I’m The King

Chapter 1106: :East becomes West (Ninety-nine)

"Sometimes, economic power is more effective than war!" In casual clothes, he walked slowly on the street with Gao Zhiyuan and looked at Ye Jing'er beside him with a smile. "My favorite thing, just Use money to kill opponents, but from Fufeng to now, I seem to have been the most inquisitive one, but now it seems that I already have this capital."

Listening to Gao Yuan's words, Ye Jing'er smiled faintly." This has to be said twice. For example, a rich man whose money is too much to count, but against unreasonable robbers and bandits, no matter how much money you have, you can smash it. Do you have to win the knife?"

Reached out and touched the moustache that he had just grown on his lips, Gao Yuan chuckled lightly, "This is also true. We must have strength if we are rich, but our army is already strong enough, as long as we are rich enough, or In the future, wars against Qin and Chu will not be the same as they are today. Every battle is full of flesh and blood. Well, human life is the most precious, and every soldier who dies makes me extremely distressed!"

"Aren't you heartbroken by the expensive pensions?" Ye Jinger giggled. With the booming economy of the big man, the pensions for the army killed and wounded in the battle have risen. This is for the finances of the big man. , Is a big burden.

"I heard Xin'er say a few days ago that recruiting soldiers is much more difficult than in previous years. Everyone has money and life is much better. You can live a good life without being a soldier, and there are more ways to earn money. During the time He Lanxiong's east field expansion army did not recruit many people in the local area, most of them were from the Qidi people who had just returned. He Lanxiong was very dissatisfied. You must know that the quality of the local army is better than that of Daijun." Ye Jing'er's face showed a trace of worry, "The richer you are, the more powerful you need to protect it. This is not the way to go. Qi Di, Han Di, Wei Di and these places follow our Dahan policy. Promote, and sooner or later, I will get rich. When that happens, what should I do? Xiner said that the Zhengshitang is already brewing a compulsory military service system?"

"Zhengshitang has this idea, but it is still in development. It is not bad for people from Qidi to apply for soldiers. The people there are all high-ranking individuals, and they train well and are no worse than the locals." Gao Yuan laughed Said: "The compulsory military service system, let them brew it first, maybe it is not necessary at all, or there are other ways to solve this problem."

"any solution?"

"I'm going to create a new yamen to solve propaganda, public opinion, public opinion, public opinion, these things are invisible and intangible, but it is really important. We used to do these things, but It’s all from the east and the hammer to the west, without a clue, a special department is put in charge of this matter, so that it is organized and progressing step by step."

"A new government office is going to be set up again?" Ye Jing'er said in surprise: "How many new government offices have you built, will this cause people to become overwhelmed?"

"This is necessary." Gao Yuan laughed: "Furthermore, now we are not short of money."

"Who said there is no shortage of money? Didn't Wang Wudi still come to you two days ago and call you poor? The road from the three counties of Liaodong to Yuyang that Guo Quan presided over is a black hole that swallows money, and now Jicheng is going out again. Expand it, don't you want a huge amount of silver?" Ye Jinger whispered.

"Wang Wudi is accustomed to calling the poor!" Gao Yuan laughed: "Even if the treasury is piled up with golden mountains and silver seas, he sees that I don't call the poor a few times, and he is a little uncomfortable. He is a person who always treats things Thinking of the worst, I can't wait to have endless money in my hand. How can this be possible for a country?"

"I don't know much about these things anyway, but I do know that I have money in my hands and don't panic in my heart. Although there is a lot of money now, it also spends money like water. Once we have a war with Qin Chu, can we cope with it? ?" Ye Jinger said.

"Why? You are short of money? We should not be short of money. By the way, did Wang Wudi, the old boy, have not deducted the expenses from the palace again? Now there are three great kings on this land. , I am afraid that I, the king, is the most stubborn. The old boy dare to deduct the money that should be given to me. "Gao Yuan touched his nose, "It seems that I should collect debts from him."

