I’m The King

Chapter 1033: :East becomes West (26)

Gu Li sat alone in the grass, wiping her helmet with a handkerchief, there was an extra knife mark on it, which was very deep, and the whole helmet was almost cut in half, if it weren't for this helmet. Protect, that knife will surely split her head in half. There are blood stains on her bright black hair, which is her own blood. Because the helmet is a bit big, she puts a thick cotton pad on it , It also reduced the shock of her head at that moment. Gu Li remembered that Qin Jiang was stunned when the blood surged with a knife on her neck, and her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Putting the helmet aside preciously, she took out the crossbow from her side and played with it in her hand. Up to now, she has not used this crossbow once. The crossbow is very delicately made, and it is engraved with He Dayou. Gu Li knows that although this kind of crossbow is more powerful, it does not appear as a weapon, but as an honor. Normally friends are treasured and placed in a box, and they are reluctant to take it out. I practiced a few times, but this time, he generously gave it to himself.He should know that riding a crossbow on the battlefield is easy to lose.

This lame is really good to herself! Gu Li thought sweetly in her heart. She was alone at the beginning, and escaped the massacre of the Qin army and the pursuit of her enemies. When she fled to Baiyang Village, she had a helpless mentality. Married to Dayou He did not have grievances in her heart, but in order to conceal her identity and survive, it was her best choice at the beginning. After so many years, the grievances at that time have long since disappeared, and Dayou He is indeed just one. The little man is still a disability, but it is really good for her, and this ordinary little man has a vigorous heart. Over the years, because of his efforts, although he is only a small village chief, in the entire Han country, it is also It is considered that her reputation has spread far. From her big friend, Gu Li is more and more aware of the power of Han, which makes her also see the hope of revenge. But she still dare not reveal her identity, her identity is too sensitive, once exposed , She didn't know how the Helan clan would react, and how would Han Wang Gaoyuan react? Or, she would always only appear as the wife of He Dayou to be the most correct choice.

This time the Helan clan issued a call-up order, and he finally couldn't help it. The talent displayed on the battlefield was so tempting that Topler in the same village had already begun to doubt himself. Yes, how could an ordinary Hun woman be possible? With this kind of talent, what I have shown can only be achieved by a person who has been rigorously educated and trained since childhood.

But I don’t have much to do. Although there are many Hun herders who attacked, they are generally scattered sand. Helankang Helanjian has no way to unite these people, and their talents are not enough to command so many herdsmen. More than 10,000 cavalry Qin soldiers began to encircle and suppress the herdsmen, and the gap between the well-trained soldiers and the brave herdsmen was clearly revealed. The herdsmen have been defeated repeatedly, and dozens of troops have been wiped out by the rain. The two of Helankang and Helanjian brought more than five thousand cavalry soldiers, and they had just lost a battle yesterday.

Unfortunately, these two elders were unwilling to obey their commands. After escape, they led their troops and left. Gu Li sighed. If they can join in, their subordinates will be doubled. .

She stood up from the grass, put on her helmet again, and walked towards her troops a little far away.Now her men have gathered four thousand cavalry, but she is the only woman.

Seeing her coming out of the grass, Topler quickly greeted her.As the only woman here, Topler naturally knew that Gulistan had a lot of inconveniences, and whenever Gulistan left quietly. , He would always take a few people to wait quietly a little farther away.When he left, the village chief said, giving Gu Li's safety to himself.

However, Guli made Topler more and more confused.When she was in Baiyang Village, how Guli looked at was just an ordinary Hun woman, but this time she came out, but Topler saw a completely different Hun woman. With the doubts in his heart, Topler walked to Gu Li's side and whispered: "Gu Li, Jishicheng sent someone over to see you."

Tang He stared at the beautiful woman in front of him with wide eyes, and he couldn't believe it, turning his head to look at Topler in amazement.

Topler nodded heavily, "Master Tang, this is Gu Li, the leader of our team."

Tang He took a light breath, it was really hard to believe that the leader of more than four thousand cavalrymen turned out to be such a delicate and delicate woman.On this journey, the herdsmen team he contacted was counted. The largest and most well-regulated team, Tang He even saw the shadow of the army from the team of herdsmen.

"Master Tang, my man is Dayou He, the talented person of Baiyang Village!" Gu Li didn't seem to see Tang He's surprise, and said with a smile.

