Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Thousand Shots

At this moment, Su Hang, who was tens of thousands of meters in the air, did not know these terrifying waves that occurred on the ground.

I didn’t know that when the plane was about to approach Santa Varana, the capital of the state of Lutu, several anti-aircraft missiles would take off into the air and blow the plane they were on to smithereens!

Now what Su Hang has to think about is how to sweep away all the remaining hijackers with the cooperation of Leng Feng.

I saw Su Hang and Leng Feng, using a progressive tactical formation, cautiously searching forward.

The two cooperate tacitly, like teammates who have cooperated for more than ten years, which seems to have just met!

What surprised Leng Feng the most was that Su Hang could understand the tactical moves he made.

At the same time, Su Hang can also use precise tactical gestures to guide Leng Feng’s advance.

Right hand clenched fist pull-down – quick pass.

The palm of the left hand is open and straight back – stop!

Fingers together over your head – cover me!

Watching Su Hang skillfully making tactical gestures, Leng Feng’s curiosity has swelled to the extreme!

After searching, the operation room ahead was indeed as expected by Su Airlines, and no one was hiding.

In front of it is the employee lounge, which is very likely to be ambushed by hijackers.

After the two silently passed through the hallway, the door to the staff lounge was in front of them.

Leng Feng gestured to Su Hang, signaling him to pull the door open, and Su Hang took cover behind his back and searched left and right.

After thinking for a while, Su Hang immediately shook his head and refused.

Subsequently, Su Hang made a backward shooting posture.

Leng Feng immediately understood that Su Hang meant to let Leng Feng face up, fall backwards, kick the door open, and adopt a supine shooting position.

In such a small space, lying on the back shooting position, it is not easy to quickly stand up and shoot closely.

Leng Feng looked at Su Hang in confusion and signaled his confusion.

But Su Hang shook his head firmly and let Leng Feng come according to his own practice!

Looking at Su Hang’s decisive eyes, Leng Feng compromised and decided to do what Su Hang said.

Then, Leng Feng lay on his back in front of the door, and Su Hang was hidden on the right side.

“One, two.” The two counted down softly.


After the three-character exit, Leng Feng, who was lying on his back, kicked the door open with a sharp kick.


As soon as the door was kicked open, a shuttle of bullets came and crackled several holes in the surrounding walls.

Good risk!

Seeing this situation, Leng Feng broke out in a cold sweat.

The other party made preparations and shot as soon as the door was opened.

If you open the door according to your original standing posture, you will now be beaten into a honeycomb!

Su Hang’s correct judgment saved his life again.

And just after the opponent’s round of shooting into the air, Su Hang, who was hidden on the right, quickly flashed and appeared.

Lock on to the figures of the three hijackers who fired at the same time and decisively pull the trigger.


A string of tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle, and the three hijackers fell in response.

“Kill, up!”

Su Hang ordered, Leng Feng quickly got up and advanced according to the gun, while Su Hang behind him held the gun in his right hand and carried Leng Feng’s shoulder with his left hand.

The two quickly burst into the employee lounge to inspect.


Three hijackers have been killed, and there are no other hiding people in the employee lounge.

After the inspection, Su Hang and Leng Feng kept moving forward.

In the first-class cabin ahead, there are no hidden hijackers, which is consistent with the previous judgment of Soviet Airlines on hijackers.

After confirming that it was correct, the two came to the ‘end’ cockpit.

Looking at the closed cockpit door, Leng Feng was a little difficult.

Although the cockpit is sealed, the outside world can hardly be heard inside, and the other party will not be so vigilant.

But the cockpit should be opened from the inside, and not from the outside.

Moreover, there are cat’s eyes for observation in the cockpit, and the people inside can clearly see the situation outside.

Difficult! Leng Feng scratched his head.

At this time, Su Hang spit out the gum in his mouth, squeezed it in his hand, and kneaded it into a small ball.

