The news of Su Airlines is very strong.

Except for An Ran and Dr. Qian Zizhu, everyone was shocked and looked at Su Hang with amazement.

“So you’re a mercenary?!” Ambassador Fan and Lieutenant Colonel Liu looked surprised.

“Dare, you’re not from the embassy?!” Qian Bida and a kind of expatriate are also confused.

Seeing that everyone was extremely surprised, Enron hurriedly came to play round, and she first let Qian Bida and the others leave.

Then, Enron said to everyone in an apologetic tone: “I’m sorry, Ambassador Fan, Lieutenant Colonel Liu, blame me for not making it clear, Su Hang is indeed a mercenary.” ”

Ambassador Fan and Lieutenant Colonel Liu looked at Su Hang again.

“So there is no problem for Su Airlines to collect money from expatriates.”

After Enron finished speaking, Dr. Qian Zizhu also added: “And Su Hang did not use the banner that he was a member of the embassy. ”

If Enron is because of his partner’s relationship and helps Su Hang speak, this is understandable.

But Dr. Qian Zizhu usually talks very little, is not good at communication, he can talk to Su Hang, which can only show that this Su Hang has such a great charm.

The words of An Ran and Dr. Qian Zizhu caused Ambassador Fan to wave his hand again and again and said with a smile on his face:

“I haven’t said anything yet, you guys are like sudden cannons, whether Su Hang collects money or not, it’s all his own problem, we can’t take care of it.”

Ambassador Fan’s words made Su Hang nod with satisfaction.

This Ambassador Fan can still carry it clearly, and he does not pretend to be an official there.

But even if it is official, with Su Hang’s character of not being afraid of the ground this day, he can be intimidated back.

“Anyway, you guys have worked hard all the way, go take a break and eat something!”

After saying that, Ambassador Fan led everyone into the main building.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Southeast Military District, ten thousand miles away, in the office of the deputy commander-in-chief.

Gao Shiwei is reviewing the military procurement plans submitted by various departments.

I only heard a rush of footsteps coming out of the “knock knock” outside.

Gao Shiwei remained silent, and when the footsteps came to the door, Gao Shiwei shouted directly, “Come in.” ”

The counterpart was visibly stunned for a moment, and then immediately pushed the door in.

“Senior Vice President.” He Lu’s eyes were solemn.

“Say slowly, what’s wrong.”

“Something happened, there was a rebellion in the Lutu country, and the military had a fierce battle with the rebel army!”

As soon as this news came out, Gao Shiwei “choked” in his heart.

How could there be a rebellion

“Is the news exact?”

He Lu took out his portable military mobile phone and put a video on the big screen in the office.

What is being shown above are some images of the ongoing rebellion in the state of Lutu.

The sound of gunshots, whistles, screams, coupled with the reason for the mobile phone shooting, the shaky picture gives a sense of immersion.

Gao Shiwei stared solemnly at the picture on the big communication screen, and his heart was like a wave of shock at this moment.

So it will be so!

It was really said by this kid Su Hang, Lutuguo really rebelled!

You must know that the intelligence personnel received before have carefully investigated and concluded that there will be no rebellion in the current situation of the country of Lutu!

But the rebellion really happened, Su Hang, this kid, will he not know the prophet?

After being surprised, Gao Shiwei quickly asked He Lu to contact Enron.

Now we must first make sure that they and Dr. Qian are okay!

“Toot toot—”

A series of blind sounds, Enron did not connect.

With a sound of blindness, Gao Shiwei shook down.

The phone hung up, and He Lu was anxious

There is no doubt that if the rebellion occurs, the communication equipment will definitely be damaged.

At this moment, Gao Shiwei’s heart was already filled with unease.

This rebellion came suddenly, without any warning and preparation, which was simply fatal for those who were in it.

And Enron is not yet contacted, which is all the more proof of this.

Gao Shiwei was a little restless at the moment.

Su Hang had just escaped death not long after the forced landing, which caught up with the rebellion.

There is also Dr. Qian Zizhu, who plays a vital role in virus research in China and even the world.

And Enron, this exceptionally good special soldier …

I am afraid that they will not escape this calamity this time.

Gao Shiwei took a cigarette in his mouth, inhaled it fiercely, and a cigarette burned directly to the filter.

Looking at Gao Shiwei like this, Fan Tianlei and He Lu looked at each other.

They knew that the deputy commander-in-chief’s heart was now very irritable.


Gao Shiwei threw the cigarette fart into the ashtray, and his resolute expression recovered.

“Contact the Chinese Embassy in Lutu immediately!”

Although Gao Shiwei knew in his heart that the possibility of them returning to the embassy was almost zero.

But he doesn’t want to just do nothing, this is not Gao Shiwei’s character.

After receiving the order, He Lu and they quickly arranged for someone to contact the embassy of the Lutu country.

Thankfully, the embassy’s phone was kept open.

“Hello, Vice President Gao!” Ambassador Fan answered the phone and said very politely.

“Hello, Ambassador Fan.” Gao Shiwei made a long story short, “Violet and Dr. Qian, have you returned to the embassy?” ”

“Vice President Gao, don’t worry, they have returned.”


Ambassador Fan’s words were like thunder on a spring day, which instantly excited Gao Shiwei and others.

This unexpected joy made everyone’s faces look of surprise.

Gao Shiwei was even more surprised to reconfirm: “Really come back?!” ”

“Back, back.” Fan Da hurriedly replied, “They also just arrived, so what, Vice President Gao, I’ll let Violet talk to you.” ”


“Senior Vice President, hello, Violet reports to you!”

Listening to Enron’s sonorous voice, a big stone in Gao Shiwei’s heart fell to the ground.

“Are you okay, Violet, you’re not hurt, are you?”

“Thank you for your concern, don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“Hmm. Is Dr. Qian okay then? ”

“She’s fine, Senior Vice President.”

“What about Su Hang, is he safe too?”

“Yes, he is safe too.”

Everyone was safe, and Gao Shiwei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

“Well, it’s all safe, this time you have worked hard, the war suddenly happened, no one expected it.”

“Actually, Vice President Gao, in fact, we were able to escape smoothly this time, all thanks to Su Hang.”

“Thanks to Su Hang?” Gao Shiwei was stunned, “How to say!” ”

“From before the war happened, he prepared a lot of related items in advance as if he knew it was going to happen.”

“After the war began, with his advance preparation, we avoided a lot of dangers.”

“And he is still very heroic, how to say, it can really be said that it is one to ten!”

Enron calmly and objectively described the situation at that time, and Gao Shiwei and others were stunned when they heard it.

After listening to it, everyone was extremely surprised, Su Huang, this kid, is also too good!

Can you snatch armored vehicles single-handedly?!

Gao Shiwei really felt that this money was too worth it, and he really picked up a treasure!

“What about Su Hang, this kid is not next to you?” Gao Shiwei smiled and swept away the previous anxiety.

“He’s there.”

“You give him the phone.”


Then, Gao Shiwei heard the voice of Enron calling Su Hang from the microphone, and the sentence issued by Su Hang, “Who, let no one eat?!” ”

“Hey, high school general?”

“It’s me, Su Hang.” Gao Shiwei’s tone was unconsciously tinged with a smile.

“What’s going on?”

“I listened to Violet, thanks to you this time, it’s good!”

“That’s it, I’m okay to hang up.”

“You ghost boy, I’m praising you!” Gao Shiwei said with a smile.

“Harm.” Su Hang spread his hands on the other side of the phone.

“What is the use of praising me, it is better to add some money to me.”

“You ghost boy, you lost money in your eyes…” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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