I’m The King

Chapter 1025: : East becomes West (18)

He Lanxiong stood in a pool of blood on the ground, his face was pale.Here was a village of a small Huns tribe. There were about a hundred households, but now, there was nothing left except for the ashes of the corpses in one place.

Since the Huns were attached to the high land, their lives have been getting better every day. A large part of the Huns chose to settle in the surrounding major cities of Han Dynasty such as Jishicheng and Dayan City. In this way, while they are engaged in traditional animal husbandry, they also You can learn some farming techniques from the Han people, and the local government of Han country often sends some experienced farmers to teach farming techniques, which makes these Huns slowly get rid of a single mode of life.

In the periphery of these cities, the government has designated pastures and implements no grazing every year to ensure the long-term development of these herdsmen. Living around the cities, the herdsmen’s livestock, dairy products, and fur can also be quickly and conveniently sold directly to the city. Shops, reduce intermediate links, so that they can get greater benefits.Of course, in addition to these benefits, if the herders have surplus labor at home, they can also go to the city to find work, and the city can always provide well-paid jobs. Yu Hanmin, these Huns who went to the city to ask for work had lower prices and worked harder, which was quite popular with merchants in the city.

The tribe that was destroyed by the Qin army today obviously does not belong to this category.They still maintain a traditional way of life. Above the ruins, you can still distinguish the remains of the livestock fence, and the livestock inside are naturally the same. There is nothing left.

"Commander, I found a survivor!" He Lanjie ran over. "Unfortunately, he died again without saying a few words. His injuries were too serious."

The light in He Lanxiong's eyes, who had just heard of survivors, dimmed quickly.A tribe, if there is another person, then with his own help, this tribe can still survive, but now, I am afraid that this tribe will be killed again. Drowned in the dust of history.

"Is it that tribe?" He Lanxiong asked in a low voice, the place had been robbed completely, and the rest was burned into ruins.Even He Lanxiong could not tell which tribe it was.

"It's Guo Luoluo's tribe. Their patriarch is unwilling to live around the city. With his people, they still lead a traditional grazing life. This time they received a police call and did not attract people's attention. These places retreated, and then they suffered. The man said that there were more than 500 people in the clan, and none of them were left. All of them were killed. Livestock, food, and all valuable things were robbed." He Lanjie Tao.

"Which Qin army is it, and how many people are there?" He Lanxiong's eyes flashed raging anger.

"It's a mixed Qin army of about a thousand cavalry and two thousand infantry. Our scouts have found their way forward, and now they are marching along the Siyang River towards Jishi City."

"How come there are only more than 3,000 people?" He Lanxiong asked.

"Looking at the position of the Qin army, I am afraid that they have sent a large number of such troops to sweep the grasslands and the Xiongnu tribe who had no time to withdraw, looting livestock, grain and grass. The fight was based on the idea of ​​fighting to support war."

"Raise the war by war!" He Lanxiong snorted.As a general from the Huns, he naturally knew the **** under the so-called decision of raising the war by war.

"Send our scouts to warn all the Xiongnu tribes who have not retreated to Jishi City. Don't have illusions. The Qin people are determined to burn, kill, and rob all. Now they have retreated in the direction of Jishi City. When it is too late, I suggest that they immediately flee to the direction of Hetao. Everything that can be lost is lost. Save people first." He Lanxiong ordered.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!" He Lanjie agreed to turn and leave.

"Hao Lianpo!" He Lanxiong shouted.

"Commander, the final will be here." Hao Lianpo ran over in a hurry.

"Send scouts to find out where this Qin army is now, and I will return blood for blood!" He Lanxiong said murderously.

By the Siyang River, Li Xin picked up a handful of water and poured it on his face, feeling the coolness, and sighed: "What a wonderful place, we had the opportunity to completely occupy this land back then, but because of this and that. The reason, in the end, was that Gao Yuan was cheaper, and he made his huge foundation today. He also became my biggest enemy in Daqin."

"Now his good days have come to an end. Back then, the general gave a sword, and the Xiongnu died at that time. Now that the general draws his sword again, how can he stand up to the general's military front!" General Dan Yu laughed beside him.

Li Xin shook his head, "Today is different. Although the Huns had a royal court back then, the major tribes were still acting on their own. This gave us the opportunity to break through. Today's big man, the upper and the next reign, the decree is unblocked, and the whole country is under the order. Mo Cong, this kind of mobilization ability, in this world, apart from our Daqin, there are only big men. Gaoyuan is our strongest enemy, otherwise the king will not give up the opportunity to destroy the state of Zhao in one fell swoop this time. We must first beat Han to a slump!"

