I’m The King

Chapter 1005: : Huang Huang Han Wei (One Hundred Twenty-Nine)

Bianyang, a county lieutenant who was born in a lower-level county on the border of the Chu State, as a dazzling clan, he served as a county lieutenant in the county, which is already an anomaly in the stale and historic country of Chu State. There is such a chance, only because the county where he is located has many ethnic minorities, and the Bianyang is quite prestigious in the local area, and the county soldiers formed by him are basically composed of various ethnic groups, and their combat effectiveness is more than that of ordinary county soldiers. Several grades higher.

This is also the reason why Chuhuai Wang mobilized all counties and counties to concentrate on the border of Qi and Chu and listened to Qu and his dispatch. His troops were able to quickly stand out and enter the eyes of Qu Wan. At the beginning, Qu Wan's subordinates assembled 100,000 Chu soldiers, but in the eyes of Qu Wan , That's just one hundred thousand garbage soldiers. It's useless on the battlefield except to die and consume the enemy's arrows. And a team like Bianyang that can be used, you can't help but succumb to your eyes. It turned on.

After more than a year of training, the survival of the superior and the elimination of the inferior, Bianyang's status has also been improved step by step. In the process of attacking the capital of Qi, Bianyang has served as the vanguard many times and is responsible for siege of the city. After being disappointed, Bian Yang rose to the position of a senior general in the Chu State at a speed that ordinary people were stunned.His promotion speed was comparable to that of the current lord of the Han and the Fufeng County Lieutenant Gaoyuan ten years ago.

Grateful for the kindness of Qu Wan's knowledge, Bian Yang is obedient to Qu Wan. When he heard that Qu Wan was besieged by the Han army in Jucheng, he flew back to Jucheng with his heart and reached an agreement with Tian Jingwen. After that, Bianyang immediately returned to the army and rushed towards Jucheng.

Bianyang is an extremely capable general. Of course he knows that the return journey this time will never be so easy. The Han army will definitely move forward and intercept it in the middle. He divided the 30,000 generals into three armies, the front, the middle and the back, and he personally led the front army. , It is also the most elite unit in this army as an outpost, hoping to open the road to Jucheng with this meticulously trained soldier in his hand.

As long as you return to Jucheng and join General Qu Wan, you will no longer be afraid of the Han army's attack, and Chu's reinforcements will arrive at your fingertips.At that time, it will be the time for the Chu army to counterattack.

Leading the soldiers is also one of the principles of the flat soil to lead the soldiers. He was born in the Fan clan, and charged at him before retreating. In this front army, almost half of the people were Fan people from the border county of Chu State. These people were originally the targets of oppression in the Chu army, but because of the sudden emergence of Bianyang, their status in the army has also been greatly improved. No one dares to look down on them anymore. The personal combat capabilities of these people are compared. Generally speaking, the Chu army is much higher. Fighting fiercely and not afraid of death is the force that Bianyang values ​​most.

Majiayu, the 20,000 horses of the Nanye Second Army under the control of Tie Xuan had already been in a serious battle. Nanye came out, the first army besieged Jucheng, and the second army was here waiting for the return of the flat soil. Judu, now Meng Chong doesn't care. What he cares about is to wipe out the vitality of the Chu army in Qi, severely cut off the hand that Chu extended out, and beat the opponent so much that they didn't dare to reach out anymore. .

The mistake of the Chu army was that after they formed an alliance with the Qin State, they began to mobilize the army to prepare for a large-scale invasion of Qi, while the Han army's Nanye has been in Kunzhou for several years, and they have done the only one in the past few years. One thing is to prepare to take the Qi country, one hastily entered the battle, the other has been gaining momentum, the result of both sides suddenly exerting strength at the same time, people who are not prepared will inevitably suffer a big loss.

Bianyang knows that this battle is inevitable and unavoidable. He can only kill him abruptly and defeat the enemy in front of him before he can return to Judu and meet the general. Otherwise, he will wait for himself in this foreign land. It can only be the result of the defeat of the army.If he loses, Tian Jingwen will never let go of the opportunity to bite himself.In Tian Jingwen's eyes, the Han army is the enemy, and the Chu army is also an enemy.

"Beat the drum and prepare to charge!" Looking at the strict Han army lineup opposite, Bing Yang shouted sharply, holding a shield in one hand and a big sword in the other. He abandoned his horse and, like other charging fighters, prepared to lean on the double. Feet forward.

Tie Xuan listened to the rumbling war drums beating in the distance, widened his eyes and watched countless soldiers rushing towards his position, looking at the blue face and fangs painted on the faces of the Chu army on the opposite side, he couldn't help but shudder." What are these things?"

The charging Chu army is naturally nothing. This is the core force that Bianyang relies on most. Thousands of people from the border of Chu State. These people like to paint their faces into various hells when fighting. The demons think that in this way, they can use the power of these ghosts and gods for their own use.Of course, they only know whether they are useful, but this look is good to scare people.

