I’m The King

Chapter 1133: : Carry on the past and open the future (twenty-three)

Qiu He looked at the topographic map of Luliu Villa brought back by the scouts of the first battalion, and his brows became a deep "Chuan" character. This landlord’s old treasure’s Zhuangzi is really not easy to fight, if the opponent is really enough as he estimated. The words of the troops.

Luliu Villa is surrounded by water on three sides. After several generations of efforts, the Liu family dug out a large ring-shaped lake around Zhuangzi and surrounded Luliu Villa. This large lake also relieved the surrounding environment to a certain extent. Difficulty in water use can be regarded as another version of farmland water conservancy construction, but at this time, it is a very difficult problem for the Han army.

If you want to break through the Green Willow Villa, there is basically no other way except to fight head-on from the front. Qiu He didn't even need to think about it, the other side must have deployed strong firepower and most of the troops in the direction of the gate.

"Pig>Pig" Island" novel ww.m "How high is the wall?" Qiu He asked.

"It's very high, at least two feet high, and there are figures dangling on it. It is no longer a fence, but a city wall." The scout affirmed: "Every tens of meters, there is a blockhouse with beds arranged on it. Crossbows, especially the gates, are very densely packed with bed crossbows."

Qiu He snorted, thinking that now they must also add the magic crossbows they had captured from the first battalion. Thinking of the power of the magic crossbow, Qiu He has a headache. When he hits the enemy, the power of this thing makes him special. I like it, but when it's my turn to deal with this thing, I don't know what to do. Now he feels a bit of the pain of the enemies of the old man.

"We must pay a lot of casualties for a hard hit. This obviously does not meet the requirements of the regiment leader, so we have to think of other ways." Qiu He said to his own company commanders.

"Battalion commander, there is no other way besides hard attack. We can't conjure a few naval ships on this big weir." A company commander Yu Dafu said, touching his iron-scraped chin.

"We can't become a navy master, but it's not impossible. This is just a weir. How deep can it be dug out?" Qiu He looked at his men, "Today we tried to find from the front door. Now, Yu Dafu, you are in charge of the main attack. Pay attention, this is not for you to try hard. We need to understand the enemy's firepower configuration and find out this. You will return to me."

"What if I knock it down all at once?" Yu Dafu asked with a smile.

Qiu He's expression turned cold, "Dafu, don't underestimate the heroes of the world. If you think so, be careful of your footsteps in the first camp. Fu Jiang's team fought a battle in Tucheng, and they will almost be crippled. But you didn't even touch the edge of the enemy's position in Tucheng. You wonder how much better you are than Fu Jiang?"

Yu Dafu shrugged. Not to mention that Fu Jiang's commanding ability would be much better than his own, but he couldn't compare to him in terms of personal bravery.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake." Qiu He stared at the few men present. "The failure of the first battalion sounded the alarm for us. This battle is not as easy to fight as we estimated in advance, even if it is the green willow before us The villa is capable of swallowing the baggage in one bite, which is also quite powerful."

"Jiang Bing. I know that your water level is not bad, and there are many such people in your second company. Choose a group. Go and explore the bottom of this big weir to see if you can find some breakthroughs from under the water."

"Understood, battalion commander, if it doesn't work in a row, it's up to me." Lian Changjiang Bing said with a smile, "We can always find dozens of people with good water quality."

"Let’s do this first. As the reserve team, the third company will pass on the order, and the whole camp will open to advance towards Luliu Villa. No matter what, we have to speed up the time and strive to take down Luliu Villa in the shortest time. The head of the team personally We have gone to Tucheng. If we are late, we will not be able to catch up with the battle in Tucheng."

When the third watchman buries the pot and cooks food, the second camp Qiuhe, who set off from the fourth watch, arrived at Luliu Villa. It happened to be the rising season of the morning sun. A round of red sun appeared from the peak of the distant mountain half of his head. , The whole Lvliu Villa was bathed in the sun, and on the big weir that surrounded Luliu Villa on three sides, a layer of misty steam rose up, drifting from left to right with the breeze. On the bank of the water, delicate branches of willows hang downside down, gently brushing across the water, rippling layers of ripples in the water.

"Damn it, people of Chu can really enjoy it." Yu Dafu, who was born in the north, was amazed, "It's really beautiful, like a fairyland, my God, there is a willow tree there that is so big, I'm afraid it won't be a hundred years old. , Otherwise, how could it grow so big? No wonder it is called Luliu Villa, and there are almost no other trees in sight?"

"No matter how beautiful it is, it can't stop our fire." Qiu He said coldly: "This Green Willow Villa was built here. It was originally used to guard against bandits or riots. It's worthy of confrontation with the real army. No good. From a military point of view, this is a dead place. As long as an army closes their gates, they will have no way to go to the sky or to the ground."

"In that case, why should we risk their extremely strong firepower to attack, as long as the Tucheng is down, sooner or later this will be the fish in our bowl."

