I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 65: Just a teaching assistant in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class (please invest in m

Louis sternly rejected Mr. Principal's suggestion to add piles of cockroaches to the crazy Thursday fried chicken meal. This is not a reward, but a shock...

Do you think any normal person likes to eat such weird things? Mr. Principal, you really need to reflect on this and give it a try.

And his main purpose in proposing this "Crazy Thursday" was because if he did so, Dumbledore would be embarrassed to give Harry extra points.

Thousand-layer cake belongs to yes.

In addition, Louis made a suggestion to Dumbledore. Each wizarding family only needed fifty copper knuts to order a portion of fried chicken from the Hogwarts kitchen.

On the one hand, it is to generate income for Hogwarts, on the other hand... it can be regarded as a little care for poor families.

Of course, Dumbledore readily accepted it and stated that this was Louis' suggestion, which could be regarded as a way to increase his popularity.

Sure enough, within three days it caught the attention of Rita Skeeter, who openly wrote on the front page of the Daily Prophet that Louis Mountbatten might be the illegitimate son of Dumbledore's illegitimate son.

This was something that Old Louis didn't know, otherwise he would have fired his beloved pink flagship cannon to blast his mother.

Of course little Louis knew, but considering that Rita, a dog, would never spit ivory out of her mouth, he decided to endure it for the time being. When the opportunity comes, he must give this old woman a reason that she cannot refuse and let her praise her. Praise yourself.

Soon next Thursday came, and Louis also had his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by him independently.

Lewis also specifically communicated with the system and asked the system to give him the authority to summon monsters in other dimensions.

As for how to summon it more reasonably, he thought about it for a long time before finally remembering the Mirror of Erised.

When he went to borrow it from Dumbledore, Dumbledore was curious and wanted him to demonstrate it. How could Louis be so polite? He dragged Lao Deng to the Quidditch pitch and summoned the dancers from Lenglie Valley.

You must give Lao Deng a big eye-opener.

So, Dumbledore showed him what it means to be a master of transfiguration.

It was very laborious for him to deal with the dancer. Dumbledore just turned the weeds into tangled vines, and smashed the dancer into the ground with a metal giant hammer and a puppet.

Louis' eyes twitched as he watched the dancer gradually turn into ashes and fly into the Mirror of Erised, and he couldn't help but have a better understanding of Professor Dumbledore's strength.

I thought that since I was loaded with cheats, it wouldn't be a problem to surpass Si (Nepe) and catch up with Deng (Bulledore) within a few years. Judging from the current situation, my thoughts were indeed a bit young.

He secretly checked on Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore

grade? ? ? wizard

Talents: Charms (15), Potions (8), Transfiguration (20), Dark Arts (10), Defense Against the Dark Arts (17), Flying (10), Herbology (5), Divination (4) ).

He became emo after watching it.

Thinking of the pendant that Catherine gave him, Louis' fighting spirit was rekindled.

He didn't need his help in the first few classes. Only the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in the first and third years conflicted with Snape's teaching time.

So Snape shooed him away to teach like a fly.

Louis was unhappy, very unhappy. Unhappy, he begged the house elves to make him a cloak of the same style as Snape's, and also asked Emeriss to buy him a black wig. .

Yes, he's cosplaying Snape.

Standing at the door of the classroom, he took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, opened the classroom door with a bang, and used his wand to "brush, brush, brush" in the eyes of his classmates who were surprised and disbelieving, mixed with a bit of laughter. The windows of the classroom were all closed. Like a little bat, he walked to the podium with striding steps, turned around in a neat Snape style, shook his greasy hair into a side parting, imitated his greasy accent, and said:

"You are here to learn this method of defense and counterattack against dark wizards. Since there is no stupid squatting in front of a cauldron cooking slugs here, some of you may not believe that this is actually an exquisite science. ——I don’t expect you to truly understand the beauty of the sweet magic resonance when waving the wand and the powerful magic spell. You will not really understand the magical magic that punishes dark wizards, which makes people feel fascinated and confused. Curse...I can teach you how to increase your reputation, gain glory, and even conquer death——"

"But there must be one thing, that is, you are not the stupid fools I often encounter."

At this point, the students who had been suppressing laughter burst into laughter.

"Quiet-" Louis squinted his eyes and spoke in a drawl, imitating Snape vividly. The students laughed even louder now, especially Harry, Ron, and Neville, who laughed the loudest.

Hermione looked at Louis with a worried face, thinking what if Louis was troubled by Snape?

"Ahem, be quiet -" He maintained order in the classroom again. This time, the classmates were very considerate and suppressed their smiles one by one to see what else he could do.

I saw Louis blowing in front of Harry like a gust of wind, huffing and puffing like a little bat.

"Potter!" he said suddenly. "If I wanted to disable a wizard's wand, what spell should I use?"

"The Disarming Charm, Professor." Harry said, suppressing a smile. "The spell is Expelliarmus."

"Well, well, Pote." Snee...Louis asked again: "If I want to knock out a dark wizard, what kind of spell should I use?"

"The stupefy spell, Professor." Harry answered in a smooth and smooth manner: "The spell is stupefy."

"Let's try again, Pott... If I want to smash the obstacles in front of me, what spell will I need to use?"

"The crushing curse, the spell is reducto." Harry smiled and looked at the young professor of the same age in front of him.

"Sometimes, fame is not without reason." Louis chuckled and turned around: "Good answer, Gryffindor - no extra points."

The whole class was in an uproar. The Slytherin students who had grimaced when they heard Gryffindor suddenly started to smile, and the whole class was filled with joy.

"Why, Professor!" The person who asked was the demolition genius Seamus Finnigan.

"I think you should understand, Mr. Explosive Genius, I am not a professor, and I do not have the privilege of extra points." Louis replied slowly.

Not only the tone, but also the level of eccentricity was exactly the same as Snape's.

The classmates laughed for a while, and Louis took off his wig and bat cape and put them aside. Clapping their hands, Tom and Jerry rushed over to help him put this outfit aside.

Of course, just like civil servants with the British also have secretaries, how could Louis, who was wearing the Ying Zheng Mi flag, not arrange two teaching assistants for himself when he became a teaching assistant?

However, Tom and Jerry's assistant coach is more similar to a caddy, just helping him bring tea and water.

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