I’m The King

Chapter 1038: :East becomes West (Thirty-one)

He Weiyuan looked at the armored cavalry slowly moving forward in the distance, and he felt a little nervous. For him, the starting point was quite high. After entering the Young Guards, he was directly transferred to Gao Yuan's side to serve as a close body. Guard, two years later, as the old guards all entered the army to become officers, he also gradually became the guard commander next to Gao Yuan. This is the position that Shangguanhong held before. And now Shangguanhong is. The commander of the Youth Guard Corps.

By Gao Yuan's side, he can learn things that are extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn. For example, the specific process and analysis of each battle. After the generals return, they will report to Gao Yuan. In this process, He Weiyuan can Hearing a series of tangible experiences of these generals on the process of combat command and on-the-spot response, and after the establishment of the staff of the Ministry of War, he followed Gao Yuan countless times into this secret key area and watched the plans of the staff. The process of each battle, these, gave him the theoretical knowledge comparable to ordinary human fiction.

And now, it is the first time that he has led the army alone. Gao Yuan spares no effort in cultivating the people around him. He Weiyuan is the nephew of Dayou He. There is no doubt about his loyalty. With Gao Yuan, he has learned a lot of knowledge, and now he is anxious. What is needed is practice, and Gao Yuan chose to lead this time for him, but he dealt with the armored cavalry, which is powerful, but the shortcomings are equally obvious, and annihilated the opponent. The credit is great. Compared with other arms, this shortcoming is obvious. The team is obviously better to deal with.

Taking a deep breath, He Weiyuan looked back at the soldiers behind him, "Brothers, are everything ready?"

"Ready!" There were bursts of laughter from behind. These people are veterans, and there is no longer any sense of fear for the battlefield. There are no scars on that person? It is their leader, or an ordinary person.

"Come on, let's make these iron shells!" Lin Weiyuan roared loudly, choking out the saber on his waist, "Strike!"

The two thousand cavalry screamed and rushed out. The sound of screaming and killing shook the sky.

The armored cavalry on the opposite side was not afraid.This kind of confrontation was their strong point.With a dull shout, they slowly smashed their horses and trot forward.

The Han army rushed to a distance of dozens of steps from the armored cavalry. With a crash, it was like something rushing into a hornet's nest. The hammer was thrown out with the sound of the wind, and these chain hammers hit the horse legs of these war horses.

People can be armored, horses can also be armored, but the legs of the horse are the most vulnerable landlord at the moment, and the chain hammer is hit. If it hits the horse's leg, the horse's leg will be broken even if the heavy horse falls to the ground. The knight will not end well physically, and it is extremely difficult to get off the horse and want to get up.

In the rumbling sound, dozens of armored cavalry fell to the ground, and the Han army did not obtain much benefit in this round of attack.The moment the two sides crossed each other, the javelin in the armored cavalry was raining. The ground shot, and hundreds of Han troops fell to Malaysia. Compared with the two, the Qin Army had the advantage.

But then, the life of the armored cavalry was not easy. They were not easy to turn, and after turning to their side and rear, the Han army easily turned around, took the second chain hammer from the saddle, and swung it again. However, this time, it was the hind legs of the armored cavalry that hit the horse, and dozens of armored cavalry fell to the horse.In this round, the Han army was unharmed.

He Weiyuan waved the noose in his hand, chased him from the side and back, flew out the noose in his hand with a sigh, and put it accurately around the neck of an armored cavalry, his wrist was tightened, and he squeezed his horse at the same time. His war horse hissed, and stopped with all four hooves on the ground, but the armored cavalry in front of him was dragged upside down, but the horse under his hips was still running forward, without knowing that the knight on his back had been captured by his opponent. go with.

He Weiyuan smashed the horse forward, and the knife in his hand fell in the air, accurately slashing at the neck of the armored cavalry who fell from the horse.There is the connection between the helmet and the body armor, the most fragile, with a click, connecting the two leather armors. It was easily cut off, blood rushed out, and with a bang, the cavalry fell to the ground, twisted a few times, and was accounted for.

This kind of rope was learned by He Weiyuan from the Hun hunters in the village when he was still at home. Over the years, he has not let go. Seeing that the commander volley captured an armored cavalry, the Han army cheered loudly.

"Brothers, these iron shells are similar to Wang Ba. Wang Ba can only walk horizontally, and they can only walk straight!" He Weiyuan's noose in his hand danced on his head and laughed loudly.

"The commander said well!" The Han army laughed loudly. These armored cavalry marched forward in a row. It was extremely difficult to make a turn. They could only move forward. Normally, there were two soldiers and horses on the left and right. There should be light cavalry cover on the side, but today, but Yu took all the light cavalry to chase Guli and the others, the iron cavalry can only advance slowly in the rear, I thought that no more invincible riding on the grassland, the iron cavalry will not encounter When it comes to opponents, the small herdsmen have no way to deal with them, but how do you know that they are encountering extremely elite battlefield old oil.

