I’m The King

Chapter 1095: :East becomes west (eighty-eight)

September is indeed an eventful month for the Han Kingdom. First, the Supreme Court of the Han Kingdom and its subordinate courts were established. Jing Shou and others were as busy as dogs. Finally, everything was in place. The court was officially established and succeeded. The case of the former county guard Zhao Yong's sentence to the country was tried, and the next-level courts were also spreading out in Langya, Hejian, Tianhe, Liaoxi and other places, which is considered to be on the right track.

If the Dahan Kingdom has invented a new yamen and does not surprise people on the mainland, then the one that happened in Jicheng is not big or small* but it is even more eye-catching. After all, the Han Kingdom It is not uncommon to like to be unconventional. From Gaoyuan to the present, he has done too many things that shock the world, but this time the severe punishment on Cao Tianci, the dean of the Supervision Institute, is strong and impressive. Surprised.

Who is Cao Tianci? Let's not talk about the huge influence of the Cao family in the Han Dynasty. It is Cao Tianci himself. In the Han Dynasty, if Cao Tianci is the second person trusted by the great king, then there is no People dare to say that they are the first. But this time, the punishment for Cao Tianci is unprecedented. Cao Tianci was fined for three months behind closed doors. The Supervisory Court temporarily placed it in the custody of the third princess Ning Xin. If this is just a fur, then Separating the Military Law Department from the Supervisory Court would literally deprive Cao Tianci of a large part of his power.

The Military Law Division separated from the Supervisory Yuan and was established as a new military court, directly under the management of the Ministry of War, which means that the Supervisory Yuan lost its say in the military.This was a heavy blow to the Supervisory Yuan.

Everyone is speculating about the reason why the king of Han Gaoyuan made Lei Ting this time, but the person involved did not say a word, and those who knew the inside story closed their mouths. The reason for this was that nothing was known to the outside, except for some insignificant things. In addition to guessing, there is a gap of thousands of miles from the facts.

But with the development of time, everyone finally saw some clues.After the heavy punishment of Cao Tianci, the other two rewards made everyone understand.

Wu Kai and Cao Tiancheng are both sealed.

Waiting in the Great Han Kingdom is an honorary title, and it has no practical benefits. Other countries will have a corresponding fief to grant the entrusted master. But in Dahan, this is not available. The appointment is just right. A kind of affirmation of your past achievements, and no corresponding fief is given to you, the person who is named as the master, except for the face and honor, and the lofty status, it is just an extra salary from the household department. This is the same as the master of Qin Chu. Very different, these two countries, the sealers, but then a large piece of land was used as food and rewards.

But considering the Dahan Kingdom's policy of strictly prohibiting land annexation, this is understandable.

Based on the above situation, the officials who were quite sensitive to politics finally realized that the king was consciously suppressing the Fufeng department, because the two who were sealed this time were all from Fufeng County.

The meaning of removing part of the real power, but rewarding two imaginary titles, couldn't be clearer.

According to convention, the two people who are named as Master Hou should rush to Jicheng, and give a gift of gratitude to the Han King. Although Master Hou is a virtual title in Han, the number is scarce, but it is something you can meet but you can't ask for it. One of the treatments.

The first one to rush back was Cao Tiancheng. Since negotiating with Qin, as the head of the commerce and trade of the Great Han Kingdom, Cao Tiancheng went to Qin to negotiate business matters with the other party. The focus was on Yong, who was controlled by the Qin court. In the negotiation of the Qin Chamber of Commerce, the Yongqin Chamber of Commerce is a hurdle that cannot be circumvented by the commerce of the world. To enter the Qin country, Dahan's products must first reach a consensus with the Yongqin Chamber of Commerce. It is digging a corner. The Yongqin Chamber of Commerce is not a monolithic piece, and Gaoyuan believes in that as long as it is a businessman, it will chase profits. Then, under the lure of the huge profits of Sihai Trade, I am not afraid that some of the high-powered people in the Yongqin Chamber of Commerce will not agree with you With his own cooperation, and above the actual situation, Cao Tiancheng's actions in Qin this time have also been very rewarding, laying a solid foundation for the influx of Han goods into Qin.

This is the first step taken by Gao Yuan to destroy the economy of the Qin State. Compared with the small workshop-style household production in Qin State, Dahan has now begun mass production of factory-planned clusters, and a large amount of idle funds have entered the commercial system, causing After a series of technological innovations and the establishment of large factories, the cost of various commodities has been further reduced, and the competition among factory owners in their home countries has become more cruel. This makes them urgently need a new market to sell their products. Then, Qin Guo The first choice.

First, the state of Qin has now signed a peace agreement with the state of Han, and the two sides have stopped the war.Secondly, compared to the state of Han, although the territory of the state of Qin is not as good as the current state of Han, the population is far superior. If there are people, there is consumption. , And the same product, the price of Qin's own country is about twice as expensive as that of Han's.The factory owners of Dahan believe that as long as they can successfully enter the Qin market, they can easily make a lot of profits.

The second choice is naturally Chu, but now Chu and Han are still at war, and the products are sold to Chu, more often through smuggling, which is extremely risky.If one is not good, it will be lost. And Chu State's larger market than Qin State makes the factory owners of the big Han coveted.

What excites Gao Yuan is that the people of Qin, whether it is their new king Yingying, their first loser Fan Sui, or think tank Li Ru and others, have not realized that opening the market will affect the economic belt of Qin. The devastating blow that came, in their opinion, was just a trail. When they realized it, I was afraid it was too late.

When Jicheng's punishment of Cao Tianci was announced, Cao Tiancheng had arrived from Qin State and returned to Yuyang. After learning the news, he was shocked. He kept on running for more than ten days, eating and drinking Lazarus in the carriage. It was resolved above, and finally returned to Jicheng at the fastest speed.

