I’m The King

Chapter 1051: : East becomes West (44)

After reading the pile of military newspapers that Kumamoto had brought, even the two old birds, Zhou Yuan and Tian Dan, had a confused look in their eyes.

"The two elders, after Qin Jun arrived in Dayan County, he has been sending troops to sweep around, searching for food and grass. However, due to an accidental factor a few days ago, our scouts discovered that they had gone out with many teams, but few had come back, and reported. After I came back, I kept my mind, and after I sent the scouts again, I made them pay attention to this point. As expected, the opponent's actions have been increasing in the past two days, and Wang Xiao is using this action to mobilize troops." Kumamoto said. .

"I have found out where these troops went out, where is the final goal?" Zhou Yuan raised his head from the military newspaper and asked.

"This is also the land that I am puzzled by + pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom. All the troops have different routes when they depart and seem to have no goal, but their final point is Raduri." Kumamoto Shaking his head: "What are they doing to that place?"

"Have you brought a map?" Tian Dan asked.

"Bring it, I know that the two old men must look at the map!" Kumamoto took out the map from his arms and laid it on the table.

Two grey-haired heads leaned on the map, looked for a long while, and when they raised their heads, there were shocked expressions in the four eyes.

"What do the two elders see?" Kumamoto asked tentatively.

Tian Dan stretched out a finger, "If I'm right, they should be here!" The place where Tian Dan's finger pointed was a bright yellow.

"Da Mo?" Kumamoto exclaimed: "Are they looking for death?"

"It's not necessarily going to die!" Zhou Yuan shook his head and sighed: "We have been guessing what Wang Xiao wants to do? Unexpectedly, this is the case. As expected, he is indeed a famous player in the world. He actually came up with this trick. Staying here is There is a dead end, but breaking into the desert, or there is still a glimmer of life, which is great."

"Then we need to go out and stop it?" Kumamoto asked, and suddenly shook his head in distress. Put."

"Since Wang Xiao has made such an arrangement, he will definitely be prepared, and there is no need to leave the city." Zhou Yuan said: "Breaking into the desert is also a life of nine deaths. If you really let them break through, it would be a good thing for us in the Central Plains. Thing."

"What's not bad?" Kumamoto scratched his head, "I really let them pass through, but this left a hidden danger for us big guys."

"That's not necessarily true!" A Qinglang's voice came from outside the door, and the three of them turned around and saw the person coming. They all clasped their fists and shouted, "Sun Duhu!"

Now Kumamoto is Sun Xiao's subordinate, and although Zhou Yuan and Tian Dan used to have high status, they are now flat-headed ordinary people.Sun Xiaoke is their parent official, Sun Xiaojing and the others, they will not lose their courtesy.

"After receiving your notice, I came here and just heard a nose outside the door!" Although Sun Xiao is now a civil servant, he has been studying very hard in recent years, but the martial arts habit he has cultivated all the year round is not. Still can't completely change it, every move shows his past experience.

"Two old adults, General Xiong!" Sun Xiao clasped his fists in return. He walked to the big case and looked at the eye-catching yellow on the map. At the end of last year, a small Huns tribe successfully straddled the desert. I came back, but it was very miserable when I came back.When the entire tribe reached us, only less than two hundred people were left.The old people and children were no longer visible in a few songs, and they all died in the desert. "

"Since they have passed, how come they come back?" Kumamoto asked in surprise.

Sun Xiao smiled, "I was also very surprised, so after placing them, I asked their leader to ask for the details there. You know, we don't know anything about that side."

"What is the situation over there?"

"The person said that there is a good place with fertile land and a suitable climate," Sun Xiaohan said with a smile.

"He's a lie, if that's the case, they will come back?" Kumamoto laughed.

"He didn't deceive people. It is indeed a good place, but there are so many countries, large and small. According to him, a force with only a thousand soldiers and horses is actually a king. The land is less than a hundred miles and there are only tens of thousands of people, so it is called one. The country is indeed ridiculous!" Sun Xiao shrugged and said.

"In that case, there is a lot of chaos over there?" Tian Dan said, stroking his long beard.

"It's not too messy, but it's so messy that there is no edge at all!" Sun Xiao smiled and said: "Today you beat me, tomorrow I beat you, or you just wiped out a country today, tomorrow you will be wiped out by others, so that Although the local area is fertile, it is extremely poor. There is no single day in the war that will stop. They followed a large Huns tribe and went through untold hardships, and then they fell into endless battles. I have suffered a lot, but with the passage of time, relying on the powerful combat power of the cavalry, they not only stabilized their feet, but also wiped out several countries, but in recent years, as their power has gradually expanded, that The small countries on the side united and launched a war against them. They fought faintly. After all, they are foreigners. They suffered heavy losses when they passed through the desert. Life was even more difficult for the small tribe, so they took the risk and ran back."

