Chapter XXXV: Search and Rescue

In the process of building many large airports, they will choose to build on the lake.

The purpose of this is to be able to play a role in the event of a sudden forced landing like Suzhou Airlines.

After all, as long as it is operated properly, the fuselage will not rub and catch fire when it comes into contact with lake water, which will cause an explosion.

Su Airlines reacted very quickly, and immediately changed its strategy after realizing that the forced landing on the runway was not possible.

“Low fuel consumption, warning, low fuel consumption, warning!”

“Damn, Lao Tzu’s eyes are not blind!” Su Hang looked at the information transmitted from the operation LCD screen and couldn’t help cursing.

“Su Hang, don’t say anything, come on!” Leng Feng didn’t know what to say, so he could only grab the frame tightly and cheer Su Hang on.

At the moment of life and death, Su Hang devoted himself to it, and did not dare to relax at all!

“Quick, quick, tell the bird repellent group to carry out bird repellent in the lake area!!”

“Initiate control information, dare to fly drones and other equipment there, and directly arrest them!!”

“Notify the fire department and prepare water rescue tools quickly!”

“Notify the medical department and let them pass!!”

“Water life rafts, artificial pontoons, hurry up !!!”

Inside the tower of the Lutu country, Stuka and the others began to give orders quickly as if they were facing a great enemy.

At the critical moment of life and death, everything must make way for Su Hang.

Enron, who was in the tower command room before, had already rushed out of the tower at this time, got on the car as fast as possible, started, and rushed towards the lake on the east side.

“God forbid, Su Hang you have to be fine!” Enron drove the car, slammed on the gas pedal and rushed.

In the information room of the Southeast Military Region, everyone was also staring at the big screen, for fear of missing a little picture.

“Shhh!” Gao Shiwei stared nervously at the big screen, until the smoke he was holding burned to his fingers.

At this moment, everyone’s hearts are very nervous and praying.

Su Hang, I hope you are safe and sound.


The LT350’s massive fuselage skimmed over lush trees at low altitude and rushed toward the lake.

In the cabin, all passengers bent down and lowered their heads, doing an anti-impact posture, although they wanted to look up at the moment, but the huge sense of fear made them dare not look up!

Yin Yuqing and all the crew members also lowered their heads and loudly recited anti-impact mantras to reassure all passengers.

In the cockpit, Su Hang held the rudder, looked at the lake that appeared below, and took a deep breath.

Nose angle adjustment!

Flap upright!

Pressure regulator open!

Ready to operate, ready to enter the water!

The lake is sparkling, and the water lines are folded in the breeze.

And in the next second, a plane wrapped in super wind pressure rumbled over!

“Boom !!!”

With a loud bang, the LT350 nose enters the water!

At the same time, a monstrous splash was set off.

The passenger plane entered the water, and huge ripples rippled from the center of the nose, wanting to ripple around.

In another lifetime, to see this amazing scene, everyone in the command room can be said to be unforgettable.

“Quick, save people!” Gao Shiwei reacted first and yelled at the communicator.

“Action, act fast!” Stuka hurried and ordered his men to act.

After an order, everyone who had already been ready poured out!

After the aircraft rushed into the lake, the fuselage was deformed due to excessive impact.

But thanks to the cooling and buffering effect of the lake water, the fuselage did not explode or disintegrate.

But this does not mean that the danger is lifted, because the plane still has power, and although it enters the water, the plane is still taxiing forward!

Even Su Hang, who is very physically strong, felt a sense of pressure that squeezed the whole body at the moment when the nose entered the water!


The huge impact made Su Hang feel as if his internal organs were squeezed into a ball, all entangled.

But even so, it is still a critical moment for the forced landing, and Su Airlines must not relax.

The hijacking has been solved, and this last step is almost alive!

Su Hang thought, grabbing the hand that operated the rudder and refusing to send strength.

The wing pedals under your feet do not release for half a minute.

“Ahh!” Leng Feng on the side clenched his teeth and endured.

The passengers in the cabin do not have the strong physical fitness of Soviet Airlines.

Although they all grabbed the front seats, bent over, and used the strength of their entire bodies to try to carry this huge pressure, under this huge impact, some people had already vomited and fainted.

“Mom, I’m afraid!”


“Hold on, hold on, hold on a little longer!”

All kinds of sounds in the cabin are mixed, but all this is insignificant in the roar of the fuselage.

On the surface of the lake, because of the long taxi, the wings of the aircraft have completely submerged below the surface of the water, and the composite wings, stirring the surface of the lake, have streaked a long wave on it!

Watching the plane gliding on the surface of the lake, Gao Shiwei and the others were extremely nervous, as if their hearts would break out in the next second!

“Don’t explode, don’t disintegrate!”

Everyone is watching, praying!

Fortunately, the imaginary disintegration and explosion did not happen.

The LT350 advanced about five hundred meters on the water before finally stopping!

“Quick, save people!!!”

After seeing the plane stop, Gao Shiwei shouted loudly to the screen.

Then, the rescue team that had been on standby for a long time rushed up and began to search and rescue!

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