Ye Jing'er looked at the bitterly lofty face, and laughed out, "When are we short of money? Our shares in Wu's Wine Industry receive as much as one hundred thousand taels of silver every year. Some time ago, you were not What kind of beer did you give to Wu's wine business? The recipe for wine? Mrs. Wu came to the palace to see me a few days ago and said that the family had gathered dozens of experienced teachers to study this matter. Now, when the time comes to promote the listing, the one-year bonus will be doubled!"

Gao Yuan looked up, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, "I really miss the days of drinking beer and eating fried chicken!"

"Well, big brother, what are you talking about?" Ye Jing'er asked in surprise.

"Oh, I mean, it's mine, I must get it. This is also the spirit of the law of my big man! Why does his Wang Wudi detain what I deserve. He himself is holding the Zhengshitang to the palace flower The sales have dropped by 10% abruptly. The reason is that I have an industry outside, right? Now he even has to deduct this share, which is not good."

"It's OK, you want it if you want it, but I think that Wang Wudi's words are also reasonable, the entire Great Han country is yours, what is the difference between putting money in the treasury and putting it in the palace!"

"The difference is big!" Gao Yuan smiled faintly. "It is said that the country and the country, if we really regard the country as our own home, sooner or later there will be problems, the family is our family, you, Yanzi, Xin'er, Zhiyuan, Mingzhi , Ning'er's home, but the country is the country of the entire Dahan nation. I don't want to make Dahan a family in the world!"

Ye Jing'er looked at Gao Yuan in amazement, but didn't say anything. Gao Yuan's sometimes thoughts made her wonder, especially now, the road that Gao Yuan walked on governing the country seems to be getting better and better in her reflection. Yuan, even Xin'er can't understand, but it seems that the big man is getting stronger and stronger.

Perhaps what Gao Yuan did is correct, because of his difference, Dahan has become strong today.

"Father, there is a fight over there!" Gao Zhiyuan who was holding him suddenly jumped up excitedly, "Oh, how about dozens of people? Good kung fu!"

Gao Zhiyuan is in the palace, and his favorite is He Lanyan, because what the second mother likes to do most is to pull the prince riding horses, archery, and fights, but his mother always forces him to read, compare the two Under the circumstances, the second mother is naturally more lovable.Under the influence of this second mother, he is extremely enthusiastic about fighting and fighting.

"Fighting?" Gao Yuan raised his head in surprise and looked forward. The public security in Jicheng is very good, and such gang fights rarely happen.

"Go, take a look!" Taking Gao Zhiyuan, Gao Yuan strode forward, Ye Jing'er wanted to stop it, but when he saw the excitement of Gao Yuan and his son, He Weiyuan was already calm when he looked at the front and back of him. The ground scattered the guards into a circle, and protected his group of people in the middle, but did not say anything.

Or Jicheng has not had such a scene for too long. It was already bustling, and the endless streets were suddenly crowded. Before taking a few steps in the distance, he and the guards had been crowded together by the flow of people. A group of palace guards. Armed in a circle, it only left a little space for Gao Yuan and several people.As soon as Gao Yuan didn't look good, he quickly hugged Gao Zhiyuan and pulled Ye Jing'er to his side with the other hand.

"Looking at the lively mentality, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries, nothing can be done!" Gao Yuan sighed in his heart.

A sharp whistle suddenly sounded at the end of the street, and a group of trappers from the Jicheng City Guardian's Mansion appeared.One of the trappers who led the team screamed and separated the crowded crowd and ran toward the scene of the fight.

Regarding officials, the people of Jicheng are still in awe.Although they squeezed their chests against their backs, they still tried their best to give way to these head-catchers.

"Jiang Dalang, it's you again. This is the second time in three days. Do you want to go to prison?" The head catcher saw the fighting party and suddenly became angry." Come, take away, Bring me back to the Yamen."

