I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Get off the car

"You're looking for death!"

Flint rushed up with his big teeth bared, and a clear drink interrupted his thoughts again.


He didn't even have time to dodge, but he saw the blue sword in front of him magnified infinitely, and then he felt severe pain in his mouth, and he flew backwards.

The remaining three people looked at each other and rushed towards Louis. However, Louis raised his wand, and a violent bright light burst out. The sudden appearance of the bright light caused them to panic. Each of them covered their eyes and screamed, but Louis beat them into pig heads one by one.

Lewis crossed the pig heads, lifted Marcus Flint up and put him on the chair, leaned over slightly and patted his bruised face with the crystal sword, and asked with a smile: "Tell me, where do we start from this section?" What did you learn in class?”

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Marcus just kept apologizing. He was really afraid of this junior student who looked extremely elegant but also extremely terrifying.

"Don't let me see you bullying any classmates again, do you understand?" Louis smiled very kindly: "If I see you again, it won't be as simple as an etiquette class."

"Well, the senior was really careless. He actually injured himself in the last etiquette class." After Lewis finished speaking, he stood up and tapped his shoulder with the crystal sword: "Remember to tell these seniors who are sleeping in class that when they come to school, After that, everyone will write me a 500-word post-class reflection, and hand it over to me three days later, do you understand?"

"Understood...understood..." Marcus repeated mechanically, thinking that after arriving at school, he must talk about this matter with Dean Snape, and it would be best to expel the little devil in front of him.

Lewis left him a meaningful smile, turned around and walked out of the cubicle.

Then he saw Neville holding Leif standing at the door waiting for him.

"Oh, that's pretty fast. Did you find Leif?" Louis asked with a smile.

"Oh...well, the senior sister in the cubicle found it for me." Neville said somewhat vaguely.

Louis patted Neville and asked, "Have you thanked him?"

"Yeah, thanks." Neville replied.

Lewis nodded and looked towards the cubicle.

I thought that the senior sister was not easy to talk to with being so cold, but it seems that she is still a bit cold-hearted and warm-hearted?

What a cute contrast... Louis became curious about his senior sister.

After dragging Neville back to their cubicle, he passed by a little girl with shaggy hair and big teeth at the door. Louis entered the cubicle and found that Ron's face didn't look right.

"No matter which college I'm assigned to, I don't want to be assigned to her." Ron's face looked a little bitter. He threw the wand into the box and saw Louis coming in from the door: "Louis, are you back?"

"What's wrong with this?" Louis asked when he saw the candies scattered on the floor of the cubicle.

"Don't mention it." Ron sighed, picked up a mouse from the ground by its tail, and said distressedly: "Oh, Scabbers, poor... Malfoy is too bad, how could he treat a mouse like this? Old rat?"

Lewis looked at Ron's expression and felt a little queasy.

He knew the true identity of Scabbers - he was suddenly looking forward to what Ron would look like when he knew that this rat was a bald, greasy middle-aged man.

"A fight?" Louis asked with concern, squatting down with Neville to help Ron and Harry clean up the messy ground.

"Scabbers had a fight, but I didn't." Ron stroked Scabbers' fur carefully and told his friends what happened.

Just like in the original novel, Goyle tried to snatch their chocolate frog, but was bitten hard by Scabbers on the hand. Ron danced and vividly told everyone about the embarrassment of the Malfoy trio, and the carriage was filled with joy for a while.

"Speaking of which, Louis had a fight just now." Neville thought of what happened in the Slytherin carriage just now, and said to Ron with a smile: "You know, Louis just beat up the Slytherin seniors. , one person is fighting five!”

"Well done!" Ron said angrily: "There are no good people in Slytherin - I really hope we can be sorted into the same house, and hope the teacher can listen to our requests... let's all go to Gryffindor ." He looked at Harry and Louis with eager eyes, his eyes full of expectation.

"I really want to go to Gryffindor too." Louis smiled gracefully and calmly, and Harry nodded and smiled stupidly.

The door of the compartment was opened, and the little witch with the shaggy hair stuck her head in. Louis knew that this little girl with good looks and potential was Emma...no, she was Hermione Granger.

"You guys had better change into your robes. I've already gone to the front of the car to ask the driver. We will arrive at Hogwarts soon."

Hermione's tone was very much like the nosy monitor when she was a child.

"I know... hurry up and get out, we have to change clothes - do you want to see it too?" Ron's tone was filled with boredom. He really hated this self-righteous little witch.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said disdainfully: "I have no interest in you." She pointed at her nose: "Did you know? There is something dirty on your nose."

While she was walking out, Ron rolled his eyes at her back.

"God knows what kind of person would like her," Ron muttered to himself.

Louis heard his soliloquy and couldn't help but smile to himself, young man, the day you will smell so good...

After they changed into their robes, the train also stopped. An announcement was made before getting off the bus to inform that the luggage should be left in the carriage and will be delivered to the dormitories of each college after sorting. Several people followed the crowded crowd out of the carriage, and a gust of cold wind made them shiver.

"First-year freshmen, first-year freshmen, come over here! Harry, come over here, oh my God, are you okay?" A thick voice sounded, and Louis suddenly felt Harry's hand next to him. Restlessly, he whispered to everyone, unable to suppress the joy in his voice: "It's Hagrid, my friend Hagrid." Then he shouted loudly: "I'm here, Hagrid."

"I see you." Hagrid's bearded face was filled with a joyful smile: "Come on, follow me, be careful where you step."

To be honest, the road Hagrid took was wet, dark, slippery, and extremely rough. Ron took two steps and his foot slipped and hit Harry on the butt, causing Harry to stagger.

"Oh, I'm sorry Harry, damn, it's too dark..." Ron complained under his breath.

Louis took out the wand from his arms and whispered: "Lumos."

A dazzling light lit up, illuminating everyone's feet. There was a commotion among the freshmen, but eventually it fell silent.

"Cool." Ron praised from the bottom of his heart.

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