I’m The King

Chapter 1157: : Carrying on the Past (47)

Why did the three of Cui Chengxiu notice that a small platoon leader at the entrance of the Ministry of War did not salute them? The three are now in a lawsuit. After the New First Army retreated all the way from Pengcheng to Suiyang, the three So they received the order from Jicheng, asking them to return to Beijing to report on their duties together.Although the new army was prepared for this moment, the three people headed by Cui Chengxiu also did a lot of homework for this, and completed the battle to resume the battle. Sum up the gains and losses, but did not expect that the three of them will return to Beijing together. They can imagine that after returning to Beijing this time, they will inevitably face questions. Anyway, this failure has many omens, if the new army is If you are more alert and pay more attention to the enemy, the latter situation will not occur. If you only get stuck in one division, with the new army’s strength and combat effectiveness, you will actually have a good chance to recover, but when the whole army is stuck After the special terrain area of ​​Sixi, the new army could not be deployed at all. The refueling tactics would only let the soldiers go to death in batches, and the new army reluctantly took the defensive, and was eventually trapped by the enemy. .

(Pig-Pig-Island) Novel.zud. But they did not expect that after returning to Jicheng, they saw that the senior generals of the entire Great Han Kingdom actually gathered in Jicheng, which made their pressure even greater, compared to The famous generals and famous generals of other armies, the three of them are too inferior in terms of qualifications and achievements, and many of them have also been their teachers.

For example, Ye Zhen told them about the command and cooperation of the army. He Lanxiong told them about cavalry tactics, and Bai Yucheng told them about the use of special operations in military confrontation. When these generals have become famous all over the world. At that time, Cui Chengxiu and Gao Chengdong were still students who didn't understand the fart, and Dong Zhuang was still in the new barracks of Yan State at that time, working hard to eat a few full meals!

The meeting room of the Ministry of War is completely arranged according to the meaning of high and far. A round table circles the entire meeting room. In the empty space in the middle of the table, there is a huge sand table. When Cui Chengxiu came in, he only glanced at it and recognized it. It is the terrain model of Pengcheng. At this time, the first-coming generals are already sitting around the table at the round table, pointing to the sand table, and apparently discussing the battle of Pengcheng that has just ended.

Seeing this, Cui Chengxiu's head was lowered. Instead of going to the first row to sit down, he found a chair in the corner and sat down. Gao Chengdong and Dong Zhuang did the same, but Dong Zhuang's figure was too strong. , The room is so big, no matter where he sits, it is extremely conspicuous.

The three of them sat there with their heads down, but there was still footsteps in their ears. They got closer and closer. When they looked up, they saw Xu Yuan, the commander of the Northern Army. The three stood up, Xu Yuan's His eyes faintly swept over the three of them, and finally fell on Dong Zhuang.

"Commander!" Dong Zhuang took a step forward and exclaimed.

Dong Zhuang used to be a member of Beiye. After he was promoted step by step from a soldier to the position of battalion commander, Xu Yuan sent him to the senior commander training class of Jicheng Comprehensive University, but when he was about to graduate, he just expanded it. Zhang Hongyu's new army was in urgent need of officers. Zhang Hongyu pryed Xu Yuan's corner and abducted Dong Zhuang to the new army as a commander. For this reason, Zhang Hongyu went to Ye Zhong's doorway. This incident made Xu Yuan very angry. A complaint went to Gaoyuan, but in the end it was nothing.

Because Xu Yuan knows very well that in the northern field army group where the generals are going, Dong Zhuang will be able to achieve the position of regimental commander after graduating and returning. Now that he can bring Dong Zhuang to a higher level, he is not willing to pursue it too much. Just angry at Zhang Hongyu's unscrupulous behavior.

"Commander, I am ashamed of Beiye." Dong Zhuang lowered his head, "I also disappointed the Commander."

Xu Yuan stared at the big man and shook his head. "Dong Zhuang, failure is not terrible. I am afraid that you will lose your spirit. The three of you now represent the new army, but looking at your appearance, it will be alive and well. Like a bear who has been beaten to the ground, do you think it has no face to see people? The general here has not suffered a defeat in a big or small way. If a defeat is like you are now, then there are supporters from that year. Is there still a glorious Great Han Dynasty in the East Army? If Zhang Hongyu knows that the three of you are what you are now, he must regret stabbing himself."

Xu Yuan's words were very heavy, Dong Zhuang didn't dare to say anything, but Cui Chengxiu and Gao Chengdong, as Zhang Hongyu's direct subordinates, could not bear the words, Huo Di raised his head and stared at Xu Yuan.

"Why, it sounds uncomfortable?" Xu Yuan sneered. "It's the man, so he straightened my spine. I lost this battle. I should think about how to get it back next time instead of becoming it. A soft-footed crab."

After taking a stern look at the three of them, Xu Yuan sneered, turned and walked back.

Cui Chengxiu took a deep breath, strode to the first row of chairs, sat down with her chest tall, and Gao Chengdong and Dong Zhuang also walked over.

