I’m The King

Chapter 1003: : Huanghuang Hanwei (127)

Dong Zhuang lay in the grass, covered with a layer of thatch. He is now the commander of the 3rd Division of the New First Army, and belongs to the first new First Army to enter the Qi state. Zhang Hongyu fulfilled it. He pryed Dong Zhuang's promise when he went to the newly formed First Army.

Dong Zhuang's third division entered the territory of Qi. It did not fly under the banner of the newly formed First Army. Instead, it entered in the Southern Army of Meng Chong. After arriving at the destination, it quietly lurked down. Dong Zhuang is now The lurking place is called Lingshan, and there is a road at the bottom of the mountain, leading from Jimo to Jucheng, and a little further away from this road is the Mengsha River.

Dong Zhuang is here to ambush the Qi* team from Jimo to assist Jucheng.

For the Qi* team led by Tian Fucheng, Dong Zhuang has a strong hatred. It is they who invaded Tianhe, and it is they who killed, wounded and looted in Tianhe County, and they did all the evil that caused the tragedy of his family.

"Kill all these beasts!" He said to himself fiercely in his heart, but gently stroked a magic crossbow beside him. This thing is amazing. One shot can shoot hundreds of crossbow arrows at the same time. When he shoots out, when facing the enemy in a dense formation, it is simply invaluable.

"Master, the message tree on the top of the mountain has fallen down!" A guard ran over and said to Dong Zhuang.

Dong Zhuang suddenly refreshed, "I finally waited for them. Lao Tzu has been here for a few days, thinking they will not come. The ministries of the messenger, follow my orders, and don't attack them at will."


Cheng Si never expected that the seemingly flat avenue in front of him was already in danger. The troops of the Han army that entered Qi were all besieged and defeated in Jucheng. Now he has not left Jimo territory, so he would never have thought that it was too early. There is a Han* team hiding here, quietly waiting for his arrival.

With the cavalry as the forerunner, the entire army was divided into three sections, and the army and food were placed in the middle army.This is also the safest way to march.

Dong Zhuang squinted his eyes and watched the cavalry walking by the mountain slowly, his hand slowly buckled the trigger of the magic crossbow.His goal was the neatly formed line of Qiguo pawns in the middle.

"Start!" He roared, his fingers twitched, and the whole body of the Shenji Crossbow trembles suddenly, and a sound of morpholine sounded, like a series of meteors shooting from the mountain city to the Qi* team above the mountain road. .

At the moment when Dong Zhuang shot, the loud bugle sounded above Lingshan, and countless crossbow arrows shot down from the hillside like splashing rain. Qi Jun, who was caught off guard, was suddenly attacked, and suddenly it was like being cut leek. Rows of ground were shot to the ground.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" There were screams of exclamation one after another, Cheng Siwei looked up to the hillside, where rows of Han* teams in navy blue military uniforms had already stood up. A banner was raised, and there was a crash. Looking at the new designation of the First Army, Cheng Siwei's face turned pale.

After the rain-like feathers and arrows, countless boulders rolled down. These boulders fell on the mountain road, smashed the carriage that hauled army food, and piled on the mountain road. The cavalry was blocked by the boulder and had to go uphill before returning to aid.The entire team pulling the dragon was in chaos at this time.

"Send the order to the entire army to retreat to the Mengsha River!" Cheng Siwei made a decisive decision and issued the order for the entire army to retreat to the Mengsha River. At this time, no matter whether it was forward or backward, it was impossible to get out smoothly, and retreated to the Mengsha River behind him. It seems to be an absolute, but the wide beach is good for him to regroup his troops and fight the enemy to the death.

It can be said that this is currently the only correct path that Cheng Siwei can choose.

"It's a son of a bitch, so smart!" Dong Zhuang stood up, drew his saber, and shouted: "The whole army attacked and drove the enemy down the river."

Above Lingshan, rows of Han soldiers stood up from their invisibility and ran down the mountain.

When Dong Zhuang chased the Mengsha River, Cheng Sihe had already formed several square formations with the remaining soldiers leaning against the Mengsha River.

"Cross!" Dong Zhuang shouted sharply.

The **** machine crossbow was still on the mountain at this time, but the soldiers still had open crossbows in their hands. Following Dong Zhuang's roar, several rows of soldiers raised their arms and open crossbows at the same time. Zhang Nu's crossbow arrows rushed into the sky and shot towards the opposite Qi Jun.

The shields were lifted up by Sergeant Qi, and amidst the jingling noises, most of the crossbow arrows were blocked by the shields, and a few crossbow arrows penetrated through the gaps in the shields and shot these unlucky soldiers to the ground. .

The two armies slowly approached each other as the archers were shooting at each other, like two aggressive bulls, staring at each other with red eyes at this time, and they wanted to cut each other down.

Dong Zhuang walked at the forefront of the team, the Modao in his hand was raised high, in his eyes, at this moment, it was his messy home, his brothers and sisters with unknown life and death, his mother who was blinded by crying, and Father who was so tired that he buckled his waist.

"Kill!" He roared wildly and jumped up, his hand hovers around like a tiger descending a mountain, and directly plunged into the opponent's crowd.