The armored cavalry immediately twisted their bodies and threw the javelin in their hands, but they were thrown sideways like this, not to mention the impact of their strength, and the preparations were terrible, the extremely scattered Han cavalry easily avoided one. A javelin, throw the chain hammers in your hand one by one, even if you keep hitting the horse's legs, those chain hammers with long iron chains are thrown out, and the chain is wrapped on the horse's legs. After the horse ran for a certain distance, it was extremely Yi tripped himself over.

The two Han troops accelerated and rushed to the fifty-step meal of the armored cavalry. They shouted, and the two turned back at the same time, throwing the long spears in their hands, and the sound of the long spears was more than half a foot above the ground, but the armored cavalry did not pay attention. What arrived was that between the two javelins, a piece of shiny iron wire lay in between.As soon as the javelin entered the ground, the iron wire was also submerged in the grass.

The two shot the spears in their hands, one point left and right, and rushed away.At this time, the javelin thrown by the armored cavalry behind them roared.

The armored cavalry moved forward, and the horse stumbled on the wire hidden in the grass without accident, and suddenly the horse turned over.

The armored cavalry was miserable, and He Weiyuan slowly killed him along the way.They could not disperse, let alone disperse.Once they disperse, they will really become fish on the opponent's felt board.

The armored cavalry was being tortured by He Weiyuan and was on the main battlefield, but the form of the rain was also extremely bad. The three-way army of Aguhuaien, Gaoche, and Mugulu attacked on three sides, and they had an advantage in number. With horses, equipment, and horse fighting skills, the East Hu Cavalry is far better than Qin Qi. All the Qin Army can rely on is their team combat strength. Although they are struggling to support them, they are still divided by the East Hu Cavalry. Coming out, gathering and annihilating them. Feather arrows flew across the battlefield, and the Donghu cavalry screamed and waved the scimitar in their hands, relentlessly harvesting Qin Jun's life.

"Swallow, don't your hands itchy?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile, looking at He Lanyan, who had been clasping the purple electric bridle of her horse.

"It's itching!" He Lanyan nodded involuntarily. "Since the birth of Mingzhi, she has not been on the battlefield." She looked at the battlefield eagerly, and involuntarily touched the machete handle with her other hand.

"Otherwise, let's fight for a while!" Gao Yuan encouraged.

"No way, before leaving, sister Jing'er specially confessed." He Lanyan woke up and snorted: "Let me take care of you, and you are not allowed to charge on the battlefield yourself."

"So you are so afraid of Jing'er!" Gao Yuan laughed, "I thought you were not afraid of anything!"

"I'm not afraid of her!" He Lanyan was really excited all at once.

"If you are not afraid, why do you listen to her like this?" Gao Yuan coldly snorted: "I don't even dare to go to the battlefield. I am still the instructor of my great cavalry. I think you have been born with Mingzhi, and your skills are already inferior. It used to be, look at you now that you are a lot fatter, can you still wield a knife?"

"Who is fat?" He Lanyan was annoyed, "Who can't swing the knife anymore." She stunned and drew out the battle knife in her hand, and with the other hand, she drew out the long whip on her waist, "Dare you compare me with me? Who killed the Qin Jun more?"

"Compared!" Gao Yuan laughed, his legs were slightly hard, and the purple lights under his hips made a long hiss, and it rushed out like lightning. He Lanyan woke up as he watched Gao waving Mo Dao rushing away.

"You lied to me!" she yelled, and drove the horse, Sura and Wula behind her also hurried to catch up. As soon as they left, the soldiers of Agguwine beside them rushed out, saying To be honest, they have long been unable to hold back. For a soldier, the most uncomfortable thing is to watch his comrades kill the enemy.

Gao Yuan excitedly brandished the Mo Dao and rushed into the battlefield. It has been too long since he had such a heartfelt feeling. He is about to stand on the pinnacle of his life. This kind of horizontal sword will stand on the ground, and the days of the battlefield, I am afraid that it will be Farther and farther away from yourself.

The two sides were strangling on the battlefield a few miles in radius, but Yu looked at the canine teeth on the battlefield, which represented the smaller and smaller space for the Qin army's black clothing activity. All the opponent's cavalry came and went on the periphery. It is clear that he cannot win this battle.

"Retreat, order all the troops, disperse and break through, move closer to the general's base camp, and protrude as much as you want!" He sternly ordered: "I will come to the queen!"

The horn of retreat sounded, and the Qin army began to break through. This battle changed from a battle to a chase battle, and the retreat of the Qin army was destined to be a difficult process. Behind them, the Huns herders gathered again. They are waiting for them to fight against the formed Qin army. They are not opponents, but in this kind of chasing battle, their advantages in riding and running are fully displayed. (To be continued...)

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