I’m The King

Chapter 1092: :East becomes west (eighty-five)

For the people of this era, litigation is a matter of avoidance and fear. It is not a last resort and will never go to ring the big drum at the gate of the county government. Many cases are either private or by the clan in the village. The elder dealt with it, which made Gao Yuan very unacceptable.In addition to the many sequelae caused by such a treatment method, it would also make the power of the clan elders too prestigious, which is not conducive to the rule of Han.

Let the law penetrate into the hearts of the people, let the people of the Han country regard litigation as a civilized method of dealing with contradictions, and regard it as a part of daily life, which is what Gao Yuan wants to achieve.

The establishment of the Great Court is also a big step for Gao Yuan to realize its own division of power in the Han Dynasty. The Great Council has been launched vigorously. After two years of promotion, everyone in the Han Dynasty has now begun to recognize this new thing, and it has been Began to realize that I can also participate in the management of the entire Han Dynasty in another way. Every member of the Council needs to be elected by the people one vote by one vote. What can you do? If it doesn't match my intentions, I will not choose you next time.

As for those councillors, they are now beginning to understand that their status and power do not come from the Shangguan, not from the yamen at all levels of the Han Dynasty, but from all ordinary people, and the objects they serve will naturally change. , From pleasing Shangguan to pleasing the people, in Gao Yuan's view, this is the biggest step he has taken to change the world.

The establishment of the Great Court was the second step he took. Overall, so far, the implementation has been very smooth. In Jicheng, Tianhe, Langlang, Hejian, Liaoxi, etc., this time has not been affected by the war. Among the counties and states, the court system has begun to be established.They have broken away from the previous official system and formed their own system from top to bottom.

Legislative power is handed over to the Great Council, and justice is handed over to the Great Court. Political affairs belong to the political affairs hall. The three powers are separated, and each work is performed and mutual supervision.

The implementation of such a complex national system naturally cannot be accomplished overnight. I am afraid that the time required will be in a hundred years, but Gao Yuan will not stop because of the heavy responsibilities. Someone must start to do things, as long as they do it. When it reaches a certain level, the rolling wheels of history will not be shifted by human will but will move straight forward with inertia. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and you are the best person to promote this matter.

As the founding king of the Han Dynasty, he has the supreme authority and influence in the Han Dynasty.Although there are objections to the things he promotes, he will always be supported by the majority of people.Even if it is difficult, he will go on step by step. , If you are no longer there, I am afraid that your successor will not have this ability and courage.

Moreover, Gao Yuan also has his own selfishness.In his previous life experience, the entire Chinese nation has gone through five thousand years, and how many dynasties have gone through. When each dynasty is destroyed, it is accompanied by dripping blood and hatred, and countless lives have been ruthlessly Trampled in the dirt, the rise of a new generation of dynasty will inevitably step on the corpses of the previous generation. If you want to maintain a dynasty that will not fall for a thousand years, then reform must be carried out, and in the world before him, it was not No dynasty has been sitting on the throne after thousands of years. Although they have lost power with the progress of the times, they are just the highest symbol of a country, but is this not enough? What Gao Yuan hopes most is that after a thousand years, he His descendants still sit on the throne, even if it's just a symbol.

A one-person dictatorship is destined to not last long. Gao Yuan has a clear understanding of this. Absolute power brings absolute corruption. No wise monarch can change such a destiny, and such a destiny will ultimately There will only be one result: class contradictions are antagonistic, the social system collapses, and finally revolution is brought about, ending all this with blood and life, and then starting another cycle.

Gao Yuan hopes to end all this in his own hands.

There was a clear tapping sound of the hammer from outside, followed by Jing Shou's low voice: "The case of the Supervisory Council v. Zhao Yong, the former county guard, is now sentenced and all stand up!"

There was a loud sound of the bench, and in the huge hall, hundreds of people stood up in a hurry.

"Knock him, kick him!" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the box on the second floor. All the observers turned their heads and looked there. Yang Guopei slammed the railing with both hands and leaned forward. , Had it not been for two colleagues to catch him tightly behind him, I'm afraid he would jump down and bite Zhao Yong's flesh.

When Yang Guopei yelled like this, there was a sudden commotion in the otherwise silent hall below, and the yells of "Knock him" came and went one after another.

Jing Shou was furious, dancing the mallet in his hand, and banging repeatedly. He himself was a soldier, and he was very strong. This time, he slammed the mallet with his fist, and the very strong case was smashed: "Silent, Silence, whoever rants at the courtroom, the judge will drive him out."

In the eyes of everyone, Jing Shou is a person who has done what he said. With such a shout, the hall suddenly became quiet, and even Yang Guopei was dragged back, and he did not know if he covered his mouth. There was no sound.

"Zhao Yong is treason, the evidence is conclusive, and he confessed, according to the law of the Han Dynasty..." No one was interested in the certain clauses that Jing Shou read. The only thought to **** up his ears was the last one. ending.