The beaches of the Mengsha River were filled with soldiers from both sides strangling together. From time to time, someone fell on the beach and couldn't get up again. After a long time of fighting, Cheng Siwei had to realize painfully that his soldiers were fighting head-to-head. Among them, they are not opponents of the Han army at all. The Han soldiers are well-trained. In this kind of chaotic battle, they can always cleverly form a situation of fighting more and less in a very small area, covering each other, and Absolute trust between each other, and this is impossible in the Qi army. It takes a long time and rigorous training to achieve it. The Qi soldier's personal bravery may not be inferior to the opposite Han soldier. , But the problem is that they often have to face several Han sergeants. Some of these Han troops specialize in defense, some specialize in blocking, and some specialize in killing, and they turn in one direction and change another enemy. , Their roles can be exchanged immediately.

His team is already being slowly pressed towards the Mengsha River behind him.

Jimo, when Cheng Siwei was in a bitter battle and was in danger, at the beginning of the attack, an envoy he sent rushed into Jimo City on a fast horse. "General Cheng is attacked on Lingshan, send reinforcements!" The knight finished his sentence. , Man already fell from his horse with a grunt, and his horse was vomiting white at the same time, and his hooves were soft and fell to the ground.

"Bastard!" Tian Fucheng, who received the bad news, was furious, looking at Wang Pei in front of him. "I said that I can't rescue Jucheng. You and Cheng Siwei are going to go together. The Han army has already laid a trap. What should I do now? Do, tell me, what should I do?"

Wang Pei's expression is also extremely solemn, "Second Young Master, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, we must send troops immediately to rescue General Cheng Siwei."

"Can it still be saved? Is it too late?" Tian Fucheng's voice was hoarse, Cheng Siwei was one of his key generals, if he could not save, I am afraid that the generals below would not agree.

"Regardless of whether it can be rescued or not, we will save it." Wang Pei said in a low voice. "Even if the army cannot be saved, General Cheng Siwei must be rescued."

"Go!" Tian Fucheng waved his hand, and suddenly felt a sense of doom.

Cheng Siwei did not support Wang Pei's rescue. His army was defeated by Dong Zhuang's new third division of the First Army at the Mengsha River. Under the protection of the guards, Cheng Siwei crossed the Mengsha River in an embarrassing manner. Above, there are all the rolling heads of Qi Jun swimming and fleeing. Looking at this spectacular scene, Dong Zhuang does not have the desire to kill them. The previous resentment in his heart is on the battlefield where his body has just been flying, I don't know. Unconsciously, it dissipated a lot.

"Assemble the team, head to Jimo City, and move forward!" Dong Zhuang said loudly.

When Wang Pei’s rescue team had just advanced to Mashan, news of Cheng Siwei’s entire army had been destroyed. Wang Pei was too sentimental and quickly ordered the army to seize Mashan and establish a defense line. He believed that the Han army would arrive soon. In front of him.

Wang Pei did not expect the score to be bad.He had just arrived at Ma Shan, and Dong Zhuang's third division had already arrived quickly, and without any explanation, he launched a new round of attack on Ma Shan.

In the middle of the night, Dong Zhuang was unable to take down Mashan, and Wang Pei launched counterattacks many times and was unable to shake the camp of the Third Division.The two sides will be deadlocked here.

At this time, the other two armies of the newly formed First Army are quickly approaching Jimo. These are the first and second divisions led by Cui Chengxiu and Gao Chengdong. Their task is to fight Jimo directly. Under the condition of holding a large number of enemy forces, he took down Jimo as quickly as possible.

When the 20,000 soldiers of the Han army appeared outside Jimo City like a **** from the sky, Tian Fucheng felt that the sky was about to collapse.His men were now pitifully weak, and Cheng Siwei's troops were defeated, and Wang Pei again He took away another part of the people, and now he has less than 10,000 people in his hands, how can he hold Jimo?

Wang Pei did not last long in Mashan.When Cui Chengxiu took the first division to reinforce Dong Zhuang, Wang Pei could no longer resist.After Cheng Siwei, his troops were also defeated.

When the flags of Cheng Siwei and Wang Pei appeared under Jimo City, the entire Jimo City was silent, and the city had completely lost the courage to resist.

"Offensive!" Cui Chengxiu was very energetic, the saber in his hand was raised high and suddenly fell, tens of thousands of Han sergeants screamed, pushing the siege truck, Meng rushing, carrying the ladder, and rushing towards the city wall of Jimo. , And at this time, Jimo’s master Tian Fucheng did not appear on the city’s head to organize the battle. Xu Shi already knew that his end was coming. Tian Fucheng was in the hall, and he changed into Qi Wang’s costume. He was sitting on the throne in the main hall with his robe and crown belt, and listened stupidly to the screams of killing that were approaching outside.

With almost no resistance, Jimo City was easily captured by the Han army.

"Second Young Master!" Cao Jin panicked and ran into the main hall. He just shouted, like a rooster with his neck strangled, and couldn't say anything anymore. Although the second Young Master Tian was sitting upright, he was sitting upright. Above the throne, but the black blood that kept pouring from the corner of his mouth made Cao Jin's eyes all bloody. (To be continued)

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