Chapter 46: Our Wolves Are Far Worse Than Him

I’m going, is it so crazy?!

After everyone understood Su Hang’s intentions, they all closed their mouths in surprise.

And this kind of operation, to be so complacent?!

After a brief shock, Enron frowned to:

“Su Hang, I don’t agree, there is war outside, it’s not the time for us to make money by relying on this.”

Su Hang waved his hand and said helplessly: “Your words are flawed, I rely on this to make money, not us.” “、

“You…” Enron was stunned and speechless.

Seeing that Enron suffered a loss, Qian Zizhu, who got along well with Enron, said weakly: “But… But aren’t you protecting me, how can you protect others?! ”

Su Hang’s eyes widened: “Then let me ask you, are you protected after delay?” ”

Although Su Hang is only a high school student, the fierce look on this face still makes Qian Zizhu very timid: “Don’t delay, don’t delay!” ”

At this time, everyone found that this Su Hang is not only in good health, but also has good combat qualities, but also has a sharp mouth!

“It stands to reason ..” Leng Feng frowned and said, “It’s no problem to take them all to the embassy, after all, they are all Chinese.” ”

“Hey, he’s not.” Enron pointed to Qian Bida.

“I… I’m not, but my heart is that I’m not a Huaxia person, and I’m forced to do so…” Qian Bida hurriedly explained.

“Su Hang, in the past, there are still a few shops, so many people, mighty, still not a living target?” Leng Feng voiced his concerns.

Su Hang touched his chin, and he also thought of this question that Leng Feng said, and at present, it is indeed an obstacle.

But money is not earned at hand, this is not the style of Su Airlines.

Just when everyone thought that Su Hang had no way, two explosions suddenly came from outside



Hearing the explosion, everyone subconsciously shrank down.

This explosion, the shell is a vehicle-mounted 30 mm small-caliber gun.

Su Hang could hear it as soon as he heard it.

Wait, armored vehicles …..

Isn’t this a coincidence, isn’t it a coincidence?

Su Hang raised his eyebrows with joy.

I really want to sleep someone hands a pillow, want to eat sugar cane someone hands a machete.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Hang immediately generated a plan in his heart.

“You guys are waiting for me here, I’ll go back.”

Su Hang checked the equipment on his body and asked Leng Feng for a few smoke bombs.

“Where are you going?!” Enron hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

“I’ll call us a car.” Su Hang tightened the ammunition bag on his body.

“Call a car?” Enron frowned, “This soldier is in chaos, where to get a car?!” ”

“You don’t care, the mountain people have their own plan.”

“Then I’ll go with you.” Enron took the initiative to fight.

“No, you stay here with Leng Feng, after all, Dr. Qian, oh, and my two customers need to be protected.” Su Hang checked the magazine lane, this kind of thing is better to go by yourself, flexible and fast.

“Su Hang, you are not allowed to go, you are called leaving work, you can’t be unruly!” Enron didn’t know where Su Hang was going, and anxiously wrote on his face

“What is unruly, I am here for everyone to be able to move conveniently.” Su Hangxin said, of course, for my wallet.

“Besides, what rules are irregular, as long as you can win the battle and make money, this is the rule!”

“You!” Enron was so angry that he was almost smoked.

“Protect your customers.”

After Su Hang threw down this sentence, he rushed out.

“Su Hang…” An Ran and the others chased to the door, watching Su Hang single-handedly rush into the enemy camp.

“You dead bastard, stay safe!”

Enron’s shouts were quickly drowned out in the streets where gunfire was roaring.

“Let’s go to the second floor and see what he’s up to!”

Boss Sun suggested, and everyone immediately went to the second floor.

When I came to the second floor, the view really became very good.

Everyone looked towards the place where Su Hang rushed to.

I saw Su Hang shooting covertly while advancing.


Su Hang raised his gun and fired, aiming time was extremely short.

But it is able to shoot and shoot.

At this level, the veteran Enron and Leng Feng were shocked.

“At this level, how is it better than you wolf warriors?” Enron asked.

“Not far off.” Leng Feng stared at Su Hang’s figure with a solemn expression.

“Far worse than you wolf warriors?!” Enron didn’t frown.

“It’s our wolf warrior who is far worse than him.” Leng Feng said worriedly.

“yes… We have never seen such a warrior in the Fire Phoenix. Enron deeply agreed.

On the other side, Su Hang, relying on his superior combat skills, had already arrived at the position of the Red Turban Army.

At this moment, the Red Turban Army is all confused.

Originally, they thought that the Lutu military was the biggest threat, but they didn’t expect that the biggest threat came from a person with a Chinese face!

This guy blocked the killing all the way and came here.

Damn, the Lutu country military gang actually invited such a strong helper!

Thinking of this, everyone in the Red Turban Army immediately turned their guns and headed towards Su Hang.

“Farke, kill this bastard!”

Not good, dangerous!

Everyone on the second floor was worried about Su Hang.


PS: New books for newcomers, ask for flowers, recommend tickets, ask for tips, ask for all support! Kneel and beg!!!



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