I’m The King

Chapter 1064: : East becomes West (57)

The wagon wheel ran on the bluestone slab, but there was not much noise. This is a luxury wagon made by Han Guo, a special product for officials and nobles. When Han Guo and Zhao Qi were still in the honeymoon stage, Gao Yuan gave it to him. , And Zhao Qi also likes this carriage very much. This kind of carriage is equipped with special shock absorbers. People sitting in the car, if you don’t lift the driving curtain, you can hardly feel much bumps on the flat road. The interior decoration It can be described as extremely luxurious. The selected high-quality mahogany is used as the main material of the carriage. In many places, it is wrapped with the best calfskin. In the middle of the carriage, a table is inlaid on the floor with a teapot on it. The tea cups are readily available, and they are all very cleverly fixed on the table. They will not move their positions due to the movement of the carriage and spill tea. In the corner of the carriage, a small stove and a small copper pot are installed. The hidden compartment of the occult is filled with selected charcoal, and the carriage is large enough to seat more than seven or eight people.This kind of carriage is not only used to walk on the road, but also to handle some official duties on the way.

In the past few days, Zhao Qi, as Zhao Feng and the others had expected, have been frantic, hitting Lian Zhong, the Jing Rufeng incident, and the destruction of the 100,000 army in Hedong Camp, has caused his reputation to fall to its lowest point. Under the pressure of the State of Qin, the upper valley was opened up so that the Qin army could directly attack Daijun. Originally, after the State of Qin hit the Han country hard, he could get back the long-lost Daijun, but he did not expect that it would still be a bamboo basket. Fetching water was empty.

What is before him now is that he has offended Han again after a defeat in Qin. He doesn't believe that the Han Guo easily forgives himself. Knowing his move, he almost ruined the entire He Lanxiong. The Eastern Field Army Group of the People's Republic of China, and the Han people are famous for keeping their enemies.

Lu Chao sent a special envoy to inform him that the army of the Qin State would still withdraw to the State of Qin through Shanggu, and Dai Jun would still return it to the State of Zhao after the Qin Army retreated, but Zhao Qi knew that at this time, he took over the State of Dai Jun. The truth is that he took a hot potato in his hand. The army of Helanxiong of the Han Dynasty is approaching Shannan County. If they want, they may turn around to fight Daijun at any time. And after Daijun has been operated by the Han army for many years, it has long been thought of Although Han and Zhao Yong surrendered, the former general of the county, Qin Lei, still stubbornly resisted in the corner of Heling City.Qin Jun did not have time to attack this small town, but he did not expect that it would become his own problem now.

Zhao Qi knew very well that after the 100,000 generals of Hedong Daying were destroyed, in a short period of time, neither the Qin nor the Han can resist Zhao, and the only thing he relies on now is that he can become a balance. The weight above affects the balance of the confrontation between the two countries, so he must choose the side. And he chose to stand on the side of Qin.

It's just that at this moment, he still doesn't know that Qin's plan is not to have an ally.

For the past ten days, he has stayed in the palace and has not come out.Today, he can finally take the time to go home. Finally, the domestic opposition has been waved up and down, but the situation is still under his control.

Leaning back and leaning comfortably on the calfskin-wrapped backrest, Zhao Qi closed his eyes.

The sudden whistling sound surprised Zhao Qi from his sleep. The carriage that was moving suddenly stopped, and his inertia made him sprint forward, and he quickly supported the case in front of him with both hands, but it was the precious one above the case. Zhao Qi's teapot fell on the floor.Although the teapot did not break, a pot of fragrant tea wetted a large area of ​​the carpet on the floor, and Zhao Qi couldn't help being furious.

"Do you die?" he shouted angrily.

"My lord! Someone intercepted!" The guards screamed in exclamation, followed by the sound of the sabre being unsheathed.

"Protect your lord!" the guards shouted loudly.

"Who is blocking the way?" Zhao Qi shouted in a deep voice.

"My lord, it seems, it seems to be Zhao Feng Zhao, yes, it is Zhao Feng Zhao, the torch is lit up, my God, what does Dr. Zhao want to do?" The guards outside exclaimed one after another.

"Someone came from behind, and someone from behind blocked our retreat."

"It's Master Zhao Jin Zhao!"

Zhao Qi took a deep breath, a sneer flashed across his face, stretched out his hand to push the car door, a short body, actually got out of the carriage, stood on the shaft, looked at not far away, Zhao who was struggling to stand. Feng. Behind Zhao Feng are rows of heavily armed soldiers.

"Zhao Feng, what are you doing?" Zhao Qi looked at each other with a smile.

"You are a traitor to the country and the people, today Zhao came here to take your life." Zhao Fengji pointed at the other party and shouted loudly: "How powerful I am, Da Zhao, but since you came to power, It’s getting worse and worse, and everyone can bully me, and I have colluded with Jing Rufeng and ruined my hundred thousand Hedong Daying soldiers' lives. Now it is getting worse, even the king dares to be under house arrest in the palace, Zhao Qi , Are you trying to usurp the throne? With me, Zhao Feng, you don’t want to succeed, obediently get out of the horse and be bound, follow me to the palace to see the king, or you can still live, if you dare to say something, there is no eye for the sword, but Don't blame me for not being affectionate."