"This group of **** who don't have enough hearts to swallow the elephant, they actually use the gift of heaven as the rafters." Sitting in the Lingxiao Pavilion, Cao Tiancheng became angry after hearing Gao Yuan's account of this incident. "I didn't end with them. Back then, we When I was Fufeng, I had a meal without a meal, and even my **** was exposed, saying that it is light to be unclothed, and now I have five people and six people, and they are still making troubles like this. The king, After I go home, see if I am not afraid of a god-given leg breaking."

"This matter is over!" Gao Yuan smiled and shook his head. "Tianci won't stay at home. I have another business for him to do. As for the people who helped the wind, we hope to learn from this matter, don't Rebirth has something wrong, they should understand that my friendship with them has not changed from beginning to end. It is good for people to have a desire to go upwards. This is not a problem, but the problem is that they must have something that matches it. Ability, for example, Zheng Xiaoyang, seeing Meng Chong, Xu Yuan and others have become commanders alone, and as an old Fufeng man, he has always been an army commander, and some grievances in his heart are understandable. But let him be alone in the army, can I rest assured? Inadequate ability but sitting in a high position, that will not only harm others, but also self."

"The king is right, I'm the Cao family, which is highly regarded by the king, no matter what other people are, my Cao family only looks at the king on the horse." Cao Tiancheng said loudly: "What do the king let us do, What we do."

"I know this." Gao Yuan smiled and said: "This time you are appointed as Master Waiter, but also to reward you for your contribution to the Han Dynasty over the years. From the earliest time you served as our logistics coordinator, you are now a world leader. The great treasurer of commerce, the busiest among our Han Dynasty, will count you."

"Tiancheng doesn't have any other abilities, except that he has some talent in business." Cao Tiancheng smiled and said: "The busier I am, the happier I am. If I really have nothing to do, I will really suffocate."

"Tiancheng, you should have passed fifty this year?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's past fifty, fifty to five. I was poor back then, and when I married a daughter-in-law, I was in my early thirties, and now my gift is over twenty." Cao Tiancheng nodded.

"I'm not too young anymore. If I ran around outside, outsiders told me that I was not sympathetic to you, so I thought about it and prepared to reorganize Sihai Trade and Commerce. From now on, you will be in Jicheng, and you only need to take charge of the general manager. The plate is good." Gao Yuan smiled: "Don't think too much about it. It's not that I am worried that you will cut your rights, but that with the development of the form, it is indeed time for Sihai Business to be reorganized."

"Tiancheng has no other ideas!" Cao Tiancheng shook his head and said: "Wang Shang is extremely concerned that the plates of Sihai Trade are too large and the scale is huge, and sometimes even I feel a little frightened, any link in it. If something goes wrong, it will affect the entire Dahan Kingdom, but a talented person who has little learning and can't think of a good way."

"I am going to set up a new department called the Ministry of Commerce. I want you to be the minister to manage the country's industry and commerce. And Sihai Commerce will also set up an industry association for each industry according to the differences in commerce and industry. The association chooses a chairman of the board, and in the future, all the operations of each industry and industry will be handed over to them. The Ministry of Commerce only needs to control the main plate and formulate a series of policies. The Four Seas Business is created by you. It is most appropriate for you to take charge of the Ministry of Commerce."

"Establishing the Ministry of Commerce?" Cao Tiancheng pondered, "Before we were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households, then?"

"I will reorganize the Ministry of Households into the Ministry of Finance, and you will no longer be under their jurisdiction. Of course, the tax from industry and commerce will naturally be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Finance will no longer manage the business operations of the Ministry of Commerce." Gao Yuandao. "Give you greater rights and create more wealth for the Great Han Kingdom."

"Tiancheng will do everything possible to do this well." Cao Tiancheng nodded vigorously.

"By the way, when you come back this time, you will not only have to worry about the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce, but also help Wang Wudi to do another thing." Gao Yuan said: "This matter is not trivial. If it fails, it will really make us big guys face. The disaster of extinction."

Cao Tiancheng was taken aback, "I don't know what's the matter?"

"Wang Wudi is planning to establish the Central Bank of the Kingdom of Han Dynasty. In the future, the central bank will issue a unified paper currency. By the way, it is the bank note. But now, there are many different kinds of bank notes in China, and there are more than a dozen kinds of bank notes. Prepare to unify the style of silver bills. In the future, only currencies issued by the Central Bank of the Great Han Kingdom will have the right to circulate. Other silver bills will be gradually cancelled. I wanted to do this before because we did not have enough gold and silver reserves. It is on the agenda, but with the success of Kou Shuguang’s voyage, we finally have enough gold and silver in our treasury, and this thing can finally be done. Our Dahan Kingdom’s credit is no problem, with the country’s credit For the background, unify the currency, step by step abolish the function of copper money and gold and silver as currency in the market. This is a huge event. Wang Wudi has now organized a class of up to 100 people in preparation for this event, you Add some noodles in it, and with your years of experience in Sihai Trade, you can effectively help them avoid many detours."

"The minister understands!" Cao Tiancheng nodded, "This is indeed a great thing. The minister will call in some right-hand men who have experience or experience in this field to come back and help with this matter. Your lord, do you remember? Mei Yipo?"

"Remember, Meihua's Laozi, a good businessman." Gao Yuan smiled.

"This person has told me some ideas in this area before, and they are also about the circulation of money. This person can reuse it."

"Oh, Mei Yipo still has this idea, yes, you will let him go to Beijing, I will talk with him!" Gao Yuan is very interested. (To be continued)

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