I’m The King

Chapter 1057: :East becomes West (Fifty)

Meng Tian glanced at Zhong Li, and said indifferently: "I know it in my heart, now is not the time to clean him. Besides, this matter can also be viewed from both sides."

"Escape and abandon the main general. My general has not been a general like this for so many years!" Zhong Li said coldly: "Meng Tian, ​​you are an old soldier, so you can excuse him?"

Meng Tian smiled: "It's not the time now. But when the rain does such a thing, he must be very panicked in his heart. It is certain that he is suspicious. A slight disturbance may cause a catastrophe. Where is he now, in Shannan County, if we move him now, what if he doesn’t do it, he keeps running or surrendering with the cavalry? Then Shannan County will be over, if Shannan County is lost again, He Lanxiong can go straight to Jiuyuan, and now Can we have enough troops to defend the Jiuyuan? So Shannan County is now an iron gate, guarding our backyard, but at this stage, Yu can not only be held accountable, but also rewards, rewarding him for bringing back five thousand cavalry. I saved Qin Bing's vitality. When the overall situation is stable, he will be transferred back, and calmly find another excuse to clean up him."

Zhong Li was silent for a while and nodded, "You are right. But when I think about it, I feel crooked."

"You're on the black ice platform, what sordid thing you haven't done before, what is this?" Meng Tian smiled coldly." But the rain is running away, it is indeed a crime worthy of death, but he is also a good cavalry general, now Our General Da Qin suffered a serious loss. For people like him, we should first use his talents before he can be punished."

Zhongli waved his hand, "But we don't need to talk about rain. After we go back, let's see how the king will deal with him! Meng Tian, ​​since you have decided to leave with me, then prepare early, Lu Chao will Come over with you in three days."

"Are you in such a hurry?" Meng Tian said.

"It's not that I'm worried, it's that Wang Shang can't wait long!" Zhong Li's face was sad.

The two were silent for a moment, Meng Tian filled the wine glass, raised high above his head, and respected Xianyang from a distance. He raised his neck and drank it all. "Although I don’t agree with the king, the king has never been in this life. I have truly trusted me, but this does not prevent me from admiring him as the most wise monarch of Da Qin for so many years."

Staring at Zhong Li, Meng Tian continued: "Although I have a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart, for the sake of Da Qin, I am willing to accept his arrangement and return to Xianyang. It is up to the king to decide whether it is life or death. During the national disaster, I will not let our Daqin internal problems again, Zhong Li, don't worry, my subordinates will not have troubles, and I will let them accept this arrangement."

Listening to Meng Tian's words, Zhong Li stood up and struck Meng Tian to the ground.

In Anlu, the important town of Yuyang, Lu Chao looked at the dozen or so generals standing next to the tent with a grim expression. Just one day ago, he received a military briefing from Xianyang and a new appointment. The news of Li Xin's defeat made him. Shocked, the destruction of the 100,000 army meant that Qin State would shift from a strategic offensive to a strategic defense, and that his army, which had penetrated into the Han realm, had to retreat.

Since entering the Han Realm, along the way, he has beaten the opposite Zeng Xianyi back and forth again and again, and now the entire Yuyang, only Yuyang City is still in the hands of Zeng Xianyi, if it weren't for the Han army. The two infantry corps of the Youth Guards arrived, maybe Yuyang City is now also his.

"Retreat? Why retreat?" Gou Yi shouted: "General, since General Li on the grassland road has failed, our road should move forward bravely and achieve greater success to make up for the grassland. Loss. We took Yuyang with great difficulty, how can we hand over people so easily!"

"Yes, General, there are only thirty or forty thousand Han troops in front of us. With all our energy, we will take down Yuyang City in one fell swoop to comfort General Li in the spirit of the sky!" All the generals in the tent echoed Gouyi in a rush. Under the form, at least on their battlefield, the form is extremely beneficial to them.

Lu Chao sullenly, glanced at the crowd, "Bai Qi, tell me about it!"

Bai Qi took a step and said: "Finally, the general thinks that the general's decision to retreat is correct. For us, it is the best time to retreat. If we miss this opportunity, we may retreat in the future and we may pay more. The price."

Chao Lu raised his face slightly: "How do you say this?"

"General, we are in Yuyang now. We are indeed dominant in form, but in fact it is not the case. Mount Luliang blocked our way into the river, and we can't take Yuyang City. We cannot threaten Tianhe County. More importantly, now we don’t have the power to threaten Tianhe County, but we want to guard against where the enemy comes from. Now we are deep into the enemy’s territory, and behind us, it’s hard to say whether Zhao Guo is an enemy or a friend. Zhao Qi is a repetition. The impermanent temperament, now he is embarrassed on all sides in the country. The enemy in Zhao Guozhi is not small. In case Zhao Qi is forced by these people, he will turn his face with us, and we will suffer from the enemy. It will be uncomfortable at that time. We haven't reacted yet, and withdraw troops quickly. At least, we have to control Zhao Guo, and it is only serious to get compensation from Zhao Guo."

Lu Chao nodded, "Gou Yi, did you hear that? Bai Qi said that it is the right principle, the benefits of the hands are the benefits, and the benefits of the unknown are exchanged for the benefits of being easily available. No one will do this kind of thing. In the next retreat, you and Bai Qi's unified army, each other, retreat, retreat all the way through the Yishui River, and directly invade the Kingdom of Zhao. Open up a passage to Shanggu, Daijun, and Hedong to connect these places. In one piece, General Li failed in the grassland, then we will put these places in the Zhao Kingdom into the territory of my Daqin."