Hearing Zhao Feng's harsh criticism, Zhao Qi's face sank, "Zhao Feng, I think that for the sake of the late General Zhao, I have always treated you with grace and respect, but you should not be too excessive. Now take your people back to the mansion honestly, thinking behind closed doors, I can still assume that today's things have not happened, otherwise, don't blame me for disrespectful to the late General Zhao."

When Zhao Qi mentioned his father, Zhao Feng was even more angry. He choked out his knife and pointed at Zhao Qi and said: "Zhao Qi, you don't need to mention his father. Since you mentioned it, I would like to ask. How did my father die? If you don’t know, unless you can’t do anything, don’t think that everyone at the time is dead, and you don’t know what happened at that time. Don’t forget, you can’t do this alone. Yes, the person who conspired with you, you can't kill people, right?"

"Zhao Feng!" Zhao Qi sternly shouted: "Are you trying to get confused? Don't forget, this is Handan!"

"It's Handan, so what?" Zhao Feng laughed loudly. "Zhao Qi, you are a disaster for the country and the people. Those who want to kill you don't know me. Today, not only the adults who are acting with me are Zhao Jin Zhao, but also the sons. Master Qiao, Master Zizhang, and countless my great Zhao Jianer, today is the time for you to give the head!"

Zhao Qi stared at Zhao Feng for a long while, and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, it really is a nest of snakes and rats, you jump out together, it saves me a lot of things."

When Zhao Feng saw Zhao Qi's affairs up to now, his mouth was still very stiff. In furious, he brandished a knife and roared: "Go on, kill this traitor!"

At both ends of the street, Zhao Feng and Zhao Jin's dead men shouted, waved their weapons, and rushed forward. Today, they received a notice from the tiger and the leopard riding on the poplar, confirming that Zhao Qi is about to go out of the palace, and in the cooperation of the poplar. Next, they finally succeeded in blocking Zhao Qi here.Now there are only more than a hundred guards around Zhao Qi, and it is the best time to kill him.

Zhao Qi smiled coldly, grabbing the lap of the robe with both hands, one point on both sides, a rush, the outer robe was torn in half, inside, Zhao Qi actually wore a full-body armor, and a guard next to him handed over the helmet and a handle. With the spear, Zhao Qi laughed loudly: "Zhao Feng, you probably forgot, I am not a person without the power to bind a chicken, am I?"

Zhao Feng sneered: "Huaquan embroidered legs, do you know what is going on on the battlefield? Have you ever fought in battle personally? I will teach you today."

Zhao Qi laughed: "In war, I may not be as good as your father and son, but when it comes to calculating people, you are still far away. Come, blow the trumpet!"

The horns of horns blew, and accompanied by the sound of the trumpets, there was the sound of screaming and killing.On the roof ridges on both sides of the street, rows of imperial guards holding strong bows appeared steeply, on the originally closed streets The door was knocked to the ground with a bang, and a large number of imperial guards poured out from inside.

"Fall arrows!" a voice roared above the roof ridge.

Zhao Feng was shocked, looked up at the man on the roof, and exclaimed: "Zhao Xilie! You, aren't you on duty in the palace?"

Zhao Xilie laughed: "Zhao Feng, you are the eldest son of General Zhao, don't you hear the truth and use the way of soldiers to call, you people's small movements, as early as we control, today is your death date, let go Arrows, let go of arrows, and shoot all these traitorous traitors to death."

Countless feather arrows screamed, and on the street, the dead soldiers crowded together screamed and fell to the ground.After a round of arrow rain, the guardsmen on both sides shouted and rushed up.

Standing on the cowl, watching the besieged Zhao Feng rushing from the left to the right, but Zhao Feng who was always unable to get out of the siege, Zhao Qi sneered and said: "I originally wanted to save you a life for General Zhao's sake. But you are so dishonest yourself, you want to calculate me? My hair hasn't grown up yet!"

Zhao Xilie jumped off the roof and walked to the carriage, "Father, do you want to save Zhao Feng's life?"

"I have given him a chance, what do you leave him for? Do you count me again? This person can confuse a lot of people with the prestige left by General Zhao, or he died clean." Zhao Qi said with a calm face." kill him!"

By this time, Zhao Feng naturally knew that his conspiracy had already fallen into the eyes of the other party, but he could not think of what went wrong anyway.

"Kill, kill out." Zhao Feng roared, swaying his sword, and rushing forward desperately, while the more than a hundred veterans around him were the veterans he brought out from the Hedong camp. The combat effectiveness was obvious. It is not comparable to the guards who have not had a major battle, but for a while, they were killed by more than a hundred people and regressed again and again, and they were about to be blocked.

"Let the arrows!" Seeing Zhao Feng who was about to rush out, he heard the continuous bowstring sound in his ears. His body was like a heavy hammer. In a flash, his body was already hitting a dozen arrows. He couldn't sit still, and he fell down. A few old soldiers dragged him up, brandished their weapons, and howled forward to break through, but with the sound of bowstrings, these old soldiers guarding Zhao Feng with their bodies , And finally fell one after another.

"Dare to do it right with me, then go to **** and be company with you Lao Tzu!" Zhao Qi snorted coldly.

"Father, palace, palace!" Zhao Xilie next to him suddenly exclaimed, Zhao Qi suddenly turned his head, and the fire blazed into the sky at the palace a few miles away, and the sound of killing was faintly heard.

Sweat came out, Zhao Qi could hardly believe his eyes. (To be continued)

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