Louis didn't know what was wrong with him. When Catherine appeared, he felt the malice in his heart became more and more violent against his reason, tempting him to attack Catherine.

I don’t know when this kind of malice started.

Maybe it was at home, or maybe it was with Catherine, he couldn't remember clearly.

Now, he was almost completely dominated by this inexplicable negative emotion.

As a result, Catherine's pretty face also looked hateful.

He slowly raised his wand, trying to use the spell that could pollute the soul.

"Come on...embrace your destiny, Louis..."

Something whispered in his ear, like a whisper between lovers, tempting the malice in his heart.

Catherine held Luna's wand, wavering in her heart.

Now she is in a dilemma, she is afraid that Louis will lose control, and she is also worried that her curse will hurt him.

Now I feel more regret.

If she could sense something was wrong as soon as Lewis entered the door and say a few soft words, would things be different like now?

Catherine's heart ached a little.

It was useless to think more, the matter was a foregone conclusion, the top priority was to find a way to control Louis so that he would not go crazy, and then it would not be too late to find time to slowly deal with the matter between the two.

How to do? !

"There is one last way." Luna seemed to see through Catherine's heart and whispered from the side: "It can ensure the safety of Mr. Mountbatten, but... this method is very dangerous."

She hesitated, not sure whether she should say it or not.

"Don't show off." Catherine pressed anxiously.

"Do you trust him?" Luna's tone was solemn, as if she was telling an impossible thing.

Anyone can see from the current situation that this question is pure nonsense.

Anyone else would have asked Luna if she was crazy——

But Catherine nodded without hesitation.

"The harassing flies are the pets kept by the demon Shuzipafu. They act as the vanguard for Shuzipafu to alienate others. They take advantage of people's estrangement and affect the sanity of the victims in an unfathomable different dimension."

This is the book collection of the Woley family, a book called "The Notes of Cain", which contains countless information about demons.

She had originally forgotten this book, but Louis mentioned the Blue-Eyed Devil some time ago. In order to find information about it, Catherine read the book again.

Unfortunately, after looking through this huge book, which can be said to be an encyclopedia of demons, I couldn't find any information about the blue-eyed demon.

Not to mention the blue-eyed demon, none of the demons in this book have blue eyes.

And now Catherine finally remembered what the harassing flies recorded in the book were.

She returned the wand to Luna, met Louis's gaze, and walked towards him firmly and slowly.

Catherine's eyes were pure and blazing, as warm as the spring sunshine. There was absolutely no other thought in her mind, not even the slightest suspicion or caution.

She took off all her guard and discarded the so-called pride and restraint. This was the deer in her heart. She wanted to embrace Louis with this pure heart.

"The heart that believes is the best magic." Luna whispered an incomprehensible sentence.

Louis was also stunned. Now he was extremely sensitive to negative emotions, but he couldn't feel even a trace of "negative" emotions in Catherine.

The originally firm and abnormal "destruction" mentality also changed unconsciously and gradually softened.

Catherine's face is no longer hateful and distorted, but gradually coincides with her past heart.

Louis held the wand, without the slightest desire to take any further action. Like a wooden man, he just watched her walking towards him.

There was also a battle between heaven and man in his heart, and the two thoughts struggled together, and in the end, the winner was decided.

His hand holding the wand was also held by Catherine who stepped forward, and then his whole body was hugged by Catherine.

"Xiaolu, I'm sorry." She lowered her head and kept whispering in his ear while rubbing her temples.

Louis's face kept changing, and the voice in his head also increased the input volume, repeating it over and over again, trying to make him obey a "great will."

But it seemed to be very afraid of another fierce and pure whisper. Slowly, the voice became smaller and smaller, until it could no longer control his emotions.

In this way, the two hugged each other for a long time.

Finally, amid the unwilling roar of the owner of the voice, Louis spoke.

"It's me who's sorry, Kathy."

He held Catherine's waist tightly with his backhand.

The whole world has been eclipsed, and in the eyes of the two of them, there is only each other.

"No, I don't blame you, it's the devil who is sowing discord." Catherine tried to wipe away Louis' guilt and took away the responsibility from Louis in a few words.

"In the final analysis, it was me who had a negative view of you first, otherwise he would not have taken advantage of it." Louis did not want to avoid his question.

Discovering problems is the best way to solve them. Avoiding will never truly solve the problem.

Although avoidance is useful, it does not cure the problem.

But an inappropriate sound soon started to sound.

"I need to remind you two that there seems to be something wrong with the weather..."

It was Luna, tugging on the clothes of the two of them to remind them.

The two of them were shocked to realize that the forest land they were now in had been eroded by blood.

Everything as far as the eye could see was a blood-colored light curtain, filled with uneasiness, depression, fear and other negative emotions. The top of the head was a semicircular arch, filled with eerie dark red that slowly moved to the top and spread out. Perhaps it was due to the light, but the ground beneath their feet was red and black, like thick, coagulated blood, which made people feel numb.

Lewis tried to pick up a stone and throw it at it. The stone hit the light and fell to the ground without making any sound.

Well, it looks like a turtle shell similar to Tong Tong Blessing.

"Things seem a little bad."

Catherine had just taken out her wand when she heard Luna's reminder.

"Are you really going to do this? The harassing flies will be attracted by you."

Catherine, who had solved the misunderstanding with Louis, was in a good mood and regained her proud posture as Queen of Slytherin. She snorted and curled her lips and said proudly: "I can cast spells without a wand."

"I think it's better to forget it." Louis reminded him at the right time: "I'm afraid this kind of thing is not parasitic on the wands of you and me."

"You mean...?" The ice-smart Catherine quickly understood what Louis meant. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"How... is this possible?" She still couldn't accept it.

"This is probably a shocking conspiracy, not just against me... Besides, I don't think I have any value worthy of hell." Louis said with a deep look.

"Have you forgotten what your mother did?" Catherine reminded: "Hell can be said to hate your mother with all her heart. I don't think you have no value in being targeted."

"Ah this..." Louis then remembered and almost forgot about his mother.

Is there any mother who cheats her son so much? Louis asked the sky speechlessly.

Now he just wants to tell the devils with the legal provisions that there is no obligation in the law for the debts of the father and the son to pay.

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