"Yes!" Bai Qi and Gou Yi clasped their fists together to lead the way.

"When I left, I destroyed everything that Yuyang County could destroy. The house, burned, the city wall, and demolished, especially the mines in Anlu, were all destroyed and blocked for me." Lu Chaohuo Di Standing up: "Isn't Gao Yuan very profitable? I want to see, this time you can think of any way to fill this vacancy."

"That person, do you want to kill?" Bai Qi whispered.

Staring at Bai Qi for a long time, Lu Chao suddenly laughed: "Bai Qi, you killed Zhao in Changping, right? These Yuyang people, of course, can't be killed, all of them will be left to me, these people To eat, to live, to live, these big burdens are left to Gao Yuan, doesn't he love the people like a son, doesn't he hide the wealth from the people? Okay, let him get a headache this time!"

Listening to Lu Chao's murderous words, the generals in the tent all laughed. This time they entered Yuyang and grabbed a lot of money. As Lu Chao said, the people of Han are indeed very rich, but now these The wealth is theirs.

"General, I and Bai Qi are in united forces, are you going to leave early?" Gou Yi stepped forward and asked.

"I have received Wang Shangzhao's order, ordering me to rush to Wei State Liang, where I will take over the position of General Meng Tian." Lu Chao stood up.

There was a period of silence in the house, and after a brief period of silence, there was a burst of cheers.Lu Chao succeeded Meng Tian, ​​which means that Lu Chao's position will step up another step, the tide will rise, the road will rise, and these generals who have been following Lu Chao, Naturally, he will walk up.

Looking at the cheering generals, Lu Chao's face was unhappy.He had a message, but he didn't tell all the generals that King Qin Wulie was about to fail.

The Zhitian Pillar is about to fall, and recalling Meng Tian is nothing more than preparing for the things behind him, but how can he tell these people? They may not be able to calm down.

"Let's take action!" Lu Chao stood up, "Don't be procrastinated."

In Yuyang City, Du Shenghao waved his fists and snarled at Dasha Yang. Dasha Yang's face was full of blue veins, and the scars kept beating, looking extremely hideous and terrifying, and on the other side, Zeng Xianyi Sitting in the corner without saying a word, Guan Bo, the commander of the Second Army of the Youth Guards, stood between Du Shenghao and Yang Dasha, fearing that Yang Dasha would make an impulse and punch the skinny Yuyang with a punch. The county guard was overwhelmed, and with Da Yang's silly energy, it was possible to send the county guard to the west directly.

Now in Yuyang County, the political affairs are headed by Du Shenghao, but the military is respected by Yang Dasha.All military operations must be counted by Yang Dasha nodding.

In the past two days, there has been smoke in the middle of Yuyang County, and the Qin team raged, robbed, and set fires. According to the situation that the scouts sent out, basically all around Yuyang had been robbed, and one village after another was burned. One town after another was razed, and the people had nowhere to eat.

"When an officer is not the master of the people, and when a soldier is not fighting for the country, what use do you want?" Du Shenghao roared, his thin arms flying, his fingers almost poking Yang Dasha's nose," Yibo Another wave of intelligence shows that the Qin army is retreating. This is their last madness. They are harming the people and the people of my great man, but you have ordered the army not to go out of the city to fight and chase. What do you want to do? I want to go. This ginseng you."

Yang Dasha had a calm face. He knew exactly who the enemy he was facing was. This is an opponent that even the king attaches great importance to. Naha, the general of the Han army, died in this person's hands. Except for Feng Fayong, this is Han. The army's highest-level generals have been killed in battle over the years, and he and Lu Chao's army have also fought outside the Mashaping Canyon. Although he won the battle, the fighting strength of the Qin army was met by Dasha Yang over the years. The most tenacious force ever.

Faced with such an opponent, how dare Yang Dasha not be careful. Although he is called Dasha, he is not really stupid. If there are no traps waiting for him behind Lu Chao's last madness, then he is not Lu Chao. Up.

"Are you finished scolding?" He looked at Du Shenghao who was panting.

"It's still far away. If you don't send troops a day, I will scold you for a day. You eat for nothing the food provided by the people of my Yuyang County, but hide in the city and dare not fight the enemy. You put on a piece of human skin." Du Shenghao hummed.

"Well, since you're tired, let's take a break and then curse." Yang Dasha coldly turned his head to look at Guan Bo and Zeng Xianyi: "Without my order, no soldiers are allowed to come out. Yuyang County Town."

Fifty miles away from Yuyang County Town, Lu Chao watched another wave of sentry rushing by.

"Is there still nothing in Yuyang County?"

"Return to the general, no! A soldier has never left the city." The sentry shouted.

Lu Chao couldn't hide the disappointment on his face," said Yang Dashao irritable and impulsive, it seems that it is just a superficial, this person is much more difficult to deal with than outsiders thought, but it is a pity, when I wanted to leave I cleaned them up fiercely. I didn't think that this guy would be fooled by the roots of his teeth. Forget it, the notice is white, go right, and retreat!" (to be continued)

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