I’m The King

Chapter 1022: : East becomes West (15)

Hengdao dressed as an ordinary soldier and walked in the middle of the brigade. The face of the tiger's head was too scary and too conspicuous.Although he wanted to fight this battle very much, Bai Yucheng didn't even think about it. The knife led the team to complete this fatal blow to Bianyang. The food and materials on the two hundred carts were real, but the three thousand soldiers who escorted these carts became soldiers of the Qilu Army. , In order to ensure the success of this surprise attack, Bai Yucheng also sent his most elite guard to Hengdao.

This army was put on the uniform of the Qi State Guards, and all the clerks were all available. With the cooperation of Young Master Tian, ​​this army has no flaws to be found. After entering the Zhangjiadian area, it has passed the Chu army several hurdles. , Unimpededly entered the core area of ​​Ice Cave Bay.

Along the way, he looked at the dangerous level and the narrow passage, and he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.If you want to use the army to fight hard, you may not be able to gain much if you lose a lot, but now, it saves a lot of trouble.

He looked up at the 500 most elite troops in the team. These people were all from the original Han army. They were the old brothers that Bai Yucheng brought over from Han. When entering the core area, he would Relying on these five hundred people to open the situation.

"When I entered the final zone, I brought Brother Five Hundred to the last level. You lead your troops to prepare. Once the fight starts, you must immediately join the inside and outside to order the level, and then start a melee with the Chu army here. At that time, I want to It's chaos, and use our army's individual quality that is much stronger than the opponent to win this battle." Hengdao whispered to the lieutenant Liu Qiang beside him.

"Understood!" Liu Qiang touched the saber around his waist and laughed happily.

Standing under a city wall about seven or eight meters high, Heng Sword raised his head and looked at the tens of meters long city wall. The two ends are connected to the cliff arms, and the gate is facing the narrow road where he is standing now. Behind this city wall, it should be the core of the Chu army.

The general who pretended to be an **** officer in front was talking with an officer at the gate of Chu Jun's city, and gave all the procedures and documents to the opponent in the same way.As long as they are verified, the city gate in front of them will be opened.

The city gate suddenly opened a slit, and a person wearing Qi Guo official costume suddenly got out and walked in front of the two people who were talking. Hengdao's eye pupils contracted slightly.Although he did not know this person, he watched. After passing the portrait of this person, this is the special envoy of Qi State stationed here, Long Ke. For this attack without any accident, Bai Yucheng also worked a lot.

``Hey, why don't I know you? Hasn't Zeng Ke always escorted the grain and grass before?" Long Ke looked at the officer of the Qilu Army with some surprise.

"You are Lord Long?" The officer coughed dryly, clasped his fists in both hands, and said: "Master Zeng Ke can't come anymore. He asked Grand Duke Ying to go to Pinglu to fight, so Grandpa transferred him to General Tian Da. Obeyed, I was originally under General Tian. I was injured in the battle some time ago, so I returned to Linzi to recuperate. General Zeng Ke took my position this time, and I took his place."

Long Ke curled his lips, "There is someone in the court who is good to be an official. This Zeng Ke, before the war ahead was not good, he shrank back and became a grain officer. Now seeing that the form is very good, he will immediately go to the battlefield to perform meritorious service. I have received the award, hey, I feel sorry for you. I used to work hard, but now I can only come to bet on food. From now on, I have a lot of credit, but I have no chance to make it!"

"Wherever you are working for the Qi country, for the king, and for the eldest son. Even if you are escorting grain and grass, the final general will do his best." The officer smiled.

"Good guy!" Long Ke patted the other person on the shoulder, "We Qi Guozhen really wants to make a comeback and show off his glory. We still have to rely on you people. A guy like Zeng Ke is really unreliable."

He waved his hand, "Go in! Open the door!" He raised his head and shouted.

The heavy door slowly opened, seeing the first carriage walked into the door, Hengdao let out a sigh of relief, and the hardest hurdle finally passed. As long as you step into this door, everything will be easier. Up.

Two hundred two carriages, one coachman for each carriage, and two guards, a total of six hundred people entered the gate. Behind the gate, there is a large-scale square. On the square, many soldiers of the Chu State are training under the leadership of military officers. , When he saw the convoy coming in, he only glanced at it, and then turned back.

Looking at the appearance and discipline of Chu Jun's training, Hengdao nodded secretly.It is no wonder that Zheng Xiaoyang has been fighting for so long and has not taken this area.The discipline of these Chu Jun is indeed extraordinary.It seems that Qu Wan's rule of the army is extremely Strictly, this flat soil is also a rare talent.

Hengdao's wrist flicked slightly, and a small knife slipped from the cuff, looked around, suddenly raised his hand, the small knife in his hand slammed into the horse's butt, that horse is not a well-trained horse. It was just an ordinary workhorse.It was stabbed in the butt, and it screamed, and it rushed forward, but the front was densely packed with carriages in line.It was hit and immediately confused.

