I’m The King

Chapter 1067: :East becomes west (sixty)

Lu Chao shook his head gently, then shook his head, slammed his fist, and slammed heavily on the big case, shocking the dozens of senior generals in the big account, and was reporting the situation of Zhao Guo to Lu Chao. The voice of the changing Black Ice Platform general Zhong Ping also stopped abruptly, staring at Lu Chao blankly.

The situation in Zhao Kingdom changed like a legendary drama, with ups and downs. I am afraid that even the best storyteller would not be able to make up such a twists and turns, unpredictable and dazzling plot.

It’s just this ending, but it’s definitely not what Lu Chao wanted to see. Han Di was given to Chu State, and now it was taken by Han State. Wei State, who had been struggling to defeat him, couldn’t hold it now, so he could only hand it over to Han State. , The two armies were forced to retreat. Originally, they planned to take Handan of the State of Zhao in one fell swoop and destroy the State of Zhao on the way back, so that the Qin State's fight this time would have some gains, but now that this is the case, all of it. Pig> Pig ``Island'' novel ww.m planned, and then landed in the empty space again.

He was a native of Han and Gao Yuan. Lu Chao gritted his teeth and thought, why can he be a step ahead of him everywhere and all the time?

"General, do you still act as planned?" Zhong Ping asked in a low voice.

Lu Chao sighed a long sigh: "How can you follow the original plan? It's too late, everything is too late. Now what I think is how to safely withdraw the army back to the country."

"General, there will be different opinions at the end!" A middle-aged general stepped out, arched his hand to Lu Chao, and raised his voice. This general was called Hua Zhen, who was originally a general promoted by Meng Tian. Many people believe that Hua Zhen is Meng Tian’s most preferred successor, and this person is also Meng Tian’s foreign relatives. Meng Tian was somehow recalled to China, and Lu Chao took over as the general. Generals who are young generals, how can these people under Meng Tian be convinced?

Over the past two decades, this army has been stationed on the border of Qin and Chu, led by Meng Tian. The vast majority of people in this big account were pulled up by Meng Tian with one hand, and had always been loyal to Meng Tian. If it weren't for Meng Tianlin. The severe admonitions before the trip, I'm afraid these generals will embarrass Lu Chao long ago.

Lu Chao came to this army, typical single-handedly, did not bring a trusted general over, and followed him, only some personal soldiers.

"General Hua Zhen has any insights, you may as well say it, everyone!" Lu Chao didn't care about Hua Zhen's aggressive tone, smiled and raised his hand.

"The general thinks that now is a great opportunity." Hua Zhen looked around at his colleagues and said loudly: "Handan civil strife, Zhao Qi escaped from Handan with tens of thousands of troops and rushed to the valley, so now Handan is not in the extreme of emptiness. , Handan originally only had two armies, the City Guard and the Imperial Guard, and now most of the two armies have followed Zhao Qi. To us, isn't Handan as if it is not fortified? No need to go along with it. Bai Qi's all the way, only need to be dispatched by our army, a distance of more than a hundred miles, the forcible marching pawns only takes two days, and the cavalry can arrive in more than half a day, so the final general thinks that it is right to attack Handan at this time. It's the best time, even better than before."

Lu Chao's face was still looking at Hua Zhen with a smile," General Zhong Ping said just now, General Hua did not hear clearly, right? Handan's army did mostly follow Zhao Qi, but there are still almost 20,000 Zhao army left. Coming down. And it was veteran Zhou Changshou who commanded them. Now the Handan city is distributing weapons to Qingzhuang, rectifying the city's defense, and actively preparing for war. Who are they defending? Is it possible that Zhao Qi is afraid of killing a carbine? They are defending us. "

"So what?" Hua Zhen said proudly: "How different is Zhao Jun, who has 20,000 demoralized, and 20,000 pigs? My army has arrived, and it is not like a chicken and tile dog that destroys them in one blow."

The smile on Lu Chao's face gradually faded: "General Hua Zhen, it turns out that you are fighting not relying on detailed information and adequate preparation, but relying on your self-consciousness to be superior? How much do you know about Zhao Jun? You know Zhou How long is the longevity? With the opponent's preparation, how much do we know about Handan's urban defense facilities? Where is the weakness, and where is the opponent's key defense area?"

Hua Zhen's face was flushed all of a sudden, Lu Chao just now had a pleasant look, but in a blink of an eye, his face was taken away, and the dog's face was hung up. It turned out to be the majestic and prestige of a general, and he unceremoniously scolded him. .

"General, we are sitting on a large army of 100,000, so we are afraid of the defeat of these remnants? General, how can you know if you don't try it?" Hua Zhen looked around the crowd and said loudly, "If General Meng Tian was here, it would be like this there. After looking forward and looking forward, the action must have already begun."

Hua Zhen spoke like this, even though the big account was all Meng Tian's former cronies, but Zi Ke was silent, watching Lu Chao's reaction with wide eyes.

Lu Chao was very angry, knowing that if he does not defeat Huazhen's arrogance today, I am afraid that he will have no place in this army, and he has been in the army for many years. Lu Chao is in the army. Those routines are extremely familiar. Hua Zhen chose such an opportunity to challenge himself to prove his wiseness, and his heart became a little more anxious. It seems that it is just a silver-like wax gun head. I really don’t know how Meng Tian could do it. I fell in love with such a person.