"In that case, Qin Jun has a lot to do when he ran to that place!" Zhou Yuan smiled.

"Anyway, they are considered to be of the same origin and the same clan as us, and they are all from the Central Plains. If they go there and really hit a world, it is also the country of our Central Plains, isn't it?" Sun Xiao Hehe laughed. "So, let them go! I sincerely hope that they can cross the desert and make another world for us in the Central Plains over there."

"Don't you worry about where they really stood on their heels and swung their troops back?" Tian Dan looked at Sun Xiao with a bit of surprise.

"We big guys never worry about the enemy. If there is one day, we will defeat them again!" Sun Xiao laughed and said: "I believe that when they become stronger, our big guy has already become a towering tree. The grass wants to shake us, I'm afraid it's overwhelming!"

Sun Xiaoao stood still, and his words revealed strong self-confidence.

"Okay, protect your pride!" Zhou Yuan and Tian Dan both clapped.

"Wang Xiao broke his arm to survive. He would definitely launch an offensive against us in order to get out of his uniform. We should prepare to defend the city." Zhou Yuan said with a serious face: "Now they are in desperate situation. , Has become a mourning soldier. Although the saying that the mourning soldier will win does not apply to them, we can't take it lightly. I still want to go fishing in Dayan Lake!"

"Although Taiwei can rest assured, everything in the city is ready, and Zhou Lao Ling is only two days away from Dayan City." Sun Xiao smiled, "If Wang Xiao doesn't leave, then his ending can only be Here it is. In a few days, you will be able to go fishing for Dayan Lake. Then I will bother you and eat the silverback you made yourself!"

"That's good, that's good, I'll sweep the couch and wait!" Zhou Yuan laughed loudly.

Zhou Lao Ling was very upset. He hurriedly started from Jicheng all the way to Jishi City and went back to fight in his old place. He was very excited, but halfway through, the king led his soldiers and left the large army. , And the two thousand cavalry he brought with him could only come afterwards because of supply problems.

But the slowness didn’t matter. By the time he arrived at Jishi City, the entire Jishi County was already celebrating the victory of the Great War.One hundred thousand Qin Army, except for but Yu who ran away with five thousand cavalry, all the rest were destroyed in the Great. On the grassland, he either became fertilizer or became a prisoner. There was no such thing as his 20,000 cavalry. This made him very annoyed, and the household official in charge of the supply was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler in his heart. Knowing that this time the war broke out suddenly, the Ministry of Household can do what it looks like, but he still can't help but want to scold others, he can't scold his own brother, right? Only let Wang Wudi come to the tank, anyway This guy has been accustomed to being scolded all these years.

This time I went to Dayan City again, Zhou Lao didn't want to let good things slip away from his own hands. Now Wang Xiao is facing a desperate situation. It must be a disintegration of the army. My own trip can even lead an army to make an armed parade and travel at public expense.

"Accelerate, accelerate. If you don't want to run for another run, just go faster!" Zhou Lao Ling was stunned from his usual style, roared in a tiger-like manner, and his subordinates knew his personality well, but Fan Zhou When Lao Ling became like this, he was really angry.

The vanguard led by He Weigao arrived in Dayan City for the first time. Although Sun Xiao estimated that Zhou Lao Ling would have to work for two days, but in reality, under Zhou Lao Ling's urging, the vanguard of the Young Guards arrived a full day in advance. Go to Dayan City.

When the banner of the Young Guards appeared outside Dayan City, the city cheered and thundered, and the Qin Army who was attacking the city immediately withdrew back.

The camp that can hold 50,000 troops, now there are only 20,000 people left. The two cavalry armies under the command of Zhou Laowei firmly besieged the Qin army, and reinforcements arrived, and Kumamoto immediately led the infantry out of the city. , Participated in the final siege of the Qin Army.

In the end, Zhou Lao Ling could not achieve any decent military exploits, because after besieging the Qin army for two days, Wang Xiao left a suicide note in Zhou Yuan's mansion and ordered the entire army to surrender to the Han army. There was no food and grass, and the Qin army without a coach had nowhere to go, put down his weapons, walked out of the camp, and surrendered to the Han army, which made Old Zhou stunned.

And just as the Qin Army surrendered, the main force of the Qin Army led by Wang Jian stepped back and stepped into the desert. (To be continued...)

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