I’m The King

Chapter 1017: :East becomes West (10)

In Jicheng, the whole atmosphere seemed extremely solemn. It seemed to be dazzling. The thriving Great Han Kingdom had reached its most dangerous time. The good situation that used to be in a moment became extremely unfavorable to the big man, and it was the strongest in the world. The two Zeng Kingdoms, Da Qin and Da Chu, showed their fangs towards the Han Kingdom at the same time.

"Wu Di, can the treasury still be sufficient?" Gao Yuan's face was so gloomy that it could drip water. The original plan was suddenly broken by his opponent. The man who had just recovered some vitality had to face several directions at the same time. war.

"Going back to the king, last year, Hetao and other places had a big harvest, and the storage of food was abundant, but Tianhe, Langya and other places were waiting for prosperity because of the war. Therefore, the whole country can basically only achieve a balance of income and expenditure. This year, the war has suddenly started. I'm afraid that the harvest in Hetao and other places is hard to expect, but the hinterland of Tianhe Langya and other places has begun to recover. As for the Fuku Yinliang, it can still barely support a full-scale war for a year." Wang Wudi bowed.

Jiang Jiaquan stood up and said: "The Great Council has passed the resolution, and the Political Affairs Hall has approved it. It is preparing to ask the king to make a final decision. The Great Han Kingdom will mobilize the whole country. This is an overwhelming battle. If you win, the Great Han will surely become the world's largest country. , Lose, then we will enter the most dangerous situation."

"Dahan Kingdom, never give up!" Gao Yuan patted the table and looked at Jiang Jiaquan. "I approved. The whole country is mobilized to deal with this battle in an all-round way. Ye Zhong, how is the army now?"

Ye Zhong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, stood up, "My Lord, now the main army of the Han Kingdom, the Eastern Field Army Helan Xiongbu is withdrawing to Jishi City. Commander Helan led his cavalry to conduct guerrilla operations on the prairie, and the main force has entered the accumulation Shicheng, try to ensure the safety of Jishicheng. Kitano Xu Yuanbu is currently resting in Tianhe, and his 60,000 soldiers have completed pre-war preparations and are waiting for the king's order. The young guards, Hongbu, stationed in Jicheng, has also completed war mobilization. , Meng Chong’s Southern Army and Qilu Army are in Qi State, and Ye Zhen’s Southern Army is preparing to enter Wei State. Now if the whole army of our country is mobilized, it can dispatch nearly 300,000 troops, but they are spread out on various battlefields. It seems that the strength is insufficient. Ask the King of Han, is it to recruit the militia reserve throughout the country?"

The militia reserve in Yuyang, Jishi, Hetao and other places started to move, and the rest of the place was suspended.

"Yes!" Ye Jianzheng said.

"The direction of Jishi City must not be lost. There is only He Lanxiong's army, which is too weak. It is said that the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division of Agu Wine is the first to move to Jishi City and follow He Lanxiong's command."


"Xu Yuan’s Beiye immediately moved into Yuyang and launched an all-out attack on Zhao Guo. Zhao Qi treached his faith and allowed Shanggu County to allow the Qin people to attack our county. It is tolerable and unbearable. He is afraid of the Qin army. Is it easy to bully? Give me a hit first."

Xu Yuan stood up with a grim smile on his face, "Xu Yuan understands."

"Ye Zhen Zhongye immediately entered the Wei State, and Ye Zhen unified all the troops in the Wei State. In this direction, he does not seek merit, but seeks no merit. Defend the Wei State beams, block Meng Tian and Lu Chao's troops. It is victory."

"Ye Zhen obeyed."


"The end will be!"

"You led the two infantry corps of the Youth Guards and commanded the land of Han. In order to win over the country of Chu, the people of Qin ceded the land of Han to the people of Chu. At this time, the two sides are still completing the handover. I ask you to do so quickly. , Enter the Korean land, **** the Korean land for me, and beat the Chu people's outstretched hand back. If possible, give me a severe lesson to the Chu people, so that they understand that the big man is fat, but it is not. Anyone can open their mouth and take a bite."


"Ma uploading orders to Meng Chong and Bai Yucheng, the Qi state affairs, it is time to end, we don't have time to work with them. If the Qi state problem is completely resolved, we will be able to free up two legions to fight Qin Chu." Gao Yuan Cold voice.

"Is the king preparing to deal with the Chu people first?" Jiang Jiaquan asked.

"Yes, King Chu Huai was short-sighted, eager for quick success and quick gains. He thought that he had obtained a huge benefit and he reached out to us. But Chu is not ready for a full-scale war, and there is no large-scale mobilization in the country, but we big men The difference is that we have been fighting wars all the time over the years. With only a single order, we can quickly mobilize the army, food, grass, and equipment for a nationwide war, and their efficiency is low, so we have to use the early days of the war to break out, and we will be ruthless. The ground beat them to pain and fear.At that time, even if they were stubborn, Huang Xie and the others still wanted to fight with us, King Chuhuai would inevitably startle us and force him to retract so that we can concentrate on dealing with the Qin people. "Gao Yuan took a deep breath:" King Wulie Qin seemed to have lost his blood this time and wanted to beat us to death. This time the two-way army, our focus is on Li Xin. As long as we defeat Li Xin on the vast prairie, defeat the Qin Kingdom's God of War, Qin State will shake, and perhaps it will give rise to civil strife. Come, you know, the people of Qin are really not doing well!"

