I’m The King

Chapter 1001: : Huanghuang Hanwei (One Hundred Twenty-Five)

In Chunhua, nearly one hundred thousand Zhao Jun's army has fallen into despair. Since arriving in Yongshou, Chunhua, and Sanyuan, they have encountered fierce resistance. The previous momentum has become a joke here, and the three counties are like torrents. The rock in it, no matter how crazy Zhao Jun is, it still stands still.

Then, around Zhao Jun, a large number of Qin troops began to appear. Zhao Xilie, who attacked Sanyuan, first discovered that it was wrong, because the Qin Army that appeared around him turned out to be Meng Tian's army.

What about the legendary prince’s civil strife? What about Meng Tian’s rebellion? Zhao Xilie knew that something was wrong, so he immediately gave up the attack on Sanyuan and moved closer to the main force of Chunhua’s army. When he arrived in Chunhua, Zhao Mingjun was almost back and forth. Since Yongshou withdrew back, countless Qin army units have surrounded them one by one.

If these can't completely destroy Zhao Jun's fighting will, the next thing that happened will completely discolor all the generals.

Their chief general, General Jing Rufeng, was gone.

The general Jing Rufeng also left the camp with more than a hundred guards at the end of the day yesterday, saying that he was going to check the enemy situation around to find a way to break the enemy. This time, he never came back. When Zhao Xilie sent When the brigade went looking for it, only the bodies of more than a hundred guards were found, but Jing Rufeng was gone.

Surrounded on all sides, but the main general is missing, Chunhua's Zhao Jun can be imagined.

"Everyone, in view of the critical situation, now I am here to serve as the general. What do you mean?" Zhao Xilie looked at the earth-faced generals in the account and said loudly.

"May I follow the orders of General Zhao!" A snake without a head is no good, someone can stand up, it is better than a group of dragons without a head, and Zhao Xilie's father, Zhao Qi, is in power for a while in the Zhao country. It is also the best choice to let him be the general. .

"It is almost certain now. The so-called Meng Tian colluding with the prince to rebel is just an excuse to lure our army to attack. I am afraid that now Hangu Pass has also changed hands. What we have to do is to kill back and stand out. Encircle and return to Zhao Country." Zhao Xilie said.


At this moment, in Chunhua City, a carriage drove into the gate of the county government, which surprised the soldiers guarding. Now there are two generals of the Qin state in this county government. Who can actually have such a big man? For the sake of face, drive the carriage directly into the county office?

In the backyard of the county government, Meng Tian and Li Xin stood side by side. There always seems to be a smile on his face.

The carriage stopped in front of the two of them, the door opened, and an old man with white beard and hair got out from inside. Li Xin took a step forward, touched the ground on one knee, and bowed to the old man. "Li Xingong welcomed General Jing back. "

In order to be in this dead place, Jing Rufeng paid a heavy price. After twenty years, he finally achieved full success. This forbearance and sacrifice, Li Xin asked himself that he could not do it, so he gave Jing Rufeng a big gift. , Secondly, from the perspective of generation, Jing Rufeng is indeed an elder.

Meng Tian smiled and clasped his fists, and said to Jing Rufeng: "Admire, admire!"

"General Jing, please, Xin slightly buys a thin wine to wash the dust for the general." Li Xin smiled and stretched out his hand to give in.

As the three great generals of the Qin State pushed and changed their cups, nearly one hundred thousand Zhao army was struggling on the fertile fields of the Kanto Plain. One after another was annihilated and defeated, as the grain grew day by day. With the decrease of the Qin Army's encirclement, the encirclement of the Qin Army is shrinking day by day, and the fate of Zhao Jun's fall is inevitable.

"Zhao Jun's 100,000 army was lost, and Zhao State lost the most powerful barrier against Qin State. The fall of Zhao State will begin now. Then, what impact will this have on us, the big man?" Gao Yuan looked at Jiang Jiaquan. Everyone, Tao.

"It's hard to imagine how the one hundred thousand army of Zhao Guo would let the Qin people make dumplings?" Ye Zhong was puzzled." Zhao Jun is an experienced general, and he shouldn't get on it easily. Such a big deal!"

"Regardless of how Zhao Jun fell into this evil deception, what is certain is that after this battle, Zhao Guo's vitality will be greatly injured, and will no longer be Qin's opponents. They will no longer serve as a buffer zone between Qin and me. Existing, now we are afraid that we will start to plan to face the offensive of the Qin State." Jiang Jiaquan said slowly.

"The first thing to strengthen is Shannan County. If the Qin Army gathers heavy troops here, Feng Fayong's 20,000 troops will be difficult to resist. After defeating Zhao Guo, the military strength of the Qin Army can be concentrated by a large margin." Gao Yuan His fingers moved slowly on the map, "Once Shannan County has a loss, the Qin army can go straight to the prairie, threatening our Stone City, Dayan City, and Hetao Plain. This is ours behind the big rear, and there is absolutely no room for loss. ."

