I’m The King

Chapter 1069: :East becomes the west (sixty-two)

A large piece of felt was spread on the river embankment, and a table was placed on the felt. The two sat down cross-legged, and the roaring and rushing sound of the Yi Shui River came from their ears, but Li Ru quickly calculated in his heart. , He did not expect Gao Yuan to come to this negotiation in person, which caused many of his previous strategies to fall into the empty place. Of course, it is not without good for Gao Yuan to come here personally, that is, if certain things are finalized, The strength of future execution and the possibility of achieving it will be much more reliable.

   "Da Qin hopes to end this unexpected war! To reach peace with the Han Kingdom." Li Ru looked at the lofty distance, and said every word.

Gao Yuan gently knocked on the table, "Lee, this is not an unexpected war, but a war that Qin has planned for a long time against Han with a clear strategic goal. Let us suppose, if Without the stubborn resistance of our department in Shannan County, if there were no harassment of the Qin army by the thousands of Huns herders on the prairie, then my Dahan Dongye would be completely wiped out by you. County, Dayan County, and other places in my big man’s backyard are unsafe. If you lose these places, my big guy will immediately be in a difficult situation. What's more, in order to support Chu and you, you even sent out the three Korean counties to Chu. So, this is not an unexpected war, but the result of the war is beyond your expectations!"

Looking at Li Ru's somewhat cyanotic face, Gao Yuan said indifferently: "So in our negotiations today, although you and I are sitting at both ends of the table, in fact they are not equal, because the negotiation between the two of us is not ours. To end the war, you are here to beg me for peace!"

"Why is His Royal Highness Han King so aggressive?" Li Ru said softly: "In this war, we did lose a lot, but the big man was not unscathed. If you and I continue to fight, I am afraid that we will lose both. No benefit."

"Really?" Gao Yuan chuckled. "I really didn't see this. All I saw was that after the destruction of Li Xin and Wang Xiao, the elite army lost more than half of it. If my army attacked at this time, Qin State is afraid of overturning and turning his palms."

"His Royal Highness Han's words are insincere!" Li Ru gradually settled down. "If this is the case, His Royal Highness will still be in the mood to accompany an old man like me to gossiping here? Since both sides have the meaning of truce, then we Why not avoid these unnecessary threats and go directly to the subject?"

"Everyone, Li, you are wrong!" Gao Yuan smiled: "I want to come to Li, all of whom have been studying the national policy of my great man for all these years, and must have quite a lot of experience in the development of my great man, so you should know that my great man is adhering to it. The people are the most important, Sheji is second, and the emperor again. We Dahan do have the meaning of ending the war, but it is not that we think that the Qin is helpless in the military, but because my Dahan people are in this sudden attack by you. I have suffered heavy losses. If the war continues, then my people will suffer even more losses. This is not what we want to see. The most fundamental thing for my people to build a country is to make the people under the rule live better. So , We are willing to sit down and talk with you, but please remember one thing, Li, if we can’t satisfy us, our big people will also have the ability and psychological preparation to withstand greater sacrifices until you beat Qin. We can no longer gain a foothold on this continent, everyone Li should understand that we now have this ability."

   "I don't think you have this ability!" Li Ru shook his head and said: "Or His Royal Highness does not understand my Daqin mobilization ability, if I mobilize all of Daqin, it will not be a problem to mobilize another million troops."

"One million army and one million army are not the same thing." Gao Yuan chuckled: "If there are more people to win the war, then Gao has been fighting for more than ten years without knowing he will die. How many times. Li is not a leader of the army, nor has he entered the dynasty to really rule the political affairs. Do you know how many people are needed for logistical support if you really want to mobilize a million troops? How much consumption does it cost every day? ? At the moment before the autumn harvest, I really want to know, if Qin really mobilizes a million troops, what will they eat? If Qin really mobilizes a million troops, what will Qin do with this year's autumn harvest, so that the food will be rotten. In the land?"

Hearing what Gao Yuan said about this, Li Ru was a little dumbfounded.As Gao Yuan said, he did not really enter the court to do a specific task in the Qin State. What he did was the programmatic nature of those high-rise buildings. When it comes to these mundane things, he does not quite understand.

   "His Royal Highness Han probably doesn't understand the determination of a country that has been founded for hundreds of years and has a profound foundation!" Li Ru naturally couldn't just disarm it.

   Gao Yuan nodded, "This, I naturally understand. But I am afraid that Da Qin at the moment does not have the ability to break the boat, right? Is the health of your king okay? I don't know how long it can last, one month or two months?"

   Gao Yuan stared at Li Ru's eyes tightly, but the words went into Li Ru's heart like a knife.