"It is said that General Huazhen is the proud pupil of General Meng Tian, ​​but is General Meng Tian teaching General Hua to fight like this? Give it a try? Haha, this is the first time someone Lu has heard of using this term in the army operation. Can Wan Dajun's wealth and life be tried? Hua Zhen, Zhou Changshou used to be one of Zhao Mu's second generals, Huo Ha, and later moved to the Wei State many times to help Wei State resist our Da Qin army, and fight for several years. I was inextricably beaten with Da Qin. He was a rare hero. The Han people brought Zhou Changshou back. What is the purpose? Isn't it to help him guard Handan?" Lu Chao looked at Hua Zhen and said indifferently. The disdain in the tone was already revealed.

"General Lu!" Hua Zhen was furious, stepping forward and roaring: "Your position is above me. I can only listen to you teaching me, but please don't humiliate General Meng Tian. General Meng Tian leads the way. When the soldiers are fighting, you are still breastfeeding!"

Seeing Hua Zhen's excited expression, Zhong Ping took a step forward calmly and stood beside Lu Chao.He is a senior general of the Black Ice Platform. In addition to his own affairs, another secret mission is To monitor these Meng Tian's trusted generals, he carries a piece of order on him. If Lu Chao can't suppress these arrogant soldiers, he can kill a hundred, but this is only a last resort. Zhong Ping also knows that if he really uses This order was started, and I am afraid that Lu Chao's mission in this army has also come to an end, and King Qin Wulie must also be very disappointed.

Within the big tent, all the generals changed colors dramatically. The Qin Army's military regulations were strict, and the system between the superiors and the superiors was extremely strict.In this kind of scene, these generals were basically unimaginable things, but Lu Chao was really younger, although it was also a military exploit. Hehe, he defeated Korea in Dyne all the way, but in recent years he has played against the Han army, but there is no victory. Huazhen has made a fuss. Although everyone is a little worried, they are not afraid of what will happen to Lu Chao. Everyone is thinking about it. It means to say that the new general is Jinliang, and the law does not blame the public, and Lu Chao, who is lonely and widowed, dare to treat Huazhen?

"General Meng Tian, ​​I naturally respect it very much!" Lu Chao said coldly: "But I am very disappointed with you. Handan Zhou Changshou has already issued an order to the king of Zhao to the whole country in the name of Zao Wou-ki. Can you Determine how many soldiers and horses will be concentrated in Handan in the various counties of the Zhao Kingdom? How long can our logistics support us in the battle? If we cannot take Handan in a very short period of time and get into a deadlock, what should we do? Have you thought about it?"

He stared at Hua Zhen, "When the army is fighting, we don't think about winning, but about losing first. So many unknown factors will have an impact on this battle. We will attack rashly. If we miss, the consequences will be disastrous."

He looked at Hua Zhen who still wanted to speak, and snorted: "What you said is only the most favorable situation for us. What if the most unfavorable form for us appears? It is true. As said, Zhao Jun’s morale is indeed low, but have you considered the Han army? Although I have not received a report from the army after the severance, I can tell you now that the Xu Yuan Group and Ye Zhen Group of Han must be We approached quickly."

I glanced at the general in the tent, "Once we fail to fight smoothly and the Han army catches us and traps us around Handan, we are the end of the destruction of the entire army. General Li Xin's defeat on the grassland will be better than ours. In terms of it, it can be said to be traumatic. General Li has a hundred thousand troops, and General Wang has 50,000 soldiers. Those are all my Daqin's talented teachers. They are gone. Now the only supporting Daqin is our army. Now, if we make a mistake, the Han army can directly attack my Daqin homeland. Have you considered the consequences?"

Except for Hua Zhen, all the generals bowed their heads.These people are experienced generals, so naturally they wouldn't be surprised by this possibility.

"Report!" A shout came from outside.

"Come in!" Lu Chao said solemnly.

An officer strode into the big tent, saluted Lu Chao, and said loudly: "Back to the general, the army sent an emergency military information after the break, the northern field army of the Han Dynasty Xu Yuan was under the command of Gongsun Yi, and Luo Lei led 20,000 cavalry. , Is quickly approaching our army, and it is less than a hundred miles away from my broken army. And the infantry under the Central Army of Ye Zhen who was originally in the Wei State also led 10,000 cavalry to chase our army."

Hearing what the officer said, there was a sound of inhalation in the tent.

"Report!" There was another report from the outside. Another officer strode in." General Bai Qi sent people to report. The forces of the two armies of the Han National Youth Guards Army were directed to me under the personal leadership of Shangguan Hong. The army is approaching."

Lu Chao waved his hand and caused the two officers to retreat. He stared at the generals in the tent, and looked at everyone with a somewhat shocked expression. He coldly said: "The Handan incident was planned by the Han country. Huan, now the Han army is hoping that we will fight Handan. If we really do what they hoped, the Great Qin country will be destroyed without a day, pass our army order, the whole army will pull out of the camp, and immediately accelerate the retreat, pass it to Bai Qi, go to justice, and immediately Zhigu retired and asked them to find Zhao Qi and join forces with each other to prevent the Han army from attacking."

"Yes!" All the generals in the tent clasped their fists in unison.

Lu Chao turned his head to look at Hua Zhen, and said coldly: "General Hua Zhen, you don't need to go back to the army, I will let your deputy take your place, you go to the logistics first, and raise food and grass for the army!" To be continued...)

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