"We don't know how many people there are in Zhuangzhong, so how many people will be kept to stop them. It is not cost-effective to keep too many people. If you keep too few, they might be shot down by them, and more importantly, they will have one camp He even killed all of his baggage, and even snatched the banner. The Han army started from the Fufeng Army. It has never happened before, and maybe it has been defeated, but it has never been like this battle, and there is no one. When we ran out, the organic ones were eliminated by others. This came from our Second Regiment, from the Third Division, from the newly formed First Army, from the commander of the army, and from the soldier down. They were all shameless. So this A battle is not only a military need, but also the face of the Han army. Luliuzhuang must be taken down, and the principal must pay for the war dead. This is called blood for blood and tooth for tooth." Qiu He said in a few words. , It was clear that Mao Afu sent a whole battalion to deal with the mystery of Luliu Villa. This matter, for the second regiment, has to bear serious consequences. Take down Luliu Villa, seize the main messenger, and reduce it. It will make the punishment at that time a little lighter, and everyone's face will look better.

After Qiu He understood the mystery here, Yu Dafu had already raised Luliu Villa a few heights in his heart. The battalion commander had already understood what he meant. This is a battle that cannot be lost, and problems are being fought. , Er Tuan's face will be really lost.

"Let's start!" Qiu He ordered.

Yu Dafu set up his position in a neutral manner, but he was actually under such a terrain. There is no fancy at all, it is an honest hard attack. The road facing the gate of Luliu Villa is only less than 20 meters wide. If you want to break through Luliu Villa, you have to shake him hard. The frontal defense blasted his door open.

The soldiers of the Second Company expanded their formation and began to press forward slowly, and in the middle of their ranks, the crossbows of the four sacred crossbows mounted on the carriages had just been raised and aimed at the gate tower in the distance. child. Dozens of soldiers had their crossbows mounted on their crossbows. When the entire team was three hundred paces away, they stopped. Behind them, the engineers in the battalion that supported the second company were swiftly moving from there. The thick steel pillars were removed from the two carriages, and they were assembled at a very fast speed.

A suppressed exclamation sounded from the opposite city gate, and as this huge weapon appeared in front of them, they finally figured out the purpose of this thing. This is an oversized catapult.

Liu An who was above the city gate took a deep breath. They also captured this thing yesterday, but unfortunately they didn't catch a prisoner, so that they didn't know how to assemble it. How to use it? Seeing the appearance of this thing, Liu An suddenly lost confidence in holding Luliu Villa. The stone thrown by this thing might weigh hundreds of catties. Not to mention the thin wall of Luliu Villa, even Pengcheng, I'm afraid it can't stop this guy's heavy blow.

"Remove the gate of the city!" Looking at the other side in the distance, it turned out that the other party placed a large piece of more than one hundred jin of head on the back throwing part. Liu An's face was green. You don't have to guess, the opponent's target must be where you are now.

Hundreds of celebrities above the gate building, led by Liu An, hurriedly left this conspicuous target, and just walked down the gate building, the huge whistling sound had broken through the air, Liu An raised his head , I saw a huge boulder tumbling in the air, past the city gate, and only flew towards a residential building in the village. Obviously, the opponent did not aim.

With a loud bang, the roof of that private house collapsed like tofu by the boulder, and a scream came from the house.

"The city gate can't be defended, immediately strengthen the second line of defense facing the city gate." Liu An ordered.

Watching his soldiers start to reinforce the second line of defense with fear on their faces, that is the line of defense facing the gate, which is ready to counter the enemy after the gate is attacked. There are two sacred crossbows that he grabbed yesterday.

The soldiers had just entered this second line of defense, and there was a huge roar from the sky road. Liu An was taken aback. The rate of fire was too fast. Looking up at the sky, the impact point was much closer this time, almost falling down against the root of the city wall, smashing the ground into a huge hole.

The enemy is correcting the target of the shooting. It seems that the next shot will hit the city gate.

Outside the city, Yu Dafu looked back at the guys who were so busy that they were manipulating the machine with more than or equal to the shot. The accuracy was too ridiculous, but fortunately, it was powerful enough to see such a big stone flying in the air. It is really horrible, this is just one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the whole teacher puts this thing together, there will be dozens of them. If they are placed in a row and launched together, the scene will be too spectacular. Up.

"No problem this time!" The gun commander in charge of operating the trebuchet made a gesture at Yu Daifuku. Following his command, this huge gadget raised his steel arm once again, and the boulder Fei Wu, this time really hit the gate of the city gate accurately. Under the cheers of the soldiers of Erlian, accompanied by the loud rumbling noise, the gate of the city gate disappeared from everyone's eyes, and the city wall was completed. The upper part of it was also smashed.

"The son of a bitch, it's just enjoyable, and a few more times, it collapsed this section of the city wall." The protection of the wall of the Green Willow Villa, which can barely be called a city wall, is still too weak.

The top of the tower began to counterattack, and the bed crossbows on the towers on both sides began to fire here. For them, the target of the shooting was already marked, and it did not require repeated adjustments like the trebuchet. However, the accurate head of the bed crossbow is not known for its accuracy. Several bed crossbows roared out, but they didn't even touch the hair of the catapult.

"Keep on booming, keep booming, God's machine crossbow, suppress those bed crossbows for me, but don't let them destroy this treasure." Yu Dafu danced, and with this thing to open the way, maybe the battalion commander ordered his own. One feint, it is really possible to directly knock down Luliu Villa. (To be continued...)

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