Gao Yuan suddenly laughed.

"My lord, are you planning to conquer yourself?" Jiang Jiaquan asked.

"Of course, when everything is ready, I will lead the two cavalry corps of the Youth Guards into the prairie and compete with Li Xin. God of War, ha!"

Seeing the lofty look slowly eased from the previous dignity, everyone in the room also relaxed. Everyone here has experienced extremely dangerous wars. Compared with the past, every battle seems to be dancing on the tip of the knife. , I don’t know how much better the current form is,

Gao Yuan set the tone. The next step is to contact the military and the political affairs hall, the household department, the ministry of engineering and other service bureaus. The raising of grain, grass, ordnance, and the mobilization of major merchants for delivery are all a huge plan. Although it is said to be launched immediately, But if the army really sets off, it will take one month at the shortest. The army will go first, and the army can be postponed. It is a matter of planning.

After a whole day of discussion, when the lanterns first came up, they finally figured out a rough outline. The ministers hurriedly left the palace and went to their own yamen. The next was an extremely busy period of time, but for the big man For officials, this kind of busyness is just a normal state of work. Because of the rigorous selection of officials by Dahan, the officials of various ministries and yamen are extremely scarce, and even the highest officials of various departments sometimes have to personally operate them. Take on some things that were originally done by clerks.

With an official document in the Zhengshitang, all the students who have just entered Jicheng Comprehensive University are temporarily assigned to the major government offices to take up the most basic tasks. Jicheng suddenly speeds up the rhythm, and every day war horses come in and out non-stop. , And went to various places with one order after another.

But that was all. The officials and the army were busy. The lives of the people in Jicheng did not seem to have been affected in any way. The market was still prosperous, the teahouse and wine shop were open as usual, and the business was much better than usual.

Gao Yuan rubbed his forehead and walked slowly back to the harem. Dealing with these documents is much more laborious than fighting on the battlefield. Fortunately, he has already thrown most of the political affairs to the political affairs. Tang, and a series of matters such as the opening and drawing of the army are planned by the staff headquarters that has just been established by the Ministry of War. This large-scale war is just to test the abilities of these students in the staff headquarters. Although they cannot be completely let go, it is better than the past. Everything must be done by yourself.

As a traverser with two-life experience, Gao Yuan has never established the prosperity of a country and dreams on a wise monarch. That is the precursor to the subjugation of the country. There have always been dynasties and founding monarchs who are not heroes of the wise and martial arts, but How long can the dynasty they established last? Even the earliest Great Zhou that ruled the world lasted for only 800 years, and the world fell into turmoil again. The big man, under his own rule, might be able to maintain good operations, or it will come. The Zhiyuan generation can still maintain a prosperous state, but after the third or more years, the king who grew up in the deep palace and did not know the suffering of the world can still have the knowledge and experience of the king at the time of the founding of the country, no? ,That is impossible.

Only a system can ensure the long-term stability of a country. In one's lifetime, we must establish a strong country with a basically complete system, so that the entire Kingdom of Han will not rise and fall because of the idea of ​​one person, and strangle the unconscious king from the source of the system. Possibility of birth.

"Father!" came the crisp child room in front, Gao Yuan raised his head and saw Xiao Gaoyuan staggering towards him. What made Gao Yuan funny is that the three-year-old Xiao Zhiyuan was actually wearing a full set of small armor on his waist. With a knife in his hand, every time he took a step, the leaves of the nails collided and clinked.

This armor is obviously tailor-made for Gao Zhiyuan, but for a three-year-old doll, it is obviously too heavy. After a few steps, Gao Zhiyuan fell a dog to eat **** and raised his head, wow Cried out.

Gao Yuan laughed and hurried forward, stretched out his hands and hugged Xiao Zhiyuan, "Man, bleed without tears!"

"But it really hurts!" the little guy sobbed.

"Swallows got used to this little guy, so I just taught him to ride a sword. A few days ago, I didn't know where to get a set of small armor and gave it to Xiao Zhiyuan. It made the little guy very happy, you know. , He has always liked the armor you put in the back room. Swallow found someone to create a picture based on the shape of your armor leaf. This little guy wore it on his body and dinged all day long. Right."

"Well, it's a good thing to be good at martial arts since childhood." Gao Yuan chuckled.

"Father, is it going to fight again? I have to go to fight. I am riding a good horse now. Two days ago, the three mothers praised me for coming!" The crisp boy sounded, and laughed loudly.

"No wonder you are dressed so neatly today. Did you want to go to war with me? But you are too young now. When you can carry your father's sword, Dad will take you to war, okay?"

When Xiao Zhiyuan heard it, he immediately got a bitter face.In his father's bedroom, on the weapon rack next to the armor, there was the cold-spotting Moknife. Xiao Zhiyuan secretly moved it, let alone move it. Even if you want him to move a position, you can't do it, even if you use the strength of breastfeeding, you can't even move.

"Is it going to be in person?" Ye Jing'er walked over and asked. (To be continued)

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