"This is exactly what I don't understand." But Yu Xu asked for advice: "General, Zhao Guo's 100,000 elite was destroyed by our country. Now Zhao Guo can be described as a weak time, such a great opportunity, if you don't take advantage of it. , Isn't it too wasteful? After all, Zhao Kingdom is a big country. If they were given time to restore their vitality, wouldn't they have to spend a lot of time in the future?"

Li Xin laughed, "This is the king's wiseness. Zhao Guo is big and powerful, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the threat of Han Guo. Zhao Qi is now in charge. This person is short-sighted, good at playing small conspiracies but lacking great wisdom. On the layout of the grand strategy, it is a mess. Such a person is in charge of Zhao State, why is Zhao State afraid? What we have to do now is to help Zhao Qi maintain His rule in the Zhao Kingdom was defeated by our country this time. Zhao Qi's position was already in jeopardy, and Zao Wou-ki was also extremely dissatisfied with him. In order to maintain his position and save his life, Zhao Qi was afraid to kill again. The more he kills, the more people in the country will oppose him, and the more opportunities we have to intervene. Can such a country still worry us? Sooner or later, it will be in our hands. But Han will be in our hands. It's different. You know that the soldiers of Han are good at fighting. You know that, but what worries the king is that the economic development of Han has been growing rapidly in the past few years, and its economic strength has surpassed that of our country. What's more worrying is that Gao Yuan has a very good reputation in Han. Do you know the bonds he issued? Just such a white strip can raise huge wealth among the people in a blink of an eye, but rain, do you think , If our country imitates this trick, will it work?"

But Yu frowned and thought for a while, "General, I'm afraid that they can't. Those who have money are unwilling to buy, and there are people behind them, and they can't force them. Others, I'm afraid they don't have the money to buy."

"That's right!" Li Xin nodded and said: "The king is worried. The longer the time, the Han Nationality will become stronger and stronger. We can't afford to raise our heads because of the economic pressure. This war, in the end, is the money. Ah, a knife, a bow, and a pair of armor are all bought with silver, a horse, and a soldier's annual consumption, all have to be used by the treasury, and the country of Han is getting richer and richer, and they will take it out. More money to equip more troops, in less than ten years, Gao Yuan has grown from a county lieutenant with a hundred people to hundreds of thousands of troops now. If he was given another ten years, wouldn't he be able to equip millions? The troops come out."

"My king gave an order, can't it also gather millions of troops?" But Yu said.

Li Xin glanced at But Yu, "One million troops and one million troops, it sounds like the number is the same, but sometimes, the difference between them can be big. I don't think it will be that time, our millions of troops It can be compared with the millions of troops of the Han army, and if there is really such a day, as long as the war is dragged for a little longer, my Daqin will be dragged down by life. Gao Yuan has been avoiding large-scale conflicts with our country over the years. Why did you come? His mind is very clear. He just got this idea. He wants to bring us down."

"Why can't we imitate his lofty people's livelihood policy?" But Yu said in a bit distressed: "Isn't the lofty economy and people's livelihood a secret?"

"Easier said than done!" Li Xin shook his head and said, "If we copy this set of Gaoyuan's implementation, we are afraid that the economy and people's livelihood has not yet developed, and the country will be in chaos first. But rain, the lofty Han country Land mergers are strictly prohibited. His ministers and generals are not allowed to own more than 1,000 acres of land. He uses the land as a reward for the warriors' military exploits. He distributes the land to the people free of charge, and the tax collected is extremely low. He can do this. He did it because he was a new regime, he was a country built on a mess of nothing, and the original power structure was swept clean during the war, so he did it without resistance, but Our country has been established for hundreds of years, and the domestic power is intertwined. If you really want to say it, do you know who the biggest landlord in our country is?"

But Yu opened his mouth, a few people flashed in his mind, and shook his head, it was really hard to tell who was more.

"The biggest landlord in our country is the royal family!" Li Xin sighed, "Do you want the king to kill himself?"

But Yu opened his mouth wide enough to put a duck egg in it.

"But this battle is not easy to fight!" But Yu scratched his head. "If He Lanxiong was blocked in Daijun at the beginning, it would be much easier to do, let him escape to the grassland, but the fish returned to the sea. , Bird flies for nine days. It will be more difficult to catch him again. His infantry is accelerating and retreating towards Jishi City. By then, it will be even more difficult for us to attack Jishi City. I saw the black ice platform got it. The city construction map of Jishi City, to be honest, I haven't figured out any effective siege method until now."

"Well in war, there is no guarantee of ten things, in short, more wins and less defeats!" Li Xin laughed, "He Lanxiong has escaped, but he may not be able to catch it." (To be continued)

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