Li Ru’s pupils contracted, and the news that King Qin Wulie’s condition deteriorated because of King Li Xin’s defeat and Wang Jian’s escape has always been Qin’s highest secret. People who know that King Qin Wulie has reached the final juncture, except for a limited number of henchmen. No one outside knows, where did Gao Yuan get the news?

"You, how do you know?" Li Ru blurted out, making Gao Yuan lean back slightly, and a smug smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. These little tricks really can't be quiet, if it is changed to Fan Sui to negotiate, I am afraid that the temptation of Gao Yuan will not get anything.

   "I was not sure, but now I am sure!" Gao Yuan smiled.

   "You lied to me!" Li Ru was furious, his face turned red and white, and white and red. It was also because of his excellent cultivation that he did not jump up and take a sip.

   "No fraud!" Gao Yuan spread both hands. "I have been guessing that King Qin Wulie must not be able to support it for too long. Everyone wants to know why we think so?"

   "Wish to hear the details!" Li Ru said in a grumpy manner.

"Li Xin, Wang Xiao is defeated, but the Qin Army still guards Shannan County, Lu Chao, and Meng Tian still have a dozen or tens of thousands of troops under the command. We are also fighting against Chu, and the Qin Army is not without it at this time. The power of World War I, if Qin dared to fight, as long as we defeated our Han army head-on in Wei State and Yuyang, it is not impossible to turn defeat into victory, but you have eagerly started to withdraw your troops." Gao Yuan said eloquently. Talk: "What is this for?"

   Li Ru made no sound.

"The biggest possibility is that something went wrong inside the Qin State. Even if this battle is possible, you will not be able to fight it. But what will happen inside the Qin State? The prince was given to death, and King Qin Wulie has been worried about Meng Tian. Transferred to the direction of Wei, the 200,000 army was divided into two, and the 100,000 army remaining on the border between Qin and Chu was handed over to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu has the ability, but there is no foundation in Qin, except for attachment. King Qin, apart from being a loyal dog, it is impossible to cause any trouble at all. But Meng Tian was transferred back to Xianyang at this critical moment, and the army was handed over to Lu Chao. These have fully explained the problem. Now, King Qin Wulie’s control of the Qin Kingdom’s court and the army has risen to an unprecedented height. Therefore, it is unlikely that Qin itself will be unstable. The only unstable factor is King Qin Wulie itself."

   Looking at Gao Yuan who was talking and talking, Li Ru was shocked.From these things that could not be linked together, Gao Yuan could actually guess that there was a problem with King Qin Wulie's body, and it was indeed a wicked evildoer.

"Moreover, to be honest, everyone, Li, you are very knowledgeable, but negotiation is not your strong point. If it is Fan Sui, it makes me feel more normal, but it is you Li, it shows that Fan Sui couldn't get away at all, but apart from Fan Sui, Qin really couldn't find anyone with weight to negotiate with me, and everyone Li became a last resort. All of this made me think. I came to a conclusion that King Qin Wulie’s fate is coming soon!” Gao Yuan looked at Li Ru: “So, everyone, Li, the State of Qin does have the ability to fight a battle of national fortune, but it is not something that the four prince Yingying who is about to succeed to the throne can complete. Now, your biggest task should be to ensure a smooth transition of the regime, right? This is the real reason why you are eager to end the war."

   Li Ru was silent, and for a while, he nodded, "You are right."

"If this is the case, everyone Li should understand that we are not equal in this negotiation. Therefore, if Qin cannot show real sincerity, then war will come unexpectedly. I believe you are on the way. , I also learned from Lu Chao about the situation that Qin is facing now. My Great Han Eastern Field Army, Northern Field Army, Central Field Army, and the Youth Guard Corps are ready for battle. In the court, we continue to fight Qin. Discussions on the battle have also been going on, and the Great Council will also discuss this in the near future. If everyone Li does not give me a good answer this time, I cannot persuade those Congressmen to stop fighting Qin in the Great Council. , It's very simple, I need to take advantage to make them shut up."

   "The Great Council?" Li Ru took a deep breath, "This is just an excuse for you, Dahan Kingdom, isn't it your decision?"

"Now I am naturally able to make a decision in the Great Han Kingdom, but the Great Council is something I made with my own hands. Naturally, I will not personally destroy the rules of the game. Therefore, I will definitely be determined by the Great Council. Support. If everyone Li is interested in this large council, we can discuss this matter in the future. For discussing academic issues with university askers like Li, I have always been very happy. Jicheng University, which brings together most of the academic genres in the world, will naturally welcome everyone Li to come and communicate." Gao Yuan laughed. R1152

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