The excitement was not regarded as the excitement. The passers-by were disappointed to disperse, and Gao Zhiyuan couldn't help feeling happy. "Daddy, I'm hungry, I want to eat barbecue." Gao Zhiyuan pointed his little hand, and there was a barbecue by the Huns on the side In the shop, Gao Zhiyuan often follows Helan Yanyan, but he also has a special passion for this grassland barbecue.

"Okay, eat barbecue!" Gao Yuan nodded. Now with Kou Shuguang's overseas voyage in the barbecue restaurant in Jicheng, a series of spices such as chili, cumin and other spices have entered Han, and the flavors are more diverse than before. However, the Huns have a unique advantage in this regard.The barbecue restaurant they open is always the best business in Jicheng.

Sitting in the shop, the business is really not so good, Gao Yuan finally found a corner table, and He Weiyuan and other guards can only stay outside the door and pretend to be idlers.

"Boss, bring one of your favorite dishes!" Gao Yuan yelled to Xiao Er in Paidang in a proficient Xiongnu language. The Xiao Er looked like a Xiongnu.

"Oh, the guest officer came from outside Guan?" Xiao Eryi was obviously more enthusiastic when he heard the Xiongnu language.

"Well, spent many years outside the pass!" Gao Yuan smiled. "I just came back!"

"That guest officer is really lucky. Our restaurant is the most authentic prairie barbecue restaurant in Jicheng." Xiaoer came over to wipe the table graciously. "Does the guest officer know why our business is so good? We are in this shop. The formula for ‘’s came out of the palace. It is our king’s usual recipe for barbecue. You come from outside the Guan, and you should be familiar with our king’s deeds, right?”

"You lie!" Gao Zhiyuan said crisply on one side. His Hun language is also really good. Of course, this is also the credit of He Lanyan.

"Oh, the little guest officer will also say what we are!" The smile on Xiao Er's face is even worse, "How can I lie, our Princess Helan is the princess, and the recipe for these barbecues is Princess Helan from the palace. I brought it out to teach our owner, so our shop is the most expensive in Jicheng, but the business is also the best. Who doesn't want to eat the recipe prepared by the king? Otherwise, can we afford to rent a shop here? "

Gao Yuan chuckled, "Is it right? If you go get it, I will eat it first."

"That's that. The guest officer waits a moment. There are too many people and they can't be too busy. The guest officer first drinks this cool herbal tea, which is specially made by our shop."

"Isn't it also from the palace?" Gao Yuan jokingly said.

"That's not it." Xiao Er smiled awkwardly, and turned around to greet other guests.

"Don't think this shop really has something to do with Yanzi?" Ye Jinger looked at Gao Yuan suspiciously.

"You look at Yanzi's carefree temperament, is it for business? It's nothing more than a big banner. The owner of this shop is really a talent."

Ye Jinger chuckled softly: "When you go back, tell Yanzi to go, so she will come and take a look."

Gao Yuan smiled and was about to answer, but his attention was attracted by the conversation of a few others.

"Then Jiang Dalang is really poor. I heard that he invested thousands of taels of silver and finally developed a formula for making soap, and only produced samples. The master was poached by the Ke family at a high price. Money is empty."

"How do you know it's soap?"

"Well, this lawsuit was brought to Jicheng Junior Court, but Jiang Dalang's lawsuit was lost. I heard that it was the king who encouraged free competition in business. Then the judge sentenced Jiang to lose. Do you say that Jiang Dalang is convinced? It won't take three days. Both ends went to the Kejia shop to make trouble. I think Jiang Dalang might really go to prison for a few more days."

"Poor and pitiful, but this incident also reminds us that the masters at home can have a good life and don't dig outside the corner, otherwise they will finally get a new thing, and it will be gone in a blink of an eye."

"That's right, my house is dyed. The master who specializes in color and ingredients is better to him than to his parents. Think about it, if he is poached away, my secret recipes will be in a blink of an eye. Nope. Don't you say I am not afraid?"

Listening to the conversation between the two next door, Gao Yuan's brows gradually frowned.

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