I’m The King

Chapter 1104: : East becomes West (97)

In the south of October, it is already a cool breeze, and autumn is fascinating, a lone lamp, a few dishes, reflecting two faces that have experienced vicissitudes, and a pot of old wine, but it is not full of bitterness in the heart.

"Tan Feng, how did we get to where we are now?" Zhou Yu raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and then drew the glass down on the table with a bang. "What about our original grand vision? Where is our big swallow? , Where is everything?" He stared with red eyes, "You killed even the king."

Tan Feng slowly picked up the wine glass and slowly swallowed it bit by bit, carefully savoring the acridity of the hot wine flowing down the throat. "Brother Zhou, you are so far away. Did you come to me just to question me about this matter?"

Zhou Yu covered his face with both hands and leaned on the table, "I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled."

"What's not reconciled?" Tan Feng raised the jug and filled the glass for Zhou Yu." The spirits produced in Qindi are more than one grade worse than Wu's liquor. I can't swallow, but I get used to it by drinking."

"What do you want to say?" Zhou Yu raised his head.

"Brother Zhou, do you think it is possible to realize our original ambition to re-yank?" Tan Feng asked.

Zhou Yu shook his head lightly, "It's impossible, it's impossible, it's a high and far-reaching situation, we don't even have any hope at all."

"Yes, since there is no hope at all, what do we need Ji Ma to do? If we can exchange him for the trust of King Qin in us, then why can't we kill him?"

"Is it just in exchange for King Qin's trust, in order to have the current power in Qin?" Zhou Yu asked hoarsely: "But don't you know that your killing will nail us alive in history." On the pillar of shame."

"Of course it's not just for this. What I want most is to defeat Gao Yuan and send the Han kingdom he built to the eighteenth hell." Tan Feng's face slowly flushed, "Ji Ling is no longer there. After using it, the only thing he can do for us is to use his life to help us get our current position. If he does not die, will King Qin Wulie let us sit in our current seat before he dies?"

Zhou Yu stared at Tan Feng, "Are you jealous of him?"

This him, of course, is lofty.

Tan Feng smiled, "Yes, it's jealous. When I first met Gao Yuan, he was still a hillbilly who didn't know anything. But at that time, I really admired him, so I became friends with him, so I became friends with him. During the Battle of Yang, I spared no effort to help him. When Taiwei Zhou wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone to get rid of him, I pulled him back from the edge of the cliff."

"But after the Jicheng fire broke out, you didn't help him."

A trace of pain flashed in Tan Feng's eyes, "At that time, I didn't want to help him, but was trapped by Ning Zecheng in Ningfu."

"If you want to leave, you may not be able to leave." Zhou Yu snorted coldly. "After all, you still haven't regarded him as a brother who can meet life and death from the bottom of your heart. You have been taking a condescending attitude. Looking down at him, when he showed super ability in the battle of Yuyang, when he was named General Zhengdong, when his position jumped on you, you started to be jealous of him, at that time You, subconsciously, or think it's better for him to die!"

"Perhaps you are right? I always think that I am better than him. If he can do it, I will do better than him." Tan Feng was silent for a long while and nodded: "Or I didn't. Aware, but subconsciously, maybe I have always wanted to compare him."

"But over the years, it's you who have lost."

"And you!" Tan Feng said coldly: "Gao Yuan has reached a height that we can't reach step by step. I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve his current position in our life. Then if we want to prove ourselves, there is no better way to prove yourself than to hand him. The established dynasty will be destroyed more quickly, right? Destruction is always easier than construction."

Zhou Yu glared at Tan Feng, "You and that Lu Chao are really the same, Lu Chao shouted Gao Yuan's sorry to his father, sorry to his mother, sorry to the Lu family. In fact, it's not because Gao Yuan was his since he was a child. The little follower has always been someone he despised, and now Gao Yuan is much stronger than you, so your biggest wish is to defeat him and use his failure to demonstrate your success?"

"You've got the point." Tan Feng actually laughed. "But it's not just me and Lu Chao, Brother Zhou, you are with us. We are grasshoppers on the same line, and the world has already separated the two of us. Firmly tied together."

"A stumble is a lifelong hatred, and it's been a hundred years to look back!" Zhou Yu sighed, "Now we have nowhere to go. Except for helping Qin Guo and Gao Yuan compete with each other on this continent, there is no such thing as life or death. There are two choices. History is written by the victor. Only if we defeat him can we record our glorious name in the annals of history. Otherwise, for generations to come, the shame will accompany us, not only to shame ourselves, but also to humiliate our ancestors. Ancestor."

"Brother Zhou is right. As long as we win, history will be written by us." Tan Feng clapped his hands and laughed. "You made a special trip this time, not just to scold me, right?"