At least when they are screaming and rushing towards the Han army's position, they have caused a lot of commotion on the Han army's position. The Han army has fought many bad battles, but facing a group of evil enemies, it is really the first time.

Seeing the commotion in the military formation, Tie Xuan couldn't help but furious, and sternly shouted: "Those who are in the front of the commotion, immediately withdraw from the military formation and accept punishment by the Military Justice Department behind.

The military order was issued, and hundreds of Han soldiers retreated from the team with shame and were punished in front of the formation. The punishment waiting for them is not just as simple as hitting a stick. This will be remembered heavily in their resumes. Pen, for future promotion, the placement after retirement will have a considerable impact, unless in the future combat, major feats are made, it is possible to offset this punishment.

"Crossbow!" Tie Xuan shouted sharply. Among his army, the bed crossbow has officially withdrawn from the army's organization, replaced by the newly made crossbow, this kind of crossbow mounted on the cart, the range is better than the bed crossbow. It is close, but the strength is not weak. The key is that he can shoot hundreds of crossbow arrows at a time. Unlike the bed crossbow, it can only face one direction once it is fixed. It is very convenient to load crossbow arrows. Before the battle, these crossbow arrows were filled in cylinders one by one. After the firing is completed, the cylinders in the magic crossbow are withdrawn, and a new quiver is installed, and then they can be fired again. The powerful power of this kind of crossbow also made the soldiers call him the death crossbow.

"You pretend to be ghosts, and I will turn you into real ghosts." Tie Xuan coldly snorted in his heart.

It takes time to make the magic crossbow, and it is still all manually operated. Tie Xuan has tens of thousands of people in an army, and it is only equipped with 20 magic crossbows. At this time, they are distributed on the front line hundreds of meters wide. At Hyuna's order, a sacred crossbow began to rotate the crossbow.


The sound of the morpholine sounded, and in front of the Han army, there was suddenly a puff of black black. The crossbowmen clasped the trigger firmly, feeling the continuous tremors from their hands, and the crossbow arrows were like Storms and rains generally sprayed out of the crossbow machine, and screamed at the Chu army, who was rushing to his position in the distance.

The wooden shield covered with iron skin was easily torn, and the remaining power was not weakened.The sharp pointed toe shot on Chu Jun, once again pierced the leather armor he was wearing, and plunged deeply into the body, the sound of strange howls suddenly came out. After that, these Chu Army soldiers stared at the torn shield in their hands with incredulous eyes, and fell unwillingly.

Thousands of crossbow arrows were shot out in a flash, and most of these crossbow arrows were concentrated in a space about 50 meters wide in the middle, and the Chu army at this distance was almost wiped out.

Bianyang's hands trembled slightly, kneeling half-kneeled on the ground, and the large shield in his hand was heavily inserted on the ground.Unlike the iron-clad wooden shield held by ordinary soldiers, his hand was really an iron shield. Because of this, he escaped the catastrophe, but the strong crossbow arrows shook his shield hand almost unconscious. He raised his head a little dazedly, looking at the Han front in the distance, there are still two With a space of more than a hundred steps, the opponent's crossbow arrows can shoot so far and still maintain such strength. He just saw clearly that these crossbow arrows are shot from a direction of more than 100 meters, and many of them are shot diagonally. The shooting distance has exceeded three hundred steps.

Is this a bed crossbow? The flat soil licked his dry lips, but how could he shoot it at an angle? Did the Han generals know in advance that he would lead these elite troops to attack?

Seeing the corpses all around and the dead soldiers, Bian Yang only felt a raging anger in his heart.He saw that the team that had been acting as a feint on the two wings had rushed up, and hope was rekindled in his heart. If this is really a crossbow, Then there is no time for the opponent to turn around and strike again.

He stood up abruptly, waved the big knife in his hand, and shouted, "Shock, shock!"

Take a big step and dash forward.

Tie Xuan looked at Chu Jun, who flew up with his wings, and said with a smile: "Draw a grimace but want to pretend to be a ghost, who are you scaring? A bunch of buns who have never seen the world! Come on, teach them harshly. "

The Chu army rushing on both sides once again ushered in a storm-like crossbow strike.This time there were not only the magic crossbow, but also the open-armed crossbow of the Han army.

Tie Xuan scolded the native buns of the Chu army, and he really wronged them. You know, the magic crossbow has just been invented. Even the Han army has just installed troops. Nan Ye is just because they want to take the lead and start the annexation of Qi Guozhi. This is the priority equipment, and many Han troops have not seen this kind of weapon.

The impact of the Chu army left the corpses all over the ground in front of the front of the Han army. Sometimes courage does not represent the difference in weapons. Under such indiscriminate and gapless long-range attacks, there is no prior protection The prepared army can only be passively beaten.

Bian Yang watched as his army kept rushing forward, falling under the opponent's feather arrows, his eyes suddenly turned red, and the gap between these hundreds of steps was as difficult to bridge as the sky.

With the sound of hoofs rumbling, the cavalry of the Han army began to rush out from the two wings, and ran sideways towards the flanks of the Chu army.The sound of drums shook the sky. (To be continued)

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