Tang He sighed, and it suddenly dawned in his heart.It turned out that Dayou He knew it, and he was also well-known in Han. He was praised by the Han King as the village chief of the world's first village, and he was even more famous in the entire Jishi County. , It seems that Gu Li can become the leader of this army and has an inseparable relationship with Dayou He. He turned his head and looked at Topler. It is the one-armed herder who wants to come to this army to really command the battle. After all, Topler was a soldier before, but he retired from the army only because of his disability, and used Gu Lilai as the leader, just to take advantage of He Dayou's fame, but He Dayou let his wife out to fight, it's true. He is indeed the head of the No.1 Village in the world, and he has courage.

Although I think so in my heart, the etiquette cannot be abandoned.

"Gu Li, what I have brought is a metaphor, there is no book order!" Tang He said.

"Oralism?" Gu Li keenly caught the two words in Tang He's mouth. Not all orders can be called linguistics. If Tang He can say that, then only one order can be issued. people.

Tang He was aware of this woman's shrewdness for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that he was really confused.In order to prevent the team that came to look for these herdsmen from falling into the hands of Qin Jun, all the personnel of the Supervision Institute who delivered the order received it. They were all verbal orders, and Tang He gave death orders for everyone. Once he found that he could not get rid of Qin Jun, he immediately committed suicide. He must not fall into the hands of Qin Jun. Tang He himself is the person in charge of the Supervision Institute. Knowing that once you fall into the hands of the enemy, you will be a hero and hero, but in the end, it will be difficult to sustain the torture of the opponent and reveal the secret.If that is the case, it would be better to die in the first place.

Tang He looked around, Guli waved her hand, and the herdsmen surrounding them immediately dispersed, leaving them dozens of steps away. Seeing this scene, Tang He couldn't help but narrowed her eyes. The prestige among the herdsmen is very high, and a very random action can actually make the surrounding herdsmen follow their orders without hesitation.

"The king has arrived in the city of Jishi, and the Donghu independent cavalry division led by Aguhuaien." Tang He lowered his voice, "The king plans to wipe out Li Xin's cavalry. The main goal at present is to but rain."

Tang He briefly told Gu Li's high-level order, "The king needs you to gather at a designated time and a designated place, so that Dan Yu will also gather all his cavalry to encircle you."

"At this time, but Yu will find that they are not only facing us herdsmen like scattered sand, but the elite East Hu cavalry of Aguhuaien!" Gu Li's eyes lit up.

"You are not a mess of sand!" Tang He glanced at the herdsmen around him and smiled: "The prairie is so big, but the cavalry of Yu Yu, of course, needs to borrow your strength."

"I understand, Master Tang can rest assured that we will definitely arrive at the designated place at the designated time." Gu Li said with a high spirit.

"Well, then I will return to Jishi City and be destroyed." Tang He arched his hands.

"Master Tang is careful all the way. On this road, there are many scouts of the Qin army." Gu Li said.

"Don't worry, a few scouts, I haven't taken it to heart yet." Tang He smiled.

Tang He took his guards to leave, but Gu Li was still too excited. Is it finally time to counterattack? Can I finally wipe out the Qin army on the prairie? Just destroy Li Xin's cavalry, Li Xin, with only his pawns left, will be struggling on the grassland. You know, Li Xin has only more than 20,000 cavalry. In the early battle with He Lanxiong, he has lost thousands of people. After destroying the cavalry cluster of Dan Yu, Li Xin's cavalry almost ceased to exist.

"Let the order go on, our team will start pulling immediately!" Gu Li's clear voice sounded.

Ever since he led the cavalry into the prairie, Yu commanded his more than 10,000 cavalry, attacking and attacking the herders on the prairie one by one. He was so strange that he fled as soon as he saw his shadow.The battle with the Qin army was also put in the evening, and it was carried out as a surprise attack.If it missed a hit, he immediately fleeed away, making But Yu feel a little helpless.

But today, but Yu received the good news, the herdsmen who normally scattered the sand actually began to gather.From the feedback from the scouts, the Huns had already gathered tens of thousands of people less than fifty miles away from him.

"Great!" But Yu shook his fist vigorously. It seems that her merciless blow has hurt the other party for a while, and the other party becomes angry. He wants to rally everyone to fight with him. This is just right for Dan Yu. In my mind, the Xiongnu's riding skills are indeed good, but they are obviously not an army, without the iron discipline and tactical quality of the army, even if there are more opponents than themselves, they can easily defeat them. (To be continued)

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