The generals who were talking about it all just glanced at them, then turned their heads, and continued their topic. For these people, the three of them are just juniors. In the army, this qualification is innate. Come.

The general was discussing the Pengcheng battle. Several commanders did not speak, but the commanders below were enthusiastically discussing. Hearing everyone pointed out some of the problems of the new army in this battle, Cui Chengxiu's face They got fever, it was not that they didn't notice these problems at the time, but they automatically ignored them.

"Master Cui, I don't understand one thing. When you encountered an enemy blockade in Tucheng, didn't you think about such an important bayonet as Tucheng? Why did the Chu army only send a small army of more than a thousand people to resist here? Huh? Tucheng lost and Pengcheng's door opened wide. The generals of the Chu army didn't know this question. Since they knew it, there must be a problem here. Why didn't you notice this?" A question came from your ears. sound.

The three raised their heads and questioned Kong Fang of the Central Army.

Dong Zhuang stood up and said: "At that time, Qin Chu was going to war. Of course, now we know that it was just a trap set by Qin Chu, so we think that the Chu people did not expect us to suddenly launch an attack. Tucheng was not strong enough. , It was just a helpless move by the Chu people in the current situation. After taking Tucheng, we encountered several enemy blocks one after another. Although the number was gradually increasing, we still could not effectively contend with our army, so at that time we I think these troops are just abandoned sons of the enemy in order to delay our offensive speed, and the purpose is to earn time for the Pengcheng Defense War."

"The three divisions and one regiment encountered in Sixi were not the expected local guards but the regular Chu army. At this time, you should already know that something is wrong, why you still led the remaining men of the third division to fight in Sixi. How about going in?" Zheng Xiaoyang looked at Dong Zhuang and asked.

Dong Zhuang was silent for a moment. "At that time, I thought that if I didn't go, this regiment would be over, so I ordered the second regiment Mao Afu to speed up the march to Pengcheng to contain the enemy's forces. I think the enemy's main force is still in Pengcheng. At the time, I was still there. I think that as long as we put in enough troops, we can rescue a regiment."

"Master Cui, didn't Commander Zhang at the time realize that this was a trap of the Chu people? At this time, the enemy's strength should have been almost exposed. Even if there are hidden troops, it will not be too much. Master, they have shown most of their trump cards. Why did Army Commander Zhang give the command to assault Sixi? It was this command that caused the entire new army to fall into the Jedi of Sixi!"

Cui Chengxiu stood up, "Yes, this is our mistake. At that time, Army Commander Zhang and I, Cheng Dongyizhi thought that although the enemy's strength is more, if it comes to the combat effectiveness of sergeants, we will far outweigh our opponents, so we have Confidence will rescue the three divisions, break out of the siege or even defeat the opponent, and regain the initiative on the battlefield!"

Having said that, all the high-ranking generals present have already understood the cause and effect of the matter. To put it bluntly, even in this battle, the New First Army did not put the opponent in its eyes at all, even if a division has been surrounded, but The new army believes that it can easily defeat the enemy, not only to rescue the friendly army, but also to defeat the opponent and regain the victory in the war.

However, they obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Chu Army. Not only did they fail to rescue the Third Division, they also trapped themselves in it. After the Chu Army succumbed to the deployment of troops in this battle, the time was accurate and finally Zhang Hongyu was finally Powerless.

"After all, it was caused by underestimating the enemy!" He Lanxiong said indifferently: "The enemy is unknown, and arrogant. We have already lost half of this battle before we fight."

"Siguan He, although the reason is the same, the problem of the new army is probably also the problem of all our troops. I just thought to myself. If I change places with Zhang Hongyu, I am afraid that I will also deal with him. With the same decision, I am afraid that the final result will not be much better." Xu Yuan knocked on the table, "The strong man is broken and crisp, I think I can't do it, because our big Han army has never fought such a battle."

"The biggest problem with Zhang Hongyu's command in this battle is here!" Ye Zhen shook his head. "If you make a decision at this time, ignore Dong Zhuang's third division, which is under siege, and direct the main force of the new army to attack Pengcheng. Pengcheng was in a hurry, and the Chu army that surrounded the third division would withdraw and return to help Pengcheng. After all, if Pengcheng was lost, they would lose the battle."

"Pengcheng has strong defenses. At that time, we thought that if we attacked Pengcheng, we were afraid that we would not be able to take it down in a short time. At that time, we had learned that Pengcheng's enemy forces were far more numerous than ours. It would be more effective to attack Sixi directly. At that time, we wanted to find the enemy and the main force for a decisive battle." Cui Chengxiu said.

"I still haven't looked at the opponent in my eyes and underestimated the enemy. This is the fatal problem!" Meng Chong knocked on the table and sighed." As Xu Yuan said, this is not just a problem for the new army, only I'm afraid that we all have this problem more or less. This time it can be regarded as a wake-up call for us, and the trapped beasts are still fighting, let alone a big country that has stood in the south for hundreds of years and has contended with Qin for hundreds of years." (To be continued. ...)

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