I’m The King

Chapter 1150: : Carrying Forward the Past (Forty)

Wu Qi was indeed exhausted during this period of time, not only physically tired, but also heart-tired. Now everything has settled, a big rock in his heart is put down, and his body and mind are relaxed, and he sleeps extremely well. Sweet.

High-ranking officials of the Han Dynasty, under the influence of lofty influence, the idea of ​​saving people and losing land, gaining both people and land, saving land and losing people, and losing people and land is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They all regard human resources as the most important thing in the Han Dynasty. Valuable assets should be present. This is also the case of the Han Dynasty, where the land is wide and the people are scarce, such as Hetao, Liaodong and other places. Although after nearly two years of hard work, there are still more land and less people. In some places, it is often not populated for hundreds of miles Things. In exchange for the return of tens of thousands of soldiers of the New First Army with a radius of thousands of miles on the side of Daba Mountain, in Wu Qi's view, this is a good deal.

As long as people are there, one day, it will be mine or mine. What's more, the officials of the Han Dynasty have not been idle during the occupation of those lands for nearly a year. Because it is the land of the occupied enemy country, the land reforms carried out by the officials of the Han Dynasty in these places have no psychological burden and pressure. Under the support of the whip and the spear thatch, the powerful landlords are being rehabilitated by ghosts, crying and howling, and they are unwilling to sell the land in their hands at a low price. Then just find a crime and put it on you, and then once the army arrives, everything will stop. If you are acquainted, you can still get a compensation from the Han court.

The recovered land was distributed to landless farmers in this area at a very low price or even free of charge. The policy is the same as that of other places in Han, and the tax is very low, although it is only a short year. Time, but the rule of Han is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at least at the bottom, and the people's passion and vitality are being stimulated little by little.

Now that the Han army has withdrawn from this area, the Chu army has made a comeback. Those powerful landlords finally had hope. The property that had been ruthlessly looted by the Han army, they naturally wanted to get it back. Wu Qi could even imagine the common people and the Chu Dynasty court in the next area. The emotions of the army, the powerful landlords.

It would be fine if it has not been there. For so many years, everyone has been numb, but now they have a piece of land and a piece of property of their own. But I haven't covered my heat yet, but I'm going to be snatched back. The loss and anger in my heart are unusual. Wu Qi knows that the Supervisory Office will inevitably have a considerable number of people in this area to be responsible for arousing their anger. The next area in this area is bound to be on the verge of riots, and the confrontation between the people and the Chu government will be in a very short time. Rise to a new height within.

You can take things back, but the troubles that arise after taking them back have to be solved by Chu people themselves. Let the people of Chu go to the headaches, Wu Qi thought happily, the people in these places who have tasted the benefits will miss the rule of Han very much. Then the next thing is much easier.

Wu Qi believes that the Supervisory Yuan will handle this matter well, and the Maowei incident has lost face to the Supervisory Yuan and endured the anger of countless people. This is a great opportunity for them to lose out.

"Wu Yizheng, are you awake?" The guards shouted outside.

Wu Qi opened his eyes sleepily, rolling his eyes a few times, and finally determined where he was now, got up from the bed and rubbed his face. Sober yourself up a bit.

"Get up, get me a basin of wash water."


After Wu Qi got dressed neatly. The guard not only brought the face wash, but also brought today's breakfast by the way. A clear bowl can illuminate people's porridge and a steamed bun.

After washing his face in a hurry, he swallowed the steamed buns with this shiny bowl of porridge. Wu Qi knew the plight of the new army now, and was afraid that they had spent a lot of thought to get the steamed buns for himself.

"Where is Shi Lang Huo?" he asked.

"Huo Shilang left before dawn. He said he was going back to Suiyang to prepare for the return of the new army. He originally came over to say goodbye to Yizheng, but when he saw that Yizheng was sleeping soundly, he didn't bother and asked me to give it to me. Say it." The guard said.

"You are young and have a good body. My old bone is really incomparable." Wu Qi muttered a few words in a low voice, carefully swept the bread crumbs on the table into his hands, and stuffed his neck into his mouth. Also stood up.

"Well, let's go to Commander Yang now. Yesterday the New First Army should have been up all night, and the preparations should have been done almost. Today we are almost ready to go. The soldiers must be back home."

"The main thing is still hungry." The guard whispered, "Looking at their faces are all green, Huo Shilang also said that the first thing to do when returning to Suiyang is to prepare some rich food for the new army."

"One meal a day of porridge that shines in people's shadows, who can't be hungry." Wu Qi said: "But all of this will pass after all."

Wu Qi lifted the curtain and went out. It was indeed late. The sun was dazzling. He squinted and looked at the rising sun. He exclaimed: "The sun will rise as usual, and the day will get better every day. ."