What do these mean? Leng Feng was a little puzzled.

Subsequently, Su Hang glued the gum to the cat’s eye on the cockpit door, so that the people inside could not observe the situation outside.

Under Leng Feng’s stunned gaze, Su Hang reached out and knocked on the cockpit door.

“Knock knock!”

“Knock knock!”

“Khalifa?!” An inquiry came from inside.

Su Hang did not answer and continued to knock on the door.

“Knock knock!”

“Khalifa?!” The inquiry inside had some impatience.

At this time, Leng Feng reacted, blocking the cat’s eye, the other party could not see outside, and it was not easy to judge!

This Su Hang, no wonder you want chewing gum, this is all calculated in advance?!

Leng Feng looked at Su Hang in surprise, and his heart turned over, and he was convinced by Su Hang’s wit.

After another round of knocking, the people inside became a little impatient, and after a sound of unlocking, the door was opened with a small crack.


The people in the cockpit asked, trying to see who was outside.


Su Hang directly flew up and kicked on the hatch, and the huge force directly shook the door open.

Then Su Hang and Leng Feng quickly broke in.


Su Hang killed the hijacker at the door, while the other hijacker was sitting in the driver’s seat, and Leng Feng put a gun to his head and angrily rebuked: “Don’t move!” ”

The hijacker turned his head, and a long scar stretched from his left eye back to his earlobe.

The fierce and evil appearance is very scary.

After Leng Feng controlled the only remaining hijacker, Su Hang immediately checked the cockpit.

In addition to the hijacker who was killed at the door, the pilot, wearing the captain’s uniform, has died.

And the co-pilot fell to the ground at the moment, not dead, but already dying.

Now, although the plane deviates from the original route, it is now in autopilot mode and there will be no sudden crash.


Leng Feng lifted the scar man from the driver’s seat and told him to squat by the wall.

“Just the two of you?” Scar Man asked in an eerie hoarse tone.

“Where are so many words, shut up!” Leng Feng scolded angrily.

“And a child?” The scar man glanced at Su Hang and said disdainfully.

“Who are you and who are you employed by!” Leng Feng pointed a gun at Scar Man and asked sharply.

“Okay, count me out.” Scar Man sneered, “Before leaving, I will give you a gift.” ”

What the!? Su Hang was startled with Leng Feng.

In the midst of this electric flint, the scar man pressed a button hidden in his hand.


A loud bang!

Immediately after, the fuselage shook violently, and the originally stable fuselage began to swing left and right.

“Oh my God, what is that ringing?!”

“Mom, I’m afraid!!”

“What’s the situation, what’s the situation?!”

In the originally calm cabin, there was an instant noise, and everyone panicked.

Through the viewfinder, when he saw a thick black smoke spreading from the wings and being pulled into a straight line by the strong wind, Su Hang exclaimed in his heart:

Not good!

This smoke appears only if the fuel of the engine explodes!

“Damn, what did you do!” The furious Leng Feng’s butt smashed into the scar man’s body.

“See you in hell.” After the scar man smiled mysteriously, he suddenly gritted his teeth hard, and his cheek muscles tightened.

“Not good, he wants to take poison!”

When Su Hang rushed over and tried to break his mouth open, it was too late.

A white foam with a bitter almond smell flowed out of Scar Man’s mouth, and he turned up the whites of his eyes and died.

The captain has been killed, the co-pilot is dying, and the engine of the plane has been blown up!

All the worst cases were met by Soviet Airlines!

At the moment, what the Soviet Airlines did not know was that the plane was now approaching the capital city of Santa Varana.

The Lutu State Air Defense Force on the ground has turned on the radar of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile and locked on to the LT350 passenger plane that is flying.

“Report, the fire control radar is locked on target and ready to be launched at any time!”

The commander of the air defense unit, saluting Lieutenant General Stuka, reported loudly.

At this time, Su Hang’s life and death were in an instant.

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