"He Lanxiong's Eastern Field Army is currently rehabilitating on behalf of the county. Let him move towards Shannan Prefecture. If the Qin Army has the possibility of launching an attack on Shannan Prefecture, he can rush to help quickly. It can even attack the Jiuyuan Prefecture of Qin State." Ye Zhongdao .

"We must also invest more troops in the direction of the Wei State. The infantry under the jurisdiction of the army does not have more than 10,000 people. Even if you add Zhou Changshou and Wei Guo's new army, all the soldiers and horses add up to less than 50,000. And after Zhao Guo's defeat, , The morale of the Qin army has been greatly boosted, and maybe it will launch a large-scale offensive in this area." Yan Shenghao said.

"Transfer Xu Yuan’s North Field." Gao Yuan said in deep thought: "For Qin, our main focus is to solve Qi’s problems in the near future. Meng Chong’s Nanye is ready and ready to go. Starting off, Zhang Hongyu’s newly-formed First Army is also ready as the second echelon. Our focus in the near future is still to lean towards Qi. After we win Qi, we will consider Qin's problems."

"Xun Shangshu!" Gao Yuan looked at Xun Xiu.

"The old minister is here."

"Qin suffered such a big defeat, and the people in the country are bound to be unstable.At this time, we need to cheer them up and cheer them up. Please take a trip to Handan and tell the people of Zhao that we will give weapons if we want weapons, and we will give food if we want food. Can't let them collapse." Gao Yuan said.

"Understood!" Xun Xiu nodded, "Although Zhao Guo has been hit hard by this, he is a big country after all, with a profound background. As long as he works hard, he can still cause some trouble for the people of Qin."

"I hope so!"

Cao Tianci walked in from the outside, sweating profusely, looking at the many civil servants and generals in the room, and raised his hand with a wry smile, "The king, sirs, the information just received, Jing Rufeng is Qin's death. "

"What are you talking about?" Almost everyone in the room stood up, looking at Cao Tianci in disbelief.

"Our investigation in the State of Qin has found definite news. Jing Rufeng is a fine work of a member of the State of Qin. This person has been invisible in the State of Zhao for more than 20 years. What he did is this battle. The one hundred thousand troops of the State of Zhao have lost all of them here. Human hands." Cao Tianci handed the information to Gao Yuan, smiling bitterly.

After reading this information at a glance, Gao Yuan shook his head and sighed: "Great, great, admire, admire."

After Hangu Pass, Zhao Xilie looked desperately at the pass that was still standing tall under their several days of attack. Knowing that the last glimmer of hope was gone, he tried his best to get rid of the 30,000 elite The Qin Jun rushed straight down to the Hangu Pass, hoping to hit the pass. This Zhao Jun opened a way to survive, but after a few days of attack, he could not shake the Hangu Pass at all. The surrounding Qin Army had already surrounded him. The last bit of food and grass in the army has also been exhausted.

"Surrender!" Zhao Xilie sighed: "There is no need to struggle anymore."

In Hangu Pass, 30,000 Zhao Jun, and Zhao Jun who were captured and captured elsewhere, Zhao Jun, who was more than 50,000 people, became the prisoner of Qin Jun.How to deal with these Zhao Jun prisoners has become a big problem.

"Kill!" Meng Tian stood up and said indifferently, it seems that what he wants to kill is not 50,000 lives, but 50,000 ants.

"All killed?" Li Xin was taken aback, "This..."

Meng Tian said affirmatively: "Yes, they are all killed, these 50,000 people, what use are we keeping? Let them go back, they will only take up weapons to fight us again, General Li, you should know what the king is next It is to help us fear that the State of Zhao will serve us. If they retain some power, they will inevitably think about it. Killing them makes them terrified, and kills them so that they can no longer bear the slightest heart of resistance."

"This, more than 50,000 people, how to kill?" Li Xin muttered.

"Transport these prisoners to other places in batches, and kill them in batches!" Meng Tian smiled and said.

Chang Ping, Bai Qi stood on a high place, looking down at Zhao Jun who came from a distance, a rope tied these people together, staggering towards this side, in front of them, they had already dug. A trench about two meters deep.

The first batch of Zhao Jun who was rushed here was about a thousand people. Seeing the deep trench, Zhao Jun seemed to realize something and rioted at once. But they were **** by the rope, struggling just to make him It fell into a ball, and the sound of fearful screams became a whole.

"Fall arrows!" Bai Qi raised his arms coldly.

Countless feather arrows burst out of the air, nailing all of these Zhao people to the ground.The arrow rain stopped, and groups of Qin troops rushed up, threw Zhao Jun's body down the ditch, and then covered it with a shallow layer. Shallow mud.

At this time, outside the Changping camp, another prisoner of more than a thousand people is coming here.

After connecting for three days, Bai Qi only felt that his nerves were a little numb, and there were more than 50,000 Zhao Jun prisoners, except for some senior generals such as Zhao Xilie, everyone else was killed in the Changping camp. Inside the camp, blood was really flowing.

Zhao Guo's 100,000 troops in the Hedong camp were exhausted, and the Qin army went out of Hanguguan and went straight to Hedong County. Within a few days, he took the entire Hedong County. The news came out, and the whole country was shocked by Zhao Guo. Continued)

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