"Hang Lijue!" When Jing Shou's mouth finally spit out these three words, some people on the three hundred auditorium looked loose, but some stumbled and sighed, some were indignant, Gao Yuan heard it again in the box on one side. He heard the sound of babble and babble, I knew that Yang Guopei must have another attack, but this time his companions were obviously precautions, holding him down did not let him go to the roaring court, otherwise the dignified man The current president of the Dynasty Jishicheng Military University was dragged out by the bailiffs sent by Jing Shou and left on the square, which was inevitably too decent.

"Hang Lijue! It's really cheap for this guy!" He Lanyan muttered on one side. "Compared to those of my big Han officials who sacrificed in Daijun, his fate is much better."

"We can't fight back barbarously because of others. Remember, we are a civilized country!" Gao Yuan said: "What kind of cut, Ling Chi, such torture shouldn't exist in the first place. In the future, we big men will gradually eliminate those inhumane ones. Torture, let’s do it step by step, you can’t make a fat man with one step left and right. It’s not something you can do in a short time if you want to change a lot of people’s concepts."

Below came Zhao Yong's hoarse crying and begging for life. The voice gradually faded away. It was obviously dragged down by the bailiff, and finally there was a clamor outside. All the observers began to withdraw, walking out and discussing. Looking at the trial procedures of today's great courts, it is obvious that today's trial procedures will inevitably become the standard procedures for trial cases in courts that will be rolled out in various places.

Public prosecutors, defenders, criminal suspects, a series of new vocabulary, new concepts are poured into these people's minds in a very short time, and they also need time to digest them, but these lawmakers themselves accept new things very quickly. Characters, otherwise they can't work hard in the big council.

Gao Yuan did not leave, Ye Jing'er, He Lanyan, and Ning Xin left in a hurry under the escorts. After a while, the political discussion headed by Jiang Jiaquan and various ministers filed in and entered Gao Yuan's box, which was not big. Those with lower positions can only stand outside the door.

"The King!" Jing Shou is today's protagonist. He takes the lead and bows to Gaoyuan.

"You did a great job!" Gao Yuan nodded. "Today's trial process is organized into a copy and sent to the local courts. Every judge must study carefully, and every trial case in each court below must also be sorted out. In a volume, report to the Great Court and compile it into a volume."

"Subordinates understand."

A lofty vision swept across the many ministers in the house: "The Great Court shall be independent when trying any case. No one or any department shall interfere and interfere with the normal conduct of the court’s trial work. If someone knowingly committed a crime, one of them is counted as one. Severe punishment and never lend."

"Yes!" everyone in the room bowed.

Gao Yuan stood up, stretched out his hand to open the curtain, and looked at the now empty hall: "You, including me, will learn to get used to one thing in the future, that is, there is a sword of law hanging on our heads. If you are a little careless in your head and violate the law, this sharp sword will fall. The law is ruthless. I hope every minister and worker here will keep this in mind."

"Subordinates remember."

"My big man's law has just begun to be established, and it is still very imperfect. Mr. Jiang, the Great Council must seize the time to do a good job of legislative work, and Jing Shou, your duty is not just to deal with the case, you also have to be in the trial process. In order to find loopholes in the law as much as possible, and then enable the council to make up for it."

"Yes, just outside, Chief He has already told me about Tan Jian. Although these people are a bit hateful, they are indeed talents in this regard, so the subordinates will organize a special department composed of these people to study. The law promulgated by the Great Council."

"Well, you can understand this. I'm very happy." Gao Yuan smiled and patted his shoulder. "Don't be afraid of many loopholes. In ten years, there will be a day when our laws will be perfected. Has Qin Lei come?"

Qin Lei, who was standing at the door, looked dejected, and walked in with his head scratching his head, "Go King!"

Gao Yuan looked at him for a long while, "You are loyal to the Lord. This is a good thing, but you must also understand that Zhao Yong did commit a big deal this time. If he just had to surrender the Qin, it would be nothing, but he We should never give the list of our officials in Daijun to the people of Qin, otherwise some of these people will always escape instead of the entire army being destroyed."

"Young Master, he really deserves to die, but after all, he is the only bloodline of Xiang Gong." Qin Lei knelt to the ground crying bitterly.

"At this time, Zhao Yong should have been taken to the execution ground, right?" Gao Yuan turned his head and asked Jing Shou.

"Yes it is!"

"Mr. Jiang, take it!"

Jiang Jiaquan took a step forward, took out a yellow file from his sleeve, and presented it to Gao Yuan with both hands.

"Take it!" Gao Yuan didn't even look at it, so he threw it to Qin Lei. "Hurry up, if you are late, you can't blame me."

Qin Lei opened the scroll with trembling hands, and the three large characters of the amnesty order came into his eyes. (To be continued...)

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