The guard naturally didn't understand Wu Qi's feelings, holding his waist knife in his hand, faithfully doing his job as a guard.

Outside of Zhang Hongyu’s big tent, Cui Chengxiu, Gao Chengdong, Dong Cheng and the army’s staff were all standing outside the big tent. This was the first time Wu Qi saw the core figures of the New First Army. Among the three, Cui Chengxiu was the shortest, but he stood in the first place. He was clearly the first of the three. Gao Chengdong stood upright, with a solemn expression on his face. Just like this, even if he doesn’t wear military uniforms, he just puts on his clothes and stands wherever he stands. , Others can see at a glance that this is a soldier, but the one standing at the end of the three is the largest, a head taller than ordinary people. Wu Qi estimates that this guy is split in two, I'm afraid he is also better than himself. He needs to be strong, but this guy looks very angry. He stood there with his head down, his fists squeezed, and his eyes swept across the crowd from time to time. He looked at his blood-red eyes, and the staff of the staff. All involuntarily avoid the other's line of sight.

"Master Cui!" Wu Qi walked over, "Where is Army Commander Zhang, are everything arranged?"

Cui Chengxiu bowed slightly, "Wu Yizheng, all military affairs have been arranged. The military headquarters will evacuate with the third division as the first group of evacuees, and the second division is the second group, and the first division that will be led by the last will withdraw finally. The military order has been communicated to the divisions last night, and now the third division is on its way to Tucheng, and the military headquarters is about to set off, meeting with the third division in Tucheng. Discussing politics, you are also the first batch to follow the military headquarters. retreat."

"Hmm!" Wu Qidian nodded, "How about Zhang Jun!"

"After finishing the military affairs, Commander Zhang asked us to come out and wait first, saying that he wanted to be alone." Cui Chengxiu's voice lowered. "The military commander is not in a good mood."

Wu Qidian nodded, no one would be in a good mood for such a thing. Zhang Hongyu’s battle was the biggest defeat of the Dahan since the start of the Fufeng Army. The two previous defeats with greater impact were one of them. Naha was defeated by Lu Chao. First, Feng Fayong died at the hands of Wang Xiao in Shannan County. However, in terms of scale, profound influence, and level of brightness, they could not be compared with the defeat of this battle.

Dong Zhuang held back for a while, and finally couldn't help it. He looked at Wu Qi, "Wu Yizheng, isn't this surrender?"

Wu Qi smiled calmly: "The New First Army is a strategic retreat. Have you ever seen this layman surrender?"

"Isn't it the same in essence? Our three divisions would rather die in battle than to accept such a result."

Wu Qi's face sank: "Master Dong, do you think that the thousands of lives in the Third Division are less important than your face? Are you not accepting it, or the officers and soldiers of the Third Division?"

"Me!" Dong Zhuang flushed, and wanted to say something. Cui Chengxiu on one side shouted: "Old Dong, have you forgotten what the commander told you before? Sometimes the retreat is for a better offensive in the future. , To endure the momentary humiliation, so that the sky will be brighter in the future. If you do not understand, I will carry out the commander’s order and **** you back to Suiyang."

Dong Zhuang gasped heavily, stared at the opponent fiercely for a long time, and finally gave in. Previously, Zhang Hongyu made cruel words when facing the three of them alone. If Dong Zhuang does not listen to the greetings, Cui Chengxiu has the right to arrest him on the spot and send him back to Jicheng. There is no joke in the army, so Dong Zhuang naturally understands this truth. It was shameful enough, if he was sent back **** by five flowers, his face would be ashamed of grandma's house.

As time passed, the military logistics personnel preparing to retreat had already sorted out most of their belongings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and began to concentrate on the schoolyard, but there was still no movement in the Chinese military account. Wu Qi had some Looking at Cui Chengxiu suspiciously.

"Discussing politics, I will destroy it." Cui Chengxiu nodded and walked to the big tent, opened the tent door, strode in, and suddenly, Cui Chengxiu's earth-shattering cry came from inside the big tent. It actually contains great fear.

The crowd outside the account was shocked. Wu Qi pulled his legs and ran inside, whirring around him several times, and two figures passed by, one is Gao Chengdong and the other is Dong Zhuang.

Wu Qi followed the steps of the two of them and broke into the big tent. Dong Zhuang, who was running ahead of him without warning, suddenly stuck in place like a nail. Wu Qi, who couldn't stop, hit Dong Zhuang's broad back with his head. On the top, backing a few steps back, a stagger almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, his guards supported him, which made him stand firm.

Wu Qi heard Dong Zhuang’s throat, and watched the tall figure of the other party suddenly dwarf. That was because Dong Zhuang Porto knelt on the ground. Wu Qi’s eyes suddenly lit up and reflected. The eyes are blood red.

Wu Qi's body also shook, how could this be? How can this be? (To be continued)

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