long-lost experience. Freedom without constraints.

There was deathly silence in the whole church, and only the crisp "tap, tap, tap" sound of the dancers could be heard.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from outside the church. At the same time, the dancer's figure also moved with it. She raised her curved sword high, strode her long legs, and chopped off Louis' head!

Louis didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly chanted a spell to protect himself.

"Protego! (Armor Protection)"

There was a huge force coming from the wand, which made his arm hurt. This was the first time that he felt a little overwhelmed.

He knew very well that he could only receive two such attacks at most. If he did more, the armor protection would be broken.

*You have gained 2000 armor protection proficiency points.

He hurriedly ran away like a lazy donkey, the wind behind him was like a knife, which made his back feel cold to the core.

With a bang, the dancer's curved sword struck the ground with a muffled sound.

She truly deserves to be called the dancer of Lenglie Valley. She twisted her body in an incredible arc, stretched out her right hand without a sword, and wanted to catch Lewis.

Louis rolled again and escaped from this clutches.

I can only say that although it is shameful to escape, it is indeed quite useful.

If he was caught, his next move would be to be stabbed through the heart with a curved sword. Don't ask, I've been caught dozens of times in the game.

"Sectumsempra! (神风无影)!"

The sharp magic spell flashed with light and struck at the dancer's head.

*You have gained 1000 points of Shen Feng Wuying proficiency.

This is the real world, and there is no health bar like in the game. Louis has no way of knowing what kind of damage his spell has caused to the dancers.

The dancer received a blow from Lewis, and a small gash was made in the helmet on her head. She seemed to be in pain, and her curved sword changed its moves to sweep across, but Louis dodged quickly, and her curved sword struck the pillar, breaking the stone pillar with a bang.

Lewis looked at the broken pillar and was frightened for a while. If the sword struck him, he would be ready to open again.

He didn't hesitate, turned around and continued running. Sure enough, the dancer immediately followed up with a roundhouse slash.

Louis decided not to hold back anymore, distanced himself, and greeted the dancer's head with seven or eight consecutive magic spells, without showing any mercy.

The dancer, under the spell, struck the chair where Louis originally stood.

Louis was running, and the dancer was chasing him. She struck him quickly, then slowly, and struck him with seven swords in succession. Each sword was as ghostly as a maggot in the tarsal bone. It passed Louis closely and dangerously, releasing him bit by bit. There is no space for the curse, and the sense of oppression is extremely strong.

He had never been more eager to learn to apparate than now.

What a master if you don’t flash, you bastard!

His robe was also torn, so he simply took it off and threw it aside, since it was in the way. While he was running and taking off his clothes, the dancer half-knelt on the ground, gently twisted her right hand, pulled out a ball of orange-red flames from the ground, and squeezed it hard.

The air wave generated by the explosion knocked Louis over. The dancer followed up and stabbed hard with her curved sword. Louis struggled back, and the sword, carrying the wind, pierced the ground between his legs.

He was covered in cold sweat, rolled up from the ground like a carp, and ran away without looking back. Without even looking, he stretched his hands behind his back to face the dancer and performed Shen Feng Wu Ying crazily.

Damn it, only ten centimeters difference, just ten centimeters difference! Senior sister is going to be a widow...

Do you know how much a stabbing can hurt an eleven-year-old?

The dancer no longer chased Louis, but half-knelt on the ground again, with black mist rising around her body, swallowing the magic spell shot at her. The dancer pressed her right hand on the ground and slowly pulled out a straight sword that was almost exactly the same as the original one from the black mist!

The veil behind her head was fluttering like a ghost, her arms were raised, and her strange limbs turned into a twisted arc.

The woman who was once as graceful as water danced the most graceful dance steps in the world. Her body kept spinning, and her two straight swords were danced like windmills. She elegantly sent Louis an invitation to the hell dance. .

Louis really used all his strength. He believed that even Bolt could not run faster than himself.

After all, there is no sad girl behind Bolt wielding two swords.

The sword wind brought by the dancer shattered all the tables, chairs and pillars on her path, and Louis had no choice but to run for his life.

At this time, his legs were like lead, and they began to arouse without any instructions, and a rough feeling with the smell of rust slowly rose up in his throat.

After all, unlike the ashes in the game, there are no green bars...

Without adequate rest, physical strength cannot be replenished.

The dancer also seemed to be dizzy. She lowered her head and stopped moving. Louis took advantage of this opportunity and slashed at her helmet with several sharp blades again, cutting off Duoduo's veil.

In a flash of lightning, the dancer who was hit suddenly raised her head, jumped high at a twisted angle, and took the curved sword straight to Louis' throat!

At this time, Louis was unable to escape. The dancer's movements were so fast that he, who was leaning on the only remaining pillar, had no room to dodge.

He could only look at the dancer's two swift swords, shining with cold light and piercing his throat.

In the eyes of the dancer, the pocket-sized ashes in front of her seemed to have exhausted all means, and her two curved swords had completely blocked all his escape routes.

A trace of inexplicable regret flashed through her cold heart, which had long been sealed by the Pope.

What a pity...

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