Chapter XXXVIII: Mutual Understanding

“Toot toot toot – ”

Listening to the blind voice after Su Hang hung up the phone, Chen Zhiyu was stunned for a moment.

Fire i Pack II Friends?!

Obviously, Chen Zhiyu was misled by Su Hang and confused the two words.

“Su Hang, you bastard, big badass!”

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes were red, and Yin Yu’s proud figure appeared in his mind at this moment.

“What’s so remarkable!”

After wiping away his tears, Chen Zhiyu choked and puffed out his cheeks and returned to the classroom.

The same table looked at Chen Zhiyu, who was puffing up, and asked puzzled: “Where did you go, Zhiyu?” ”

Chen Zhiyu spat out the sullen breath in his mouth, and then seriously turned his head to ask the same table.

“Do you know, how can you Fenghun be enriched?”

“Huh? Do you still take this for the college entrance examination? ”

At the same time, Enron was driving with Su Airlines on the streets of Lutu Country.

There are no asphalt roads, large bamboo baskets overhead, black women, green palm trees, and small vendors selling along the street.

Looking at everything in front of him, Su Hang couldn’t help but think in his heart that soon this excitement would be replaced by war.

“What do you see?” Enron held the steering wheel, slightly like Su Hang’s head.

“Black chick’s big ass III valley.” Su Hang put his hand on the window of the car and said leisurely.

“Ahem…” Enron added a cough, skipping the awkward topic.

The car drove forward for some distance, and a new topic was brewing in Enron’s heart.

As a partner for the first time, of course, you must get to know each other, otherwise the task will be very rusty.

“Are you really a high school student?” After turning around a stall selling watermelons, Enron asked again.

“How, not like?” Su Hang leaned back in his chair and let the wind blow outside the window against his neckline.

“Not like that.” Enron flattened his mouth and shook his head.

“Where is it not like that?!” Su Hang turned his head.

“You said it yourself, where is it not like?”

Enron asked easily, she didn’t want the conversation to take place in a tense atmosphere, which would not be conducive to the communication between the two people.

“Well…” Su Hang on his back thought for a while: “In terms of length II, it really doesn’t look like it.” ”

“Long two degrees… You! Enron, who reacted, suddenly blushed.

Obviously, Enron underestimated Su Hang, and he had the ability not to embarrass the atmosphere no matter what the situation.

“Little astringent!” Enron blushed and cursed in a low voice, and continued to drive.

After turning around two commercial blocks, the noise around them gradually subsided, and they came to a villa with a separate house.

After getting out of the car, Su Hang took a pergola in his hand and began to look at the exotic three-story villa in front of him.

“This is where we stay in Lutu.”

With that, Enron led Su Hang into the villa.

The villa has a sense of space and all furnishings.

In this regard, Su Hang does not care, he is not here to travel, and the primary purpose is to perform tasks.

“In this way, you are on the second floor.” Enron studied it and said.

“How many floors does Dr. Qian live in?” Su Hang asked after observing a circle, Gao Shiwei gave him some information before he came.

“She has three floors, and I have one floor, so that you can better protect Dr. Qian after you come to live on the second floor.” Enron said truthfully.

Su Hang frowned slightly, and his face suddenly became very serious.

Enron always thought that Su Hang was the kind of person who hanged his child.

The first time I saw him with such an expression, I was shocked in my heart.

Only to hear Su Hang reassign: “You sleep on the first floor, Dr. Qian on the second floor, and I on the third floor.” ”

Enron did not understand this arrangement very well, and his silver-plated face was full of doubts.

“Dr. Qian lives on the third floor, what if the enemy attacks from the roof?”

Su Hang’s explanation made An Ran suddenly realize that this point was indeed ill-considered, just thinking about letting Dr. Qian live on the highest floor, and she guarded the first floor to avoid the attack on the ground.

But the top of the head is ignored!

Enron looked at Su Hang carefully, and he didn’t think that Su Hang’s mind was so delicate, and he really couldn’t underestimate him.

“What, fascinated by me?” Su Hang stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Enron.

“No big, no small.” Enron said with disgust, “You are honest, according to your age, I am your sister.” ”

“So what?” Su Hang shrugged nonchalantly.

Enron was asked by Su Hang, and did not know how to answer, so he had to say: “Then it is so top, you live on the upper floor, I live on the lower floor.” ”

“Okay.” Su Hang said casually, “I’m above, you’re below.” ”

Enron smacked this, and always felt that something was wrong.

The two then came to the third floor together.

At the first time, Su Airlines analyzed the layout of the room and the places that needed to be guarded.

After seeing Su Hang see all this, Enron pulled a chair to Su Hang, while she sat on the edge of the bed.

After they all sat down, they looked righteous: “Su Hang, there are some things that we still explain well.” ”

Su Hang did not speak, his expression was tacit.

“Su Hang, the first thing I want to say is that you and I don’t understand each other.”

Who said I don’t understand, but I know very well, Su Hang said in his heart.

“We’re partners, that’s not good, I hope we can be honest with each other.”

“How honest should you be?” Su Hang asked rhetorically.

“At the very least, we need to get to know each other.”

“Okay.” Unexpectedly, Su Hang did not shirk.

“Okay, then I’ll come first.” Enron decided to make a proof.

“My name is Enron, code name Violet, you will call me code name in the future.”

“Rank lieutenant, currently working for the Fire Phoenix Women’s Special Operations Team, I am good at makeup scouting, shooting, and fighting.”

“Okay, I’m done, it’s your turn.”

“Okay.” Su Hang adjusted his sitting position and said, “My name is Su Hang, male, unmarried, a senior high school student, but the mercenary has been a few months, which is a little experience.” ”

“Don’t be modest, you can fly a plane, what a little experience.” Enron propped up the mattress with his hands.

“That’s not a problem.” Su Hang waved his hand.

“Okay, got it.” Enron nodded: “Next, let’s talk…”

“Wait.” Su Hang interrupted Enron.


“Is this considered to be understood?”

“Yes, or else?” Enron was a little puzzled, not knowing why Su Hang asked like this.

“Do you really think that this is even an understanding?” Su Hang’s face sank like a waterway.

“So, what do you think, how do you know?” Enron couldn’t figure out what Su Hang meant for a while.

“Let me ask it this way.”


“How many are you three iiii?!”

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