Zhou Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Of course not. As you said, we are grasshoppers on the same line. Although I am dissatisfied that you killed Ji Ma, what can I do? The peace agreement made!"

"The **** peace agreement, but now Da Qin can't move it. It needs to rest and regenerate. The new king must also integrate domestic power. And Gao Yuan swallowed so much territory in one breath. There are only more domestic problems than Da Qin. It will not be less. Both parties need time to integrate and digest. Whoever completes this step first will tear up this agreement first."

"I'm not talking about this, but the content of the agreement. You know more about the lofty and far-reaching things than I do. This person will never do anything without purpose. For example, he asks us to attack the State of Chu. Doesn't he understand that we are inexorable now? Isn't it possible to fight against Chu State? Could it be believed by Li Ru's light promise?"

"Neither party should send troops to Zhao Kingdom? This is even more of a joke. Now the half of Zhao Kingdom controlled by Zhao Qi has become an important area for our Da Qin to resist the invasion of the Han Kingdom. With Zhao Qi's current strength, how can we resist such a wolf? For the tiger-like Han army, Lu Chao will inevitably send someone in. What's great is to put on Zhao Jun's livery. On the other side of the Zhao country, the Han will inevitably do the same. "Tan Feng disapproves it." Gao Yuan's purpose is certain. Not this, but from this paper agreement, I really haven't found any big flaws?"

"Could it be that free trade? No taxes will be levied on Han merchants within three years?" Zhou Yu frowned.

"Thinking about it, that's this one, but this one is great because it caused Daqin to lose some tax, and if the Han businessmen in the agreement violated the laws of the Qin state, the Qin people must have Han officials present when they are on trial. These are irrelevant. The overall picture. So I can’t guess, I can’t see through, and I can only take one step and look one step at a time. After a long time, it will naturally become clear what medicine is sold in the other party’s gourd.” Tan Feng said.

"I'm afraid that everything will be too late when we understand it." Zhou Yu sighed: "Gao Yuan, this person, decides and then moves, thinking about the long-term, very much within the reach of everyone."

"Brother Zhou, I think you have a phobia for this person, or there is nothing. Both sides need a step to end this war. Although Daqin was defeated in this battle, Han did not do a good job before. The loss in preparation for a battle with us is also great." Tan Feng smiled, "Maybe we are unreasonably worried."

"I hope so!" Zhou Yu nodded.

The closed door was pushed open with a creak, Tan Feng's pro followed Tan Kang strode in, walked to Tan Feng's side, whispered a few words in his ear, Tan Feng frowned, "Brother Zhou, Xianyang is here After the messenger, I'll see you first."

Zhou Yu was also surprised, "Go ahead, I'm not good to show up. Don't let the messenger know that I'm here for you."

"This is natural." Tan Feng nodded, turned around and strode away, Tan Kang followed closely, and when he went out, he gently closed the door.

After about half an hour, Tan Feng pushed the door back in. Zhou Yu saw Tan Feng's expression in shock and anger, clenching his fists, obviously something serious happened.

"What's the matter? What did the messenger say?" Zhou Yu asked.

"The army of Han's attack on Kangping City of Chu has a result!"

"Who wins and who loses?" Zhou Yu asked nervously.

"The Han army won a great victory, and the Chu army collapsed thousands of miles, and retreated to the vicinity of Daba Mountain before regaining its position." Tan Feng sighed softly.

Zhou Yu slowly shook his head, "I didn't expect the Chu Army to defeat the Han Army."

"The important thing is not the defeat of the Chu army, but the way the Han army defeated the Chu army." Tan Feng sat opposite Zhou Yu," Qu Zhong centered on Kangping City and set up a chain defense that we had previously studied. It is true that there are no flaws, but the Han army used the latest weapons and collapsed the city wall of Kangping City that is more than 100 meters long. According to intelligence, the sound of the day was like a huge thunder, and the sky was covered by smoke. Kangping City was not only bombed. It collapsed, and as many as thousands of soldiers were killed almost at the same time, and the city was panicked because of the weapon of the Han army at that time, and the Han army took the opportunity to attack the city."

Zhou Yu stood up with a thud, "What is it that can collapse a city like Kangping City that is hundreds of meters long?"

"The Black Ice Terrace is currently under spying, but it is disturbing Zhongli Zhonghou's guess that this weapon has a great relationship with the fireworks and firecrackers that have suddenly prevailed in Han country this year." Tan Feng said: "Wang Shangji Call me back to Xianyang. I have to leave with the messenger right away, and you should go back as soon as possible!"

"It seems that the king wants to use your knowledge of Gaoyuan and those people you lurked in Han to investigate this matter!"

"Mostly, Black Ice Terrace is currently struggling in Han, and the part of the manpower I hid can be used this time." (To be continued)

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