The two hundred coachmen yelled and looked like they were trying their best to control the horses.In fact, the movements of their hands made these horse teams more panic.In a blink of an eye, hundreds of horse-drawn carriages ran into the square on the square.

The scene was in a mess.

"Control the horses, control it!" The officer of the Chu Army who was leading the team in training saw the rampage of the horse brigade, and yelled and brought his soldiers over, grabbed a workhorse that was rushing towards him with one hand, and yelled at the car. The driver who got on: "How did you do it, hurry up and control it."

The coachman jumped from the carriage with a panic on his face, and reached out to take the reins from the officer: "Yes, yes, general!"

The Chu Army officer looked at the coachman in front of him with a look of astonishment.The coachman held the reins in one hand, and reached out with the other hand as if he was holding the officer, but in his hand, a short knife was inserted into the opponent's chest. , Until there is no handle.

With a flick of his wrist, the short knife was pulled out, and the carriage rushed forward. It seemed that the officer was knocked over by the carriage that suddenly went mad.

Hengdao chased the carriage, rushing all the way to the cave, behind him, followed by dozens of carriages.

"Stop, stop!" At the entrance of the cave, a dozen guards of Chu Sergeant greeted him with spears. A dozen spears protruded out, and puffed into the galloping packhorse. On his body, the horse hissed miserably, and its four hooves were soft, and it knelt on the ground, and the dragged carriage slowly overturned, and at this moment, the horizontal knife stretched out his hand and pulled out from under the grain bag of the carriage that was about to fall. With a roar, a big knife slammed into the Chu army crowd in front of him, the big knife swept across, blood bursting out, and the front several Chu army immediately fell to the ground and died.

"Kill!" With a move of the Hengdao, the hundreds of Qilu Army Corps who had entered the square changed their faces. The two guards accompanying the car drew their swords without hesitation and slashed at the nearest Chu army. The coachmen, however, turned back and drew a sharp blade from the carriage, and slashed at the Chu soldiers who were still ashamed.

Standing at the gate of the city, Long Ke was talking with the officer of the Qilu Army with a smile on his face.He has been stationed here for several months, and for him who lives in Linzi, it is inevitable to miss his family. When the two were chatting very happily, the above square had already changed abruptly, and the sudden shouting of killing made Long Ke extremely astonished, and his neck was cold, and a large knife was already placed on his neck. The officer who was still talking and laughing with him still had a smile on his face at the moment, but his smile was really indescribable.

"Go in!" the officer sternly said.

The escorts, who were sitting lazily on both sides of the road just now, turned into tigers down the mountain in the blink of a moment, yelled, jumped from the ground, rushed towards the gate of the city, and some of them took off. He took the bow and arrow on his back, and shot it towards the Chu army who was still unknown on both sides of the mountain road.

"What, what is this? Everyone is a friendly army!" Long Ke trembled.

The officer laughed, "Master Long and Master Tian are already impatient to deal with these insatiable Chu people, so we have ordered us to clean up these guys, Master Long, you stay honestly, don't talk about things, your life. It can be assured that there is no worry, otherwise, we are not to blame."

"I won't move, I promise I won't move!" Long Ke raised his hands and stood tightly against the city wall, for fear that a wrong move would cause a sharp edge.

"What does the old man want to do? Kill these Chu army, who will guard Zhangjiadian? Isn't this hurting the relatives and quickening the enemies?" He wailed in his heart, but for him, Tian The eldest son is a lofty figure, he is just a specific clerical staff.

In the depths of the cave, Tang Wan did not come out, but continued to deal with the mountainous official duties.Tens of thousands of Chu troops were distributed on the various levels in the Zhangjiadian mountain area. Various official document exchanges and the deployment of military supplies were all one thing. This is an extremely complicated matter. Linzi has sent a large amount of materials again, which is a good thing, and it means that they can store a large amount of materials and food privately.

The sudden call to kill from outside made Tang Wan look up in surprise.In recent times, although a small detachment of the Han army wants to attack here from time to time, they can't get anything except for the loss of manpower. What's the scream of killing outside?

He had just walked to the entrance of the cave. A Chu Army soldier in front of him stumbled in. "General Tang, it's not good. Qi Jun attacked us. He has already occupied the city wall and is now killing him."

Tang Wan's mind suddenly went blank, Qi Jun killed him?!

Ten miles away from here, Hutou was carrying five thousand Qilu Army soldiers, anxiously awaiting news from the front.

"Look, General Tiger Head, Wolf Smoke, Wolf Smoke!" an officer suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly.

"The horizontal knife is successful, let's go, let's go!" The tiger head was stung by a poisonous bee. The rabbit jumped in, turned on the horse, and rushed forward with the whip. (To be continued)

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